Reddit has begun spying on which outgoing links you click on by redirecting them through

166  2016-03-17 by Ginkgopsida

Here's the solution thanks to TA-4c89d5e2:

If using uBlock, add to "My filters" or otherwise block these domains just to be thorough:

It's explained in this thread:


Not to sound ignorant, but what exactly does this mean?

they make a list now which porn pics you click

being an idiot and acting as if this isn't about prosecuting and targeting dissidents is just as bad as supporting the prosecution of the first amendment.

Ease up a bit

will do.

I just feel joking about such serious subjects in a dismissive tone influences us to have less of an appropriate reaction towards costly and quickly approaching subjects.



I wish websites that choose to engage in this kind of behavior would at least have a easy toggle in privacy settings.

godlike productions has been doing this since elaine sold the site. glp has over 250 active cookies tracking clicks at any given time

Since when?

how long have they known about my scat midget porn thing

You can also block with uMatrix. Afaik it is actually blocked by default, if you're subscribing to some of the blocking lists.

Is there a way to test to make sure you aren't redirected? tracrt or something?

If using uBlock, add to "My filters" or otherwise block these domains just to be thorough:

I used my hosts file to redirect to the local port and I can still get to the outside links. Am I dumb or does this work?

This has been standard practice since the 90s. I doubt they are actually collecting a per user list of links followed. It could be for collecting per link counters for the "hotness" determination.

I thought every major website did this.

Just curious: Why does this terrify you? What exactly are you afraid of?

Username checks out

Look at his post history... he is a good poster to have here, because he takes people to task on backing up their views with reason and sources (serious).

I like you

I'm starting to wonder you...

Why do you hate privacy?

Why do you think I hate privacy?

It's not that I hate privacy. I'm just genuinely fascinating by the pants shitting going on just because Reddit has some thing in place to see what links are clicked. I swear, some people really do believe we are right on the cusp of totalitarianism. It's kind of paranoid and crazy.