ZERO mention of Hillary's emails today on CNN

2419  2016-02-28 by BikeBison

Here is the thread on her emails from /r/politics. Last night 1500 new emails were released. Right before the South Carolina primary.


If bernie attacked her on them, then we might have got some coverage. He could take the nomination but he never goes on offense. It's like he doesn't want to win.

It's a tough line for Bernie to walk. If he begins to criticize her, the corporate media will focus on Bernie changing his tune, "attacking" and running a negative campaign.

It's working for trump.

Apples and oranges. Trump is succeeding in large part because of the controversial statements he has made that the media have eaten up. Bernie has a completely different appeal

You are right. If the corporate media had understood that Trump's message would appeal to voters they would have ignored him, too.

I think we're all blown away by how appealing Trump is to so many people.

Forget all the media crap and even his personality. Read his tax plan, and the analysis of it. It's the only one out there that will grow the GDP, jobs, capital stock, etc.

For me, this is more important than anything else.

But it adds $10 trillion to the national debt. I get that lower taxes are nice, but how will he have the resources to round up illegals, or modernize the VA? In the last debate he could not provide an answer with numbers that covered this loss.

Not sure where you get your numbers.

Enlighten us where your numbers come from.

From the Tax Foundation. An independent, accredited source.


Stop being so LOW engery, you WASTE. Mexico is gonna pay for it.

Are you kidding me? His tax plan is a joke for what he claims on doing


Basically he ripped his entire tax plan from Jeb and added some things that sound nice like no tax for people making less than 25k to sound better. It has tax cuts for the richest Americans and all and It's not feasible if Trump plans on wasting more money on useless infrastructure like a wall on the Mexican border and deportation crews.

Well the wall will be payed for by Mexico and if you don't understand how, you can read about it on And deportation will be expensive but it will save money in the long run because the government is spending a lot of money on illegal immigrants currently.

And what about all the money illegals put in the economy? What about the small businesses they support and properties they rent? There is far less spent maintaining illegal immigrants than hiring federal officers to deport millions of people

Give examples please

Google it. He released his plan, and it's been vetted by economists.

Definitely a bright flashing red light going off over top the "Has the human species completely lost any and all hope?" countdown ticker that is prominently displayed in the NW0 HQ's main lobby.

If I had an official NWO Platinum membership card, I would be humbled and feel at least a tad bit bad by just HOW much they have stopped, and slammed the engine into reverse as far as any real advancement as a species that isn't ultimately a double edged sword being perverted and abused by the ones at the apex of power. They hoodwinked the "smartest and most advanced" creature on Earth and in the end, it was relatively easy and laughable what the cost was when weighed against what TPTB gain.

I get the feeling like his candidacy is meant to identify that segment of the population for some sort of eugenics program.

I know right. Especially when those people take out loans and donate their entire paychecks to the guy.. Aaaaand they don't go out to vote. Oh wait...


So many racists*


that insult has lost its sting.

It's not an insult. Only you take it that way cause you know it's true lol. Same people from Romney camps wearing "put white back in White House".

Straw man?

You know what? Fine, I support Trump and you could call me a racist. I'm sick of allowing our country (and europe for that matter) to be overrun by third world trash that adds nothing to our society and only detracts from it.

This country (and the modern world in general) was founded by whites of european heritage and we are quickly becoming a minority in the world.

Let me guess you're a white adolescent who has been indoctrinated to think otherwise? That's what I thought.

The problem in your line of reasoning is that you make the assumption that race has any relation to any of the accomplishments of this country. You're seriously arguing that this country is best left to whites and that all other races are a sickness and should be expunged? Seriously?

Sorry bud, but that's fucked up. It doesn't fucking matter who founded the fucking country. It doesn't matter which races are and are not a fucking minority. Is your ego so over-inflated that the mere indication that other ethnicities are raising in population quicker than yours makes you feel threatened?

Fuck you.

-A white man who doesn't need to be "indoctrinated" to recognize a complete cunt when I see one.

Name a country where black people are in control and the country is doing well. Economically, standard of living, etc. Show me any sort of advancement in technology by blacks in the past 15,000 years that wasn't given to them by whites


Advancements in the last 15,000 years? Try things like the wheel, basic stone tools, mathematics, language. You know, useless stuff.

But, again. It doesn't matter what race they are. Its not like people born white are naturally better at just doing everything ever. Why do you think a lot of African countries are suffering? Simply because they're plagued with the black disease? Is that the only reason the countries are suffering? Because there are a lot of people with dark pigments? Does the color of one's skin have such a huge impact on the world that it literally makes entire economies crash? Who the fuck thinks like that?

No, the world is much more complex than that. There are thousands of years worth of reasons why those countries are suffering. But since I can tell you don't think in a complex manner and therefore probably don't have the patience to read all that explanation, I'll attempt to boil it down to as concise a reason as I can.

What does the US have (excluding our white supremacy) that most of Africa doesn't have? We have every single natural resource we could ever want in extreme abundance. If this were a game of Civilization or Risk, we'd already have an advantage the moment the game begins.

Lets compare that with Somalia. One of the more fucked up nations in Africa. Somalia is such a small country with so few natural resources that the extreme few who actually control the export of those resources are the only ones with any money to speak for whatsoever. Otherwise, everyone else is either an employee of those companies or dirt fucking poor with absolutely no industry to live off of. There is nothing for them there, so they have nothing. What does someone do when they have nothing, but still need to provide for a family? They get into a life of crime. And that's why boats get hijacked by bony, starving Africans who spent their life's savings on an AK47. And as long as that cycle continues, as long as the rich get richer and neglect the poor, those countries will continue to be shit. They have been for thousands of years. The few countries with a decent amount of natural resources have turned out to be decent countries. South Africa's GDP is almost as much as the US's GDP. If we go a little farther north, the countries with all the oil are some of the wealthiest countries on the planet.

Its not about race. Its about resources and luck. White people have a geographic advantage. Everywhere that white people originate from, there has been plenty of room for expansion and so we have flourished. That's all. If you think the color of someone's skin affects their likelihood to be inventive or to succeed in general, you're only correct in the context of your own racism. Racism is the only legitimate force in the world that affects someone based on the color of their skin. Otherwise, race is a completely made up term that doesn't apply to any other species on the entire planet.

Botswana. Formerly the British protectorate of Bechuanaland.

the wheel 3500 B.C. Mesopotamia

mathematics 1800 B.C. Mesopotamia

hahaha nice try Jamal

Next you will try to convince me that the Egyptians were blacks too

that wasn't given to them by whites

Persians not white

Why is he being downvoted for speaking the truth? Everyone here knows why he's saying is correct. You can't deny that whites have created modern civilization and the best cultures in the world. Letting shitty people into western nations is the worst thing we can do. They are literally slowly eating away at our countries and if we keep letting it happen every country on Earth with be a third world nation. Stop being so blind and actually think for once instead of resorting to your programming which demonizes whites and praises brown people no matter the situation. It's fucking disgusting.

They won't realize it up until they get mugged/watch their loved ones get raped/murdered. Best thing we can do is continue to fight for ourselves (and them even though they don't realize or appreciate it)

Slow down there hitler.

You're entitled to your opinion. Doesn't make it true just cause you keep repeating it. Have a good one.

Great debate. You've got a real talent :P

Yeah, like that talent bursting through your seams that you used to reply to other comments disseminating your asinine ideology. :P

You're worried about all the wrong things but ok lol. Plus if like to point out that if you weren't a moron and your comprehension skills were at least sub par, you would have realized I said he's popular amongst racists. I never said he was racist himself, you did. Dumbass.

Get over yourself, I'm not a trump supporter by any means, but attacking him like his this rediculous bigot, like the media would have you believe, is extremely short sighted and as ignorant as you're claiming him to be.

I don't follow anything the media says, I don't even watch American media. All I have to do is hear his comments from him. You're just butt hurt that this moron is beating all these other republican jokes. Every election year these republicans get worse and worse. So much for those retreats a few years back to try and come up with a plan on how to finally win an election. Then trump happens lol. Pretty sad when this idiot is more appealing than any actual republican candidate lol.

Are you kidding? He has said he wants to ban all muslims from entering the country

The media can't ignore trump because they'll lose ratings. The best they could do is spin his words out of context or label him a racist, but in the age of YouTube (where verification is one web search away), it hasn't worked so well for them.

Bernie has a completely different appeal

It's not working. He needs to switch tactics because he's in deep shit. She has him beat by in NV,Iowa,and SC. She's riding on momentum.

all of those states tend to vote Red in the general though..he polls well in the Swing States

Good point. Also, Hillary's net favorability rating is -13.6% right now. No candidate has ever won in the history of the US with a negative net favorability rating.

Meanwhile, Bernie's rocking a 10.7% favorability rating.

It's almost like she'd be a perfect republican candidate or something.

Bernie is a pussy. "We're sick of hearing of your damn emails."

She broke the fucking law, Bernie. She compromised state secrets. That would matter if he was qualified to run a PTA meeting.

Well, if Hillary ran the PTA, she would make $150,000 for it. But, no transcripts of the meetings would be leaked.

Well, that's a good enough argument, better avoid Bernie!

The issue is that Trump is known by everyone and no one knows Bernie. He is getting more air time but when he does its basically blowing his policies as 'impossible' or other nonsense.

It's time for Bernie to go on the offensive. He has so many things to attack hilliary on. I get the whole thing about running an issues oriented campaign and I feel like that is the most professional way to go about things.... However. This is a close race. We need something to spark. Something has to happen that makes everyone turn heads. He needs to go on the offensive and attack Hillary by just purley stating facts. He needs to do this to win in my opinion.

"The Media"... owned and told what to eat.

Trump and his supporters feed on being hated, unlike Sanders.

He's winning. Sanders is done and won't attack her. Obama won because he attacked her.

Obama won because the establishment agreed to let him win

Yeah let's not forget, we're on /r/conspiracy after all.

Trump and Sanders appeal to different types of people.

He really shouldn't have to, though. The woman likely to be running for president in 9 months, who about half the country will be voting for, may very well be charged with a major felony by or around that time. Anyone who wants a Democrat president should be screaming this from the rooftops right now.

If Bernie can't take on Hillary on her emails, why the hell should we trust him to take on any other world leader?

Why are you so gung ho to take on other world leaders? We have the hugest fucking military on earth, we can fucking chill and stop fighting wars constantly. We also have the biggest market, so that makes international trade relations very easy when you don't have a duplicitous douchebag in charge who's really doling out corporate welfare to the 1%. Are you aware, for example, that we pay 30% more for our sugar than the rest of the world because we have a trade agreement in place that protects the florida everglades sugar manufacturers? We won't even import sugar from canada where it is much cheaper. You know what the sugar "bloodlines" do? Jack the price up and underpay their workers. When workers became a liability, they replaced them with machines. And we pay way more than necessary. Our tax dollars at work to make these fuckers richer. Just one example. If we can do that with sugar, we can do that with any company that threatens to undercut us, move US jobs overseas, etc. It's a big fucking scam. It's not all that complicated, it's just simply that our government is complicit in making sure the 1% get richer and richer so the bottom can fall out and we get that NWO they've been dreaming of.

Okay, I agree with most of the rest of what you wrote. Carry on.

Bernie all the way, man! :)

First of all, why are you assuming I'm gung ho about taking on world leaders? Look, genius, whether a president wants to deal with the world and its leaders or not, he/she will certainly have to. Many of the world's leaders are assholes. What about that do you not understand?

Now I'll go read the rest of your presumptuous nonsense.

"Many of the world's leaders are assholes." This is what every country tells their countrymen. EVERY country. There is no country in the world that will tell it's own people: "hey guys I'm your president, I'm a corrupt bought and paid for politician. I barely ever work while the rest of you slave away to keep us rich. Have a good day!" Every country in the world has its own narrative that it blathers on about, and in every single one of those narritives their own country is righteous and just for doing what they do. Going out and fighting wars over disagreements between world leaders isn't a permanent solution for humanity. It is however what we needed to get us to this point in time. It's time to move forward beyond senseless wars.


Because it's the only concern you expressed when it really should be the least of your worries. Bernie is tough, he didn't play into the email thing because he was smart enough to see it's the same old divide and conquer strategy. That means he is smart enoigh not to rush into wars unlike all the other candidates.

If he loses, he doesn't want to be the reason why she loses in the general. It's a very careful line he walks.

Trump will murder her on this though.

He is probably worried about sinking her in the general

True, but Jesus. He needs to be a little assertive/forceful/vigorous/dynamic/bold/audacious.

Let the corporate interests and the establishment come to her rescue. It will show how soft she is and turn voters off to her

Bernie doesn't attack strictly for Hillary's benefit. It's not because he's a nice guy or because the media will attack him. It's because if he attacks her, does great damage and still loses the primary, the Democrats will not win the general.

Bernie is effectively putting the DNC over what is best for the American people.

Yeah, the more you examine it, the more Bernie seems like a stalking horse: i.e., someone running to give the illusion that Hillary isn't being anointed by the Party bosses. They seem not to want to waste any of their up-and-coming stars on this cycle [like Elizabeth Warren]. So for a Hillary Opponent, they actually stepped outside the party. Remember: Bernie's not even a Democrat. He's the Independent from Vermont.

True, he caucuses with the Democrats a lot, but he's not a Democrat.

Does anyone [other than me] find that strange, that the media's not making more of that fact?

It's like the Democratic Party leadership didn't want to openly just give the nomination to Hillary, so they dusted off a hobo from a bus station, shoved him up on a stage, and are going to play-act like it's a real contest. Bernie himself is not even taking it seriously. He refuses to ever go on the offense with Hillary. "No one cares about your damned emails!" etc.

He's got her back.

Clearly, he knows he's not going to win. And why should he win the nomination for the Democratic Party--given the fact that he's not even in the Party?

(This is Soviet Union-level corruption. Kangaroo Court-style play-acting. "No, we're totally not anoininting Hillary. She's running against the guy who's not even in the party, and who won't even say a critical thing against her.")

Bernie says he never runs negative campaigns, so I'm not sure this is unique to Clinton. He has criticized her in a limited way about her campaign contributions.

Also, the media regularly points out his affiliation, and Clinton has criticized him herself for not "being a real democrat." The media generally hasn't taken him seriously at all.

I do wonder in the back of my mind if he's not a plant of some sort, like if the PTB are trying to get people stirred up only to yank him away in an attempt to create division and unrest. Who knows though, it's a vague notion ¯\(ツ)

Bernie says he never runs negative campaigns

He sure attacks trump every chance he can get. He's working with her and it's obvious.

He says Republicans and Trump don't believe in science or climate change.

You bring up an interesting point. Will Bernie endorse Hilary if he loses the primary? It would be a real test to his integrity to see whether he simply supports Hilary because the Republican alternative is worse, or if he does a complete 180 and praises Clinton's every attribute?

I love bernie, but if he ends up endorsing hillary i will lose all respect for him. I hope if he loses the nom, he goes independent.

Of COURSE he's going to endorse her. They share like 90% of their views. He would be a fool not to support her if he actually wants to see progress on his positions.

An interesting perspective, but consider that the main problem a Democratic party would have with using Hillary as the candidate is sufficient rallying of the base. There's a substantial number of people who would go out to vote for Bernie that wouldn't show up if Clinton was the candidate, and this problem isn't solved by having Bernie campaign hard.

a hobo from a bus station

That's literally not much of an exaggeration when it comes to Sanders...

Take him back 50-60 years, give him a white robe and a big sign that says the end is nigh. Have him preach the same shit he is right now, be locked up real quick.

Edit: Is this wrong? I was making a joke. Just so you bunch of thin skinned bitches know i support Bernie. My legs are killing me because i was knocking on doors all day yesterday, then i went to his rally and volunteered for another 5 hours.

That's the thing, right? As a progressive college student, most of my friends are ardent Bernie supporters, so anything I say against him gets scorned immediately. But really, he's idealistic and relying on idealistic, unseasoned rookie voters to get him the nomination. He has no experience. He has great ideas, but I've read books too. I have ideas. That doesn't mean I know how to implement them. Bernie is no less involved in the politics of this election than anyone else.

I wouldn't say he is relying on unseasoned rookie voters at all. At his rally today in Minnesota i would say it was an even crowd if not older. Yes there is quite a few younger people, and those tend to be the ones campaigning and what not. But the actual voters are people of all ages.

he has no experience

experience in what? running for office?

I disagree. in fact I find your reasoning laughable.

cool username though:)

He has experience in being a contrarian and voting according to an ideology. Sanders' campaign is important. He's opening up dialogues that America desperately needs to be having, but he cannot represent the majority of American citizens as president.

I used to like Berie until I saw that he got an F for his voting record. Basically, the only things he showed up to vote for were the naming of Post Offices.

He couldn't be bothered to cast votes for some of the most important legislation of the day. He just showed up for his pay checks and left.

That kind of lack of involvement [and welfare attitude of accepting a government check for no work] made me deeply suspicious of Mr. Sanders. Basically, he never held a job until he was 40 years-old. Then he got on the government teat--and his solution to America's problems is that we all do the same.

You can't have an economy like that.

"We'll all get on entitlements, and that will solve everything!"

Who's gonna pay for the entitlements, Bernie?

"Well, everyone can do like I did. Just get a government job--and don't even bother showing up."

The more you look into Bernie, the more you realize he's not the solution to the nation's problems; his mindset is the cause of the problems.

He never goes on offense, but if he throws out inconvenient "facts" about her past positions, the Clinton campaign gets all mad and says that he's slinging mud.

Did he listen?

Listen to what?

the Clinton campaign.

Forgive me, but I believe I'm missing the point? Listen to them about what? IMO, he says truth, they claim he's being an asshole. Clinton hates running against people... she's only ran one other competitive campaign so she whines a lot when people challenge her.

I blame the no-shows. Pure and simple. I believe that there were plenty more South Carolinians who support Bernie over Hillary who couldn't be assed to take 30 minutes out of their day, tops, to change the course of their country.

Bye bye campaign finance reform.

Sanders can't win. The Dems were going to run Hillary from day one. Bernie was just there for the illusion of choice. No way they would let him bash Hillary like that when in a month he'll be endorsing her campaign.

They are ALL there for the illusion of choice. The bankers and MIC selected the next 'President' long ago.

He can't now. His campaign was defined by taking the high road on that issue in particular.

Maybe he wasn't planning on actually winning. Maybe he only intended to be a message candidate.

I've got to admit, I've had similar thoughts. Is it me, or does Sanders seen more concerned with Trump's rhetoric regarding Muslims than with Clintons deadline foreign policy that mostly killed Muslims?

He goes after trump while ignoring Hillary completely.

Trump disavowed David duke. Bernie is working with Hillary.

All the 'candidates' are puppets who do nothing without orders.

Except Trump

He's a puppet too.

until he gets to the Oral Office..then the bankers will sit him down and explain how things are really done.

Especially Trump.

cough Israel

It's almost as if a guy who didn't hold a normal job until 40, is avoiding a major commitment to work.

He's sensitive to the fact if he says anything about it the headlines the next day will be Bernie slanders

It's like he doesn't want to win.

because he's a little pussy

Probably because he doesn't.

Bernie could be walking down a landmine field if he did that. How do we know what skeletons are in his closet?

It's not that. We're talking about the cuck who let BLM take over his stage.

You people can be real assholes on here, you know that?

how is he an asshole for pointing that fact out?

I don't think he does he's just running to get his name out there. He's a career politician and knows how to play the game and he's old and going to be on the lecture circuit not to long from now.

Bernie is a joke. By not playing dirty he was left in the dust

He can't even call out his political opponent what do you think he is going to do in the white house? I really don't understand why people love him so much, it is amazing how much people will give away for things they think are going to be free.

Another reason I dislike Bernie Sanders is he literally has no real world experience. He started out in politics and stayed there his entire life he has no idea how wall street or main street is run. I would bet big dollars that he will go hard after big banks and end up fucking over small businesses harder with regulation than the institutions he is trying to curb.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shitty carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

That's what you have to critique bernie on? Oh it would be so much better if he was a sellout like every other politician just trying to make money right?

He's been a sad sack of shit all his life.

that actually sounds awesome

in what demented universe? You really wanna live in a shack with a fuckin' dirt FLOOR?

I have, actually. It's quite nice.

Moving backwards is progress to you? Do you also eat tree bark and shit behind the bushes?

I've definitely shit behind bushes, but I can't say I've eaten bark.

ProTip: birch bark is poor man's aspirin.

Clinton News Network©

I like this one, but I use "Cartoon News Network" more frequently.

In other news, someone watched CNN all day.


My parents...

Trump is going to hit hard with that. Can't wait for these high energy debates to take place. She'll get destroyed ! First the Bush then the Clintons !

Trump needs to simply say at their first debate "I promise a fair trial for Hillary." If he says that then I look forward to his state of the union address next year.

He'll just call her ugly and make fun of her pantsuits. They're friends and they both have pretty solid dirt on each other, he's not going to hit her on issues. What a mess.

I think there are 2 conspiracies in play here. There's the obvious Team Clinton one in play with the press skipping over the Hillary email BS, but then again, there are a LOT of rich Republicans (Koch Bros for starters) who COULD be winding up Fox News to slam Clinto in the primaries, but they're oddly silent, no? And so that is the 2nd conspiracy: The republicans are holding back all the Juicy email stories until Clinton becomes the Democratic candidate and THEN alllllllll of the email stories will come out and the democrats are left with a lame duck nominee, ensuring whoever the Republican nominee is cruises in to the White House.

I suspect they want her and not Sanders, and they're saving all this for the general election.

That doesn't make sense though, Trump easily can defeat Sanders (even more easily than Clinton can), but will have a harder time with Clinton. If there were a conspiracy, they should be siding with Sanders.

The hell are you on? Sanders has a way better chance against Trump than Clinton has. Clinton would get fucking demolished in her first debate against him.

Every one of Sanders free handouts will be challenged by Trump with "how will it be paid for and who will pass it in Congress". Sanders has no response to this. Watch this video to see that he has no response

I don't get it. "Trump can easily defeat sanders". How? Why? one is a career politician who 'it appears' has lobbied for the 'smaller man' the downtrodden and the forgotten for decades. The other is a billionaire you inhereited his fortune (which was scammed from the US coffers by his dad in a pay-to-build housing scheme for the poor and the Navy ), lost it through bankrupcy and piss poor decision making, then convinced a group of 70 or so bankers to not take the money he had left or foreclose on his assets, instead he re-mortgaged everything he owned, (twice for extra magic money)

Trump eventually found himself in serious financial trouble. In 1990, due to excessive leveraging, The Trump Organization revealed that it was $5 billion in debt ($8.8 billion by some estimates), with $1 billion personally guaranteed by Trump himself. The survival of the company was made possible only by a bailout pact agreed upon in August of that same year by some 70 banks, allowing Trump to defer on nearly $1 billion in debt, as well as to take out second and third mortgages on almost all of his properties. If it were not for the collective effort of all banks and parties involved in that 1990 deal, Trump’s business would have gone bankrupt and failed.

So you've got a balding man who's lying about this hair, who's money was handed down by his father which was stolen from the poor, who himself managed to 'lose it all' and only got it back because he has friends in the business who were willing to 'write it off', and this is the man 'some' Americans want to lead them? His big thing is being rich, that fat balding cunt can't even take care of his inherited free money, yet 'some' people want to give him the keys to fort Knox, because he's bought and paid for the media coverage.

I feel sick.

Sanders programs of free handouts is unrealistic in every sense. There are no economists that agree with him. Even Paul Krugman, who is a keynesian doesn't even agree with Sanders.

All that Trump has to ask is "how are you going to pay for this?" followed by "who are you going to get to vote for it in Congress?". Sanders can only pull the wool over young college students, but anyone that pays taxes is not going to fall for the free stuff pandering, because they know they will be the ones paying for it.

I'm not even American and even I've seen him say in public that he could generate 10x the revenue required for the welfare programs he's suggesting by taxing the richest .001% a little bit more. There might not be enough in the pot 'right now' because those of us/you that earn the most aren't paying their fair share.

He's said more than once that he's defending the 'dwindling middle class' and has proposed schemes that would address this. Trumps whole strategy is the 'Lie of the American Dream'...

..."Don't tax the rich, we trickle down money into the economy, we know you're poor right now, but if your daddy scammed the government out of millions, then one day perhaps you could be 'not poor', and these tax changes Bernie is suggesting might apply to you."

Therein lies the lie, it's in the eternal optimisim of the American Spirit...

"You're not poor, you're just not rich yet, so don't tax your future possible self."

taxing the richest .001% a little bit more.

Exactly and Trump is part of that .001%. So here is how their debate is going to go:

  • Sanders: We're going to tax the 0.001%
  • Trump: Wait, I'm part of the 0.001%
  • Sanders: Yes, we're going to tax you to pay for everyones college
  • Trump: I can promise you right now that I won't be paying that money
  • Sanders: ...

He's said more than once that he's defending the 'dwindling middle class'

Every politician says this, even Trump. What politician would come out to say they support the rich fat cat bankers? None say that.

Therein lies the lie, it's in the eternal optimisim of the American Spirit...

Followed by the socialist lie that the rich will pay for everything. If the rich could have been made to pay for everything, don't you think that a politician before Sanders would have tried?

What Sanders and his supporters don't fully grasp is that the political system is controlled by the rich. Yes, they might occasionally say this, but they don't really understand how it works. This is why only young people support him, because you have to be naive to believe. Every tax proposal is always said to be against the rich and yet the income gap is continuously widening.

Let me ask you this, do you think Obama ran on a platform of widening the income gap? For raising taxes on the poor?

If the rich could have been made to pay for everything, don't you think that a politician before Sanders would have tried?

The way I understand it, it doesn't matter what the President proposes, if congress doesn't approve it, it doesn't get done.

From what I've seen Congress seems to be a bunch of rich white people. I can't imagine those rich white people would vote against the interests of rich white people, call me pessimistic.

What Sanders and his supporters don't fully grasp is that the political system is controlled by the rich. Yes, they might occasionally say this, but they don't really understand how it works. This is why only young people support him, because you have to be naive to believe.

...and stop trying to marginalise me,and fiit me into a nice neat 'college student and therefore ignorant/niave' box, because I don't think that Trump is the second coming of Jeebus. The whole tone of, press-reslease copy pasta 'don't waste your vote on Sanders, he's for the ignorant, idealistic and niave' is unsettling. Government is controlled by the rich, who manipulate the 'systems in place', to maintain and increase their own personal wealth.

"You can't change how the world works, you niave little bugger, now off you pop into your 9-5 cubicle and keep your mouth shut. Ha, change, you hear this guy? These kids."

From what I've seen Congress seems to be a bunch of rich white people. I can't imagine those rich white people would vote against the interests of rich white people, call me pessimistic.


Government is controlled by the rich, who manipulate the 'systems in place', to maintain and increase their own personal wealth.


"You can't change how the world works, you niave little bugger, now off you pop into your 9-5 cubicle and keep your mouth shut. Ha, change, you hear this guy? These kids."

Though you say this, you just contradicted yourself. You started out by admitting that the Congress is filled with rich white guys. Now you sarcasticly imply that Sanders is somehow going to change this fact.

Besides raising the taxes on the super rich, he also plans on getting rid of the loopholes that let our nation's biggest corporations get by with paying little to no taxes at all. He has also stated his main priorities are breaking up the big banks and setting term limits for congress.

Which of those was Obama against?

I guess I don't really understand the question you're asking me, but I do not deny people were fooled by Obama. The main difference is Obama kind of just popped up out of nowhere, and if anyone had paid attention, had a lot of similar donors as Hillary and I wanna say Romney, where Sanders is funded by the people, and has been fighting for the same things for the last 50+ years.

So you think that Obama was secretly in the pocket of the rich and the banks? When he pushed for Obamacare, he was doing it for the benefit of the rich and not the poor?

I think a lot of things about Obamacare are pretty sketchy. I don't have any real solid evidence I could present but I feel like it's pretty obvious that the way Obamacare is structured is not to benefit the lower class. The fact that you actually get fined for not having health insurance is evidence of that if you ask me.

The fact that you actually get fined for not having health insurance is evidence of that if you ask me.

I can agree with that. So if Sanders was to propose fining people for non-compliance on his programs, would you agree that Sanders is equally as bad as Obama?

Yeah I would be more inclined to lean that way definitely. I could be wrong but as far as I've interpreted, I think the key difference between Obamacare and what Sanders has proposed is that Obamacare comes in the form of a product that you have to go out of your way to obtain but are forced to have, while Sanders plan would be more like Social Security or Income taxes where it's a small percentage of your check and you just have it. That being said, he would have to be the most convincing debater in the history of the universe to be able to convince anyone who even slightly leans right to back that idea.

This isn't a conspiracy, this is exactly what they are doing. As soon as Bernie is gone they are going to press for an arrest and lawsuit. They want the white house and this is the easiest path.

I can't believe people think that they will let this blow over because Hillary is "connected" in Washington. This will be the fall of the democrats and Trump will be relentless.

I agree this is their hope/tactic especially because Democrats are more divided on Hillary. Hillary supporters will stand by sanders as the nomination, the opposite isn't as likely. However you won't see Hillary or any politican of her caliber get arrested even if they blatantly deserve to be.

Clinton is a better neocon than all those guys, though. If you want the war machine to continue to trudge onwards, flattening the Middle East, she's your woman. I think the rich Repubs know this, they party together, FFS.

Bernie handed Hillary the presidency the moment he yelled "We're sick of hearing about your Damn Emails!"

It's a shame he wasn't more willing to play to win, but democrats can at least feel good that he made her biggest scandal go away. That alone might be enough to beat Trump.

He actually won my vote by saying that. Bernie is popular with his supporters by sticking to the politics and avoiding attacking his opponent. He's no better than Trump if he does that.

There's a difference here.

When Trump attacks Jeb like they're children on the playground its petty. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is a fucking liar who needs to be exposed in the debates. At this point, most people are aware about the things she's done but not enough people actually care. I want someone to attack her on that issue.

Well, Jeb is from the Bush family which is responsible for 9/11, Al-Qaeda and Iraq War.

Fine, but that's a lot harder to argue and prove in a debate than the shit Hillary has done.

It's harder to prove W and Jeb are brothers than it is to prove the as-yet-unreleased results of several separate investigations?

You're kidding right? No. Its harder to prove that the Bush family is responsible for 9/11. Jesus Christ.

and the holocaust

You have a complicit boot-licking media that will do whatever it takes to get her elected. They will continue to run cover for her lies by either making excuses for her or simply not reporting them.

when you pay people off you can control the message.

Are you guys ever gonna realize that the media is on her side? She's gonna be the president elections are fixed god damn.

All politicians are self-serving and corrupt, including Sanders.

I wouldn't say ALL. But the majority are definitely self serving and corrupt. All it takes is a little bribe from a corporation and they're gone. Did people actually think Bernie had a chance when he was calling out the fed and Wall Street?? Lmao

Do you have any evidence to support that claim? There's quite a bit of evidence for everyone else but I haven't really found anything on sanders and I would love to be aware of anything he might have done.

You just have to look through the history of government to see that politicians lie. In particular I would start at Richard Nixon and move forward. You'll see that they all lie.

Okay but most of them, if not all, had been lying most of their career, Sanders has been fighting for everything he's fighting for now since at least the 60's. I don't deny that politicians lie, like you said just look at history, but I have seen nothing that points to Sanders being the same. The only thing I've been able to find that's even the least bit incriminating is that (I think in the 90s?) his stance on gay marriage was supporting civil unions instead of full marriage rights.

lots of politicians have a consistent theme throughout their career, which is what you're really saying about Sanders. Obama for example has a very consistent message throughout his career, so would you say he's self-serving and a liar?

The thing about voters and their local representative is that they always see their guy as honest and the problem lies with someone elses guy. So if we judging the honesty and consistency of a politician by how the people he represents him think, then everyone still in office is liked by the majority of people and they think he's a good selection. My point here being, you can't agree with me that most politicians are liars and then ignore the fact that so many people support a politician (e.g. Obama).

The real difference is what their message is. People hate the other guys politician because they hate his agenda. Democrats hate republicans, not necessarily because they were inconsistent, but because of their agenda. Take for example Ron Paul. If you were to examine the voting record and consistency of Ron Paul, then you would without question see someone better than Sanders. There is really no way around this. The reason Sanders supporters don't like Ron Paul though is because he represented a different agenda than they do.

My point here is that the reason Sanders is self-serving and a liar is because of his agenda, not because of his voting record. Everyone in the world today recognizes that nothing is free in life. So when Sanders promises free college for people, he's lying and pandering to the crowd. He without a doubt knows that the US is in a huge amount of debt, so for him to propose more handouts from the government is self-serving.

That's fair enough, Sanders is definitely playing on peoples tendencies to get caught up on buzz words. He has outlined a plan to pay for everything though, but I guess you can probably only trust that info as much as you trust him. I would like to think the average person realizes that it's not actually free college, but shown the amount of people recently who seem oblivious to anything negative about Hillary maybe I'm wrong and I'm giving everybody too much credit. All this being said, I do believe that these plans could be realized, the money is there it's just being terribly allocated. I also wish he would run harder on the fact that he wants to break up the big banks and put a term limit on congressmen but people just aren't interested in that. And to be fair I actually really like Ron Paul, I supported him when he ran and I might have even been swayed to support him over Sanders if he ran this time but there was too many things I didn't agree with from Rand. I do wish he would have been a bigger threat on the right though, I would have preferred him second to all, now I feel like if anyone other than Sanders might actually try and mess with the establishment is Trump and that's all I really want to happen with this election. I think policies come second to that at this point because if they aren't anti-establishment their policies don't really matter. I am skeptical of Sanders just so you know though. I want to believe he does have the interest of the middle and lower class at heart, but Obama was able to fool us all before so while I would be very upset if Sanders turned out the same I wouldn't be surprised. As a side note, a large criticism of Sanders plans is that it is a "Robin-Hood" plan and that your taking money from hardworkers to support lazy people, but a lot of the really wealthy people probably paid the same amount or less in taxes as you and I while most of the companies on the Forbes 500 have been paying 0 taxes for years. A lot of his plans just involve closing loopholes in tax laws.

I've agreed with most of your last couple of comments, but I just want to add this point in.

I do believe that these plans could be realized, the money is there it's just being terribly allocated. I also wish he would run harder on the fact that he wants to break up the big banks

When Ron Paul and Sanders came up with a plan to Audit the Fed, it was Sanders that folded and capitulated with the banks. Ron Paul ran on the platform that todays monetary system is a fraud and that the US is in massive debt. Apparently Sanders agrees that debt for college students is bad, but doesn't ever seem to address the massive debt the government is in. Even the Keynesian economists (e.g. Paul Krugman) won't get behind Sanders economic plans.

That's interesting, and something I was not aware of I'm definitely going to look into this more. I definitely agree with Rons views on the fraudulence of our monetary system as it appears to be set up as a "forever debt" plan which is only able to sustain itself on the basis of everyone submitting to the standard of petrodollars, which seems to be changing whether they want it too or not. Another side not I just thought about while typing this comment out, a lot of Sanders proposals are meant to be presented not as welfare, but as investments in infrastructure, which historically have proven to be successful methods in helping the economy. People want an immediate fix to our debt and that's just not possible, I know it's hard to justify more government spending but a lot of it is just reallocating funds that are already being spent and collecting taxes on those who haven't been paying. The fact that Obama was such a heart breaker makes anything Sanders wants to do very easy to hate though.

It's known as the Clinton News Network for a reason.

She will never go down for this...

The DOJ is controlled by a man Obama put there...

Now that Bernie is done, the media will act like this e-mail thing never happened, just round the clock Trump is a racist articles

DoJ is headed by Loretta Lynch, appointed by Obama and approved by Congress, yes, but not a man.

Head of FBI is a Republican though

most of you know that the game is rigged, yet you still argue amongst yourselves on which candidate is going to earn your vote?

I'm shocked, shocked to learn that CNN is in the tank for Hillary.

According to a few of the State Dept emails, Clinton apparently helped get Tom Nides a job as Vice-Chairman at Morgan Stanley, where he's doing so well that he decided to stay instead of leaving to join Clinton's campaign. He did pledge to help her in other "informal" ways, like raising money.

Also, speaking of informal...

Tom Nides is married to Virginia Moseley, CNN vice president and deputy Washington bureau chief.


Spread this to /r/hillaryclintonsucks

No mention because the wealthy people who own everything, to include the "news", want either Clinton or Trump in the White House - either of which are easily bought and paid for and will keep their mouths shut.

They're not sure how Sanders will react, if elected, when they read him the riot act on what he's going to accomplish to destroy the middle class, put more money in their pockets, increase their reach...

(they remind those guys that "you can be on easy street, more money than you can imagine, and a lasting legacy (true or not) - or - you will be killed or disgraced beyond measure (remember the Kennedys?), your family disgraced (remember Carter - he quit rather than deal with their shit) or worse - we'll kill your family whenever we want to (again - remember the Kennedys? not many of them left for some reason).

It's a tactic I don't want to see used on Sanders because he's an honest advocate of the citizens of this country and I'm sure he'd make the wrong choice and tell the American people what kind of shit is REALLY going on.

I agree. He's braver than most people realize to speak the way he does about income inequality and the billionaire class. But I worry for him too

Fuxnews only has 2 articles about 'trump and lawsuits'. It's only fair.

Did search cnn for 'Clinton and emails' and found over 2700 links.

This wouldn't get nearly as many upvotes if Bernie wasn't running.

Im watching as we speak. Although they didn't have an anchor discuss it today, they are featuring a Rubio speech in which he referenced it.

The $10 trillion is including market growth. And I will admit that employment rates are predicted to go up under his tax plans, but it still worries me to add to the national debt. Additionally the market growth rate doesn't seem substantial enough to make up for the services that would have to be cut when trying to balance the national budget. Especially if it dips into social programs. Or to spend money on things like the army.

Stop being low information. Mexico will not pay for our police, marshalls, and border patrol to round up illegals. Technically once illegals enter the country Mexico has no jurisdiction over them. Mexico certainly doesn't have the money to fund this either.

because theres pretty much nothing in them.

seriously. go and read them.

that corrupt reckless woman keeps sending emails with 5 words in it and accepting $10,000 donations from the mega super rich

Or.. there's all the redacted stuff that we aren't allowed to see in the release

ya no word about the crimes of todays winners not even from the bernster you know your great fake hope lol trump and hillary might as well be in bed together for all the crime both will do with any moar power

It's saturns-day and the cult of saturn looks out for their own.

During a long-distance call today that went about an hour and a half, we got a forcible hangup when I mentioned that Hillary was an actual witch. Other party did not hear that part because of a few seconds of censorship delay.

Lmao whaaaaat?!

it's a real conspiracy.

So many completely oblivious people in the sub these days. (Not you.)

No one cares about this but republicans. And few of them.

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You've taken the time to allude that you know how it really works, but did not explain how it really works.


I'm reading this... But couldn't Hilary have emailed somebody about classified documents and with classified information... Like not forwarding an email, but shooting the breeze bringing up the topics?

Or am I just being ignorant in everything?

Yes and that's what she did. Mentioned classified things using a personal email.

Uh, well honestly half of that shit didn't make any sense.

There is no more "classified on (Hillary's) unclassified servers" any more than there was classified on any other SecState's unclassified system. That is: "classified NOW" in the opinion of the intelligence community.


But anyway, I think you were saying that she had no actual emails that were available on the server and shouldn't have been. So what about this.

Also, why would she have lied in the first place?


As for your link, read it. They weren't marked classified at the time. So these emails were sent via Unclassified channels--including Hillary's server.

That is the misconception. Some of these items are serious enough to be "born classifeid". It doesn't have to be marked because the information contained is inherently classified/secret.

Regardless of serious you feel this offense was, there is no question whether or not she violated the most basic OPSEC standards and put lives at risk/diplomats at a disadvantage.

This is beyond basic OPSEC... and she is was the Secretary Of State.

Your post reads like a schizo pyramid scheme or someshit

You must have forgotten that this subreddit has turned into a Bernie machine. I don't even know why I clicked it.

Just like every other sub.

Bernie has a completely different appeal

It's not working. He needs to switch tactics because he's in deep shit. She has him beat by in NV,Iowa,and SC. She's riding on momentum.

You are right. If the corporate media had understood that Trump's message would appeal to voters they would have ignored him, too.

Obama won because the establishment agreed to let him win

I know right. Especially when those people take out loans and donate their entire paychecks to the guy.. Aaaaand they don't go out to vote. Oh wait...

I like this one, but I use "Cartoon News Network" more frequently.

The issue is that Trump is known by everyone and no one knows Bernie. He is getting more air time but when he does its basically blowing his policies as 'impossible' or other nonsense.

Bernie is a pussy. "We're sick of hearing of your damn emails."

She broke the fucking law, Bernie. She compromised state secrets. That would matter if he was qualified to run a PTA meeting.

Just like every other sub.

It's time for Bernie to go on the offensive. He has so many things to attack hilliary on. I get the whole thing about running an issues oriented campaign and I feel like that is the most professional way to go about things.... However. This is a close race. We need something to spark. Something has to happen that makes everyone turn heads. He needs to go on the offensive and attack Hillary by just purley stating facts. He needs to do this to win in my opinion.

Well the wall will be payed for by Mexico and if you don't understand how, you can read about it on And deportation will be expensive but it will save money in the long run because the government is spending a lot of money on illegal immigrants currently.

Google it. He released his plan, and it's been vetted by economists.

"The Media"... owned and told what to eat.