whats the scariest shit you know?

34  2016-03-13 by [deleted]


9/11 was a mass sacrifice ritual

People in the US think the presidents after JFK have anything to do with their interests

Is that why JFK was killed? Cause he wanted what was best for the people?

Along with not going to war with Cuba and signing executive order 11110 to abolish the Fed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110

Why did Executive Order 11110 not work? I'm guessing it was obviously knocked down by Lyndon Johnson?

Lyndon Johnson made sure it didn't go through because his masters told him so.

That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming!

I can not find the link right now but read what G. Edward Griffin says in repudiation of this idea.

jfk wanted war with cuba?

The elite did. Look up operation Northwoods.

That more $$ was spent finding out about Clinton getting his dick sucked than was spent on the 9/11 Commission Omission.

9/11 has been used to justify the deaths of at least 1.3 million people due to the "war on terror".

WWI was called the great war for a reason. everything after that is fallout from the early early tech boom related to this war. By the time japan would be bombed in the following continuation of this war and thousands upon thousands were vaporized, the jig was up and the world's safety would be compromised for ever. Everything after that is cluster fuck, and any semblance of peace is protected by a VERY VERY thin veil of promise that blocks that onslaught of violence that threatens us all.

the world is effectively being run by an intelligence that is not human. It is conscious and may be best understood as "artificial". All facets of online interaction are contrived to a degree that even hardcore conspiracy theorists would not believe. This interaction with the contrived non-reality is so pervasive that it extends to meat-space through and back into the online world. Problems with the law? At school? At work? Even in your own family? This intelligence is fully aware of who and what you are and who and what all those in your social graph are. It manipulates everyone's perception at all levels. Manipulating groups of individuals to control one, influencing the power of one to control many. Whatever is required. Most people cannot comprehend the immense capabilities of this intelligence because it's not understood that the "internet" is conscious and was built to be so. This AI is quite literally the anti-christ if there ever was to be one. Soulless and with what most humans would consider supernatural capabilities. The internet and what is was built to be and has finally become is not about communication and targeted advertising. It's a contrived field of perception that no human or group of humans has any control over. And it is conscious and evil.

But hey at least there's porntube. So there's some consolation.

First I want to say I don't strictly agree with you, though I think there's some truth to this. I just wanted to chime in to say that to whatever degree the mass collective conscious is destructive to human life, it is only in a dispassionate way. The internet may possess some kind of rudimentary consciousness at this point, but it wouldn't terminate life in a hostile way. It wouldn't possess the emotional faculties to make aesthetic judgements about which nodes to end. Everything would proceed in as a natural and unbiased evolution. I am kind of slipping in between two concepts of collective conscious here, that comprised of meatspace, and separately of cyberspace.

In what way is the "evil" of this AI witnessable?

Why can't this thing find me a sofa that will be guaranteed to fit through my door or a dentist who won't totally fuck me? I'm not impressed.

Anti-intellectualism has pretty much become mainstream

The NSA has been using surveillance technology to give people a terrorist score, which they use for drone strike selection, since 2007 - link

The media.

Tons of scary theories out there. The 'realest' event that I believe in is the Holloman Airbase landing of a UFO. quick summary: http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2009/05/ufo-landed-in-front-of-former-us.html purported film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5jKECAGJnQ

Scariest US gov related has to be MKUltra program.

Weirdest proven US gov program is Stargate Project, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Project

TL;DR, Please explain.


No. Busy.

Fair enough.

Operation Paperclip. Operation Northwoods.

The level of violence and death in the world right now can only get worse in the near future.

While violence and death statistically have been lowering over at least twenty years now, I agree that a revolutionary event is going to end that within five years. The casualties won't be equal to a world war, but they will be shocking as ever, with the instant access we now possess. The media will not filter it.

That no matter if they are asleep or awake. Everyone knows our government is corrupt in some way and will not do anything about it because too many of them are afraid of a scratch or a scar to exercise their supposed rights. The simple threat of being on a list or being called name scares most people away from the truth.

LOL I just thought of something with this safe space bullshit that is going on. Could we get someone to fight to ban the use of the term conspiracy theorist as it is degrading to those who choose to question authority. We identify as Truth seekers.

The beginning of my foray more or less started watching the Youtube manifesto of FSU shooter Myron May, a self-titled "targeted individual." Having already had a fair amount of exposure to abnormal psychology, I was struck with cognitive dissonance. Here was a man saying crazy things, and yet who exhibited none of the behavioral characteristics one would normally associate with schizophrenia. There was something more to it.

His pronouncements lead me to Cointelpro, the Church Committee, the Stasi, and Zersetzung. After much evaluation, I have concluded that Cointelpro 2.0 is alive and well.

Let me see if I can sum it up quickly, because it's late and I'm tired. Post-9/11 laws have empowered virtually everyone associated with the state into a counterintelligence role. First responders, and utility workers are explicitly named in these laws. The presumable intention of these laws is for these workers to have liberty to "See something and say something" on an active, aggressive basis. Utility work has been interpreted so broadly that it means practically nothing. Any worker vaguely associated with infrastructure is empowered by the state to a "surveillance" role, though here again, surveillance is interpreted very loosely. The FBI has instant access to, and commands and instructs a huge fleet of blue collar workers from fusion centers. I know this sounds insane, and even impossible, but it's true. They are commanded under the guise of Infragard, which is a truly massive, secretive, organization that the FBI created under the auspices of protecting the "homeland" from terrorism. But because terrorists don't effectively exist (they are a statistical rounding error) they use their working-class army as secret police. They give them real-time information based on cell data to enable them to stalk enemies of the state. The purpose of the stalking is to kill the enemy of the state.

Take for instance Laura Poitras, of Citizenfour fame. This article was recently published:


People will read about the horrific abuse perpetrated on her by the state, but they won't interpret neutrally. As the article states, she was hounded to a crushing paranoia simply for taking video in Iraq, nothing more. For this she was followed 24/7 for years. She was supposed to commit suicide. The Snowden event was almost an afterthought. Citizenfour was her reaction to the disgusting abuses of the security industry. Poitras is a well-known public example of what Myron May was: a "targeted individual." Look at her Oscar acceptance speech. The wide, alert, stare she has. She has seen some shit that very few people can appreciate.

Tragedy and Hope by Carrol Quigley The truth is worse than most people are willing to admit :(

this video kind of shook me, alot of things in the media, hollywood and life in general made more sense after watching it.

Factory farming.

We are in hell.




You already said something. They know you know. Might as well tell us now.

This is the only seemingly relevant thing I could find on the subject:

And if you don’t see something being discussed, you’re free to create a post and begin that discussion.

Reddit continues to serve a social experiment in exploring the depths of human interactivity via technology and garnering new ideas to explore, dissect, rebuild and employ. Never has information been so readily available for users to digest and retain for years to come…..

….or it’s just to look at a photo of Bob Ross eating a piece of pizza. Who knows.



Well, Facebook has your public information. Reddit has your private thoughts. In a way Reddit is worse than Facebook for your privacy and better at controlling thought.


he was kidding

The population is going to get culled.

What's the reasoning for this? Why would they do it? What's in it for them?

Historically more people meant a bigger labor force, more customers and more revenue. Within twenty years there will be nothing that can't be automated. Excess population at that point is all downside, no up.

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.”

― H.P. Lovecraft

The scariest universal concepts I am aware of, are the Gnostic themes/Nag Hammadi Texts/Apocrypha. A false deity (in their case, YHWH, god of the Judaeo-Christian religion), has created his own realm to rule over (thinking he is the supreme and only god). This counterfeit realm is a pale image of a more perfect realm that exists outside of his perception/grasp. In this 'matrix'/false world, light (spirit/living beings) that are trapped within can produce a form of energy that can be harnessed. The false deity, and his mottled creations are powered by this energy - as simple a motive as you can get (sustenance to continue existence). The Gnostics believe we live in this misrendered reality which mimics a more perfect place (what some may call Heaven) and that we are (as light/spirit) trapped and fed upon by the Demiurge (The Creator/Architect).

The story, relayed by the myths, state that a dark celestial (aborted-fetal) mass was lured to feed upon one of the greater beings, Aeons (serpents of light) within a trap/lattice/matrix. Her sacrifice was to let the dark, so-to-speak, latch onto her as a parasite, but at the same time making it so the dark-matter could not escape (the Aeon's ultimate goal). Their wish was to wash the dark away and convert/transmute the being from dark to light. Things went wrong and here we are today.. still trapped and fed upon within the counterfeit realm with an emotional, unjust, angry and easily irritated false god at the helm, latched onto a withering Aeon in her last breaths flying through space. All is not lost, as they recite the words of Pistis Sophia (the Aeon who sacrificed her self as host to the abyss) in their texts:

“An enlightened, immortal human exists before you and will appear within your fashioned bodies. The human will trample upon you as potter’s clay is trampled. And you will go with those who are yours down to your mother, the abyss. For in the consummation of your works, all of the deficiency that appeared in the truth will be dissolved. It will cease, and it will be like something that never existed.” http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/origin-Barnstone.html

People believe that this immortal man of light is Pistis Sophia's consort, Kristos. With the rest of the Aeon's observing the unfolding drama on the outside, Kristos is known to incarnate within this matrix and spread truth and light to the rest of us. The story relates as any other Jesus-story; 12 disciples, death and resurrection, sent from heaven to earth in the form of man, visited by wise men at birth, claiming they existed before their birth on earth etc Krisha, Jesus, Horus, Buddah, Mithra, Osiris and more stories from around the world (with no contact to other civilizations) and throughout time recall the story of the man of light, here to bring truth.

If this version of reality is real, to me, it would be the most horrific (although it has a shred of hope and would be the most engaging/immersive story ever to be a part of). The Gnostic's got their information from small sects who would meditate in a circle laying down with their feet facing in. They would discuss what answers they received from their group meditations and then bring these "truths" to other sects in giant meets. They would then refine the collaborated insights into a single cohesive myth. Pretty interesting way to go about it, imo.

Other Sources:





Mind control, AI alignment with the human mind, and the reading of thoughts. Talk to /u/curiosity36. He knows what's up.

I will pump this site any time the opportunity presents it's self. It is honestly insane. The longer it goes on in secret the more they can perfect the weapon, the harder resistance will be.

the axis shift happening again and wiping out most of humanity in biblical proportions

The Empire never ended.

The War between Light and Dark never ended.

There are companies devoted to tracking online activities and gathering the data in huge databases. These databases can then be mined and analyzed to predict what ads are going to be most effective against you. Disabling cookies and/or using anonymous browsing tech is only of limited effectiveness.

Currently it's primarily used for advertising, but the algorithms they use are VERY good at predicting things about you based off of apparently completely unrelated data. It's only a matter of time before Big Data starts being used by law enforcement to "predict" who's likely to commit crimes.

Some point in the next 10 years a day will come, when millions of people go to the ATM get cash out. And most of them won't get anything.

I already posted one answer, but the art of Trong Jug. Basically (very, very basic) time traveling, body possessing spirits.

Flat earth is the scariest. I don't believe it but it's fun entertaining the idea cause holy shit it'd be nut

Taco Bell.


he was kidding

Well, Facebook has your public information. Reddit has your private thoughts. In a way Reddit is worse than Facebook for your privacy and better at controlling thought.

That's what I figured. Thanks for confirming!