Why is no one discussing electronic voting fraud for Clinton?

121  2016-03-03 by IanPhlegming

Many of us have seen the post about Sanders' votes disappearing in Roanoke County, VA. We're all aware of the discrepancies in Kansas that the state is doing its best to shut down discussion and investigation over. I have heard from people on the ground in Texas of votes vanishing, being changed, and otherwise altered.

People have proven, again and again, that electronic voting machines are easily hacked. Some states have done away with them.

I just would think we'd see more about this here. The country is literally under assault daily. Computerized voter fraud is one of many issues not being treated with the importance and study it deserves.


It is important. What is also important is knowing the difference between voter fraud and election fraud. The former is a non-existant myth perpetuated by media. The latter is the one we all need to worry about and it is tied into fixing electronic voting booths to vote against the users intentions.

Yes. Thank you. Excellent point and a mistake I will not make again.

Voter fraud is a myth?

So then these foreign nationals in the country illegally didn't really vote in an election? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILJDudUpct0

That sounds more like bureaucratic bullshit getting in the way of an efficient system making sure people are eligible to vote or not.

Unless the people who set the system up made sure a loophole such as this exists so they can indeed use non-us citizens as voters, then that would suggest election fraud through voter fraud and instead of saying both I think because of the potential scale "election fraud" still fits as an accurate identifier for the fraud being committed.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that election fraud if vastly more common [and more effective] than voter fraud. But I don't deny that voter fraud exists, too.

I'm a big follower of a website called www.blackboxvoting.org that tracks this stuff.

The reality is: The biggest threat to our democracy is electronic voting machines put up by companies that have financial ties to the candidates. Like when Marco Rubio vastly overperformed in the Iowa caucuses (getting anomolously high vote-totals inconsistent with all polling and exit-polling) and Microsoft [his second-largest contributor] was counting the votes. Whether Microsoft monkeyed with the algorithm or not, it's the appearance of impropriety that should have been avoided.

It's like having two boxers and seeing that the referee is the father of one of the fighters. That would NEVER be allowed. But, increasingly, in politics such conflicts of interest are being normalized--and we're being encouraged to passively accept it.

In Texas, people filmed their votes for Trump being flipped to Rubio. And it wasn't an isolated incident. There were literally hundreds of people documenting the same "glitch".

There's mounting evidence that Hillary Clinton was the recipient of these "glitches" too.

The reality stands: Fraud does in fact exist. Which is precisely why the United Nations has observers who go out to countries to make sure that the exit poll totals somewhat match the vote-totals. When they don't match, that's a massive red flag.

We have this noble lie in America that fraud happens everywhere else--but not here. And it's a myth that the media perpetuates. So long as they don't hold people accountable, the fraud will continue--undeterred.


To be fair, the manual counting isn't working either since Clinton counters just lie about their votes in the open and the only way to challenge it is after the votes are in and the voters are gone.

Not to mention Bill flitting around from polling place to polling place in Massachusetts with his entourage (a very closely contested state) gumming up the works with "rallies" and likely violating Federal election laws. Very low stuff and it kills me that election officials are ignoring it - probably does signal, though, that the Clintons don't have faith in voting machine shenanigans alone and will go to any huckstery length to get that edge...

I said "likely," but then I was reading the thread about the petition to charge Bill for election fraud and found this:


Hooooooly crap, is that blatant. Apparently, he's gotten a "warning." A warning? That's it? It should have been stopped at the time and the Mayor involved should be censured and recalled.

yeah, i'm originally from new bedford. there's tons of video and photos on their local page where you can CLEARLY see that the polling place was obscured by the CROWD, but not clinton himself.

i personally know that makes zero difference, but the dumb fucks who came en masse to see a celebrity who most likely didn't even vote (new bedford's turnout was TWENTY NINE PERCENT, yeesh) blocked the entrance for nearly an hour. you literally could not push through the crowd to get there, nor could you find a place to park for over a mile away, as they did it in the most congested place in the city (public park with limited parking as it is), and in one of the most popular polling places in the city.

if you go to 'new bedford guide' on facebook, you can see how much of a fuckshow this was, and how completely and totally illegal it was. not that anyone's gonna do a god damn thing about it.

Clinton paid shills

You gotta wonder, did someone get paid for downvoting woodforfire's comment there, posted in our little sub? What a damned waste of taxpayer and lobbyist dollars. Or did they do it for free? Downvoting someone's real experience and information. That's even worse, I think.

Voting is theatrics and to make people FEEL like they get a say

Is that why Republicans spend so much money to strip voter rolls, flip voting machine tabulators, and put cases before the Supreme Court to reverse voting rights laws?

It's still theatrics considering they get money from the same people. The banks.

The entire election is a fraud. The government is a fraud.

i'm in vermont, in a very small town.

i put my vote in a large blue recycling bin with a hole cut in the top of it. i voted for bernie, so i wasn't worried, but if i was voting for bernie in say...texas, i'd be a little more worried about the security of those votes.

whomever counts votes has allllll the power. Fatal flaw of democracy. None of these are trustworthy with electronic machines nor the old school voting machines that just got counts deleted and thrown away in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.

most of the people most of the time don't wanna believe information like that.

People are going to be highly critical of any evidence so unless the asserted fraud is demonstrably true and unambiguous "done by complete imbeciles" then people are going to be resistant to the vote Fraud assertion.

Can you really blame the masses thinking in this regard. If most people chased the white rabbit every time it appeared they would become paralyzed in the functional reality. Wood has to be chopped and water carried.

Because we are all just a little to complacent...

that the state is doing its best to shut down discussion and investigation over.

It isn't the state, it is the party workers. When the general election rolls around it is also run by party workers (even if they are technically elected, who would want that job but a party person).

Touchscreens are a big no, no, unless they have a receipt printer that the voter can verify against. And any "scan-tron" type machines should take photographs of every ballot for scrutiny by the public. Storage and distribution of these photos might have been a problem in 1980, but it isn't anymore.

in 2012 we literally had the graphs showing the cheating on multiple states, and nothing came out of it, so a video here and there is not going to cut it unfortunately, it'll be called unrepresentative and that's it

Do you still have these graphs? Are you referring to the Ron Paul situation? Or more than that?

I wrote my local state representative about electronic voting machine hacking. This is the response I received back.

“A successful attack of the sort described in the YouTube video linked below would be very highly unlikely if not impossible on the State’s voting system. As a matter of note, Mr. Curtis’s testimony occurred more than ten years ago and is well-known in the election community.

First, the voting system is tested and certified on the federal, state and local level. On the federal level, the source code is examined to ensure it works correctly. On the state level, the system is tested to ensure it counts votes properly and serves all our states election needs according to state law. On the local level, logic and accuracy tests are conducted prior to each election during which a predetermined combination of votes are cast on numerous ballots and the results are checked to ensure the system is tabulating votes properly. The system has always passed those tests.

After every election, the SEC conducts a statewide audit of all voting machines that verifies that the votes cast on each machine are counted accurately. This audit examines the detailed audit data from every voting machine in the state and from the tabulating computer in each county and compares that data to reported results.

Even more relevant to the constituent’s concerns is the fact that no part of the voting system (machine, tabulating computer, etc.) is ever connected to the internet. Nor does any component have any wireless communication capabilities.

I hope you find this information helpful in addressing your constituent’s concerns.”

And what do you make of that?

no one wants to entertain the idea that it might be true, so they look away.

Where to you live?

We'll be right over to discuss it with you...


I said "likely," but then I was reading the thread about the petition to charge Bill for election fraud and found this:


Hooooooly crap, is that blatant. Apparently, he's gotten a "warning." A warning? That's it? It should have been stopped at the time and the Mayor involved should be censured and recalled.

yeah, i'm originally from new bedford. there's tons of video and photos on their local page where you can CLEARLY see that the polling place was obscured by the CROWD, but not clinton himself.

i personally know that makes zero difference, but the dumb fucks who came en masse to see a celebrity who most likely didn't even vote (new bedford's turnout was TWENTY NINE PERCENT, yeesh) blocked the entrance for nearly an hour. you literally could not push through the crowd to get there, nor could you find a place to park for over a mile away, as they did it in the most congested place in the city (public park with limited parking as it is), and in one of the most popular polling places in the city.

if you go to 'new bedford guide' on facebook, you can see how much of a fuckshow this was, and how completely and totally illegal it was. not that anyone's gonna do a god damn thing about it.