Anyone else think Trump is just there to pave the way for Hillary ?

26  2016-03-12 by [deleted]


Yes. They are long time friends, and Trump has always been a democrat

“Hey, Trump!”

“Yes, Mr. Shekelberg?”

“I know that you are an extremely successful and wealthy businessman with a wonderful family that will carry on your company’s name…”


“Not to mention the star and host of a very popular reality TV show that also serves to advertise your business empire…”


“And our planned matchup of Hillary vs. Bush in this upcoming election will guarantee an easy victory for Hillary…”

“Go on.”

“But would you mind running as a candidate so that every politician in America and several of our allied nations can relentlessly attack and mock you for the next year while slander and libel are ruthlessly hurled at you from every media outlet in existence (all of which we own), thereby potentially hurting the image of your company and damaging business deals both at home and abroad?”

“Why the hell would I do that?”

“Because then you can drop out at the last minute and make Hillary’s guaranteed victory even more guaranteed!”

“You know what? That’s a great idea. I’ll get right on that.”


What's with this subreddit and its excessive pro-Trump support? Do you really think the "elite" would let some businessman ruin their plan? No, of course not.

I haven't seen much pro Trump in here at all, in fact I've noticed an oddly high pro Sanders feel to this sub lately.

He's popular here because he's promised to uncover the truth about 9/11

That guy is controlling multiple accounts, it appears. He posted this as "BobJohnsonIsRight" yesterday:

/r/conspiracy is excessively pro trump?

I see the odd trump supporter, but on the whole I'd say this sub is pro sanders.

In a word: 4chan.

If they can spell MARBLECAKEALSOTHEGAME on Time's Person of the Year official list then they can definitely manage spam this sub with copypasta about a gameshow host running for president.

They just have to pay him enough and he'll do anything.

They're obviously not paying enough because he/she/it's posting the same content from different accounts...

Wow, you copied this exact thing from BobJohnsonisRight - you guys ARE the same person! Bwahaha.

i think so too

i thought so until the 54 private jets met to take him down. maybe he started out that way and the power got to his head?

Where were the rumors that was about Trump coming from, anyway? My suspicion from the get-go was that they were getting together to bitch about Comey, given that there were some cryptic articles this week about "Comey causing a problem for the White House" (I assume over the Apple suit).

met to take him down.

says who, more likely they met to plan for what happens from any candidate in 2016, plan for all eventualities.

yeah, he's part of the plan, he's really doing a 'bang up job', pushing all the right buttons.

100% agree. He's also a great distraction so that Bernie never sees any media time.

I think that the Rothschilds have plans and then counter-plans. Either candidate would probably carry out their agenda blindly. The problem is that they kinda exposed themselves too early because the media has pretty much already decided on the candidates 8 months before the election. Usually in election cycles they don't rig it until at least the summer before.

(hypotetically) Sanders gets nominated. What happens?

He dies of old age before being elected.

This is a funny kind of election year. We've got one independent who's running as a Democrat. A rich guy running as a Republican... and a sell-out who's running for her own benefit.

Not going to psychoanalyse Trump. But I do think the idea of being POTUS appeals to him strongly enough that his candidacy is genuine.

I also believe that Hillary has a stealth advantage over Trump. She's got a reputation as being someone that can be bought, which is exactly the kind of person TPTB want.

One of her sponsors (besides Goldman Sachs) is Time Warner. What this indicates is that she has the power of Big Media behind her. This is why we've been seeing Sanders depicted in such a bad light. It's also why they've been spinning Clinton losses to look like some kind of wins.

Now that Trump looks to have a lock on the GOP candidacy, the media machine has gone into action against him. Trump knows the media from his TV shows and appearances. But that doesn't make him an insider with the people who control the media.

It's becoming very apparent that (between the two of them) Hillary is preferred by TPTB over Trump.

There's still a lot of time between now and November though. Still plenty of time for surprises. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I'd like to see Sander stick around and run as an independent. He'd probably siphon off a lot more votes from Clinton than he would from Trump.

The GOP A team is still in hiding due to the shame of Bushco, the B team failed in 2008/2102, its the turn of the C team in 2016...

Oh, that old chestnut? chuckles

Yep, hand-picked at the last bilderberg meeting

Yuuup, since day one

as McCain and 'Trailer trash' did for Obama.

a stalking horse, been my guess since Trump started saying wild things.

The A team is still in hiding due to the shame of Bushco, the B team failed in 2008/2102, its the turn of the C team in 2016...

Maybe there to destroy the Republican party from within.

No, but I did think it was kinda suspicious that the Democrats only ran Hillary, a socialist, and what's his name. Seems like they put the bar really low for her to get the nomination.

Not even a little bit.

If anything Hillary is set up to help Trump win. She's unelectable and is still getting pushed to the general. Indictment + general = trump presidency GG

No if you listen to the things Trump says and eludes to it's incredibly obvious where he stands. Rather than just looking at lying headlines.



He's accusing you of being a shill...

Don't worry - that user runs around doing nothing but pushing Trump 24-7 and calling people shills if they bring up the Trump-Clinton connection. It's kind of interesting, there are a bunch of them circulating around /r/conspiracy right now. You can usually identify them because they argue just like pro-GMO trolls.

My strong suspicion is that these actually Clinton supporters, knowing how much better a chance Clinton has against Trump than literally any of the other candidates. Why they're trolling us, I don't know, we're just a little conspiracy theory sub...

Oh, and actually, just posted copy-pasta from his other account here...

That's how you know they're Hillarybots, they can't compose original astroturf. :)

No. If you study the geopolitics, and the liberal brainwashing of youth in the West, you'd see that Liberals are trying to take over all of the West and silence political opposition with escalating amounts of oppression.

Trump is the revolution, and he takes the movement seriously. No one else can beat Hillary.


You are falling for it. Don't let them pit you against your fellow man. The only difference between left and right is what racquet they stuff their pockets from.

Uh, no, the only difference between marxism and republicanism is that republicans have a duty to exterminate marxism.


Listen to yourself.

Yeah yeah. I was a liberal myself, without ever even understanding the political ideologies, but have a free mind now.

Yeah it's tough to not get angry though man. They sick their people on us like dogs for a long time now, and current events have been intense.

I watched, interesting, but what am I supposed to get out of it?

That he's just a plant for Hillary.

No man he's just being respectful. I love conspiracies, but you're stretching it too far

What about the hundreds of thousands of dollars he has donated to her campaign(s)?

Buying influence, like everyone else. He admits to abusing the system, he's admitted to funding his rivals like Rubio in the GOP on stage.

Not much special.

You're a useful idiot.

No, but you’re a regular one.

Oh, so you’re just a complete idiot with zero knowledge of what’s actually going on, then.