Cross Post for /the_donald Fraud in Minnesota? What is going on? "Operation Malayan Water Monitor

25  2016-03-03 by CuckedByTRUMP

You guys wanna take a look at this? I know that not all of reddit is pro Trump but you guys are pro unmasking conspiracy:

If you access the Minnesota GOP caucus PDF files, they are titled "Operation Malayan Water Monitor".

And notice the url, they were published in FEBRUARY. The primaries were held in MARCH.

The original file name is embedded in the file ( and what is called "Statewide-34" was originally named "Operation Malayan Water Monitor 3".

Apparently it's an anagram for "Operation Marco Wins Minnesota".

What is going on? Did they decide the results beforehand? Did they forget to rename the files before uploading them?

Archive as proof in case they delete the files:


The Donald and Bernie got too popular. The rigging has to be more obvious. Excellent find.

How was the PDF published in February, when it clearly states the PDF was created on the 1st of March at 9PM?