Hacker group "Anonymous" likes communist Jew Bernie Sanders.

0  2016-03-17 by CaucasianEagle

Anonymous - "We do not endorse any candidate, but Sanders is the only one that doesn't change his views constantly, it's been consistent over 30 years"


Is this the same Jew who's not been invited to the AIPAC shindig?

Gutted the audit the FED (The Central Bank) bill (Ron Paul's bill), supports Zionist Jewish Supremacy in Israel (lied about not knowing what Zionism was), and lived on a Kibbutz in Israel? That the Jew we are talking about? If so, I don't really think he needs to visit AIPAC to show his loyalty. Plus why would another Jew need to ass kiss other Jews. Goyim ass kiss.

Ron Paul not Rand. Rand (his son) is a sold out bitch. Here mate from across the pond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Sqoq-lAGO8

Ah, my bad. I wonder what his motivation was? He seems the least invested in the Money Machine out of all the puppets.

He's a Washington insider (career politician). He's knows where the bread a butter comes from. He's all hot air. Bark, no bite. I'm not for anyone. This whole thing is a kabuki theatre. I just feel the need to bring honesty into all this. I feel obligated to my fellow country men/women.

Facts are welcome and appreciated, but ultimately as the only 'vote' that would matter is a country-wide strike and total withdrawal of taxes allied to a truly massive Washington protest a la Brasil until a viable third party unallied to the bankers/MIC is in power it's probably of little import to your countrymen. Just vote for the puppet who says what you want to hear, as usual, that'll definitely fix things this time.

Yeah, mate. I'm not sure what the answer is. All I know is that it's not Bernie or Trump (or any politician for that matter). Not sure how it all plays out. I'm just trying to bring reason/honesty/truth into the discussion for those who may have their heads 1/2 in the sand (in the US). I understand your lack of knowledge because I know you're a red coat ;)

Hehe, ring a bell, the King is coming.

ಠ_ಠ I'm not sure if we ever won the freedom from the Crown! Not the that old cunt in that posh castle, but that city within a city (City of London). I'd be happy to have tea (fuck that, a beer!) with you though, you seem like a cool bloke :)

Tea with a good slug of whiskey maybe, beer works for me too though :) I don't think anyone is entirely free of the machinations of The City, those who fix the markets run the markets after all. Russia and China are probably going to end their shit eventually though if you ask me.

Sanders sabotaged the bill by taking out the most important part.

Ron Paul himself addressed this.

You aren't fooling anyone.

Fooling anyone? I don't give a shit which representative of the deep-state you guys vote for, just what the facts might be.

Then why are you being purposefully deceptive about the facts? Ron Paul himself has said that Sanders "sabotaged" the bill - and you are purposefully trying to deceive people by suggesting he didn't.

How is what you are doing not brazen, purposeful deception?

Did it occur to you that a Brit might not be the best informed about the intricacies of American politics? I freely admit I prefer Sanders policies to the other fucks but ultimately they'll all bow down to the real owners, or have a little accident.

Did it occur to you that a Brit might not be the best informed about the intricacies of American politics?

Did it occur to you that as an uninformed Brit it may have been better to keep your mouth shut and listen, instead of broadcast your lack of knowledge of the American political issues you pretend to know something about?

I mean, you could have asked, plenty of people would have been happy to fill you in on the details.

I'll just carry on doing, thinking and saying whatever the fuck I like thanks.

And I'll just carry on pointing out your falsehoods, deceptions, and misinformation.

See? We can all get along!

Jacks, when you attack other peoples' claims and insert your own without providing any links/evidence for either, do you think you look intelligent? Why not post a link to an article where Ron Paul said that? I'm not doubting it exists, I am just asking you to back up your own claims with evidence when you attack other people's

Why not post a link to an article where Ron Paul said that?

I DID. Why are you posting lies and slander?

I'm not doubting it exists

you are just insinuating it, although you know damn well that I DID post links. I mean, anyone can click on my handle and see link after link after link.

I don't understand why your posts are so blatantly dishonest and purposefully misleading?

Oh wait, never mind. I do in fact know why your posts are so purposefully misleading and dishonest.

Carry on, swimfan420. Hit that bong, Bernie-bro!

I was wrong on that, I see you did post a video, which I will watch at some point.

I am also speaking generally, though. You are so quick to attack people and often don't back up your claims or attacks on the claims of others with actual evidence, preferring personal insults. That seems to be a common theme by regulars here towards natural conspiracy skeptics.

My post was not purposely misleading or dishonest and I didn't tell any lies or commit slander. Talk about overstating things. I read your comment thread in here with the British guy and it was all about belittling him, without backing up your thoughts or attacking his with any real evidence.

You are so quick

Hilarious - you are forced to admit you were - VERY QUICK - to attack me, now you pretend to walk it back - WHILE ATTACKING ME.

Seriously, swimfan420 - just go back to your bong hits and stop pretending you have any sort of legitimate point.

You aren't making progressivism better, you are just making Bernie Sander's campaign worse.

Can't you see that?

I watched the video and it sounded like a politician to me, no specifics

I am not attacking you, I am asking why you take the approach you often do to those that challenge your claims.

I don't own a bong and I'm not a Bernie Sanders supporter at the moment. Sorry reality doesn't line up with your alpha the insult comic #tcot schtick.

Also your anti-Jew views are nauseating

your anti-Jew views are nauseating

Your anti-European bigotry is nauseating and I'd bet money you own a bong, swimfan420.

I mean, you put "420" in your handle so you really aren't fooling anyone here. But nice try, I guess.

What anti-European bigotry have I expressed in any of my posts?

And did you ever think that I maybe took a tongue in cheek approach when creating my anonymous message board username?

Sure, "swimfan420" - you're totally not a pothead. Uh-huh. Whatever, dude.

Also, your racist bigotry against European people was, like, totally sarcastic dude.

"I'm not a racist, I'm so not racist it was a joke!!1"


Good for you, "swimfan420." It was all just a big joke.

Cool, Bernie-Bro! It was like, so, so funny! I'm totally not a White Supremacist, I voted for Zionist Bernie Sanders, how could I be "racist?"

Or have "white privilege?" Whoa, dude!


Have fun attacking your straw man, one of your main tactics for dealing with those that challenge your generalizations and wrongly held views.

I asked you to point out anything I've ever posted on here that represented anti-European bigotry and you start ranting about racial appropriation and Bernie bros? What?

Have fun attacking your straw man, one of your main tactics for dealing with those that challenge your generalizations and wrongly held views.

Yep =]. But "neutral" drumpf is HEADLINING... WITH CLINTON. THIS IS THE END FOLKS.

It's the same Jew that has voted consistently for Israel during his entire decades long career as a Washington insider.

But nice try.

So which main candidates are Anti-Israel exactly?

The ones you know nothing about. 90% of the press is owned by 6 corps. They won't get a show.

Interesting question, but it's not relevant to the fact that Bernie Sanders is a reliable Zionist/pro-AIPAC vote and that Sanders has spent his entire, decades long career as a Washington insider funneling the tax money of working class Americans to the rather wealthy Zionist entity.

No wonder Sanders wants to raise taxes - that way, he can send even more of American's tax money to the foreign state of Israel.

As I said before, feel free to point out which candidate is against this. You should probably vote for them eh?

As I said before, Bernie Sanders is certainly for sending the tax money of working class Americans to Israel.

Bernie Sanders is also the Senator that sabotaged the Audit the Fed bill, thereby protecting Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the wealthiest 1%.

And Trump and Shillary are deeply pro Wall st. and pro Aipac/Israel too. Only one of them seems even vaguely interested in taxing the wealthy banks and Corporations to improve the lives of the poorest as I see it. I'm sure you'll be able to tell me why I'm wrong though.

Trump and Clinton are both just as bad as Sanders when it comes to the Israel lobby - yes, that is correct.

Sanders has proven - by his record - that he has zero interest in taking on the Israel lobby, nor doing anything substantive for the working class. Sure, he wants to raise taxes - so he can send more money to Israel.

Sanders and Clinton are both for disenfranchising the working class with mass immigration of cheap labor. At least Trump is against that. Plus, Trump and Sanders are far better than Clinton on trade deals.

But Sanders' bad qualities far outweigh his good qualities (the few that there are) and it's all irrelevant because he isn't going to win, he's going to drop out and endorse Hillary, because that is the kind of conventional, political shill that Bernie Sanders actually is.

Maybe if you were an American informed about American politics you would know that.

He doesn't appear to be on great terms with the Netenyahu camp to me and described the recent Gaza atrocities as 'overreacting' which is about as close to a criticism as I'd expect from an American politician of any background.
I actually wonder if he's been given the nod to hang on rather than drop out as the FBI are eroding Hillary's trust level slowly but surely and just might get something to stick to the teflon bitch. I still think Trump would probably win ultimately though as he's the one saying what most people really want to hear.

In other words, a handful of Bernie Bros made a stupid video under the label of "Anonymous."

So what?

Maybe you're right, cause last time I checked Anonymous was a bunch of anarchists.


last time I checked Anonymous was a bunch of anarchists.

you might want to check again, because "Anonymous" isn't some consistent group with a unified ideology, it's a stupid label that many people use for a bunch of stupid videos and publicity stunts.


No, I'm anonymous - and so is my wife!


Well I guess this is one more thing to point out that truth then.

Anonymous is a terrorist group.

Its sickening that we finally get a real person to run. A genuine, honest, human being who's been talking about the disenfranchised WORKING CLASS, for 30 years.. And you people try to slander him with "COMMUNIST" and "JEW". Communism was the antithesis of the corrupt system you people claim to be against, and yeah the Zionist regime of Israel is a serious problem for humanity, but Bernie Sanders has absolutely zero connection to any of the evils you speak of.

We finally get the chance you clowns begged for.

You throw it in the trash for more of the same, or worse, a hyper-drive version of more of the same (trump).

Idiot traitor you truly are.

You don't have a fucking clue.

Yeah ok Caucasian eagle, come to NYC, there's millions of us with brains and actual passion to make the world better, despite clowns like you. White power bozo

The caucasian eagle was the eagle which picked at Prometheus' liver. You fucking moron. Go learn about the Federal Reserve and how the constitution gets shit on every day you dumb fucking white hating millennial.

Audit the Federal Reserve Bank, Bernie.

A genuine, honest, human being who's been talking about the disenfranchised WORKING CLASS

Umm, have you heard of Ron Paul?

And you people try to slander him with "COMMUNIST" and "JEW".

Communist/Socialist, and he is also a Jew. Those are factual. Back to tumblr or the main subs for you....

Idiot traitor you truly are.

Face palm....

Socialist =/= Communist

Socialism is the step to communism (unreal utopia, much like true capitalism). Read up, chap.

Like I said before, socialism =/= communism. I am well informed on both, thanks. Kind of like how every Jewish person isn't automatically a Zionist, and not every tragedy is a false flag. And not every black protester is a terrorist.

Bernie Sanders is probably the best realistic option for president this year, I will probably support him if he makes it to the convention.

Are you high? Socialism is the stepping stone to communism (that's its purpose!). Read Marx. But you wont, you'll just listen to the professor and your edgy college mates. Enjoy your frap. Educate yourself. I encourage responsible drinking and weed smoking, but don't let it retard you....

Even you admit that socialism is not in fact communism. I'd compare it to saying that weed is a gateway drug for heroin.

I hate fraps and graduated from college a long time ago. Maybe you should stop inhaling the smell of your shit so hard, there's plenty of it to go around.

Even you admit that socialism is not in fact communism.

Huh? When did I admit that? It's the step towards it. Been transparent. Sorry if you hate to be educated (public schools).... Read Marx, don't just wear a Che shirt....

I hate fraps and graduated from college a long time ago.

Oh fuck, this country is gone....

Maybe you should stop inhaling the smell of your shit so hard, there's plenty of it to go around.

Got anything intelligent to say? You sound like a bad family guy joke.. But, there is no joke and you just sound retarded....

Yeah I do, but you don't appear to. You keep equivocating and are unwilling to say that socialism and communism are the same thing. Yeah it's a step towards that just like weed is a step towards heroin. Most people that dabble in weed won't die of a heroin overdose alone in their apartment.

Damn, you are seriously uneducated.. Please don't tell me you took out too much for College.

Yeah I do

I'm still waiting.....

You have nothing to add but personal attacks. Got it.

You have nothing to add bug personal attacks. Got it.

Learn how to spell, and please tell me your point. You clearly have nothing to add bug [sic] personal attacks.

Still waiting....

Thanks for proving both my points for me!

My original comment was that socialism =/= communism, a basic concept to most people. You seemed to disagree pretty strongly but never denied the truth of my original comment - every post was some combo of strong disagreement+equivocation+personal insult+qualification of your point (socialism leads to communism so it's the same thing!)

God damn, you are dense. Socialism is the step to communism. Read Marx. If you want to deny the ideology, that's on you. But, at-least know what the fuck you are talking about. Good riddance..

You are repeatedly trying to assert a point that we don't disagree on as if it contradicts what I originally said. I'm not the one being dense.

I view Socialism as the step to Communism about the same way as I view marijuana as the step to heroin. The statement has some merit especially ideologically, but in reality rarely leads to the feared outcome, and is primarily used now as a rhetorical device. No one would say marijuana is heroin, and people shouldn't interchange socialist and communist, it is misleading.

You are severely uneducated. Sorry. (no I'm not, you're a dumb ass).

What are your bona fides Mr. Education? Do you have a law degree?

Last time I checked people dying of heroine overdoses is skyrocketing, meanwhile more and more states are legalizing marijuana. Maybe you're on to something here :)

Yeah, Face palm. The problem with idiots is that they don't know that they are idiots. (speaking of which, do any of you downvoters know how I meant that? I thought not; just amusing myself at the expense of double-digiters).

Like yourself? Glad I didn't have to say it.

I liked Ron Paul too. He was fucked over by morons like you as well.

I liked Ron Paul too.

Doubt it, if you support Bernie....

He was fucked over by morons like you as well

How am I a moron? Also, calling names is not a good way to have a discussion....Your shits weak, son....

Audit the fed, gold standard, other economic policies = an attempt to finally help people have a basic standard of living

Tax the rich, attack the fed constantly, raise wages, free public school, free healthcare -= an attempt to finally help people have a basic standard of living

Both had anti imperialist policies.

Why is Bernie so opposite of Ron?? Where do u get this from? Honest guys who never wavered from their POV, that want to help the people...

What are you not seeing? Bernie is so far from some evil corporate freak, you guys are killing yourselves. You hate the poor so much that you have become anti left no matter what? Is that it ?? Wtf?

Here's your prescious Bernie yelling at his constituents in the defense of the genocidal fascist policies of Israel.


Here's Paul calling Bernie out for being a little Fed loving bitch


If you have a gold standard you limit your economy to the value of all the gold in the world. Or the price of gold varies soo vastly that we cant produce electronics or power systems with consistent or even even feasible cost.

Bernie calls himself a "Socialist," he praised the Communist regime in Cuba, the Communist regime in Nicaragua (the Bernie Bros call themselves "Sandernistas") and he honeymooned in the Soviet Union.

Bernie Sanders calls HIMSELF a "Jew" and said his identification was important to him. He has also spent his entire decades long career as a Washington insider funneling the tax money of working class Americans to the apartheid regime of Jew bigotry in Zionist-occupied Palestine and has a virtually 100% pro-Israel voting record.

So - what are you complaining about? "Communist Jew" is an accurate description of Bernie Sanders.

A genuine, honest, human being who's been talking about the disenfranchised WORKING CLASS, for 30 years.

He's NOT honest, he's NOT genuine, and all he has done is TALK - at least when it comes to working class Americans.

When it comes to wealthy foreign Israelis, Sanders has actually delivered for them.

What is sickening is you trying to purposefully deceive people about Bernie Sanders.

Im not sure if being agaisnt a coup of the nicaragua government makes you pro communism.

Thats like saying not wanting to invade russia in the winter makes you a commie.

Im not sure

Everyone knows that Bernie Sanders is a Communist-sympathizer.

Come on - let's all stop playing pretend here.

Lets all stop playing pretend that you werent propoganized to hate the word communism going through US public history class's. Just because someone doesnt support the millitary take over to implement a capitalist regime in a communist country does not make them a communist.

"captaincarb" wants to lecture us on being ...

"propoganized" ... and "history class's."

How embarrassing for it.

How embarasing you must attack a political candidate with name calling instead of attacking them on their pollicies.

a pirical nominee

I don't even know what the hell you are talking about.

Certainly, I have posted link after link, and substantive criticism after substantive criticism, about the life-long Washington insider Bernie Sanders, while you have ... screeched about stuff.

I guess you can try again, but I don't think it's going to help, so ... whatever.

All of your examples youre not telling the full truth, most of the bills you mention his voting record on had terrible riders on them

So, we see that "captaincarb" has no answers, but does nothing but spin his wheels with transparent justifications for Bernie Sander's long track record of horrific votes.

He went against Israel more then any other politician you are a liar. Praising a leaders policies, HONEYMOONING SOMEWHERE, and having supporters call make a funny name out of a old freedom fighting group is somehow evil and a secret tell for how he is bad? You clowns are really messed up in the head. It's sad, even the "awake" types just can't figure it out... You just don't get it.. Idk if it's that you haven't been in the street, or in a poor area, or in a workplace, or generally experienced life.. So you sit home and act conspiratorial and fuck yourself over by attacking the only Jew who isn't owned by Israel? And you STILL don't know what communism is? WTF?? The Cold War propaganda STILL HAS YOU BRAINWASHED HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE. M O R O N forreal. Show me anywhere, literally anywhere, one second of footage that shows Bernie as a stooge for the eiite, or special interests, or any controlling entity.. PLEASE. Otherwise FOH because your ruining this for all of us. You are the type who would have called OCCUPY WALL ST communist If a real revolution would have taken place.

Everyone wants revolution.. When movements spring up, when a honest leader comes around, you commit counter revolutionary acts. If you were Cuban you would have fled and been a wannabe capitalist.

It's because you have no heart, AND no brain.

What has to happen for you guys to man up and fix your communities? Trump? Hyper conservative rule? What!? What do you want from life? Fear? Hate? War? Starvation wages? Rape prices for school? Rape prices for hospitals? Multinational corporation rule??

You realize that it was people like you and Putin loves cats that acted as pawns or the ruling elite to fight back against all positive change right?




OMG, everything you just posted is either an outright lie, purposefully misleading, or just completely irrelevant.

Everyone is now dumber having read that.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

What was a lie? Wtf. It's insane that right wing propaganda ruined so many of you, it's literal FACT that your whole entire ideology is from the gut and has no basis in reality. Jesus man... You really are ruining your family and your community.

Just about all of it. Wtf. It's insane that left wing propaganda ruined so many of you, it's literal FACT that your whole entire ideology is from the gut and has no basis in reality. Jesus man ... You really are ruining your family and your community.

There, you see how stupid your comment really was? If I were you, I'd delete it, to spare yourself any further embarrassment.

Don't separate the body from the mind. You are probably some transhumanist pussy.

Voted for war in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, funding moderate rebels (now ISIS) in Syria, sanctions against Russia, sanctions against Iraq, sanctions against Iran, for the international corporate welfare that is the F-35 and scuttled the audit the fed bill.

Shut up with your nonsense. The dude is a fraud.

Wow this thread got hammered with down-vote bots.

Then why are you being purposefully deceptive about the facts? Ron Paul himself has said that Sanders "sabotaged" the bill - and you are purposefully trying to deceive people by suggesting he didn't.

How is what you are doing not brazen, purposeful deception?

God damn, you are dense. Socialism is the step to communism. Read Marx. If you want to deny the ideology, that's on you. But, at-least know what the fuck you are talking about. Good riddance..