I'm tired of all this political bullshit. Back and forth (as if our voices actually matter). Give me your best/most fringe conspiracy theories.

117  2016-03-05 by Putin_loves_cats

I'm open to anything. As some of you may know, I entertain everything/and anything. Links, books, youtube videos, documentaries, etc etc, anything really. I'm looking for things I've never heard of, and far out fringe theories. Nothing is off limits, in regards to conspiracy theories. Cheers!

Edit: I fancy the occult/esoteric, mythology/religion, ancient civilizations, anything with Tesla, concave earth, hollow earth, fringe history, break away civilizations, and so much more. So, fire away.


If you're into classical music...

Orchestras tune to A 440 (Hertz) nowadays. But back 100 years ago the standard tuning was A 432, which is seen to resonate with the universe's golden mean, PHI.

The person that standardized the A 440 tuning? Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi in charge of propaganda!

The conspiracy theory is that the Nazis raised the pitch of music to create a subtle dissonance in humans so that they are more easily controllable.


I'll take this a little farther. 432 hz is said to be the natural frequency which the entire universe vibrates at. There is a scale off "solfeggio frequencies," based of the 432 hz one, that are supposed to heal your energy as you listen to them. (if you believe in that kind of stuff) I listen to each of the main frequencies on a 7 day rotation during my daily meditation. They've worked wonders for me.

Edit: Here is some more basic info about solfeggio frequencies for anyone interested.

There's gotta be a million solfeggio frequency videos on YouTube, just search the term into YouTube. That being said, some are much better than others. This one is my personal favorite. All the ones on this channel are phenomenal, although it only has 4 out of 7.

I've experimented myself with this. Can say I slept better & remembered my dreams more vividly. I do wholeheartedly believe frequency healing is real since the entire universe produces frequencies & energy.

Any links? I'd love to give that a listen.

I edited my original comment with some links.

Where can I get this online?

I edited my original comment with some links.

im a musician, its no conspiracy, its was changed to accomidate the circle of 5ths. if people knew how music worked they would understand. its not the same frequency as the earth, or the human heart or any of that. Mozart tuned to 440. its no conspiracy, its just the way the stadardized system of music is set up.

The circle of fifths is just a formula for understanding scales. I don't understand how changing the frequency would effect the sequence of notes throughout the scales. Obviously the tone will change higher or lower but can you explain more about what you mean? I'm a musician as well.

i may have meant true/equal temperament, music was standardized around the time of bach, check out Howard Goodall's Story of Music on the BBc. its really interesting how they explain how the standard musical system. Fibonacci's musical intervals work better mathematically, but it mucks up notation. A standard octave is 8 tones, but in Fibonacci's its more like 8 plus an 1/8th, So any type of standardized musical notation will be thrown off because of the little bit it goes over an ocatve. Also, i read somewhere they raised the frequency of the A because, in the era before amplification, the smaller instruments in the orchestra where drowned out. so they bring the A up and it increases the overall volume.

I'm currently reading a book that touches on this subject: "How equal temperament ruined harmony (and why you should care)" by Ross W. Duffin.

It's pretty interesting take on things, I personally don't think it matters because too much these days because of the modern electronic sequencer. When I'm working on my music I rely on tones and how the make me feel rather then standard tunings, and since I use a sequencer to make music, I can control the temperament how I want (I can change A to be whatever I want and match all my synths to it). I don't even have to use western tunings if I want.

Maybe the electronic sequencer and DAW (digital audio workstation) is also part of the technology revolution that will lead to truth.

BTW, if anyone wants some great background music while studying cool shit, https://soundcloud.com/novitzkas go to his recent reposts and just let it play. Great music to think to.

It doesn't matter because music is a language made by humans for humans to communicate between humans, notes are words with frequency ratios as grammar, and these ratios don't care about absolutes, they work the same regardless of reference pitch, and convey the message in music, through harmony, melody and tempo.

I feel like this is a depressing way to think about music.

Although unfortunately, ultimately true.

Nazis also employed sirens that sounded between a one and flatted fifth, which through time was known as the Devil's interval.

I'll give you my favorites, and how I found 'em, if I remember:

  • At least one of the shots fired on JFK was by Jackie, through her purse. Discovered this theory after thinking her tone when talking to LBJ in an archived phone call was weird.

  • The "temples" in the Grand Canyon are not natural formations: http://www.crystalinks.com/gc_egyptconnection.html Went digging for this after thinking about how weird I felt about certain geological features in the West, especially the Grand Canyon and some of the parks in Utah and Colorado.

  • The Biblical Job (Muslim Ayoub) was one of the giants/nephilim. His grave is in Oman. I went on a Frankincense kick after Christmas once.

  • Edward Leedskalnin knew some of what Tesla knew. Some of his tools were stolen after his death. Go there, and the guides will say interesting things.

  • St Patrick's Day is not what we think. Many Druids and Twa may have been the proverbial "snakes." On a kick about early American peoples, especially of African descent.

  • The red-haired cannibalistic giants of fables existed in the Americas On an early American peoples kick, also, read closely always ask questions when visiting small rural museums that have burial mounds. For bonus, read Thor Heyerdahl's Kon Tiki - that provides a bonus that describes how theorists/scientists/researchers who think or discover beyond the horizon of "accepted canon" are treated.

  • There are faces of the ancients built into the sides of mountains all over America. Visited a bunch of parks! Some even have names! Some are racial slurs. :/

  • Lizard people are real, but may not be what we think. I dunno, people talk about lizard people a lot.

Will come back and edit this, thanks for posting this, I already feel happier just looking at this stuff over the buzzkill and drudgery that is US politics.

Round two:

That's what I'm talking about! Thanks for the post, and the links! Some of what you mentioned, I've heard of, some not. Awesome!

No problem, thank YOU for the question. This US politics shite has got my head in a bucket of doom-vomit, it's like eating rock candy beside a burbling stream to take a break and think about cool theories and hidden history again.

You're welcome :)! I agree. I think it's a distraction, that comes around every several years. I'm not sure why people get all wrapped up in it. I've divorced myself from it, and rather learn about the universe, self, and other mysteries. I think that is the point of this experience.

Unfortunately, the last 8 years have affected my life and livelihood quite a bit. The prospect of the two criminals the establishment wants to helm the government now I can only imagine will make it that much worse as neither fear appearing corrupt or criminal. At least Obama, for as much as I am unhappy about our nation's descent into fascism and constant surveillance and the insane income stratification that has occurred under his watch as corporations run amok and run ramshod over small businesses and citizens, has a modicum of shame. Clintotrump has none. It's a monster and I fear it's going to use the last 15 years' descent to really fuck things up on this planet in the name of Moloch if it isn't stopped.

But yay, ancient peoples and cool caves! There are also Celtic ogham engravings all over the country, in different languages - look for straight lines in rocks, and cross-hatches. "Celtic ogham" is the thing to look up, you might then realize there are inscriptions all over and some of the things you see in the woods show that someone's been there before, a long, long time ago!

I completely understand, and I'm sorry to hear about that. It's def a shit show. I just chose to divorce myself, and live a secluded life (for the most part), some cannot or do not want to (or think they cannot), for various reasons. I just think that is the point, in many ways. Nations rise, nations fall, but, our soul is eternal (imo). Peace and love!

have you gotten into anything by Silvie Ivonowa? i'm in love with her.

link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJk0yT4erxuSEyHu-0wfUQ0WulbjtWJOu

Nope - will check her out! Any recommendations?

The survivors series : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJk0yT4erxuSEyHu-0wfUQ0WulbjtWJOu

Found this hsc with her that gives the quick and dirty on what she's all about.


Very cool, many thanks!

The Jackie theory -- nuts. Edward Leedskalnin -- yes, yes, yes. We are wasting time with things like wind turbines (also harmful) and solar. The breakthrough energy that will change the world is what Leedskalnin (and Tesla) understood. I am puzzled by why scientists have not taken a closer look at this.

The Jackie theory is nuts. There is a picture of a pyramid thing on top of one of the buildings at Dealey Plaza in the article that is faked, the gif that shows a mysterious orange glob exploding off the right side of Kennedy's head is faked, one of the links that claims to mention "right temple bullet exit wound" yet there is no mention of any such thing in the link, the article mentions no gun smoke at Oswalts assasination yet smokeless gun cartridges were in use for 100 years by 1961, there is a link that makes up testimony from the Warren Commission whole cloth based on sources provided.

I mean it's possible there was a conspiracy to kill JFK but the link provided lies cheats and steals its way to a conclusion.

There was a better one out there, but it wasn't loading. I don't really believe the theory, but there's something about it you've gotta love. Also, the conversation between Jackie & LBJ less than a week after Kennedy's death was...odd. But she may also believed that LBJ had sights on her life, too, and being weirdly flirty was a defense mechanism. Or maybe she always took that tone with men, I dunno, but the tone in that conversation struck me as strangely commiserating and too close between them.

I am puzzled by why scientists have not taken a closer look at this.

When they do, they are either:

1) Killed/silenced.

or ...

2) Brought into the secret black budget programs. And killed if they spill the beans. (No one but "conspiracy theorists" would believe them anyway.)

You should check out my post on cold fusion over in r/C_S_T. Has tons of links. It's coming, and the next 18 months are going to be HUGE. Keep your eyes open:


Snakes are also the symbol of The Lost Tribe of Dan, who some think ended up in Ireland and Denmark. Basically St. Patrick chased the jews out of Ireland.

The speculation is that that may be who the Twa people are, i.e., Tuatha de Danaan. Twa. :) If you do a close-reading of the Bible, the physical characteristics of the Hebrews are not what we were taught.

good stuff! thanks for sharing

edit: I swear I get the weirdest down votes

You probably just got downvoted by association with me, people hate anyone posting about Leedskalnin on Reddit; also, I think there are people who downvote me as a matter of course, haha. I am downvoted to 0 right now. I'll pop you back up one. :)

Makes sense. Yah I get my fair share of phantom voters I just like to take note when it happens.

When you get them out of left field on certain subjects, it can really pique your interest. Someone once posted something about Leedskalnin and I noticed he used this Y-shaped stick with wire around it in his work. I then posted an offhand comment about family using y-shaped sticks to find the right spot for a well, and wondering if it was related in some way, and I got a HUGE drive-by downvote onslaught and non-regular users piling on and calling me an idiot for daring to mention divining/water-witching and telling me to prove it works because I'm a liar and it doesn't work...and I was like, "Uh, I just mentioned that somebody did it...I never said it did or didn't work."

That method of discussion suppression, of course, really backfires, because then you're like, "Why in the world did that come out of left field like that? Better research that one a little more!"

Very weird response to your simple mention of divining. People (even intelligent ones) seem afraid of things they do not understand. We will never move forward if people do not challenge current paradigms.

Science progresses one death at a time.

There, I don't give two shits about votes, but here, I'll upvote you all day if you want. hehehe.

There was a user here, who had an auto downvote (bot) on him/her. Can't remember who it was, but Ambig (mod here) pointed it out, and I checked myself. Dirty tricks some people play to suppress others.

wow. you are blowing my mind. great ones! my post was totally lame compared to yours!! you even provided links?! mate... you are my hero!

/saved & friended!

Thanks. :)

Have you considered the possibility that the JFK assassination was actually hoaxed?

Oh shit, that reminds me of the best conspiracy ever - Jimmy Carter is JFK.

Down the rabbit hole I go!

Anti-Miles downvotes?

This paper blew my mind.

Just check out conspiracy back when it wasn't so 'mainstream'.


those were the days, before the shills, shit-posters and astroturf teams

this is my favorite so far didn't know this existed

How to use: click on a year > hover over a day > click a snapshot

The fight for the entire collateral of the world, a new global financial system, the takedown of the Cabal, and the literal future of humanity.

Benjamin Fulford came about in 2007 with this article by Henry Makow about a Chinese Secret Society Challenging the Illuminati. A great read, and the first time the idea of a secret group of good guys fighting the NWO behind the scenes was made popular.


Then, in March of 2011 a crazy old Vietnam Vet named Drake Bailey went public with a story where he claims good people in high places within the Pentagon and such have been keeping and working on a plan to arrest the elite criminal class who has taken over the country. They feel the ship of state is heading the wrong direction and they want to correct the course. Drake says he was asked to bring this idea to the public because after decades of working on it, the plan was going to be acted on soon and the people needed to be made aware.

The Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRziYS-PZ2U

Next, the 2009 Chiasso incident got a Mr. Neil Keenan involved. He was attempting to move some notes from what appeared to be the same Chinese Secret Society that Fulford had been talking about. The notes were stolen by the Cabal, which turned out to be a very bad move on their part because that got Keenan involved, personally. This led to the now famous (and withdrawn) trillion dollar lawsuit. This was how we all learned of something called the Global Collateral Accounts. Basically all the historical assets, mostly from the East, stolen through WWI & WWII, gathered together and stashed in bunkers. This treasure was supposed to be used after the wars to rebuild the world, instead it was stolen by the western cabal of central bankers and oligarchs and used to further their plans for world domination. Recently estimated at around $93,000 trillion in hard asstes and an untold amount of notes and other instruments.


We then find out that Keenan and Drake are working together, and that the good guys on the inside are waiting for Neil to take the financial control away from the bad guys before they'll start the arrests.

7 years later, the fight for control of the global accounts and the push to arrest all the bad guys is at its end game. Neil is about to take full control of the accounts, at which time we'll see if these supposed Pentagon good guys are serious about their "Plan".

We’ve been tracking the whole saga over at /r/greenlight. Read the sidebar for a breakdown.

Edit: I should also make the point that nobody will be getting any free money from all this, there are no handouts. There may however be a hand up, depends if we can kick out the bastards that are running this shit show and return some sense to the government. The depositors of the accounts have made it clear they are not going to be working with the criminals currently in charge. If we want to join in the new world coming, we best clean house.

Edit 2: This transition to a new system is going to bring disclosure of aliens, the breakaway civilizations, the hidden super techs, free energy, learning to live with all the AI, and the next evolution of humans.

I really feel like that whole thing is some COINTELPRO style disinfo. "No need to form any kind of resistance here! The good guys on the inside will save you, just sit back and relax..."

Yeah I hear ya. But as things have progressed over the years now it seems these supposed good guys on high places on the inside are afraid of making their move without huge support from the people. They're partly waiting for us to raise a huge stink, we should be screaming for them to take their actions. Our in action might be whats keeping it from happening.

thank you for this. i had no idea.

The white dragon society in Japan. They claim the US started the tsunami that caused the fukushima meltdown. I love this theory, unfortunately Benjamin Fulford comes across as uneducated and isn't very articulate.

Yeah, you can pretty much take Fulford out of the picture now. And forget the White Dragon Society, he and Keenan made that up a long time ago as a way to talk about Keenan before he was public. Don't think there's really such a thing. There is a Dragon Family, but that's different.

Here's a description:

The Asian “Dragon Family” Organization

In 1934 they Became Known as the Dragon Family

The Dragon Family is, in fact, a organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments.

The Chinese are remarkable in this regard in that old family ties and functions supersede political arrangements which, though they might last for generations, are regarded as inconsequential over the passage of time to most Chinese. Attached to this is the wealth of several nations.

The Dragon Family abstains from any public view and knowledge but acts for the good and better benefit of the World in constant coordination with higher levels of the global financial Organizations, Committee of 300 and in particular, the Federal Reserve System.

The US government borrowed a huge amount of collateral assets from the Dragon Family many years ago. The base of the lent asset funds from the Dragon Family to the US Government were the Gold and Silver. Therefore the US government was able to issue huge amounts of USD as currencies (FRN’s) via the FRB system.

During the course of their relations over the last century, the Dragon Family has accumulated great wealth (and Trillions and Trillions in interest payments still owing), in the form of a variety of Notes, Bonds and Certificates that are an Obligation of the Federal Reserve System. These Bonds have values ranging in the many thousand of Trillions of United States dollars.

At the end of the World War II, with Communist and Kuomintang factions at war in China, the International Community and the Chinese assented to the Gold being placed under the overt control of Indonesian President Sukarno.

(As per the original arrangements agreed in the “1921 Pact of Nations” made in London, much of this gold was delivered and hidden in Indonesia and the Philippines in secret bunkers constructed by the Japanese between 1924 and 1945.)

In the last decade the Dragon Family Organization have undertaken an attempt to contribute significant Billions of United States dollars for the purpose of aiding numerous global humanitarian purposes, such as relief during disasters to countries throughout the world, including Hurricane Katrina in the United States, earthquakes in Haiti, China and Indonesia, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, rebuilding the Republic of Georgia’s infrastructure, water and energy supply for the Cayman Islands, Bangladesh and more.

What is the dragon family's relationship like with Israel?

IDK. From what I gather they work with pretty much everybody. But it sounds like they engage in projects that help people, not the war machines.

But that's just from what Keenan has described, so who knows. The only "real" recent account of their existence is in Keenan's trillion dollar lawsuit.

Where can I learn more about the trillion dollar lawsuit?

Here's the write up from when it first dropped:


Thanks for this summary. I've been attempting to catch the chronology but there's so much detail out there that I could never see the forest from the trees.

What makes this Keenan guy such a power player?

Not sure, sounds like some sort of destiny. A bunch of the "elders" who have been holding and guarding the assets for decades told Keenan they had been waiting 30 years for him. They knew he'd be coming, and now he's there :)

The "families" who are the depositors were impressed by his doggedness and integrity and after 7 years of Keenan busting his ass they feel he's the right guy for the job.

I post this every chance I get.

Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electricity


Appreciate you posting this, I've been wanting to learn more about electricity and Tesla. I really feel misled in a lot of my classical education on these subjects.

Misled might be an unfair term, those who have taught us the curriculum in our schools just do as they are told. Very few of them performed any of the original experiments, they just take on faith what the physicists have to say about it. But someone did make the decision to get rid of the aether in the theory of electricity, and they probably knew full well the aether is real. It's obvious and everyone prior to Einstein knew it.

A lot of people have a particular interest in Tesla. But as Dollard says in the video I posted, 'Tesla was a peak of an intellectual movement'. My recommendation to understanding Tesla is to get into his mode of thinking. That doesn't just mean reading Heaviside, Maxwell, Steinmetz, Volta, Faraday etc. We have to become natural philosophers to understand what Tesla was thinking.

They should have made us read Boscovich's ‘Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis’ in school. It is the book Tesla is holding in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/TLId9p1.jpg They were both Serbian and Tesla took a certain pride in that.

Here is a PDF of it.


You wont find anything about electricity in it, but you'll see the groundwork being built. Remember this book is from 1758 when you read certain concepts that are credited to the 19th century talked about in detail by Boscovich.

If you'd like more links to Dollard videos, I can provide them. They can sometimes be difficult to find.


You should check out these fine folks: http://www.aetherometry.com/

And also this guy: http://milesmathis.com/

Thanks! Been looking into Eric Dollard. I actually posted a video about him talking about the sun, and it got downvoted to hell. Definitely something to what he says. Truly a brilliant man, although, others called him a "crack pot". I haven't seen your link, and will check it out!

A lot of the skepticism of Dollard stems from a lack of tangible machines (being that all his work has been systematically destroyed). A reasonable position, but there is some traces of evidence if you pour over every video about him carefully. For example you might be interested in this old Borderlands video https://vimeo.com/13167370 at 1:24:44 you'll get a chance to see his small scale singing Tesla coil play Bach organ music (through the electric flame playing the full waveform) while burning lichtenberg-like figures into dry wood. 1:27:30 is when it really starts to get interesting.

This is a picture of the discharge of his larger coil before it was taken from him. http://i.imgur.com/CGNdWbA.jpg

All the people saying he is a crackpot are being very unfair, because like you said the man is brilliant. There has been a campaign dogging the man for years trying to discredit him and ruin him, that is why I post about him any chance I get because I really believe he is the most knowledgeable man on electricity on the planet.

We are unwitting participants in a long-running, third-rate alien reality show. Probably called "Dumbasses."

If we ever malevolently conquer our way through space, I would bet there would definitely be an agenda to enslave an alien planet just for entertainment. Think of how fucking entertaining that would be, yet still messed up.

All these gods each of our human faiths think they're worshipping are actually just aliens which have got together and used us as a freaking betting shop I bet. They've all chucked in a million space bazoonas to see which one of the races they have backed wins with world domination.. Just a bunch of mates having shits and giggles

They could create conditions for Earth life in a big-ass petri dish, push fast-forward on their Time Master DVR remote, and binge-watch humans courageously try to grasp reality with their puny biology-bound minds. This whole Donald Trump storyline is probably just another ploy for ratings.

Reading these almost drove me to insanity:



Abstract (with SPOILERS):

The satanic elites want to make Biblical end time prophecies a reality, and set up Obama to serve as the Antichrist (the first/fake one). He will start WW3 in September 2016, but "aliens" will shoot down the nuclear missiles before they do damage. The "aliens" are really black budget genetically modified humans flying anti gravity craft. (Remember how 2.3 trillion dollars went missing from Pentagon budgets, as announced by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11? Well, they aren't the only trillions missing.) Holograms (Blue Beam) and other special effects will be used to make the show more impressive. People will start feeling "good vibrations" when antennas broadcasting "negative frequencies" are turned off, thus making people receptive to their new "alien" overlords, the angelic "Nordic Blondes". (Nazi eugenics, continuation of Paperclip.)

This will mark the start of a seven year kingdom ruled by "Christ". After seven years, it's revealed "Christ" is actually the "real" Antichrist, and that is when the thousand year kingdom starts, and the real NWO is implemented.

Haven't seen the links yet, but for a while, I've been arguing that Bible prophecies aren't coming true by some divine plan - satanists are intentionally using the book to help reinforce people's beliefs in it. By progressing with their agendas by inconspicuously using demonic numbers and imagery, believers are sequestered to complacency by taking faith in the fact that the world is ending and they'll be headed "home" soon, which will save them from the coming disasters.

Based on the incredible gematria behind Obama's name, I think you're actually correct in positing that there was intent to use Obama for something huge. That being said, I think too many of the plans you listed are out in the open now (especially since they were on the X-Files recently) and enough people would band together to keep it from working. Maybe, anyway.

Yes, I always found it funny how Obama's name invokes both "abomination", "Osama" and "Saddam". His Biblical first name is also very suspicious. As you probably know, Obama's real biological father is Frank Davis Jr.

Regarding X-Files: Check out the "Lone Gunmen" (X-Files spinoff) episode from March 2001, where the plot was about a hijacked airliner being flown into the WTC in a false flag attack, to legitimize a war (on behalf of oil barons and military industrialists) in the Middle East. It's called predictive programming, and the real elite uses it all the time. Exposing themselves is part of the ritual and part of the fun for them.

Haha yeah, of course, who could ever forget the most blatant predictive programming episode of all time. It's clear someone behind the scenes of the X-Files has some insider knowledge. I actually started a comment thread in here about TV and sheeple conditioning, kinda interesting.

Obama's gematria goes way further than I had originally thought...I think this site should have most of what I found earlier listed. It's not even debated that Barack Obama is not that guy's real name. When you consider that, and the correlations with gematria, then the intentions become far more obvious.


Haven't seen the links yet, but for a while, I've been arguing that Bible prophecies aren't coming true by some divine plan - satanists are intentionally using the book to help reinforce people's beliefs in it.

I'd advise you to look at the links if you haven't done so yet. You're completely right about the self fulfilling nature of the prophecies; they're being made real by the satanic manipulators in the elite. They use certain passages and verses in the Bible as a script. It's part mindfuck, part psyop, part dark humor. But the goal is a totalitarian new world order with banksters and military industrialists in key positions of power.

Do you know of any good videos on this?

Nope, sorry.

Conspiracy theory: the reason for all of the fusion centers in the constant surveillance and data gathering on common, ordinary human beings is not for the prevention of terror or subversive acts. It is because they are gathering data for the creation of artificial intelligence that is as human like as possible. They're studying our nuances, our emotions, our interactions, our decision making, our problem solving. Out of it will come artificial intelligence that will make the minions of humanity obsolete. Once that is accomplished, the useless eaters can be disposed of.

Hmm, more like controlling people with compromising information and softening personal liberties for the 99%. Also "pre-crime" and all things "pre-" that serve to predict human behaviour. But your version has an interesting twist to it;)

Fusion centers are a little terrifying in another sense - it's bad enough that there are these faceless humans whose motivations you can't divine sitting at a console somewhere in the DC metro area or on a base somewhere analyzing and sifting.

But it's a completely different, and more terrifying, thing to know that Officer NotSoFriendly (who frequents your favorite corner bar, thinks you're a putz, and finds your wife quite the looker) works on a joint team at the local fusion center.

Conspiracy theory: the rise of homosexuality, the rise and infertility, persons who choose to transgender themselves, are the result of chemical warfare, similar to mass chemical spraying against mosquitoes or other insects, when the chemicals affect their pheromones, their sexuality, and their mating habits. If they can do it to insects, they can do it to humans. The chemicals they are spraying on us are disrupting our normal hormonal balances and psychological constructs towards the opposite sex.

Check into frog and fish research re:pesticides and pseudo-estrogens we've polluted the world with, there's definitely something to your theory.

I also firmly believe that "gender dysphoria" will at some point in the future end up listed on the "adverse effect" side of the psychiatric medicine bottles, no proof, it's just that I know so many people who became obsessed with their gender and changing it after being on them that the connection stands out starkly.

Did someone say frogfish?

As a philosophical exercise, I was considering if Jesus Christ existed. I started using the analogy that we don't know if Socrates actually existed... because all we have are 3 or 4 sources for his existence.

The point, of course, is that you can learn something... even from a Fable... but while researching, I found that I really didn't have a lot of evidence for the existence of Socrates. You've got a play and three witnesses whose records have survived.

The conspiracy would be, "They invented Socrates, who was the 'wisest man' in Athens, and then they used Athenian law to kill him. They did it to take down Democracy."

Have fun :)

I believe that a part of ufo/uso sightings are actually humans in a parrallel universe that have worked out how to visit ours and other parrallel realities and can go back & forth in time, in a controlled manner. I believe they're trying to stop a cataclysmic disaster here in our reality.

There's also an interview with an old USAF air traffic controller who recorded testimony about ufos averting nuclear disasters around the 1960's or 70's or something like that. Really interesting shit.

What got me started but I don't believe it like a bible: http://www.bookdepository.com/book/9780425240113?redirected=true&selectCurrency=AUD&w=AF45AU9SL8Z8N3A8Z39P&gclid=CLHRyIrKqcsCFdcRvQodRZYDmg

I also believe in Bigfoot-esque stuff. I've spent too much time in the bush and seen too much to not believe it.

1980, actually - the Rendlesham Forest incident, Nick Pope brought this up as one of the most compelling stories, to him, in his AMA. Pope was sort of an X-Files type for the British government in the early 90s.

He also talks about the '93 Cosford incident:

A theory often put forward to explain some of the most spectacular UFO sightings is that they might be prototype aircraft or UAVs. Of course, at any time we will be test flying various things that you won't see at the Farnborough airshow for several years, but the bottom line is that we test fly such things in certain areas so at least within government we can differentiate between black projects and UFOs. In view of the controversy about Aurora (an alleged hypersonic replacement for the SR-71 Blackbird) we did, in the case of the March 1993 UFO sightings, raise the issue with the US authorities, through the British Embassy in Washington. Was it possible that something had gone wrong with the normal processes for overflight of another country and could our UFO sightings be attributable to some US prototype? The answer I got back was extraordinary. The Americans had been having their own sightings of these large, triangular-shaped UFOs and wanted to know if the RAF might have such a craft, capable of moving from a virtual hover to speeds of several thousand mph in an instant. We wish we had! The interesting thing about this was that somebody in the US was still clearly taking an interest in UFOs, despite the apparent disengagement from the subject in 1969 with the closing down of Project Blue Book. Sadly, a letter to the US Embassy about Aurora was the only document missing from the casefile released to Steel Spyda following their FOIA request for documents relating to the March 1993 UFO sightings.

Hi dejen

I'm pissed that I missed that AMA. There's some good stuff in there.

The dude I'm talking about was actually on Kate Valentines ufo show. A quick search suggests that it was George Filer, but I don't think that's it. I'm almost 100% sure it was a low level airman in the USAF recalling the many incidents in the Cold War radar network in North America.

In many was rendlesham forest incident is the best, as it had so many witnesses. It's definitely in the top five.

Ill get back to you when I figure out who that airman was. I hate trying to look up stuff on my phone. It's a real pain in the arse.

Cool deal - I was thinking Rendlesham just because USAF was over there. There's a weird story about how one of the servicemen who touched the craft went home and wrote down a bunch of binary code, then didn't look at it until just recently and found it actually corresponded with dates in time and coordinates, suggesting time travel. Sounds too good to be true and also - why would he receive binary -> English & latin numerals? But still really interesting.

Yeah that's some wild stuff. Truth is stranger than fiction so they say. ..

Perhaps binary was used because the visitors detected that on earth?

There's nothing like a nice brainfuck is there lol

Have you gotta link for than serviceman/binary code story? I'd like to look into that.

Here's Jim Penniston's story: http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/The_Decoded_Binary_Code.php

And here's a researcher's work decoding as well as dumps of the original binary Penniston claims to have recorded: http://www.binarydecoder.info/main.php

Sweet thanks!

Got a '406' on the first link, 2nd one worked.

Love threads like this! The mods should have a standing weekend thread where people can just post the crazy stuff they've been getting into.

Here are some things going through my brain these days (I've posted some of them in comments below).







Joseph P. Farrell also has some great stuff on breakaway civilizations, as you probably already know.

Theory: TV shows, particularly primetime ones, are carefully scripted to induce as many mind-controlling effects as possible. This includes "cool" characters frequently using terms like "conspiracy nut" and "whackjob" so as to help reinforce a reality in which the sheeple are subconsciously herded into group think. It leads to a conditioned response by those who are suddenly challenged by one who is awake.

On that topic, TV series portraying good-guy government agents appear and vanish on a regular basis by design, not due to honest attempts at higher ratings. Short-lived series might intentionally be interjected for a short period to push a particular agenda, such as ending data encryption (clearly the case with Mysteries of Laura's recent episode). Additionally, the never-ending stream of similar cookie-cutter government-based shows provides an abundance variable people grow very accustomed to, pushing any other potential realities out of the average world-view.

I may not have worded this post the best, but I have little doubt there is a measured science behind network programming and its intent to infect public consciousness. This method of control is in danger, but not eliminated, with the increase of internet media viewership, but it does manage to work its way in from time to time.

This is my favorite one in the whole thread and I've been looking to read up more on this, but unfortunately I've had no luck. Do you know where I could find something on this?

Thanks for helping, I'll be scoping those links out soon.

Honestly I've never really read up on it a whole lot, this is just something I've been observing and find incredibly obvious. After waking up to 9/11 in 2004, I watched an episode of "24" where a government agent was demanding all of an employer's records on his employees, saying it would be a "crime against America" (loosely quoted) to not do what he can to prevent terrorism. Of course, it turns out one of his employees WAS a terrorist, and the boss knew it.

Here we are 11+ years later, and no one is even concerned with the government seeing employee records, considering they can open your cell phone mic at any time and eavesdrop on your living room. TV provides justification for future legal actions when none exists in the real world. But by portraying a fictional story based on a reality mirrored by the mass media, the resulting legislature is generally ignored. The amount of time people spend hearing and reading about domestic terrorism is so disproportional to the likelihood of it affecting them, justification is much easier to come by.

It's not necessarily a trick of "mind control", or just telling a lie and moving on, hoping it will stick. It's about building an entire imaginary world separate from our own, a world in which hostility is rampant, extremists are common, and government actively protects its citizens from these dangers on a regular, day-to-day basis. Meanwhile, a real (moral) FBI agent would be thrilled to cut down ONE terrorist plot in their entire career. So while the legitimate stoppage of any attack due to mass surveillance hasn't yet (to my knowledge) been proven, there exists enough make-believe boogeymen to build a false threat that allows these agencies to continue thriving. Which is why as long as the CIA/FBI/DHS all exist, there will NEVER be peace, as such a status quo would render their services useless.

No problem, for someone who hasn't read up on it you seem like you're well on your way to getting the picture. The media has pretty much become the 4th estate, it might as well be a branch of the government.

Shows like 24 and ALIAS are sponsored directly by the alphabet agencies as a means of PR and I'm sure other psychological reasons as well. Such as mentally priming/predisposing/normalizing things to the public, which is what I believe you're referring to.

Don't be put off by the title of the youtube video I sent you, it's a great presentation and directly ties into some of the points you raise.

I read the first link you posted. While I've acknowledged the potential of influence the SEME affect has, I hadn't quite thought of the extent of micromanagement being used. The occult has done well to control the esoteric knowledge humanity has developed over time without leaking it to the general public. Imagine how secretive the new science being developed is, particularly when those who use it gain nothing by revealing how the systems work.

As for the title of that YouTube video...I wouldn't have even noticed it, lol. I'll look at pretty much anything, provided there's a chance I might learn something new or develop a different perspective. This means I've at least skimmed the surface on every conspiracy in the spectrum, from the JFK assassination to Flat Earth Theory. But I'm discerning enough to know that Flat Earth is garbage, Nibiru isn't going to lead to our deaths, and the moon landing is...well, who even cares?!

I even found out that a lot of people think the JFK assassination was a total hoax...good luck getting me on that train.

That's a good point, these mechanisms are more about controlling information than it is about sharing information. I don't think I even want to know what technology they're developing behind closed doors these days.

I only included that disclaimer because I've tried sharing it before and people less objective than you immediately dismiss it because of it's title. It's really a great presentation.

As for the flat earth and JFK assassination being a hoax, I think certain theories are injected into the public consciousness as a means of creating dead ends, blind alleys, and as a means of discrediting the open minded.

Yup, people buying those bogus theories are the true "conspiracy whackjobs" the rest of us are lumped in with. If they're not invented by COINTEL then they're certainly pushed hard by them.

I feel like the main reason we are exploring space and landing probes to map planets is to catalog ancient sites to be hidden, removed or destroyed so that when the time comes for humans to colonize say Mars, there won't be evidence of a former civilization.


That's a thread I have in my bookmarks, can't remember exactly why I saved it but I've made my way through some of the stuff mentioned in there.

I just want to say that this is a mega thread of pure gold.

You ever listen to the higherside chat podcasts? Really good stuff.

Lately I've been really following this guys non-photo related metaphysical stuff: https://www.youtube.com/user/kathodosdotcom

Watch them a few times before trying to debunk, so far I've been stumped by him a few times.

No I have not, thanks for the link. Will def check it out!

The higherside chat is wonderful. And greg the host is a redditor that frequents our sub!

seriously?!? That's cool, small world. I've been loving his podcast this last year commuting to work. Made sitting in a car for an hour to travel 12 miles much better. One of these days I'll sign up for his plus thing when I've got the resources for it.

Nazi Antarctic Bases.

Check out rob gauthier- densities and dimensions.


Awesome, thanks! 2 hour doc/presentation? Right up my alley.

Did you get round to watching the galactic history with Andrew bartzis?

No, not yet. Still on my list.

AIDS/HIV is a lie/misunderstanding born out of a 1980s moral panic. It was never isolated and is a catch all syndrom for bad health/lifestyle and sicknesses of all sorts. Tests are unreliable and never proof the virus, just proteins associated with it, that are also produced by the body under normal circumstances. What really kills people are the medications they take, like the infamous AZT that has long since been banned. Thats why people diagnosed with AIDS actually survive and live healthy if they DONT take the medicine. This over the years out of an original, quite possibly honest, misunderstanding has developed into a multi trillion dollar industry with many participants profiting richely from perpetuating this myth from doctors paid for prescribing expensive medicine, over scientists hauling multi million dollar grants for AIDS related research to the Pharma multis supplying the poisonous medicine to patients.

Good introductions to enter the rabbit hole:
(Docu) House of Numbers
(German Docu)I wont go quietly
German language presentation: AZK mit Juliane Sacher also search for: Prof. Duesberg, Prof. Suessmuth

Sorry bro, AIDS/HIV is real. I have hiv. When I contracted it I was sicker than i"ve been in my life, felt like the life was drained from me. Thought it was a very bad flu, but lasted 2 months and got worse and worse. Night sweats soaking the sheets.

Didn't know what it was as I had contracted it from a girl that was with briefy and was unaware of her casual hard drug use. So when I went to the doctor they thought it was meningitis, mono, lung cancer, ruled it out and finally tested for hiv and thats what it was. The drugs they put me on were always a problem, eventually causing me a stroke in my hindbrain that affected my ability to grasp and messed up my walking occassionally, greatly screwed up my memory. That has improved since I'm off all meds and after I took ketamine, for treatment resistant chronic depression, and that significantly fixed my hearing loss in my right ear as an unintentional consequence in addition to fixing the depression. Things have gotten better. I manage with lifestyle change thanks to my parents and herbs and supplements. They are worried, I am not. They have no idea that what I was taking was poison and that if I die sooner the quality of those remaining years is much higher than playing their game.

Anyway that was off topic. They can see the hiv virus under a special microscope. We can see hiv. We also know people who initially contract the infection basically get "aids" right away (seroconversion illness), where the viral load goes high and tcells drop below 300, then the body compensates and a person can go anywhere from 8-25 yrs without medication before developing aids (or there are nonprogressors who produce a special CYP enzyme). They have good tests for it.

There are conspiracies around AIDS, like where it came from, why it hasn't been cured, why drugs cost so much, are the drugs really helping, why they dont' tell you about the simple glutathione peroxidase stack (selenium, tryptophan, glutamine, cysteine) that reverses aids in 99% of those who take it; why they dont' tell you about vitamin D megadosing, vitamin C or B12 deficiencies that happen at an alarmingly high rate among people with uncontrolled hiv infection; other helpful herbs that boost immunity.

The fact that suicide rate on sustiva is nearly as high as chantix. That sustiva causes terror dreams and is a component of atripla. That african bandits steal aids drugs crush it up and freebase it because--lo and behold, the most popular aids drug is hallucinogenic dissociative. Taking orally or with oily things, it's mild-to-moderate, so they let it pass. I can tell you, I thought about suicide every day and it wasn't from the infection but from the treatment. One night I was watching a sean connery film where he was on a moon base or something and I was so sad, dejected and angry at the world, I wanted to get a gun and murder people then kill myself. And I never ever think this way so something was wrong.

Anyway people who do drugs with hiv are the ones who get aids faster than anyone. Specific drugs. Most specifically poppers, used in the gay community. Poppers with hiv will kill you very fast from what I've read. I've studied this for the 8 yrs I've had the infection.

These are conspiracies around AIDS. The 'lets not talk about the mental health impact of aids drugs', etc. The conspiracy that it's not real is not a conspiracy because we know the virus is real and that the virus causes aids. Caposi sarcoma is a unique disease that uniquely affects people with the hiv virus.

why they dont' tell you about the simple glutathione peroxidase stack (selenium, tryptophan, glutamine, cysteine) that reverses aids in 99% of those who take it; why they dont' tell you about vitamin D megadosing, vitamin C or B12 deficiencies that happen at an alarmingly high rate among people with uncontrolled hiv infection; other helpful herbs that boost immunity.

And the comment you replied to:

AIDS/HIV is a lie/misunderstanding born out of a 1980s moral panic. It was never isolated and is a catch all syndrom for bad health/lifestyle and sicknesses of all sorts. Tests are unreliable and never proof the virus, just proteins associated with it, that are also produced by the body under normal circumstances.

So it's a "real" life long virus but is cured by vitamins, and herbs...?

I dare say you have seen it, but I converted to thinking that Divid Bowie hoaxed his own death after seeing this video and then this video.

The guy on Sky News just had his teeth done, probably

Probably. But if anyone were going to actually try pulling it off, I wouldn't put it past him. I mean he had the personality type... among several others.

Your second video went private. What was it?

If memory serves me right, it was his wife talking about him hoaxing his death.

Ah, very interesting. Thanks, I'll do some searching.

donald marshall is a helluva reality tunnel

Yeah B.o.B got me there, some weird shit.

Conspiracy question: for all of the talk about chemtrails, yes chemtrails, I have never seen a reasonable explanation for who does this? Who build these planes, who flies these planes, who funds this effort, who provides the chemicals, what government or entity is doing this? My theory is that chem trails are produced by drones. Obviously the chemtrails have much to do with weather modification . I would be hard pressed to think that that is their only purpose . Give me your best explanation, and shills, stay away.

Its a mixed picture IMO. Yes, government projects to influence the weather have been conducted in the past and are currently in use all over the world (like China seeding clouds to get a blue sky for parades, making it rain over farms in low precipitation areas in the US, prolonging the rain season in the Vietnam war, etc.). On the other hand I have still to come by a convincing chain of evidence that proofs large scale application of the forementioned, or any other, method of air borne weather/climate/etc. manipulation. Yes, the militaries of most countries have the capability and Im sure they carry out their own experiments even on their own unwitting population, but not on a massive scale over long time, as far as I can see. Also, private air traffic: I dont see how that would partake in any wide range endeveaour without knowledge or discovery by the public.


zero point clearly exist; hence, i am fairly convinced that all the "obama visited mars base" rumors are true.

am also fairly convinced that obama backs snowden and sanders (very very indirectly but most assuredly) to hedge the zionist tide.

And just so you don't think I am some anti-Jew:

TYT: "Polls show Bernie Sanders is the most electable Democrat in our lifetime!" [Video]

"Bernie Sanders Is Still BEATING Hillary Clinton At Fundraising" (EVEN w/O "super pacs")

Hillary Clinton: "What elephant?!"


I went to a seance once. Actually it was an ESP training. The leading psychic asked if anyone had heard the word "dero". No one had. Since then I have researched and come up with this. http://www.disclose.tv/forum/man-claims-to-have-met-a-race-of-creatures-named-dero-t89753.html

Syfy is fact, mainstream news is fiction. The world has gone "Wonderland".

Time travel (without major paradoxes) is most likely possible through the laws of physics. Wormholes are real. CERN is likely a stargate. Aliens are fallen angels. Satan is real and is becoming more powerful, gearing up for the final battle. He is running out of time... Hence the sense that the world is spinning out of control.

This thread is going to keep me busy researching for a while.

I think you'll dig the Corey Goode/David Wilcock stuff: Cosmic Disclosure and Sphere Being Alliance

Oh, here are two interesting fringe theories I found recently that I totally forgot when I braindumped last night, found them while dipping into political conspiracies:

  • Jimmy Carter is Joe Kennedy's son.
  • Bill Clinton is Jack Kennedy's son.

Interesting factoid, both their mothers were nurses.

Well since you mentioned Concave Earth, which is truth, I will give you my take.

So in my experience, everything big lie also has the controlled opposition, right? So with 9/11, we all know the ridiculous "official lie", right? And then there is the "controlled opposition", which is the official, equally ridiculous "911 truth" movement. The reality of course is that there were no planes that day, it was all computer generated, and nobody died.

Concave Earth is the No Planes of the shape of the Earth. Heliocentrism is the "official lie", and Flat Earth is the "controlled opposition". You don't need me to tell you how heavily the heliocentric story is promoted - NASA garbage is routinely upvoted to the front page. Similarly, flat-earth is heavily promoted, as the easily discredited alternative to the official heliocentric model, which is becoming harder and harder to support.

What you won't ever hear about, and what happens (in my opinion) to be the truth, is that the Earth is indeed a sphere roughly 8000 miles in diameter, but it is concave, not convex, and we live on the inside surface of it. Above us rotates the celestial sphere, around which orbit the sun, moon, and planets.

Sun and moon in the concave Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBpM_g06rmc

Planets in the concave Earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xypm-XKw4_A

Why do I believe this? Anyone who objectively looks at the results of famous scientific experiments conducted in the 19th and 20th centuries cannot support the theory of a spinning Earth. Specifically, Michelson-Morely and Kennedy-Thorndike, Sagnac, and Airy's Failure. Also, upon any kind of critical scrutiny, literally everything produced by NASA and all other government "space" agencies turns out to be obvious (sometimes painfully) fakery.

Once you give up the notion that the Earth can be spinning, and once you realize that all space footage is faked, concave Earth becomes a more logical and rational model than convex/heliocentric.

As far as Flat Earth, it doesn't take a genius to recognize controlled opposition when one sees it, but the problems are numerous. The biggest one is that they have no coherent model, either of the stars or of the Earth. Only concave Earth solves all problems with heliocentricity while preserving 2d geometry.

Concave Earth is reality. Here is an overview that I found (that I didn't write) that I like.

(image) http://geocosmos.tripod.com/image3.gif

The Concave Earth is a biological view of the world. Heaven and earth are a giant-cell-organism. Results of research in all areas of science prove the reality of the inside world. All the ancient, educated nations handed down this natural concept of the cosmos. It was known as the heaven and earth of the Bible with the celestial sphere high up in the center of the world. It was also known as the world-egg of the Brahmans, as well as the idea of the world, which the old Nordic nations believed.

In the center of the world is found the celestial sphere (hollow) and inside of it, the (spiritual) intellectual core of the universe. The firm, strong shell of the celestial globe envelopes valuable organs. The nucleus of a cell is a miniature picture of it. For all men this heavenly firmament is high above, upwards and to this spiritual center of God the believers direct their prayers. The celestial sphere is so to speak the head of the world.

On the outside shine the fixed stars. They are radiating points of light on the surface of the firm celestial shell. Around the celestial sphere wander the planets. They are, with respect to the celestial globe, small hollow spheres, but also live, giant cells, which carry an organic content slowly to the earth in a spiral and by a long lasting maturing process.

The dotted line around the celestial sphere represents the zodiac which is also the path of the sun. In the electromagnetic field of the inside world the zodiac is a physical reality, the energy of which is radiated to the earth partly as light and heat through the resonating body of the sun (the sun is a hollow sphere with contents). The curved white lines indicate the propagating path of light. Light is an electromagnetic oscillation and follows the laws of the electromagnetic field in its propagation.

This results in day and night and shows in the picture as the dark and bright half of the earth. The sun is shown (see the starting point of the radiation) at the tropic of cancer and radiates at close distance the northern hemisphere of the inside (concave) world. Therefore at this place there is summer and the polar regions have 24 hours of sunlight. At the same time there is winter night at the south pole.

The inside surface of this cosmic, giant hollow sphere is our earth surface on which people, animals and plants live.

The diameter of the concave world amounts to 12 750 km (8 000 mi.) and the circumference is 40 000 km (25 000 mi.).

What is outside of this our world nobody can say with certainty. Here are a few conjectures. According to the behavior of earthquake waves it is to be assumed that the earth's shell is about 50-150 km (30-95 mi.) thick. What lies beyond this is only known to the Creator of this world. It is to be supposed that outside our sphere of life there is a condition not to be tolerated by living beings. Life is always on the inside. From the inside come the powers of life and growth. By a logical conclusion everything that is hostile to life must be on the outside and matter must be dissolved into basic substances. The energy thus liberated is again absorbed by the concave world and utilized for the construction of matter and organic things. In accordance with this, all religions teach that beneath our feet is the underworld, darkness and absence of God.

Do you want to know why this biological concept of the world is not joyously received as new knowledge? It does not only agree with the faith of each of the great religions, but is also scientifically founded and exactly defined. We ask in return, whether ever in human history any basic knowledge and innovations have been accepted immediately? You know the answer yourself. Any truth does not exist for man as long as he has not recognized it.

How about you? Are you ready to take the trouble to check the new facts and truths and acknowledge them? It depends on you, on each responsible, individual person, man or woman, whether a good idea will find recognition and promotion. It is not the task of science to spread new ideas but only to teach that which is proven and improve it.

So the entire universe is encapsulated in a tiny sphere that sits inside the concave earth?

Thousands of scientists have been duped/in on it that the universe isn't ~90 billion light years across but is, instead, a few thousand KM (if that) across?

How is it I can't reliably send a radio signal from Australia to Africa?

So the entire universe is encapsulated in a tiny sphere that sits inside the concave earth?


Thousands of scientists have been duped/in on it that the universe isn't ~90 billion light years across but is, instead, a few thousand KM (if that) across?

Yes. Science "so called" has been co-opted for over a century, probably closer to five. See:


The term Lysenkoism is also used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives.

How is it I can't reliably send a radio signal from Australia to Africa?

Light and EM waves (same thing) bend in the atmosphere - the fact is that you can send radio signals much much further than would be possible on a convex ball. Add the glass sky into the mix and EM waves can propagate much farther than one would expect. That said, the celestial sphere is not permeable, and despite NASA propaganda humans have not gotten more than a few hundred kilometers off the ground.



Isn't it? The psychological barriers to accepting the truth are vast - vast - so I understand and accept that few will see what I see. For those select few who truly value the truth over group acceptance, and who have the ability and intuition and education to be able to separate fact from fiction, rational argument from sophistry, the reality of the concave earth is fairly self-evident, and resolves a great deal of cognitive dissonance.

Eric Dubay's flat Earth model is just as coherent as any concave Earth model. What's wrong with the flat Earth with a celestial dome above?

Well, he actually doesn't have a model. Can you link to it?

As far as the "Standard" flat earth model using the Azimuthal equidistant projection map, distances in the southern hemisphere absolutely do not work. For example, you can take a 12-hour flight between Santiago, Chile and Auckland, NZ, which on the flat earth map are prohibitively far apart for those speeds:


Distances on a flat earth map make no sense, unless you really believe that Australia is twice as wide as North America:


How can a flat earth model account for TWO celestial poles of rotation, rotating in opposite directions, in the north and the south? It can't.


Finally, the longest day of the year in Tierra del Fuego has 18 hours of sunlight. Where could the sun possibly "hide" so that Tierra del Fuego has daylight while the rest of the Earth experiences darkness?


Flat Earth doesn't work. Bendy light gives the appearance of flatness, but using optics to measure curvature will always mislead, because optical measuring devices can only detect the photons as they arrive, they cannot detect the path that light took to arrive at it's destination. Light has been proven to bend in the atmosphere - up, not down:


Here's a simple one I've been telling people for years but have never researched:

Cigarettes are NOT addictive, but the Tobacco companies funded/are funding campaigns to 'help people quit' to maintain the psyop.

Both my wife and I quit years ago with no physical withdrawal from one day to the next. She smoked for 10 years and still says 'it wasn't hard'.

Cig 'addiction' makes people feel helpless and is a huge racket for the drugs and treatment.

That's a bit unusual. Most people find it very challenging to give up cigarettes. I certainly did and suffered withdrawl symptoms each time I tried.

Maybe you were lucky, but I exhibit all symptoms of nicotine withdrawal plus, I've never read a list of them before.

I know this is very old, but something doesn't compute in your post. How could you exhibit the claimed symptoms of nicotine withdrawal while claiming to never have read a list of them? Did you experience symptoms, wait, and then look them up to confirm it's what the list said?


Well ok, that makes sense. But I'm another example of not experiencing Nicotine withdrawals. I intuitively suspect it has to do with diet, genes, and/or mental makeup. I hear both accounts of people experiencing withdrawals and not experiencing them. Very strange.

I would bet a whole bunch of money you just weren't heavily addicted enough to feel it, because trust me it's no joke and it's why millions of people smoke...

Well, I smoked quite a lot when I quit. About a pack a day. I know people smoke more, but is that enough? What did you smoke per day when you had withdrawals.

And you are missing my point. With some people, apparently it is no joke. But is this an ultimate truth for all people who quit? That's what we should be investigating and clarifying.

I used to smoke weed and gamble every day. One day I just stopped but it was a part of my consciousness telling another part to smarten up. It's all mental.

Wrong sub.

No it is not.

I was just messing with my friend.

If you think this question is inappropriate for this sub, I would suggest that you are in the wrong place.

BrotherSpartacus wants to keep the fight going. No break from the fight for our liberty!!!!! Stay on target, Stay on target!!!!

What is the target?

the death star of course! https://youtu.be/NnP5iDKwuwk

I was messing with my friend.

Check into frog and fish research re:pesticides and pseudo-estrogens we've polluted the world with, there's definitely something to your theory.

I also firmly believe that "gender dysphoria" will at some point in the future end up listed on the "adverse effect" side of the psychiatric medicine bottles, no proof, it's just that I know so many people who became obsessed with their gender and changing it after being on them that the connection stands out starkly.

I read the first link you posted. While I've acknowledged the potential of influence the SEME affect has, I hadn't quite thought of the extent of micromanagement being used. The occult has done well to control the esoteric knowledge humanity has developed over time without leaking it to the general public. Imagine how secretive the new science being developed is, particularly when those who use it gain nothing by revealing how the systems work.

As for the title of that YouTube video...I wouldn't have even noticed it, lol. I'll look at pretty much anything, provided there's a chance I might learn something new or develop a different perspective. This means I've at least skimmed the surface on every conspiracy in the spectrum, from the JFK assassination to Flat Earth Theory. But I'm discerning enough to know that Flat Earth is garbage, Nibiru isn't going to lead to our deaths, and the moon landing is...well, who even cares?!

I even found out that a lot of people think the JFK assassination was a total hoax...good luck getting me on that train.

I would bet a whole bunch of money you just weren't heavily addicted enough to feel it, because trust me it's no joke and it's why millions of people smoke...