The Truth about Modern Education: What is going on? I took a lot of time to write this. Please read and tell me your thoughts!

79  2016-03-11 by [deleted]



It sounds to me, that you need to be part of a education revolution. Public schooling, and schooling in general was never about learning. Many of the oligarchs hijacked the education system in the US, to produce workers, because "They have enough thinkers, artists, poets, scientists, etc" in their ranks (their offspring). Public school is a scourge, and methinks you have the brains to bring in an alternative. Why throw money into a fire? You seem honest and have well intentions. So why not, head in the opposite direction?

I need support from a group.

Start your own group. Trust me, you are not the only one out there! I'm not a teacher, but I know people. Also, the saying: "Build it, and they will come", is immortally true.

Well the union is almost destroyed and new teachers do just not want to invest...

I always admired some of my favorite/best teachers on how they thought outside of the box. Probably the reason I am where I am today ;)

I agree! Teachers are important. They are one of the most important parts of our society. And I don't think that because I'm a teacher. My teachers were so important to me.

I agree. So, think outside the box on how to achieve what you are venting about. Trust me, you are not the only one. Also, I know from anecdotal experience, some kids are very unhappy too. When I get a chance to talk to my nephew, he is very unhappy in school (too mundane/dumb down). He's a pretty bright kid, though, and surrounded by me and my family who talk to him like an adult. It's funny, he knew what and was talking about Bolsheviks at the age of 6. I'm Polish, so we thought that was necessary.

Oh absolutely. School is often torture for kids. And bright kids are now slowed down...

And bright kids are now slowed down...

they have been for over 50yrs now, I know, I was a bright kid 35yrs ago

You may want to consider starting your own online school using open source software like moodle.

At least those "homeschooled dummies" will end up stupid like a fox with some good resources if our clonazepam-eyed public school drones are lost forever to the meat grinder.

I didn't read it all but it's very clear when u get a very wide perspective on everything...."education" has nothing to do with improving you as a unique critically thinking individual who becomes empowered to do well in life, it is purely a means to develop more slaves who go on spewing the propaganda they've been Fed. History is mostly lies now. Technical courses teach just enough to get ppl more slave jobs. We were all conned. This is a long con, a very long one. You seem smart, you actually do research and think, and that's why this all feels wrong to you at your core, in your bones. But your education and everyone else's forces us constantly second guess our intuition. We have been taught to ignore the soul and become merely bodies. We will never escape until we reconnect with the inward movement rather than the never ending outward energy that propels "society" and fills the pockets of the elite.

Thanks for replying! I agree with all your thoughts. I know my post was long, but I needed to vent.

Something just feels wrong...

Completely overstimulated. The moth has reached the light bulb and it's vibrating uncontrollably.

It's effecting everyone, they're just the first generation born into it. As a society we all need to slow the fuck down. I don't even think we realized what we've become.

Creativity and imagination come when you've exhausted your supply of interesting. Now that every man women and child has the complete recorded history of mankind in their pocket (and possibly on their wrist), we're all just kinda dumbfounded.

This is kind of crazy. I had a talk with my nephew some time ago, and I asked him, why do you need TV to sleep. And his response was, because my brain just thinks and I think about things, and possible things, and I just want to be distracted from it. He is 9. I live in the wilderness and have no TV, and sleep in quite and dark, I let my mind wonder, and dream. This kind of floored me. I'm not old, mind you, in my mid thirties so I've been around TV/technology/etc... It's madness, and quite sad. People rather hear background noise to drown out what they are actually thinking...

Try taking the TV out of the living room and throwing a party. People are nervous as fuck without the mind control device calming them down.

I don't have much to improve upon your comment. I agree.

Look into John Taylor Gatto if you want to better understand the purpose of public education. The oligarchy decided along time ago that it's more profitable to create mindless consumers who make great additions to the American work force rather than tomorrow's thinkers. It's been a matter of class warfare from the start and what better way to ensure the elite stay at the top then to control curriculum to refuse challenging the status quo.

Gatto makes sure to emphasize that during early colonial days that education standards were better and the key to eliminating poverty was to eliminate ignorance through education.

Things will continue to look grim until people look at the status quo and recognize that shit is fucked and there is need for change.

Wow deep. I have a question. I just bought a house and my yearly school tax is $3100 for the poorest rated school district in the county. My Aunt pays half that for the number 1 rated district in the county and they buy books,pens and paper for their students up until high school. Where does that money go if I am paying for kids to be let down on a daily basis?

Edit: There are others who pay higher taxes than me in their respective cities and states, so this is a question for all.

Into the pockets of politicians. Detroit is a great (horrible) example...

This is true.

I don't even know. I will say there is tons of corruption in most districts, and most districts spend money fruitless things.

I'm not saying that your taxes don't matter. I'm saying the system has failed us all.

Is there anything I can do to force them to redirect my taxes into the school and out of the pockets of those on the board?

Become a prominent member in the PTA. No joking.

Fair enough.

Is there anything I can do to force them to redirect my taxes into the school and out of the pockets of those on the board?

get enough people to side with you .. start an online petition to begin with and seek out people who feel the same way to begin with

Fair enough


Why are you sad?

Haha I'm not sure...just depressing prospects.

I see. Keep up the fight. Cliche I know but 1 person can make a difference. I plan on looking into this PTA thing. Do I have to have kids for it? I would love to get into city governemnt to work my way to big government to get shot while I try to cut everyone pay putting the money back where it belongs.

No you can he involved in the district without kids, but kids definitely make you more powerful. City government is a great place to start, and it sounds like you'd be a great leader.

LOL kids make you powerful. I need to amass an army. Thank you. I try.

Will check into these things! Wish there was more to do!

Why are you sad?

are you serious? Look at what she's posted ffs! Who wouldn't be sad?

A user posted about this yesterday, plenty of people are smelling the same bullshit you are!!

I've said it before and ill say it again, there is sanity in numbers and despite the shills down voting you I can say with confidence that 80-90% of /r/conspiracy stands with you !

Thanks. I am positive the votes on this post are being manipulated. Again your comment helped a lot.

Having posted lots of things like this, there is often vote brigading on stuff until it reaches around 10 votes. Looks like it's doing good now though, you "broke through" to the front page of the sub

Are you familiar with John Taylor gatto?

No. Tell me more.

Check him out on YouTube. He will give you the information you need to fight.

His 1992 essay "The 7-Lesson Schoolteacher" is very powerful.

It is expanded in his book "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling".

Great write up OP. Sadly this is all by design. Critical theory coming out of Frankfurt.

The public schools are not designed to make people who can think. They are designed to destroy everything it is to be human.

You really should post this in /r/c_s_t as well.

Public school in the United States has never been about education. We picked up on the Prussian model, which focusses on indoctrination rather than learning. The problem could likely be solved by widescale home schooling. Honestly; kids should have a full time parent anyway, it would make a huge difference in the mental wellness of the whole country.

you know that having kids "jump when the bell rings" is a way to get them to "blindly follow the orders" they're given from a young age?

it's FUBAR

Yup. One of my teachers actually pointed out that we were all as whipped as Pavlov's dogs. We still jumped at the bell.

I completely agree. I wanted to be a teacher for a while but now I have my own son. I plan on homeschooling. My husband and I are in a place where we can be successful with it, not everyone is so lucky. I feel for the kids in schools these days. ):

I consider home schooling my future children as well. I used to be completely against it!

The more I eventually learned about it, the more I knew it was right for my family. I especially like the part where I get to spend lots of time playing with my children (:

OP You would probably like to read Charlotte Iserbyt's "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"

On amazon, if you want to donate to her by buying her book.

I really appreciate this, I was for a few years very involved in the local schools. Rural ag area with underfunded schools and students from poor families. It is very discouraging. I appreciate your information, don't delete.

So what’s the conspiracy? ‘They’ are purposely destroying public education in order to eventually privatize education, and they are doing this in a variety of ways.

There were business interests in education, other public services and infrastructure. Problem-reaction-solution, it may really shock posters, "they" have jobs too.

One way was to show through newspapers, radio and television about "scandalous" images of public services. The twist was that they tended to make it into public services "hate fest". Then they brought some schmo, excuse me, a business expert that about the costs, red tape (oh scaaaaary....) and so on. Then they had made the sale, oops (I am such a naughty boy today!), their case for privitasation.

Punish poor schools: Not only are most schools completely under-funded, with teachers paying much of their materials and supplies out of their pockets, but the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) actually punishes schools with disadvantaged students. Instead of funding schools who need the funding, they take it away.

The NCLB means well as long as its not just advertising. Representatives and Senators were corrupted. Corporate lobbyists challenged public services and welfare and wanted their share of the public purse and welfare, because dat dough though... If you listened to Fox News for instance you would have heard about the smearing of those on welfare and glorifying tax evaders. The message: "Give us that welfare instead!", "Give us public infrastructure".

Teachers that go and get materials to help their students is great. Corporate propaganda liked that so and any kind of cutting government programs to make a case for tax cuts, refunds and privatization.

On the topic of teachers getting flack. There used to be a time when teachers dictated the level of marks to someone that accorded to the way they felt about them. If Timmy stood up for himself butthurt Ms Trunchbull would lock him in the chokey. Parents support their kids and if the teacher is a mature person they ought to be responsible and understanding of the impact of their action. Did it go to far? Maybe, teachers like other sorts of workers wanted to shy away and went into their comfort zones "Nah fuck it, let them do it". That would do with the parent-teacher-student-whoever's criteria and the proverbial middle ground could be beneficial.

The marking system was bound to be changed anyhow. In any case there is special consideration and people could appeal their marks to be reviewed. Some people considered school standards as unhelpful for education. As it was already mentioned by you if the educational criteria were not up to standard then a standard grade would not do justice to the student. Maybe it does, even if you call a 50% "A" students could become curious and say "well how about if get 70%?". In my opinion grading ought to be done to measure quality and effort, not quantity eg "Just list all key words and you get a cookie!"

Conclusion: "They" just wanted obedient robots to know some but not to know too much. They wanted to take money from the public purse and privitise services and infrastructure. Education is one part of the public purse and services they were after.

They’ are purposely destroying public education in order to eventually privatize education

no, that's Not the 'reason'. TPTB have little interest in privatised education lower than tertiary levels,

and they've got that sorted with everyone having to Pay for college and NO way out via bankruptcy, even if you really are bankrupt!

It's ALL about Control

Control through privitisation.

Great post. I agree completely and have witnessed the same things myself. It makes one wonder if it is deliberate, and if so by who?

Thank you for sharing. I'm curious if you're regularly in touch with private school teachers and what they have to say about all this.

Somewhat. Private schools generally are better...

This is The Plan created in 1961 to 'dumb down' the populace and STOP any type of criticism (from 'critical thinking') and to get the kids to 'conform' --- things like ADHD are 'created conditions' to justify giving kids Ritalin to shut them down and control them ... I wish weren't True, but it is!

It's a very sophisticated and psycopathic plan hatched by TPTB to get control of The World, they call it "The Silent War" against the people

This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons."

This document was drafted in 1986 on the 25th anniversary of the Silent War

You can see they have thought of almost everything BUT they failed to see the coming 'communication revolution' and the things which came from it, especially the internet/www!

This is also the FACT that validates this document, for 10yrs later the web was born, (something that TPTB HATE with a passion, for it allows the free flow of Information, which is the Last thing they want 'the sheeple' to have access to!) and had they known about it, it most certainly would've been included in this "plan"

This is The Plan that's the basis of the Shit we're seeing and living with today.

It's The Reason for much of your distress and concerns miss teacher. Read it and weep, it's FUBAR!

  • This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry.

*It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.

This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent.

Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war.

Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest - it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.

The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.

  • You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.


Factor I

  • As in every social system approach, stability is achieved only by understanding and accounting for human nature (action/reaction patterns). A failure to do so can be, and usually is, disastrous.

As in other human social schemes, one form or another of intimidation (or incentive) is essential to the success of the draft. Physical principles of action and reaction must be applied to both internal and external subsystems.

To secure the draft, individual brainwashing/programming and both the family unit and the peer group must be engaged and brought under control.

Factor II - Father

  • The man of the household must be housebroken to ensure that junior will grow up with the right social training and attitudes. The advertising media, etc., are engaged to see to it that father-to-be is pussy-whipped before or by the time he is married.

He is taught that he either conforms to the social notch cut out for him or his sex life will be hobbled and his tender companionship will be zero. He is made to see that women demand security more than logical, principled, or honorable behavior.

  • By the time his son must go to war, father (with jelly for a backbone) will slam a gun into junior's hand before father will risk the censure of his peers, or make a hypocrite of himself by crossing the investment he has in his own personal opinion or self-esteem. Junior will go to war or father will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war, the true purpose not withstanding.

Factor III - Mother

  • The female element of human society is ruled by emotion first and logic second. In the battle between logic and imagination, imagination always wins, fantasy prevails, maternal instinct dominates so that the child comes first and the future comes second.

A woman with a newborn baby is too starry-eyed to see a wealthy man's cannon fodder or a cheap source of slave labor. A woman must, however, be conditioned to accept the transition to "reality" when it comes, or sooner.

As the transition becomes more difficult to manage, the family unit must be carefully disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state-operated child-care centers must be become more common and legally enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and father at an earlier age. Inoculation of behavioral drugs [Ritalin] can speed the transition for the child (mandatory).

  • Caution: A woman's impulsive anger can override her fear. An irate woman's power must never be underestimated, and her power over a pussy-whipped husband must likewise never be underestimated. It got women the vote in 1920.

Factor IV - Junior

  • The emotional pressure for self-preservation during the time of war and the self-serving attitude of the common herd that have an option to avoid the battlefield - if junior can be persuaded to go - is all of the pressure finally necessary to propel Johnny off to war. Their quiet blackmailings of him are the threats: "No sacrifice, no friends; no glory, no girlfriends."

Factor V - Sister

  • And what about junior's sister? She is given all the good things of life by her father, and taught to expect the same from her future husband regardless of the price.

Factor VI - Cattle

Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.

The whole thing takes a few hours to read

I don't know if this is the right sub for this. This is not a conspiracy but a hard and very obvious fact. Since the kids of the rich or even the upper middle class don't attend public schools nobody cares about them - or nobody that could change anything. Make kids of the rich go to public schools and things will change almost overnight.

Good read. We are in a dire need of revolutionizing a myriad of systems.

I find it interesting how the US ties its military to college. They make sure that the people who get a shot at college are people who aren't going to make a difference and are absent of critical thought and independence. That ties into the debt slave portion of US society.

I think America has it's priorities backwards. Instead of equal opportunity, they should be funding schools and giving the intelligent kids a better chance. But that will never happen. There's too much emphasis on kids as a whole and on equality and equal opportunity and the wefare that goes with it.

I also find equal opportunity distracts people from the fact that there are way too many minorities with very little promise having way too many children and they are tying up the system as far as demand and welfare. Of course, this wouldn't be as big of a problem if the US didn't spend trillions on warfare.

I agree with you 100% on the recess, gym, art portion. Kids are being trained to tolerate factory conditions, and although many of them are not going to be honour students, they should all be encouraged to express themselves, be creative, think critically and get some exercise. That should be at least a 3rd of the curriculum. However, this isn't what the corporate foundations of the world want. They want kids trained to accept the corporate world and not one of free thought and free lifestyle.

I also find your comments on the McDonaldization of education very important. I remember seeing this as a student and never paid it any thought until after I was finished. Throughout my education I saw teachers teaching multiple subjects and teachers coming and going and it was insane. Kids form personal attachments to their teachers (the good ones) and this is being stripped away with the extension of the assembly line.

Every kid is special and nobody is a loser. I’m extremely anti-bullying, but I believe in balance,

I am 100% against this anti-bully campaign that has swept the West. It is nothing but a distraction centered on isolated cases and it's being used to further the fascist grip on children. Kids are going to fight and the weak ones are going to be weeded out. It's natural law. Most of the time it's just harmless name-calling. Yes there are serious, isolated, incidents and they should be handled as such. Treating every kid like a criminal is wrong. They are kids and they are working off millions of years of evolution and a piece of that evolved brain is social morality. Most of the time this works itself out. They don't need regulations to tell them that violence is wrong. I find it disgusting that they are being manipulated by liberal interests.

Critical THinking is an illusion. And memorization is not bad! It takes a lot of memorization to become a good student. How can you critically analyze anything if you have absolutely no academic vocabulary?

I have to disagree. Obviously you need to remember material in order to work out a thought on the subject, but education today teaches blatant lies about history and doesn't encourage a 2-sided reflection. It also concentrates too much on dates and names and not enough on context and actual experience.

I was really interested in history in school and loved to debate and argue but I found later that what I was taught was wrong and I was debating the wrong side and using bad arguments to win. I've learned a lot more on my own since then. I've also learned that it's not enough to simply learn the facts, but to learn the context and to understand that publishing companies are influenced by foundations that are fueled by cultural Marxism and corporate desire, not truth and honesty. And like you said, people are afraid to challenge the system and a system without audit is a system doomed to failure.

Teachers’ words are no longer trusted. If little Timmy did not do his report, we better blame the teacher!

This is probably just another result of the McDonaldization of education. We treat fast food employees and teachers with the same regard now. The once personal nature of schools is gone. And this is because 1) there are too many unintelligent breeders flooding the system with their snowflakes, 2) the system promotes a factory setting and 3) there's too much emphasis on immigration and giving up our prosperity to a world that can't take care of each other and thus we end up not being able to take care of ourselves and 4) the system is corrupt with regards to financial spending.

Diet/nutrition: Controversial, I know, but it is not okay for your children to be obese.

I find this topic to be ridiculous. It's the parent' responsibility to feed their kids. And a chocolate bar and pop isn't going to kill them. Fat people with fat kids are not the responsibility of everyone. They should take care of themselves. And they should foot the bill. We can't fix stupid. Some of them are physically inclined to be overweight, that's just natural.

Restrictions on kids and schools is wrong. What the government should be doing is regulating big business and their advertisements. Keep your hands out of the schools and all over the corporations who fill their products with toxic materials and advertise to children. Less emphasis on free market and more on actual freedom.

They need energy to play

They need to play to burn off the energy. Sitting in a factory all day after eating doesn't do a thing for these kids.

I honestly believe discipline is black and white now. It is either way too way lenient or way too extreme.

I agree. Cops in schools is a big problem. Seeing little kids man-handled by police is one of the most disgusting things I've seen.

Oh, and don’t even let me tell you how many parents have told me they just cannot control their children anymore…

This feeds into the whole nanny state, leftist push. Sponsored by corporations who need worker bees. Create a society based around sensationalism with regards to every little thing imaginable (gender, bullying, food, race etc..) so that the people forget how to simply live with each other, under a state that not only pokes its nose into every facet of life, creating a hostile environment, but then make the people completely reliant on the corporate state financially also with regards to information.

This is all an elaborate plan and education is just a small portion of the work that's being done by the owners. Keep people from teaching themselves. Keep them from being properly active in the community as corporate foundations dictate right, wrong and morality and basically streamline the process of activity to steer them away from making changes that might harm top-level desires. Isolate the media to make sure they don't see any problems with the system. Push cultural Marxism and dialectical Marxism in shaping society so the population is busy fighting itself rather than the corruption from above. Privatize everything in order to take power away from the people and put it into the hands of a select few. Education is simply feeling the effect of globalism. A world government of private materialists who want everyone to mix together and forget their cultures and desires for independence and to be completely reliant on a system that is only accountable profit margins.

I wish this post wasn't deleted.... Good luck to you though! People seem quite supportive here! Whatever it is you were planning on doing, good luck to you!

The ultimate solution to cock-block attempts at regulatory capture and control of the education apparatus, and to provide a steadily increasing standard of critical thought, is to pit supplier against supplier in competition for a parent's patronage by utterly and completely removing any and all regulations, which are necessarily either superfluous or a hindrance to the market process and therefore the consumer's (parents', children's) interests.

Start your own group. Trust me, you are not the only one out there! I'm not a teacher, but I know people. Also, the saying: "Build it, and they will come", is immortally true.

You may want to consider starting your own online school using open source software like moodle.

At least those "homeschooled dummies" will end up stupid like a fox with some good resources if our clonazepam-eyed public school drones are lost forever to the meat grinder.