It seems like 99% of people are too far gone.

64  2016-02-11 by [deleted]

I'm writing this out of a painful sense of desperation. I often entertain beautiful and lofty ideas regarding the future of humanity, but it seems like nothing, not even a violent revolution (which I wouldn't endorse) would really change anything about our culture.

People are far, far too gone down their particular paths and far too poisoned by the zeitgeist for me to change anything about them. It's gotten to the point where after several years of conspiratorial research I can't even really discuss anything with anyone anymore, and their programming is almost literally all they can see.

It seems like to 99% of all humans alive today, white people conquered the world, then the holocaust happened where Hitler was the devil, then 9/11 happened, and now we're basically waiting for the last racists and bigots to die so our beautiful world of equality and multiculturalism can finally come.

If I try and discuss with them anything that exists outside of this timeline, it just doesn't happen. I'm not even talking about things like holocaust revisionism, I'm talking about even minor things like how bad communism really was, or anything really, about anything that they haven't seen in 10,000 movies.

"Hey, you know, communism is pretty bad, and that's based on equality. Maybe that's not really the way to go?"


"Right right, I mean I'm just saying sometimes those ideas don't really play out well even though they sound good. I mean the communists had some of the worst atrocities ever, right?"

"the holocaust, what about the holocaust, that is the worst."

"Yeah totally, but the gulags and all the other stuff was bad too"

"The holocaust. Are you saying humans are not all magically equal? ARE YOU RACIST? UNBELIEVER."

I feel like I have these type of conversations every day where people can't think past these fucking memes that have been implanted in them. Most people's thinking just ends with "...but slavery!", or "...but the holocaust!", or "...but racism / equality!". It makes me feel like even a violent purge or revolution really wouldn't get people thinking about their own situation.

Is this really it for humanity? I can't help but feel like the modern person is drinking far more deeply from the cup of the zeitgeist than people in previous times. Even memes that are relatively new like 'white privilege' have become an completely undeniable fact in most peoples minds in the last year to two years. I truly feel like if I was to criticize the idea of white privilege I would be in danger of losing my job. It's fine if you believe in white privilege, I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, but why all of a sudden do people who have never done anything political ever and just watch TV all day suddenly get ready to slit my throat when I question a somewhat esoteric idea posited by some random academics? Rinse and repeat for everything people feel passionate about now.

I'm just feeling depressed. I feel like the truth is so close to the surface that it's almost comical. It is truly hidden in plain sight yet most people cannot believe it even if you show it to them. Once people have been told their position is morally right they really cannot deviate from it, looks like the road to hell really is paved with good intentions.

What does this mean for us? Am I just going to learn more and more about the world and then die? Am I going to try and start some kind of peaceful revolution that at best will live on for a few years after I die before being swallowed by our rapid transition into hell? I just feel like the descent into Kali Yuga is happening SO FAST that I need to tell people, but when I show my cards in any way shape or form people literally get scared, and it's leaving me with fewer and fewer options...

just saying. some of you must be in the same boat...


i think it's "normal" to feel this way but please realize no one person can save the world. that includes attempting to help people realize what is "real". it's not always going to be possible (if at all) to get people to your perspective, imo, that's something they have to do on their own. that's the conclusion i've come to.

do what you can do, whatever it takes (it may seem trivial but action is better than not). petitions, volunteering, helping people you know, if possible; it can be small things. if we only dwell on what's wrong we'll ignore any positive outcome that's possible.

if (conspiracy) info overload is the problem, take "a break" for a while.

pending where you live, try to find an outlet that will allow you some contact with nature. make time to do things you enjoy.

try not to let the bs get you down. it's been a 'mind game' all the time -- now you know it! try to use what you've learned to make your life better; the foods you eat, recognizing the signs/symbols/bs that you see or hear everyday -- it's empowering, at least it should be.

the emotional turmoil we're feeling is deliberate; to find your inner strength may take time, it will start small, but keep your self-confidence & stay positive & it'll grow.

Thank you!

I needed this too. Thank you so much.

Good advice.

What is Success?

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't despair, dammit. There are more and more people waking up everyday. Some people you might try and shake awake actually do go and google the shit you tell them.

TPTB also fucked up a little with the whole atheism drive. Some people didn't stop questioning there and went on to question everything. It's gotten to the point where the MSM is having to address the shit we discuss. Great.

The direction that I take along these lines is not to give people answers, but give them questions. That is the biggest part of the problem that I see: people don't question anything that they are fed anymore. If you can simply get people to start exploring causes and effects on their own they will accept what they find more readily than just being told something that goes against what they have been programmed to think.

It is difficult that everyone isn't just going to wake up over night, but some conclusions people just have to arrive at for themselves.

The scariest part IMO is that corruption and foul play is becoming more apparent and many people either decidedly turn a blind eye to it or simply accept it as though it is just how things are going to be. We are so completely engulfed by it that we are becoming numb to and complacent with it.

One of my favorite ideas (sorry, no clue on the source) is: "you cannot change a system from within, to truly achieve change you need to create a new system that renders the old one obsolete." So in my mind we are now tasked with coming up with an entirely new system.

The direction that I take along these lines is not to give people answers, but give them questions.


"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

R. Buckminster Fuller

Thats one of my quotes on my site about creating change though a self-organized society.

You're response is right up my alley, I agree 100% with your attitude and direction and based off of what you said I think I need to find a way to change my answers into questions.

Thank you! That was the quote I was thinking. I'm bookmarking your site, haven't read it all yet, but I like the ideas. I've been thinking of ways to implement more self-sufficient communities where I live. I will say small towns seem to be a good place to start.

When giving questions resist the temptation to give your answer, they may not come up with the same answer as you, or even any answer at all, but the important part is to get people thinking.

You have two options.

  1. Stay and try to wake others up. Be part of a movement.
  2. Understand, there is very little you can actually do. Know when to hold em and know when to fold em, and say bye-bye. Buy land and live more remotely. Live a sustainable, and more self fulfilling life, away from all this non-sense.

I chose option #2. To each their own. All-in-all, remember, it's just a ride. Peace and love.

both have there place

2 is the smartest option if available

I personally am doing no.1

Aye. I still talk to people, friends/family/etc, about these things (and talk on here), but I've learned that sometimes you just need to realize that there is more to this life/ride. The serenity prayer has helped me quite a bit. I'm not religious, but it's wise words for all and more importantly for those who are awake.

God , grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.


I was just posting the original form of the prayer. When I personally self reflect, I ask myself/the universe this, not a higher power. I believe in intelligent creation, I just don't think it rules over us. We have it in ourselves, by design. I don't like labels/groups, but it's more of a deist belief (I suppose).

This is a great way to describe how it feels. I tried number two, and realized that I was better suited to number one. Now that I've returned to society, I'm happier.

I think people can get caught up in the idea that it has to be either/or. We need both kinds of people, and if everyone withdrew from society at once it would be a shitstorm, but if everyone who was waking up to these ideas tried to stay and communicate them to the masses, it would collapse into frustration and chaos. Some of us are meant to withdraw, and I thank you and commend you for following your hear.

There's also a third option, which is hinted at in other comments. I believe that creating many small communities outside of mainstream society, largely self-sufficient but not isolated, is difficult and yet still attainable.

And thanks for linking Bill Hicks. The more people who see that video, the better.

If it gets worse before it gets better we should start a breakaway civilisation. No shills allowed.

I gave up on these nooblord know-it-alls long ago. It's all about their feelings now. Unfortunately, they have no idea their feelings aren't really their own. They are being manipulated by corrupt science, propaganda news and marketing lies.

Not much we can do, buddy. There are always those at the top pulling the strings. Just be happy you can see the man behind the curtain. I know it sucks to see your friends and family falling for their deceit, becoming little more than a corporate zombie, brand-name junkie and misinformed voter to be abused in various ways by those who truly control the world.

I just feel like if someone had a strong conversation about all this with me long ago, it could have woken me up so much sooner. Yet, I don't feel as though this nuclear option is worth losing all my friends and family. Even when it is clearly laid out before them they refuse to see the truth and our bridge is burned, they resent me instead of the reality of the facts and figures I lay before then.

People always resent others that try to tell them the truth, the reason is that people need to come to the truth on they're own otherwise any realization they come to wont be they're own, as /user/ThaBFGisMe said stop trying to give people answers and start trying to get people to question they're reality by asking questions.

Take some time out from politics and religion with close friends and family, except if they press you on something maybe hand them a book or something.

Give it some time, and appreciate them for what humanity they do still have in them.

Its pretty weird living in a society with a lot of taboos, but really, its been like that for thousands of years. Have you seen:

Feel like talking about the Kurukshetra War? I know fuck all about it, other than little tidbits I can find online. But I so rarely see discussion about it in English. How do you suppose Mohenjo Daro has the amount of vitrification that it does, or positive radiation readings to this day? In fact, the entire topic of pre-cataclysmic civilizations is hard to discuss at all, without it drifting off into imaginationland and speculation. So much history lost. And so few who even care.

Our little planet is a lot more interesting and fascinating then we are led to believe. Lost/secret civilizations, undiscovered/undisclosed species, massive caverns that have yet to be fully explored, the massive depths of our oceans, lost/secret knowledge, the list goes on for a while. Our planet changes so much in a few hundred thousand years if we had a time machine to travel into the past or future it would be very hard to distinguish this as the same planet. A few tens of millions of years (a blink of an eye in our univere's history) and it would be almost impossible to tell, the continents would have moved and eroded so much, the oceans would be completely different, not to mention the climate. Our planet is a fascinating little marble with a whole bunch of secrets just waiting to be discovered (or disclosed in some cases). Ancient thermonuclear war is just one of the many awesome theories out there, and it's one that has been of interest to me recently. If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears.

Unfortunately the only mention of ancient atomic war that I know of in historical texts comes from the Mahabarhata, and while I have an English translation of "The Bhagavad Gita, as it is", I still have no real frame of reference for it, being of western descent. Also as I understand it, much of the Mahabarhata has not been translated, and the only english commentary on it seems to get the most airtime on "Ancient Aliens" (Though to be fair Georgio has magnificent hair, second only to the great Michio Kaku)

I would love to hear from someone of Authority on Vedic literature as to the interpretations of the Vimanas, Mahenjo Daro, Dwarka and the Kurukshetra war. Especially any physical evidence, allagorical evidence or anything else that an English speaking, backwater hick like me might find interesting, and is unlikely to have heard before.

I'd be happy to hear more. Care to share (some links)?

There are a lot more awake people out there than you think. Google the alt-right.

You're going to find them at:

And other places. You're still so far gone you don't know there are pockets of highly intelligent people out there working to wake others up and turn things around. You have a little more waking up to do yourself.

FYI, one of those links is on the site wide spam filter that is run in secret by the admins.

I've approved the comment, but you'll run into issues on any subreddit with one of those links.

I'll do some testing right to find out which domain is causing the issue.

Edit: the problematic domain is

Thanks for the heads up. I wonder if the TRS guys know they're being actively censored on Reddit. I'll have to email them.

I think almost all .biz domains trip the filter, but I'm not sure

/u/hansjens47 wrote-up a detailed list of the censored domains at one point-

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I have done as you asked, bot.

You problem is that you care about others. Why when they don't return the emotions?

It's because you are hardwired some say. I believe it's programing. The conspiracy mindset makes you into a superior mindset where you really believe this shit.

Sure you have boundaries and such, but why would you bother to pursue something such as 9/11? What do you honestly believe you will find that can't be explained by others? Or better yet acknowledged by your peers?

Na you do what makes you happy for the 85 possible years you have in this plane of existence. That's what I do. Come here so much cause I find it fascinating that so many still think this is a place for free thought.

Lol such a joke. Everything is controlled. EVERYTHING From what we eat to the air we breathe. Even what data we are allowed to review. Realize this and know your limitations. Make the best for you with what you got.

Suicide is the cowards way out. You always have an alternate outcome. It's up to you to find it.

The people around you refute change because they like shit the way it is. They think a few more dollars per hour will improve their situation. Lol. It doesn't trust me. It only adds more.

You want to make a difference then choose a real thing you can impact. Education. So little is brought up here because everyone is thinking about themselves. Well that's odd isn't it? Singular concerns.

I have a 6 soon to be 7 year old boy and the morals I instill in him everyday I have to fight programming by schools and society. They want thoughtless drones each new generation.

Less and less are free thinking for what I believe are multiple reasons. One is breeding. Go to any small town in America and ask around. 99% chance those people all free up together from 3 generations ago. It's almost as if the women were betrothed at birth.

Gene pool is getting more and more shallow each generation. It's why I went to Australia to find a wife. Wanted to ensure if I had a child my ideals would be spread.

Another thing is peer pressure within the construct of society. Such as myself. I am soon to be 37 and I collect Lego. Have my own things plus wife and I share with the kids around us so they have a creative outlet. They don't have to be in front of a TV playing games.

Constantly I get from coworkers and peers that I am a man child. Been getting snippy these past few years. Asking them wtf they did for kids around them. Or did they just spend it for themselves and their kids? Shuts them up.

When I can I explain bits of history to these kids. Real history of shit that happened. Such as pirates. Or war. I make it fun so they learn while they are playing with Lego.

Most kids don't learn thru books. True teachers in my childhood found a way to reach every student. They didn't just read off the answers. It's what I try. Works too.

Try to make a difference man. That's all.

A father his boy and some legos. The picture of a nice family.

Some Lego?

Let me build you a better picture. That was almost a year ago. Imagine it now. Got to remember the place we are in. Most tend to have OCD here.

I went all in. Wife kinda let me. She seems to put up with quite a bit of my shit.

It's true. The media has 80% of the population voting against their own best interest. Look at social welfare programs. Right wingers living in trailers, on food stamps, working 2 minimum wage jobs rant all day on Facebook about how welfare is bad and we need to bomb Iran..

I read it first hand every single day. Low cost college? Healthcare for all? A living wage? Freeloaders!

Don't worry. Bernie's going to save us. /s

This is what bothers me. How the youth are so swayed by this fossil.

A Jewish Communist? Sounds great! Certainly there is no instance in history where walking down this exact path went terribly wrong for white civilization!

Kids today don't want history they want shit given to them because they actually believe all that shit they were told about how special they are.

They didn't realize they were the same as everyone else thru all the shootings their peers did in schools. Or acts of violence by minorities their same age.

Na its was always something else. Inequality or prejudice, cause big bird didn't pick their favorite letter for the day. Point being it is always something else. Never taking responsibility for actions.

Then when something is an issue they will say its their own and trivialize it. Water it down till it means nothing.

God help you if you call them out on it. Then they mobilize. Power their powers combined.....

I give them credit for their tenacity. They will stop at nothing to ruin a person's life. They tried it with me. I told them before you pick this fight remember I don't have to find all of you. I only need to find one.

Just that single lone person in the crowd of you. Cause if you actually succeed then I will have no other choice but to retaliate. I didn't spend all that time in this nations military to just let someone else win.

So if you really want to do this then by all means go right ahead.

They just sent death threats to me saying they would kill my son. So I found that one. Was some college kid in Baltimore. Reddit banned them 3 days after it happened.

Cops seemed interested thou. I have no idea if anything came of it. Still have their info as well as those affiliated with them. So one day if it happens again I know who to look for or at least where to start.

Holy shit. I've heard of doxxing like this, but never really talked to someone who it's happened too. That's why you never let these little psycho's get ahold of your actual identity.

Meh I got a few bang sticks. Let them come. I live in a castle law state.

adhoms win args

What's that mean? I don't speak your lanugage.

Prescription drugs and television, dude. That's what produced the mindless zombies who roam America, forever forlornly searching for "brains, brains" that they wouldn't know how to use, even if they found them. Every year our culture become a bit more simplistic, a bit more crude, even as we tell ourselves how sophistocated we are -- video games where we press a button to shoot something, and music that is nothing but a heavy thud-thud-thud beat with a few words endlessly repeated.

What do we do? We need the kind of revolution that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis brought to decadent Germany in the 1930s. We need something that overthrows all the corruption, all the decadence, all the poison, and returns us to the ethos that made our people strong in the first place -- truth, justice, honor, work, freedom. We need a revolution that restores the family unit and traditional roles to men and women. We need a revitalized Christian religion that is designed to help and support whites. We need to take all the scruff, the trash, the filth, off the welfare rolls and to purge our inner cities of the shit that presently inhabits them.

This will take courage, committment, determination, and as far as I can tell, Americans don't have it. The Jewish conditioning through the television and movies and magazines has been too effective. It has effectively castrated the white Christian male. It has embedded into the minds of the general population that white is bad, Christian is bad, the family unit is bad, and it has perverted truth and justice to its own foul ends. I don't think we're going to make it, because the majority won't accept that what we need is a revolution on the scale of the Nazi revolution in Germany. They shy away from even thinking about such things as Nazis, because they have been trained not to think of them, as other than "bad thing, bad man." I think the Jews have fucked the entire white race. It is also going to destroy them, but apparently they hate us so much, the don't mind dying along with us.


/u/luckinator is indeed a totalitarian tool. If all non-whites were somehow miraculously removed from their exclusively pale planet, then they would next find a reason to exterminate the whites who weren't Protestant or Catholic enough, or those who weren't conservative enough, or those who preferred vegetables to meat, etc, ad nauseum. Simply being Caucasian would never be enough for them, and in the end they wouldn't even think twice about killing their own immediate family if they didn't fall in line either. For example, see the Inquisition or Hitler or Stalin or Mao or Rwanda or Islamic State.

They dindu nuffin, then, is the crux of your argument?

Riiiight crack was put into every Black city and nation ever... when was that crack epidemic in Haiti? Is crack the reason why south Africa used to be a first world nation and now burns trash in the street? Or is it always the fault of white people to you?


Right, colonization makes your country a shithole forever which is why Singapore and Hong Kong and South Africa are all having such a hard time getting off the ground.

Hold up. This may be some heil Hitler type of mother fucker yes. Let's really what he said.

truth, justice, honor, work, freedom.

This really stood out to me. It's core values and ethics. Why would you just dismiss everything he said and not take one bit away of it? You just want to dismiss all his ideas cause you don't like his tone?

Who is the racist?

To me that's you. I don't see him attacking any one specific. You however didn't lay out so much as a goddamn alternative. Nope its just

fuck your god you racist shit

Yeah staying classy. Know what I have never had happen to me?

Never been robbed by a white man. Had a black male do it twice. Once with a gun. On fathers day Hahaha how funny is that? Took the money I was going to pay for my father's dinner that night.

What's to bet he didn't buy anyone but himself something with that money?

Never been attacked by a white man. Was attacked in CT by a group of black males. Then during the Baltimore bullshit had feces thrown at my vehicle and rocks got called a racist cracker fuck and spit at. For what?

Every act of violence in my adult life has been at the hands of blacks. All of them.

On that same note I have never been directly effected by a jew that I am aware of. Now these racist fucks as you call them seem to be the only ones other then police (which seem to be extremely effective wranglers) at combating my personal safety.

I don't see the harm in them.

Your waaaa crack was blah blah bullshit is an excuse. They choose to use it. They don't rise above it. They feed off of your tolerance so that you can feel good about how you helped them.

Did you really help anyone? Or did you perform a feat of mental masturbation?


It's a solution to me. Your apathy will be your undoing. Not mine.


Nah you're blinded by PC Jewish media that tells you to celebrate savage incompatible people within your societies, while they rape pillage and steal you make excuses and turn a blind eye. All according to plan, good goy

Not even hate. It's more of intolerance. Sick of knowing that thru becoming a victim means that they will do it again.

It's not as if I am looking for someone like a crazy batman type. Na just day to day waiting for something to happen.


It won't cause its Israeli they are best as killing others. Hell they been doing it the longest. Lol

He was respoding to

We need the kind of revolution that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis brought to decadent Germany in the 1930s.


I think the Jews have fucked the entire white race.

Maybe you skimmed that part or you're a self-hating Jew, or are overcompensating in the other (weird) direction by defending a clearly anti-semiitc remark to make up for the other redditors here who make similar statments against specifically Israel (like myself) who are then called antisemites, which we know is a 'is a trick we always use it'

Oh vey! Muh anti-semitism! Don't forget the six gorillion!

You saying Hitler didn't rally a nation? Pretty sure he did. Wasn't he elected the first time?

Also a Jew? Na not me. Had to ask someone recently about what 8 crazy nights ment in their context. Native American myself.

Antisemitism is just the current bad guy word. I won't use it in context to call someone that. Sounds like some shit Sanders would say thru his coffee stained teeth while he swings his liver spotted hands around like those things at car lots.


I am not racist. Nor will I be a victim. Since the one robbed me on fathers day I decided to defend myself thru bullets. They are cheaper then hospital bills.

Sadly my weapon wasn't on my in CT although I did have a fire extinguisher that I emptied into that particular young man's eyeballs. Police said next time to kill them by using gravity to place the canister into his cranium.

Didn't see a point in killing him, but since the officer gave me the go ahead I shall. I see no reason to not end violence with a bullet.

You call me a racist but its more apt to call me a psychopath isn't it?


Cut out the personal abuse.


Removed. Rule 4.

Your acceptance isn't required you inquired so I clarified. You can call the names all you want if that's how you are going to keep them idle hands busy.

Guess you could be doing something worse.

See I am as calm as a Hindu cow while you are all about calling me names as if that helps anything. You don't want to be rational. I am absolute in my resolve. You don't see that?

Typical SJW lefty behaviour. Call names, feel like they won the argument by doing so. It's funny how many people on this sub are exactly like that. One of the reasons I don't come here that often anymore. Prefer /pol.

It's because communities are strong. Better to fracture it.

Funny how "communism" is formed by destroying communities. In the inverted world where up is down...

Lol pol as that would be the place to avoid name calling?

All of the internet is riddled with them. They want to be part of something more then them. So its best to go with what news is trending.

I come here for entertainment. I say my mind so that possibly I can have a someone educated discussion with another person.

It's like throwing shit at a wall hoping for something to stick. Lol

Ha, I'm not going to pol to avoid name calling. I'm just going to my safe space where I don't have to deal with shreiking harpies that think screaming "racist" is an argument. It's not that I can't deal with it, it's just that I don't benefit from that interaction, whereas on pol I can learn new things and have debates, even if the debates are chock full of n bombs heh.

I'm a half-Jew, who constantly tries to red pill people on Jewish power, but white people never want to hear it, they're worse than the dindus for screaming "dats rayciss" but you know who can generally see things how they are? Again and again, I encounter native Americans, or half native, who are red pulled on the JQ. Any insight as to why that is?

Not really quite a few don't even care about the state of affairs.

We dont need a revolution, since that is just a revolution on a dial to bring us back to the same point in which we started. What we need is a transformation. Other than that I agree with most of what you said.

Read Table Talks. Hitler loathed Christianity, and saw organized religion in general as a crutch toward greatness, although I believe he was a spiritual man. Semitic religions are pure cancer, and Christianity has done massive damage to our progress as a people. But yes, homogenous societies are the most stable and prosperous. Look up the statistics on interracial rape for a nasty red pill on this, white on black vs black on white. Or crime stats by race. For whatever reason, Jews have a very proud powerful hate on for European folk, and want to breed , kill and financially enslave us out of existence. I don't think it will happen, but a terrible amount of damage has already been done

I don't know if anything I can say will help you other than letting you know there are many people here who feel the exactly same way and so you aren't alone in this.

May I share with you my perspective on this?

There is a saying that was used a lot in the past but not so often now, to 'immanetize the eschaton'. This phrase was used with irony politically to 'debunk' various political and social theories, but in fact that's what 'THEY' are trying to do (the same "THEY" in "They Live", TPTB, the cabal, spectre, cobra, hydra, the illuminati, the syndicate, etc...all the same, the gnostic globalists; the international cryptocorporatocracy / cryptokakistocracy--'they'). "They" are trying to actually immanetize the eschaton; only not to bring down heaven to earth but to bring in Hell on earth; ie to immanetize the eschaton under the false light of lucifer.

This is why and how they are trying to force us into a dark age. By confabulating our senses with stories that make no sense like ISIS. Mass shootings to scare us into compliance and fear of nonconformity or questioning of the government. Having us deny science (by accepting official story of 9/11). Having us question reality (flat earth conspiracy proponents). Having us feel overwhelmed by powerful forces (Katy perry illuminati dark horse video).

We are not randomly, stupidly lurching into an abandon of our own making. NO! This is happening on purpose. You should know this. If you require proof I can say more. They've created an illusion called 'The socitety of the spectacle', but the biggest fraud is convincing these 99% that the illusion is real. And that the spectacle is somehow of our own making as a phenomenological manifestation of our own culture of consumerism and depravity, an egregore of modern culture. This is false.

You sound like the kind of person I can talk to for hours on end tbh

I can't help but feel like the modern person is drinking far more deeply from the cup of the zeitgeist than people in previous times.

Without a doubt they are. Farmers a thousand years ago were way more involved in politics and society than the people of today. Today's people are fed from the bottle and pacified by toys and entertainment.

There's no engaging these people because they aren't engaged.

They are trained to accept everything, from grade school to work. They accept it because they don't know that there is another way. They don't realize that human life existed before the agricultural boom that, today, has allowed them to stay in their homes. They are completely detached from reality.

And even with the internet and access to massive amounts of information, they don't read anymore. They simply absorb everything from the easiest media possible. They don't think about anything or explore both sides of an issue. They are the result of rote education.

And kids today are the biggest victims in history. Their ancestors fought bloody wars for their freedom and the kids today only know what they've been told by what has been deemed acceptable by the elite. They have lost their lands and their communities to the ideas of Marxist aliens.

As an example, reddit is soaking wet with people who can't even understand basic biology or genetics nor do they understand morality. There are few people here that actually look at things logically. Everything they have learned has been through emotional blackmail. They are the victims of a commercial playing sad music showing the suffering a minority group made to look rampant. They are tricked into ignoring common sense in order to do foolish things and say foolish things in order to promote the corporate religion of receiving donations through foundations. They are nothing but tools and zealots used by the elite to ensure quality of life never returns to the hands of the people but remains in the hands of those who know best with the blessing of the ignorant masses.

The simple fact is that people don't know what's best for them. They can't even ponder things like population control, our environment, our species as a genetically evolving organism, or morality and logic. These things are beyond most people and I haven't talked to many people who understand them. I'm not even claiming to be an expert but as someone who likes to stay informed and learn and expand I find the rest of the human race to be very pathetic and something to circumvent. This is why the elite class of our world has taken it into their hands to do what is necessary to circumvent the population.

I agree with Freud and Bernays on the fact that humans are stupid and have to be controlled. I however believe that they should be forced into a situation where the things that matter in life are upheld (Genetic refinement, cultural progression, beauty, conservative ideals, social unity and science). And this can only be achieved by the execution of the current ruling party. Revolution is only revolution when the current ruling class is destroyed. The jews proved this in Russia when they murdered the royal family and committed the genocide of the Slavs. I'm not saying that genocide is necessary, because that was simply a way of destroying Russian nationalism to make way for communism and the jewish desire to be financially and politically independent from the people they exploited. I'm saying that the ruling class needs to be destroyed completely.

The world doesn't need wealthy families who control independent banks that control national interests. They need sovereign borders with sovereign banks in lands that are governed by those who are interested not in money but in the community and the ability of those withing the borders to be able to live freely.

Obviously the pendulum always swings and people becomes corrupted, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be accountability and response. There should always be a response. The fact is, the powers of the world have become too large and they are no longer accountable to the locals but rather to an international effort to remove borders and destroy nationalism and tear apart the homelands of people with a right to their lives and a security within.

There are plenty of people who think we can change things while allowing those who have made things to bad get away and keep doing what they are doing. The fact is, until people take control of their economy, they can't control the politicians. And there is no way that the people of this world will ever overcome the infinite resources of the elite classes except to use the only advantage they have. Force in numbers.

Also, in my opinion; were actually already in the "Kali Yuga" and have been for sometime.

Your definitely right, but I feel this has happened before in the past and comes and goes. I also feel that this "movement" is beginning to go and has jumped the shark. You are beginning to see people in the mainstream complain about these things with support and it's starting to go the other way. Most of the groups if you look at how they are perceived are beginning to be disliked by more and more everyday. While this article is focused on college, it explains some reasons for the current generation

Even going to a really liberal college in California I am beginning to see the change of how people react to opposing ideas.

If your arguing with people about how bad the holocaust was it might also be better to rephrase it away from opening about communism and mentioning Mao and Stalin, and how they had much much greater death tolls than Hitler and the only reason Mao isn't talked about as much is because he killed mainly his own countrymen and won. And then explain how this happened in the name of communism.

Also having taken a few gen ed intro classes in a couple social science fields (Comp sci major) they teach like communism and such is the perfect system, I feel this will change with the points mentioned in the first part becoming more prevalent.

I feel the same way. I have spent years upon years of my admittedly short life reading and researching and hearing all sides and every day there is more and more that my inquiries lead to. Yet, I cannot talk about these things with barely anyone.

I find most people are disinterested. They are interested in their distractions -- and that is the order of the day. Yet, no one asks what they are being distracted from.

Then there are other people. Sometimes they are just trolls but sometimes these people are borderline militant about the popular positions that they hold. You can look for a conversation and start a war it seems.

I too have done enough research on Stalin to conclude that history is truly written by the victors. While the data is out there, no one even wants to entertain any type of comparison between Stalin and Hitler. It's the ultimate taboo.

Likewise, no matter where you live on this globe, and no matter who you'd vote for, you are asking to be lynched for holding a different view of the JFK assassination other than Oswald did it. And even though almost everyone associated with November 63 is dead, the message of the official narrative cannot be challenged.

The world is painted into black and white; good versus evil. And Nietzsche saw the error of that and yet this finite human hive mind has failed to see 'beyond good and evil.'

For so long, I would hold certain people responsible for this mass brainwashing and ignorance and hatred. Now, there is no need to point one's finger at some elite cabal because the masses are doing it to themselves.

It doesn't matter if you are super liberal or a neo-con. If you go to the core of either extreme, you end up with the same thing. And the strange reality is that a lot of times people with a "cause" aren't even the least bit affected by that cause. It's a perpetual witch hunt of cause celebres,

There seem to be two states... drugged consumeristic ignorance and militant close minded propogandists. To have a regular conversation is nearly impossible.

Many times it gets to me that ideals like truth and historical accuracy and understanding are moot. I take the nihilistic stance that it doesn't matter and that each dawn break where the world hasn't been destroyed by itchy fingers on nuclear weapons is perhaps a good thing, or maybe it's a bad thing (ha ha).

I wish I had an answer, but I don't.

The people I associate with are all fairly aware of the truth. I generally avoid the people you complain about. Either way we all hang out in an echo chamber of agreement. I have my circle of truthers who know its all an elaborate conspiracy and they have their circle of debunkers who know that conspiracy theories are crazy and these two groups are like oil and water, they just don't mix.

listen dude youre just being impatient. remember that the internet really only got popular like 15 years ago, youre seeing the first generation of people it spawned and they are a thousand times more open minded than their parents. the kids that are in kindergarten today will think a lot more like us than our peers do. in 50 years you will be the old fuck that is out of touch and out of date and think these kids are too radical with their ideas and revolutions

the shadows look so dark because the future is that bright

Except that the internet is probably not going to stay so accessible, open and uncommodified for much longer. Every year there's a new version of SOPA or stupid event that triggers pundits into calling for an "internet 9/11 bill".

Meh... I feel like shit doesnt matter . If any one had a say in anything clinton would be in prison and all these rick ass fucks in who make laws to inprison and tax us would be in jail to. The people who make the laws get fat and dont live by em. The work force behind these corporations get retardedly rich while the people who run the store live on welfare. We are fucked.

Communists? Get 'em out of here! Confiscate their coats too, no coats.

I think you'd be surprised by just how quickly, and how ubiquitously people are waking up. It is hard to know this, because it is hard to get a sense of perspective, without you researching it yourself, especially when the establishment works hard to make you think everything is doom and gloom. Things are changing for the better, it's inevitable, stay hopeful =)

Don't give up. Your posts and this sub have helped me a lot and I'm spreading the word. I think a lot of people just don't know what to do or don't think they can do anything about it.

A kind word of advice: Emigrate to a civilized country.

Which one would that be

Try Scandinavia or Germany.

Germany, the country on the verge of implosion due to terminal injection of kebab? The country under total communist control where people literally serve multiple years in prison for thought crime? The country that threatens to take parents children away for the crime of posting anti rapefugee comments on facebook? That Germany?

Studies show that followers of an movement feel the most hopeless shortly before the movement succeeds. It's spreading faster now than it ever has, it just doesn't always look like it. Keep adding momentum, it is having an effect.

Just asking, are you changeable?

Thats how humans work, whilst its fun to question things , it is ultimately futile.

It is highly debatable whether humans are designed for this life we are leading and the direction we are heading, it is pretty clear that we are doomed as a species because we ultimately find it impossible to agree on anything that could be good for us as a species due to being puppets of a tiny tiny minority.

Take heart, good friend; there are many millions like you. We are on this journey together. Those living unconscious lives will see in this life of the next, the error of their ways. The truth is, anything can happen in this mysterious multiverse we live in. Enjoy it. Enjoy the thrill of not knowing. When you know, you'll know. Be strong. Be courageous. Be not afraid to die for the cause of righteousness. Be not afraid to go alone into the truth. Personally, even my own parents and siblings and friends are deceived into various religions and secular lifestyles that keep them mentally trapped. So, I understand where your coming from. It's hard. But understand this; it has always been about the individual. You, are the only one who can guide you. Have peace my friend, you're in my prayers.

Just because we might have looked behind the curtain doesn't mean that our journey of discovery is complete.

Idealists of all kinds end up falling into traps. Eventually, they become like the people they complain about, unless they are capable of moving beyond their idealism, and their own beliefs. Thats not giving up, thats not stopping activism, but it does entail seeing more about what is going on, to where you are not grasping for a particular outcome with the kind of clinging that is deluded. The world does not work like we conceive of it.

This becomes an opportunity for personal growth. Depression is not a failure, its something that does pop up along the way though. It is something you can move through.

For one, I would drop too literal an interpretation of Kali Yuga and other similar concepts. Most people take on "truths" like that in a kind of hypnotism. Be the change you want to see includes changes that you have not yet embraced.

I am new to the board, im a normal person. I can say on behalf of alot of people we just do not care.

It's not really that most people don't care, if they didn't care they wouldn't care that I'm questioning the narrative. It's the combination of apathy paired with a violent defense of the status quo that I don't understand and find depressing.

I know how you feel. I think you sparked a great conversation here and also got a lot of good advice. I would ignore the guy looking at Hitler as a model... I recently watched a video by Mark Passio and found it both informative and inspiring:

I recommend watching it speeded up to 1.25x or 1.5x speed. The tl;dr is that you have to start with yourself. But there is so much more there. This could also help you:

He has a website with a ton of podcasts discussing how to take action:

Maybe you're wrong...

I am not racist. Nor will I be a victim. Since the one robbed me on fathers day I decided to defend myself thru bullets. They are cheaper then hospital bills.

Sadly my weapon wasn't on my in CT although I did have a fire extinguisher that I emptied into that particular young man's eyeballs. Police said next time to kill them by using gravity to place the canister into his cranium.

Didn't see a point in killing him, but since the officer gave me the go ahead I shall. I see no reason to not end violence with a bullet.

You call me a racist but its more apt to call me a psychopath isn't it?