Toxic amounts of Iron found in Nestle NIDO Whole Milk Powder sample

40  2016-03-13 by 911bodysnatchers322

By mid oct 2014, I had consumed half of a 3.5 lb tin of Nestle Nido Whole Milk Powder before noticing it tasted metallic. During this time, I was having severe medical problems leading to acute psychosis / delusions, venous hum, hypersensitivity to sounds, severe random stabbing pains and paranoia, something that's never happened to me in my life. No history of or genetic proclivity to schizophrenia.

I went back to walmart, bought a fresh tin and compared my cocoa prepared the same way, side-to-side, and A/B test. Sure enough, original 'tainted' sample tasted very metallic whereas new one did not. So naturally, I suspected the first Nido sample was tainted, and that this product was responsible for my recent issues.

I sent the suspect NIDO sample to a chemical analysis company, EMSL Analytical in Cinnamonson, NJ, to test for all the heavy metals they were able to test. I initially suspected lead or arsenic. Turns out, there was a high amount of Arsenic, 4x the upper range limit on rice (a food which is a bioaccumulator of arsenic and therefore the 'metric' for the upper limit); but much more importantly it was assayed at 100mg/kg for Iron, which is 10x the amount considered toxic (10mg/kg), and 2x the amount considered severely toxic (50mg/kg), according to the wikipedia entry for iron toxicity.

Here is the assay:

Nestle did not issue a recall even though I sent them the assay and reached out to them on the phone. They were more interested in discrediting me and my health situation than they were in actually taking responsibility for this issue and making a recall. They wanted to blame the medications I was taking for a chronic health condition that have not caused me psychosis in the 7 yrs I've been taking them :) They were more interested in CYA than helping people.

I reached out to FDA and USDA last year, and they didn't even provide the courtesy of even a canned response. Literally nothing. Which is quite unlike our government. I feel like the whole system is corrupt. If I've misinterpreted the data because I'm not a food scientist or whatever, then they need to 'correct me'. Chances are better though that I"m right. I mean PPM is PPM and mg/kg is mg/kg so I kind of have them dead-to-rights on this. I just now reached out to consumer reports also--we'll see if anything comes of that. I still have the sample. Both in a can and in another container which I buried in the woods offsite just in case someone takes my sample or tries to surreptitious swap out with clean sample. Clearly some of their poison-fueld paranoia still lingers.

Now this is not the first time I've posted about this story. Using an older alt, I posted about this, and it was quickly downvoted to 0; and then posted it again, thinking it had a bad headline or something, but it was was kept at around 5-10 karma.

At this point I suspected the post was being controlled, because so many other stories about Nestle have garnered thousands of karma. People fucking hate Nestle now, with good reason (DiGiorno parmesan cheese glass, stealing water, tainting other foods), so why would they ignore me blowing the whistle on some incredibly bad thing that they are doing? Especially when it's for infants. (and hikers)

So please help promote this post this time around. It's going to be my last try. Help me Obi Wan conspiracy, you're my only hope.

You are just going to have to accept that it's real, or assume that it is (and not "edited in ms paint" as someone suggested. Here's why: Nestle could figure out who I am by subpoena and sue me for libel. I am absolutely unafraid of that. COME AT ME NESTLE. If you are a lawyer and want to represent probono or a journalist and want to write this up, please PM me and I'll give you the unredacted version of the assay.


I love how the only two repsonses so far are multiparagraph personal attacks that completely ignore the toxicity of the product.

This place is fucked. Not just this sub. I mean this disgusting world you fuckers want to live.


The more I pull that thread the harder it is to escape from.

Like my own office is supplied by arrowhead, one of their water companies.


I figured out what the emf thing was. It was a faulty compressor bearing on my HVAC unit that was causing a severe ultralow frequency vibration specifically in my bedroom, which acts like a drum, and yes it was very much affecting my health. I would wake up feeling my whole body vibrate and feel nauseated. Wouldn't you suspect an attack?

The culprit was 'sick building syndrome', the sickness being caused by low frequency sound. So I'm not as crazy as I thought, it's just my heat unit, not the government was attacking me.

I had an hvac person and an engineer come in and confirm. The unit has been replaced and I sleep better now, although it's still a problem to a much lesser degree and only with the heat on.

I am going to have to move the AC unit outside to the other side of the house and put acoustical vibration damping material under the copper line that goes into the house, since that one little tube is literally turning my entire bedroom into an acoustical instrument.

Also spring has sprung so the central heat which was the culprit is never on.

I'm not going to tell you my medical information as it's not your business, but it's not a mental illness if that is what you are thinking, nor does it cause mental illness except in advanced stages of the disease which are 20 yrs away for me. I am in good health otherwise, but thank you for your concern.

To answer your question in a real way however, yes, during that time I went to a medical doctor for my illness, we did blood work and it did not find ANYTHING. Probably because it doesn't test for heavy metal poisoning. I told the doctor about these problems and they did a wait it out and see thing with me. Meanwhile, I was on the verge of suicide until I figured out what the problem was on my own. The doctor was worse than no help at all, and so I fired him and I have a new doctor now. I do place any faith in this person though, but they are good to have if I have something life-threatening and so they can give me aspirin and/or a zpack and hope for the best, since that's about all they are good for.


Just for clarification, the effects I had were multifactorial. I did have vibration from the Hvac, but I was MUCH more sensitive to them while I was having the venous hum that was a direct result of iron poisoning and the onset of cirrhosis. I'm thankful I figured it out, or I'd be dead.

I figured it out because of the internet, webmd, wikipedia and basically reading all about my symptoms. A doctor would have killed me. They kept saying, let's see if it disappears after a week. I'd be dead.

It would seem the metallic taste was the big giveaway. Makes sense that so much iron was found in the sample. I wish I knew of some other way to help you get answers and appropriate recompense. That must have been a very scary ordeal.

It was, but what is strange is that I had been drinking it both cold and hot. When I drank it cold (as it was intended to be prepared), I did not notice the metallic taste whatsoever. I only noticed the metallic taste when I used hot water on it, and even then I suspected something was wrong with my cup, because I used a starbucks stainless steel, insulated mug for it, which I've used for about 7 yrs now. I thought maybe it was falling apart, so I prepared it in a ceramic mug and had the same problem. So then I suspected the cocoa, or the sugar, or the vanilla extract...everything but the milk powder but I narrowed it down.

Relevant, apparently this is a big and longstanding problem that's being swept under the rug: Baby formula poses higher arsenic risk to newborns than breast milk, study shows

Not familiar with food testing. How big is the sample they test? I imagine if the sample is smaller and the ingredients aren't evenly dispersed it could throw off the results... (similar in principle to the recent Theranos scam revelation... sample size is too small).

Would be interested in more proof.

I get the need to sensor the image but the skeptic in me says without seeing a un-redacted version I can't trust the results, I could reproduce this in paint.

Also this maybe why you don't get much traction on here, we see a lot of people posting about truly concerning things but with little to no tangible(irrefutable) evidence. Thus we all have to take everything we consume(read) with a pinch of salt(logic) before going full-on sound the alarm mode.

The unredacted version has my name and my address, the case number. I'm not going to do that, and it's actually against the reddit rules for you to ask me to do that. If you can prove to me that you are someone who matters (FDA / USDA / a scientist who will pursue this in earnest / a lawyer who will represent me probono / or someone from Nestle) I'd be glad to give you ALL that information if you PM me your email address and who you are first.

You are just going to have to accept that it's real, or assume that it is.

Here's why: Nestle could figure out who I am by subpoena and sue me for libel.

I am absolutely unafraid of that. COME AT ME NESTLE

that's actually kind of what I wanted. What the blacked out regions are entailing. I get that you shouldn't/wouldn't give out those details. I was pointing out the fact that those details are what make it "real" to you, if you understand my point. I didn't mean to imply you should post your details at all.

It's hard to believe with 100% certainty that this is real without a reference of sorts, way to know the information is real and not fabricated.

It just seems like a broad claim to be making with all this proof. Have you talked to a lawyer about a lawsuit?

(not trying to attack you more just playing devils advocate, because this being true could mean big things for the little people. potentially. Fuck NESTLE Save WATER)

Sorry for the necro-response but yes I contacted a lawyer and they were pussies. They said because of a uncurable preexisting immune system medical condition which I won't disclose (figure it out), they won't take the case because they know they will lose as nestle would be able to blame my symptoms on that.

They won't take the case based on the fact that poisons are in the food, because we can't prove injury. Seems lame.

It would be as if I took out a gun and shot at you but I missed so I don't have to incur any consequences from that action.

They won't take the case based on the fact that poisons are in the food, because we can't prove injury. Seems lame.

That's probably because the levels of arsenic and iron are normal, and your belief that they are not is based on a misunderstanding of basic concepts in medicine.

When referring to toxicity, mg/kg refers to the amount of the substance vs the weight of the person.

When looking at an assay, mg/kg refers to the amount of the substance vs the weight of the sample.

For the iron, 100 mg/kg means that for every kilogram of powder, there's 100mg of iron. Now, Nestle claims that in a serving, there's 30% of the "daily value" of iron for 4-and-under. The "daily value" they're talking about is 10mg.

A serving is 4 scoops, or 34g, again according to the Nestle website.

So that means they claim that there is 3mg / 34g. If you convert that to mg/kg, it's 89 mg/kg.

So the assay shows the iron content is about 12% higher than they claim, well within reasonable levels (your assay shows about 3.5mg per glass). There's more iron in, for example, a steak, than a glass of this Nido stuff, according to your figures.

Assuming you weigh 68 kg, (150 lbs), and the lower cutoff for iron toxicity (10 mg/kg), you'd have to drink 194 glasses, all at once.

I'd do the math for the arsenic, but somehow I doubt you'll actually listen about any of this stuff, so I'll stop here.

Sounds like "corporate" law as usual. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. . .