This "going down the rabbit hole" nonsense

99  2016-02-29 by grandmacaesar

We're not "down the rabbit hole" in some crazy Alice-in-Wonderland scenario. We have climbed (or are climbing) out of the rabbit hole into reality.

The people who still suckle at the teat of the mainstream media---people who believe the "official" myth of 9/11, people who believe the absolute best choice to lead this nation of over 300 million is either Hillary or Trump, people who believe television news reporters are incapable of lying---those people are the ones continuing to live in an upside-down world of nonsense and lunacy. They are "down the rabbit hole".


It is vitally important to ponder the meaning of words and phrases. Most people just spew words and statements without a second thought. Words do carry energy and inertia, and they are used as weapons.

While it is a first step to think critically, you're not really freeing your mind, yet. If you really want to climb back into the light you have to detach from the mind completely. Detach from all thought patterns. After all, that is what language is, a series of patterns and repetitions. You are trapped by the inertia of the mind. The ceaseless repeating thoughts and beliefs that permeate your waking mind control you.

You can't escape the prison until you've left the patterns behind.

I enjoy riding my motorcycle, too

What about "seeing the man behind the curtain" or "looking through a glass darkly" or "through the lookinghole" ?

I think even if the term is incorrect, society has changed the meaning.

Just look at people saying to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." This actually refers to an impossible act.

I find it ironic that everyone here condemns the lamestream media but then eat up all the shit they spew about Trump.

I guess consistency and a willingness to do research only applies when it's convenient for you guys huh



Source: my own experience throughout this sub

Didn't mean it literally. If the guy that wants to audit the fed, persecute Clinton, get to the bottom of 9/11, and can't be bought by corporations/big business STILL gets tremendous amount of hate on here then i just don't know what can be done anymore

I see what you're getting at.

The ones who suckle on MSM and its faux narrative...they are the ones who have 'whored and sold' their minds/brains on the altar of MSM. They have elected someone else (a corporate entity), to think and design reality for them.

No wonder they're lost.

Right. They don't know how to think. They only know how to believe.

TV media doesn't even really deal in facts...what they really deal in is media guru McLuhan noted.

McLuhan (Understanding Me: Lectures and Interviews)

"Television fosters and favours a world of corporate participation in ritualistic programming. That's what I mean when I say that it's a cool medium. It's not a hot medium. A hot medium can, like a newspaper, cover single events with very high intensity. TV is not good at covering single events. It needs a ritual, a rhythm, and a pattern. You might say it tends to foster patterns rather than events."

"One of the effects of television is to remove people's private identity. They become corporate peer-group people just by watching it. They lose interest in being private individuals. And so this is one of the hidden and perhaps insidious effects of television" (even more so now, with social media etc, my emphasis)

You should get your hands on a copy of Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, an excellent book written by Jerry Mander in 1977. He worked as an advertising executive for 15 years before his eyes were opened.

Check him out in this video.

Jerry Mander...I certainly like his amusing name, I'll check it out, many thanks.

Spot on. Anybody here seen James Corbett's video titled "Social Engineering 101?" Basically, it shows us just how deep our social conditioning goes. Are our thoughts our own or are they simply ideas suggested to us by the media elite? I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already.

Lol and I'm guessing the conspiracy theorists are the ones who know how to think

I think in modern times your thought is true because everybody lives in their own fantasy land now. People do not even want to look at some aspects of reality.


"people need to get more local"

Mostly people are totally unaware of terms like; Agenda 21, Biospheres, Sustainable Communities, Heritage Sites, Buffer Zones, Corridors, Rewilding, Stakeholders, Partnerships, Consensus, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Regional Governance, or that they now live in Region one, five, or seven et al? Because they don't have (nobody is telling them) the overall global picture of their issue; they end up trying to deal with their water or property issues, as if they were dealing with local officials; just trying to talk common sense. Global issues have a peculiar language; which is not meant to be grasped or understood.

Semantics is counterproductive. Down the rabbit hole means a million different things to a million different people. Stop worrying about things like this and debate real issues.

I disagree. "Down the rabbit hole" is a term akin to "tin-foil hat", terms which are used to denigrate the truth movement.

Semantics and irrelevance are used. Like I said rabbit hole means one thing to you. To me down the rabbit hole means we choose to look at facts that most people refuse to. We live outside of comfortable, outside of cognitive dissonance. We watch movies like earthlings and read books like bloodlines of the illuminati.

I mean, is there really "no love lost" between people who don't even like each other?

Who do you think is more of a genius, Tesla or Einstein?

I see your point. But one could also argue that the biggest secrets are always buried deep down and you have to digg for it, so theres where the notion "down the rabbit hole" comes from.

"Down the Rabbit Hole" is the first chapter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. That's the reference point I'm using.

Down the rabbit hole IS where Alice learns that there are things she never knew existed.

Good point

This is a good catch. They way that they use language is an important part of the way that they control our though processes and thereby, us.


My mother's been dead for years, twat-horn.

doesnt surprise me at all. every time i try to say some stupid shit i always put my foot in my mouth.

Rule 10 warning. No personal attacks. Removed.

Fuckin nice dude

62 people own equal to half the worlds population...


The reality is the rabbit hole.

good damn point

I mean, it's an analogy, you can turn it any way you want, both prove the same point, doesn't really make a difference in my eyes.

Whether it "down the rabbit hole" or "climbing out of the rabbit hole," this one's a deep one:

I don't watch the TV.

Excellent point/perspective. Thanks.

What can we do man? It's hard to unplug yourself, and it's easier for the sheeple to keep sucking the teat. I don't see many plausible, realistic ways for this to change.

Cognitive dissonance

Look up the allegory of the cave

Down The Rabbit Hole is just another exclusionary title being branded in the same way Tin Foil Hatter has.

This link is Americas rabbit hole Our birth certificates are traded on the NYSE

I like your style.

i like u

please stop with this kind of reddit circlejerk bullshit

I like u even if u h8 me

deal with it

I am all for Trump or Clinton becoming President. They would both incite WW3.

You want war?

Yes. I want the destruction of Evil.

Bern it up, or Burn it down?

You took the ones mother gives you that don't do anything at all.


HPV vaccinations save lives. Get over it.


Spoken like someone who has not gone down the rabbit hole yet.

"Down the Rabbit Hole" is the first chapter in the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. The premise is that Alice, who is nodding off while sitting on a riverbank with her sister, sees a white rabbit that is dressed and carrying a pocket watch, and claiming to be "late for an important date". Alice follows this rabbit down the hole to a world of nonsense and disturbing symbolism.

The term "down the rabbit hole" has been used to define the world "conspiracy theorists" live in, but the truth is just the opposite. The world where people ignorantly believe what they are told to believe, with no proof offered or requested, is the world of nonsense.

I lived "down the rabbit hole" (as most people do) for most of my life, believing silly nonsensical bullshit from the tv and newspapers.

I no longer believe the psychotic bullshit pushed by the media owners. I am living in reality now...not "down the rabbit hole".

The term is used because once you travel far along enough on the road toward truth you find the truth to be more and more like a work of fantasy fiction, and also because the hole never ends, and so reality becomes stranger and stranger.

For example, a rabbit hole truth would be that the world is run by dark magicians. When you think that the world is simply run by psychopaths then it makes sense to not understand why this is such a revelation to say you've gone down the rabbit hole. Discovering that magic actually exists is going down the rabbit hole. Discovering there are gods. Discovering that there's subterranean species. Discovering that nearly everything on the news is fake to the extent that events entirely are faked. This is the rabbit hole. (Among other highly strange findings)

After a certain point a psychopath and a dark magician are essentially the same thing. Source: am a psychopath. Like, a real one, who can accurately profile people by their most minute of characteristics and interact precisely with their thought content and etc.. Not exaggerating, either - the realms of human psychology and causal agency are both fundamentally spiritual and a psychopath who knows how to interface with them is a true magician. That's just how shit is.

P.S., there are no intelligent subterranean species.

Cool man can you go tell someone else that?

Do you actually want me to tell someone in particular, or are you telling me to fuck off?

Using "down the rabbit hole" to describe the revelation of a conspiracy comes from the Matrix... you know, the whole "red pill blue pill" scene?

Jerry Mander...I certainly like his amusing name, I'll check it out, many thanks.

Cool man can you go tell someone else that?