Is Hillary Clinton getting a free pass on the senator Byrd issue? The media has assassinated Trump based on David Duke endorsing Trump, but the Clinton's both endorsed Byrd who was a grand cyclopes in the KKK.

522  2016-03-04 by Flytape

Senator Byrd gathered 150 of his friends, collected "fees" bought white robes and hoods... And founded a new chapter of the KKK. He once spoke of African American servicemen as racial mongrels and refused to fight alongside of them. Yet both of the Clintons publicly endorsed Byrd... They endorsed him! Not the other way around.

Hillary endorsing Byrd

Bill endorsing Byrd

Byrd's infamous white nigger interview

CNN confronts Trump about Duke, then Duke responds to CNN and trump

In 1945 Byrd penned a letter to Mississippi’s segregationist senator Theodore Bilbo, wherein he expressed anger over the Truman administration’s efforts to integrate the U.S. military. Wrote Byrd:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Now we have for the past week heard the media absolutely trying to assassinate the character of Trump based upon David Duke endorsing Trump, again not the other way around. Duke endorsed Trump, Trump did not endorse Duke... Actually according to David Duke himself, he never endorsed Trump.

If we are going to analyze presidential candidate's associations with people who once represented the KKK, like Byrd and Duke. Shouldn't we atleast have a fair playing field?


This image was posted today 3-4-2016 by /u/Ambissinistro

The post was not up to the standards of /r/conspiracy because it contained no context to explain what the image means in the title, or in the captions of the image itself.

See rules 11 & 12.

For this reason I have compiled some links, videos and information above that IMHO sufficiently covers the point of the highly upvoted image post. I have done this because we are removing the image post as it is NOT up to our standards, while simultaneously preserving the topic of the discussion for our users to debate.

Thank you! Keep the standards up! it helps spread the truth.

Good work. I agree with the removal of the image posted with context, and with this longer post explaining why the greater context is so important.

Thank you.

Thanks for this explanation, was just about to make a post about that thread disappearing after getting a lot of attention.

Found it odd when I noticed it missing from the top list a few moments ago, but makes sense now.

Kick ass.

Moderation you can believe in!

Thank you Flytape.
I could never come up with a clever title to begin with.
I was just trying to challenge other people to upvote the post as highly as possible.
I don't really care for karma, it's meaningless.

Is it worth mentioning that Senator Byrd left the KKK, recanted that part of his life, and repeatedly admitted it was wrong, and apologized profusely for it, all before he ever met Hillary? Or that the NAACP issued this statement when he died, addressing Byrd's "transformation" and showing appreciation for Byrd's support of the Civil Right Act?

Byrd spent the second half of his life trying to make up for his dark past.
I don't think Duke has ever apologized for his Klan ties, has he?

Is this significant to it not being brought up in the media?

Wow...Byrd is the real world equivalent of Severus Snape.

Ahahah perfect, I was thinking the same thing.

Is this significant to it not being brought up in the media?

The fact that he's dead and has been since 2010 might have something to do with it as well... As far as I've heard, he's not currently endorsing anyone. :-)

That being said, yeah, the fact that he was once a member of the KKK isn't his life story. I want politicians to say, "I did this thing and it's wrong." More, he even pushed to get people to not join, pointing out that the organization was an "albatross" around his neck, politically, even decades after leaving it behind when he spoke to young people in his state.

Duke, as you point out, is unapologetic and still very much in favor of a return to what he feels are the good ol' days.


Hit this one right on the head. I should know.

So he lies about his beliefs for power and money?

Sounds like a great guy.

If Byrd tried that today with modern Leftist he wouldn't be given that chance. He would be forced to publicly apologize then be fired anyway.

I disagree. There's a difference between having done something bad in the past that you were never ashamed of or apologetic for and acknowledging publicly that you were wrong and are asking for a second chance. Us lefties would mostly forgive the latter over the former.

It's crazy to think about the fact that the Ex white supremacist is the latter and Hillary Clinton is the former.

Uh, what? It is the right - exclusively - that has kept Byrd's KKK membership, now 60 years in the past, at the center of public attention. And they always seem to leave out the part about how he renounced his old views DECADES AGO, and long before Bill or Hillary ever met the man.

But then, the right is desperate for an example of a Democrat they can use to suggest hypocrisy, or false equivalence, even if they do need to distort the truth and conceal most of Byrd's history in order to do it.

How weak is the argument that goes, "yes, it's true, our GOP front-running is actively pandering to the KKK and white supremacists TODAY, and he has been going around the country saying amazingly racist things for the last six months. BUT ROBERT BYRD!!!1!!"

You have to laugh at how pathetic that is, don't you?

I don't know why the right doesn't just man up and admit they are racists, instead of playing all these stupid "but Byrd is a racist too!!!" games.


Not strictly true, I knew a swastika tattoed ex-neonazi who went on to be a gay rights activist with a black boyfriend. Some people grow out of it.

That's beautiful.

He didn't grow out of anything he was gay to begin with.

No doubt, but the racism part is what I was referring to.

they've actually changed sexual preference by changing the gut bacteria in fruit flies...hardly a human, but i have always wanted to know what would happen to humans if they tried the same experiment...i personally think our souls are androgynous and we're all bi, but peer pressure keeps most people from being able to come to terms with it subconsciously

this, best and from what i personally believe, the most accurate description i've heard.

He was born gay, yes, but like most LGBT people in the past, he had a mindset that kept him feeling ashamed and closeted and so he pretended to be straight. Thats what he grew out of.

So you can be born gay but not racist... this is why this country is fucked.

If you could be born racist but not gay, this country would be un-fucked?

Agreed. My ex was on the edge of becoming a full-blown white supremicist when we were together; I looked him up a few years ago and discovered he had married a Hispanic woman who had a half-hispanic, half-black child from a previous marriage.

e: word

People can change.

And is somehow winning the black vote over Bernie who fucking marched and sat in with them. Sickening.

Bernie who chained himself to a black woman so they both had to be arrested.

Bernie wants y'all back in chains

Yeah, that I dont get.


Because we removed the #1 voted post that was very poorly formatted (to the point where it did not meet the standards of our rules) but was very highly upvoted.

I explained all this in the stickied comment above. You should read it.

Trump should ask the other politicians if they repudiate endorsements from AIPAC or the ADL, who are Jewish Supremacy organizations.

That is obscene. Jewish Supremacists are much more vile, disgusting and dangerous to humanity.

You're wasting our time. This is a fake scandal that's miniscule in scope vs the other shit that's happening.

Oh great! flytape is jumping up to defend an ex klan member with a sticky post... awesome cred for the sub, guys!

You're wasting our time.

What should this sub be focusing on to expose Hillary? There is just so much.

Exemplary post!

It would be sexist to bring up her racism.

So Flytape gets to sticky his own political preferences at the top. Why not avoid political advocacy stickied posts? Nope. Way to go. Makes /r/conspiracy look like a shithole of biased mods. Which, I guess, this thread proves it is.

You should read the stickied comment.

we need to revisit that painful history not "move forward" as Obama would say. no you can't just apologize for being in kkk and keep your job, why didn't Dems expel him? cuz then they'd need to expel a majority of their members . . .

If you go read the whole story, you'll understand why no ones getting expelled in a situation like his. He disavowed it years and years before and worked tirelessly to advocate for social issues afterwards....were they supposed to go 'nope...youre still KKK'? Give me a break.

cuz then they'd need to expel a majority of their members . . .

Made up.

The whole thing was a desperate attempt to reduce Trumps votes on Super Tuesday. In the current racism witch hunt era we live in they hoped even a false claim like this could make the difference in the Southern States with it's larger Black population. You can tell since as soon as the polls were closed this story just disappeared. Now they have to desperately find something else negative to run leading up the Florida/Ohio polls.

Just like when McCain was running against W in the primaries and they push-polled voters beforehand with questions like "would it change your opinion of McCain if you heard that he had a black child out of wedlock?"

They adopted.

What do you expect? The media has been running cover for the Clintons for decades.

Exhalted Cyclops. There's no "Grand Cyclops" in the Klan.

The ranks are, lowest to highest:

Ghoul (average Klan member)

Exhalted Cyclops (Leads a den, or group)

Grand Giant of the Province (basically leads a section, or a county)

Grand Titan of the Dominion (Covers several counties)

Grand Dragon of the Realm (controls a state)

Grand Scribe (Secretary of the Klan)

Grand Magi (Vice President)

Grand Imperial Wizard (President)

There's also "Night Hawks" who act as guards and assistants for the Grand Cyclops and Giant of the province, Furies who assist the Grand Titan, as well as Harpies who assist the Grand Dragon.

(As to how I know this, I grew up in Mississippi, and attended a private school where the Grand Dragon for the state sat on our school governor's board.)

Edit to add:

Before you ask me what it was like going to that school, being around that kind of people, let me head things off and see if I can answer the questions before you need to ask.

1.) I didn't have much choice in matters where I went to school. Most private schools in Mississippi have some tie to the Klan, usually minor, but it's there.

2.) They didn't really talk about things, though you generally knew who was associated with what. Whose father was a Ghoul, or Cyclops, or Fury.

3.) I walked on eggshells the whole time I was there. There was an unspoken undercurrent of threats for anyone who stepped out of line. That's not just racially, either. Anything that might bring too much attention to the school, would quickly result in trouble. For example, one summer a boy in my Jr class was caught drinking under age and driving. Even though he was out of the school at the time, he was still expelled.

4.) I try not to talk about that part of my past. If anything it just brings up more questions than I'm comfortable answering.

The media is TRYING to assassinate Trump, but they're failing.

The media is his biggest cheerleaders, and have gotten him where he is.

If by that you mean that their continued negative attacks on him are bringing people to him because nobody believes the media, then yes I agree they're helping him. I doubt that they mean to tho.

Don't hate the player hate the game. He's beating them with their own club.

can i just say having now discovered r/conspiracy it is now mey new favorite place

How did you discover us?

google I think.

Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?

And a rusty arsehole?

well everyone already knew clinton was a racist.

I think it's pretty clear that Hillary is being pushed to the forefront by her monopolizing sponsors. She needs to be eliminated to preserve not simply the American way of life but the West.

'grand cyclopes' lol

Users in /r/politics have no idea what is happening to them.

KKK just changed it's name to tea party

That can't be so. After all they're a bunch of Israel thumpers.

both were astroturf run by Zionists but tricked their stupid followers

I think it would be more accurate to say it was cover for Intelligence/Freemasonry, since all of its major founding members were one or the other or both. Plus Zionism technically didn't even exist until the late 1800's, decades after the KKK was founded.

I think ok it wasn't called Zionism then, just central rothchild banking.

Political Zionism has always been a project of the Rothschild family. The KKK was a major organization that began to die out in the 1960s and thats when it began to be funded by the political Zionists in the United States. What most people don't realize is that political Zionism is just a front for the Khazarian Mafia which is an underground crime syndicate that operates mostly out of the Chicago area.

I don't disagree, I was just saying that it isn't accurate to say that the KKK was founded by Zionism specifically. All of the founders and high-ranking original members were former military Intelligence and Masons. Perhaps these people were aligned with or allied to the Rothschilds, I certainly wouldn't doubt it and in fact I think it's probable many were, but for the sake of clarity I think we should name the people and groups we have definite evidence of.

modern tea party started when folks were mad about bailing out the banks in 08. They were mad at W, saw him as establishment republican who supported the bailouts.

Kochs got tea party going to harness that anger but refocus it into something that helps them get richer and powerful, racism.

Yep. So many movements that have started out organically by and for the people have been co-opted by TPTB. The tea party, occupy, civil rights movement, peace/anti-war movement, and on and on and on.

yeah it seems like an endless cycle.

This is completely untrue. Perhaps the Tea Party was hijacked by the Kochs, but Tea Partiers are so far from being racist in my experiences with them. They are all about Freedom and Liberty, for all. True Freedom is you and me, and is completely color blind. Your comparing the Tea party to the KKK is totally erroneous, and laughable. You are so misinformed on this.

Thats just straight up denial. Who do you think freaked out about the very idea of Obama as president? Or called his wife an ape? Or lost their damn minds when people began saying it was time to take down the rebel flag?


Why does it matter if Duke endorsed Trump anyways?

If Manson were to endorse Sanders then should Sanders or who ever be attacked over such an endorsement?

It's a pretty bad low blow to attack anyone over any endorsement.

It's not like Clinton or Trump is having a pot luck dinner at some kkk rally.

It doesn't matter really. The KKK is basically a honey pot for the FBI at this point. It's not like the KKK pushes the world to ww3 unlike pro-Israel groups who the establishment supports absolutely blindly.

Gangs kill more blacks every year than the number of blacks killed in the history of the KKK. I don't see people go after cheap high point pistols but they sure love going people's 2000 dollar semi-auto rifles.

I think the issue is that multiple white supremacists have come out to endorse Trump. This is not a group of people that typically endorse a prominent candidate, and the fact that they see in Trump someone who represents their interests is cause for concern.

And what about the fact that a lot of Black leaders are endorsing Trump. Is that also a cause for concern? Could it just be that a lot of people from a variety of backgrounds like the candidates stance on various issue? He is even causing a lot of Democrats to convert. I guess that is a cause of concern. For Democrats, and RINO's lol

Serious question - which black leaders have endorsed Trump? The only one I could find is Charles Evers, brother of a civil rights activist who was murdered in 1963. I remember Trump met with a bunch of black religious leaders some months back, but as far as I know none of them have endorsed him.

EDIT: I found another. The National Black Republican Association has officially endorsed Trump. Still, it doesn't seem like he has a whole lot of support from minorities.

a lot of Black leaders are endorsing Trump.

LOL. Completely untrue.

Is that also a cause for concern?

It would be if you hadn't made it up.

Could it just be that a lot of people from a variety of backgrounds like the candidates stance on various issue?

No, it couldn't be, because it isn't true at all.

Remember: problem / solution

If everything was perfect, government would be reduced to just a out zero and they know this.

Duke never endorsed Trump. He just said he liked some of what he was saying.

Trump wasn't assasinated, he served his purpose.

Trump can use this for ammunition if they bring up this garbage again. David Duke has not even endorsed him. He primarily said he likes the policy to block illegal immigration -- and so do a lot of other people who have never been anywhere near the KKK.

He said if you don't vote for Trump, you are betraying your white heritage.

I actually this post it's not well known the Hillary and Bill both supported a KKK leader

What a coincidence. The Anti-AE911truth moderator removed the 9/11 AMA with whistleblower Kevin Ryan.

Why does this guy run this subreddit in any form? I messaged multiple people before this saying this exact mod would disrupt the Kevin Ryan sticky. Just wow.

Do you mean the mod who organised the AMA in the first place? That's who removed it, because it had run it's course.

Flytape is a known anti-9/11 truther. The timing is too coincidental in my opinion. Have a great day

Smokinbluebear removed the sticky though, as he stated in modmail. You too man.

Coincidences suck. Just had to vent!

For future reference we have a link in our sidebar that publishes our mod logs for anyone to see.

/r/conspiracy moderation logs

That being said we never leave up stickies, AMAs or other announcements in perpetuity. They all come down eventually.

And I'm not an anti-911 truther, that's getting kind of meta as far as labels go. All I am is someone who wants ALL 9-11 theories to be allowed to be discussed here. Including but not limited to; ae911truth, controlled demolition, exotic energy weapons, Saudi hijackers, etc etc etc.

The only problem I have is when one of those groups starts trying to piss on the /r/conspiracy tree to mark it as "their exclusive territory" and attacking anyone who wants to discuss a different theory. That's simply not what we are trying to do here and is counter-productive to exploring the possibility of all things.

Have a great day man.

No probs, I can see how it looked that way.

You AE911Truth zealots are seriously getting creepy. Why can't you guys stick to using the same account? Why can't you be civil when someone disagrees with your beliefs?

Please don't lump all supporters of AE911Truth in with those that claim to support it but have the curious habit of making it look bad.

Sorry, that wasn't my intention.

Yes it was

No, it wasn't.

I was referring specifically to a small clique (or just one sockpuppeteer) of what appear to be concern trolls trying to run infiltration and disruption psyops among "Truthers" on this website. It's probably the creeps behind the elaborate deception that led to the AMA here with them impersonating Richard Gage.

  • Faked AE911 AMA.

  • Removal of key 9/11 documentaries for holocaust revision during 9/11.

  • Targeting of 911blogger

Funny how Fly and Axol don't anything here besides disrupt. Where have they been anyway? Haven't seen them since their last drama. It's like their m.o.

Something tells me that you are probably already quite familiar with those threads. If you're concern trolling, please stop. If you're simply misled, please read through the links carefully and reevaluate your stance.

Never seen this thread. It definitely solidifies the fact that AE911 was being targeted in a false flag AMA. Yet the mods, specifically axol and flytape, allowed for it to proceed and even encouraged discussion about Space Beams/Judy Wood.

Weird how axol completely disappeared since, huh

They were deceived along with everyone else on the mod team at the time. It was the first AMA attempted here and a lot was learned about why scrutinizing verification data is important.

We want to encourage all discussion of things 9/11 so long as things remains civil, and that includes the more unorthodox theories like those of Judy Wood. Encouraging discussion of alternative theories was just those mods reacting with good intentions to what they saw to be a bullying/groupthink dynamic happening in the 9/11 threads.

The KKK was created by Democrats. Democrats ran the South back in the day. They like to say they have changed, but the only thing that has changed is how they institute their racism. They do it now using the mantra of "good intentions". Unfortunately it works. They've managed to keep the blacks on the government plantation with entitlements.

Every other group that started out in inner-cities and ghettos worked their way out by their bootstraps. The Irish (the first American slaves) and the Jews to name a few.

The blacks are still there after all these years. Why? Government entitlements most of which started with LBJ's Great Society program is the reason. That wasn't a coincidence or a sign of the times. It was calculated and it has worked. It took away incentive which kept the blacks in the inner-cities while at the same time buying their votes. Before the Great Society by percentage there were less broken homes, less fatherless children and less unwed pregnancies in the black population than there were in the white population.

Apparently, the truth hurts. I'm surprised there were no comments before mine. Something along the lines of "but the CIA and drugs!"

Yep. Sad isn't it?. I've lived in the South my whole life. I know the history of the KKK and the Democratic (Dixiecrats) Party as well as anyone.

I know the history of the KKK and the Democratic (Dixiecrats) Party as well as anyone.

Probably better than most kids here.

I think it would be more accurate to say it was cover for Intelligence/Freemasonry, since all of its major founding members were one or the other or both. Plus Zionism technically didn't even exist until the late 1800's, decades after the KKK was founded.

  • Faked AE911 AMA.

  • Removal of key 9/11 documentaries for holocaust revision during 9/11.

  • Targeting of 911blogger

Funny how Fly and Axol don't anything here besides disrupt. Where have they been anyway? Haven't seen them since their last drama. It's like their m.o.