The political establishment are tools of the oligarchy. They anticipated years ago that before they are through plundering the wealth of the nation, a grassroots candidate might emerge.

28  2016-03-08 by [deleted]



I won't be shocked, but giving up now would be stupid.

How do you think Sanders gets all the media coverage in the first place?

He's controlled opposition, and he's going to be president.

His intentions to improve the country are genuine, but all his plans would first have to be approved by TPTB because that's the compromise agreement that they have.

Interesting idea. However the only media coverage I see on him is how much he lost or how hopeless he is.

It's part of the underdog narrative to get people to vote for him.

This, I mean that how the games been played for years prop up someone with counter views allows the whole operation to go on without the avg person realizing they were giving the choice between two of the same things.