Not that I miss them, but does anyone else find it odd that mass shootings seemed to have all but stopped while the presidential election circus is in full swing?

406  2016-03-21 by facereplacer3

It was like, they were staging one or 2 every month or so. Now, nothing. Just lack of coverage or are the gladio-type operatives predisposed?


Now you see.... Last mass shooting was in Chicago and it was gang related so no headlines.

Black Lives Matter Unless Killed By Another Black Person

I don't understand this comment. Plenty of black protesters have protested black on black violence. Spike Lee's latest movie was about it. It's part and parcel with police shootings.

I think he's talking about the 20-30 or so homicides in Chiraq everyday that are rarely mentioned in almost any context.

Maybe on national news stations, but within the city we hear about it everyday...

Must be a conspiracy...

20-30 daily? Get fucking real man.

Eh it's more like 1-3 a day. Source

I'm aware

just putting it out there so everyone can see it

Ok, I'm still confused, you just said the name of the movie. Who exactly is not saying what needs saying?

Can we mention all murders in any context on a daily basis?

It seems like for you to be satiated we need a rolling ticker of all murders committed as they happen.

There's not 20-30 homicides a day in Chicago. That would be 7,300 murders a year on the low side.

Ok I didnt mean every day literally, I do recall on some days reading 20 people died.

Official stats:

206 total shot in march, 31 homicides. Shooting victims are still casualties in the military sense.. With someone shot every 2 minutes 45 seconds, still quite a statistic eh?

Final 2015 Totals Shot & Killed: 444 Shot & Wounded: 2552 Total Shot: 2996 Total Homicides: 506

That's in a fucking month. You said that many were happening a day. See where people get pissed?

Sorry, didnt mean to piss you off friend.


You didn't piss me off your ignorance did

50% of shooting tend to be suicides, remove those from the numbers and numbers sort of calm down.

and no matter how sad and distressing suicide is, its not a valid reason to make guns illegal.

I don't understand this comment.

Let me try to explain it to you. "BlackLivesMatter" is a Soros-funded front group ostensibly protesting White police officers shooting Black criminals.

Meanwhile, BlackLivesMatter has essentially ignored that far greater issue of Black criminals shooting Black people.

The fact that there are some nominal discussions about black on black crime isn't really relevant.

Understand now?

He understands what you said goes against the Left's agenda so he probably still doesn't understand.

The reason the comment was made is because recently the mental gymnastics that have been going have lead some to the conclusion that because they believe racism is a social construct that black on black crime doesn't exist. They say that any crime committed by a black person to a black person is due to institutionalized racism and was caused by white people or white males to be exact.

At least that is how I follow the explanation I was given

It has some truth though. When you teach non violence and you protest and get beat up. All that nonviolence you end up lashing out at your family. You get beat up all the time all day, becomes pretty difficult not to lash out domestically. Our choices and whom we are, are not formed in a vacuum.

Yes forming a theory of thought based on race and teaching it, institutionalizes people.

Being aware of facts does not.

Fact, you beat on people, they will tend to want to beat on other people. It's very difficult for a human being of any color to suffer violence and not become violent themselves.

Yes so its the chicken or the egg? Does it matter? Not really. Lets accept circumstances have an affect and go from there.

And the actual cause is?


Wasn't endorsing it but that's the train of thought they use to blame institutionalized racism and white people. They say since white people created institutionalized racism they are responsible for issues in minority communities.

Just to be clear it's fucking dumb, lots of double think in it.

I'm sorry, you're asserting it's OTHERS who are engaged in mental gymnastics?

Yes, it is other people, especially in regard to the people who have been stating black on black crime doesn't exist or isn't an issue.

Or are you implying black on black crime doesn't exist?

Black on black crime is an issue in their communities imo finding a way to justify blaming another group of people for it doesn't solve the problem.

F-ing right! It's all a game of I'm not responsible.

the people who have been stating black on black crime doesn't exist or isn't an issue.

The only people I ever hear asserting that are those who do so on their way to insisting that black on black crime is THE issue.

That hasn't been my experience in some recent conversations.

Anecdotal evidence is only valid on reddit. And just barely.

Sounds the poster's heavy into Orwell's Doublespeak! Give us all a break.

No, I'm literally asking you to provide an alternative explanation for increased black on black violence besides institutionalized racism.

Edit: it's a simple, honest question.

Sorry, I thought you were asking a question in relation to the poster you responded to who made the joke.

I read your original comment as not understanding why the original poster made a joke of that nature and was relaying the train of thought for the the claim that leads to that joke. It is a pretty ridiculous train of thought imo.

Their culture is more violent in regard to criminal statistics around the world. Granted that's an oversimplification of the issue which I don't have a lot of time to answer atm

This video explores the issue pretty well

lets start with, not that. there are 113,000 millionaires in Africa. black privilege?

What does that mean? Do black children in Africa face the same discrimination from their schools, the media, or the police as black children in America? Mostly no. Do they still face social pressure to have lighter skin? Mostly yes. Does Africa's financial wealth match its natural resources? Not at all.

I'm not sure how many millionaires you think Africa should have. Overall, it has less than a trillion dollars, which is much less than the other continents.

White people feel social pressure to have darker skin? It's called a tan. People are obsessed with it. What is your point?

I forget.

You're delusional, it's the law of the jungle for animals. Regardless of color, or Zip Code.

Basically the BLM only makes headlines when it is a white person killing a black person. Other wise the its just another day.

But this is r/conspiracy. We don't hold people accountable for their media coverage.

I understand it. Ignorant bigotry is funny on reddit, allegedly.

Ignorant bigotry

I think you mean, "this guy doesn't agree with my political perspective, therefore, waaaaycisis!"

Hey, if you gotta jack around definitions to try and validate your position, go right ahead. But the adults know what time it is.

Q. How can you tell if somebody thinks it's ok for the government to take money out of your pocket and put it in their pocket?

A. They use words like ignorant bigotry (and homophobe, xenophobe, racist, triggered, Islamophobe, offended etc.)

Dont bother with these racists in denial

You completely missed the point if you thought that comment was racist

some people are sensitive and use the word racist to describe criticism

muh persecution complex

"Racist" is just another way of saying "Whitey."

Only honkeys say whitey.

If only we had a "safe space" for them to hide in.

But they are so much more sincere than most of the other racists in denial on reddit.

Just because the media ignores inner city violence doesn't mean that activists don't. There have been plenty of protests that have gone under a complete media blackout.

Just because the media ignores inner city violence doesn't mean that activists don't. There have been plenty of protests that have gone under a complete media blackout.

That's very interesting and all, but it doesn't really address the point.

Because the point is that Black Lives Matter doesn't care about black violence. It does. It's just doesn't get reported. So when Al Sharpton has a major summit in Chicago directly attempting to address gun violence, it goes completely ignored by the media.

When peaceful protests in Ferguson happen night after night, it gets completely ignored until someone gets violent, then the story is about nothing BUT the violence.

Media has agenda. We all know that.

Yes, media does have an agenda. So does BlackLivesMatter. So does Al Sharpton.

BlackLivesMatter mostly focuses on "racist white cops."

Black Lives Matter focuses on police violence and the way our entire justice system treats African Americans, which I sincerely believe is a major problem. Do you not?

Police violence against blacks is practically nothing compared to the number of black lives ended at abortion clinics each year. Why is this ignored?

Edit:Eugenics, Margaret Sanger, look it up. You may also choose to ignore the issue. We are talking about BLM correct?

Oh, come the hell on.

Now that I'm out of arguments, let me totally change the topic.

Pittsburgh just had one where 2 guys ran up on a bbq and killed 5 people, one pregnant. I think the only national attention it got was a short Today show segment and NPR mentioned it. But all the news media covered that trump supporter punching a guy for like a week.

You won't see BLM doing or saying shit in South Side Chicago, that's the iron knee of it.

So true. I haven't seen them at all in any hood. I guess its OK if its black on black. That's what's fucked up. Its all a setup to get blood pumping.


Rule 1. No racial slurs. Removed. 1st warning.

You better stop allowing idiots to post racist things like "white privilege" in every discussion of race then Sport.

If you believe "white privilege" is a racial slur, then please bring it up to the mod team through modmail and it will be discussed.

For the record, we consider "racist" and "racial slur" to be two completely different things.

Edit: Also for the record, one 6-day old account does not get to dictate what is and is not allowed in this sub.

fine by me

I wish I could control trump to make him rally ten thousand family members who're related to those who died due to gang members to take on BLM, and the MSM.

It's beautiful how Mr. T played the heavy "no-muslims" card. Now, any San Bern type FF's will play into his hand perfectly, widening his base. It's making "management" behind the red curtain squirm in confusion.

Unless you think about it for ten seconds. How would he ban all Muslims from entering the country? Rely on them to identify themselves as Muslim and hope they don't lie.. Cause surely a terrorist wouldn't lie.. So really he'd have to stop all immigration to stop all Muslims from entering the country but for some reason that wasn't his plan.. His plan was a bullshit idea that he knows isn't possible but he also knew that it would con some people into voting for him.

Easiest way is just to ban immigrants from specific Muslim heavy countries. We take in far too many low educated 3rd world immigrants a year anyway. Even have a lottery system. It's a joke. Beyond that though we know the NSA does heavy spying. Truly vetting people shouldn't be that hard. And if we can't vet them don't let them in. Simple. the plan isn't "ban Muslims" it is "ban countries." So we will ban Coptic Christians and Yazidi Christians based on where they live. And how does the NSA spy on people who don't have facebook or cell phones?

Cause surely a terrorist wouldn't lie

most terrorists are religious nuts and take the disavowment of their faith very seriously.

Al-Taqiyya. That's a Muslim doctrine that allows them to lie about their faith without punishment/consequences especially in times of war or to further their cause. So the ones who would actually do harm would absolutely know this.

According to 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta's girlfriend while he was living in Florida, he went drinking at strip clubs, snorted coke, and loved pork chops.

yes - and in chicago they are real shootings so for some reason all the less interesting to CNN. CNN only likes to give air time to the fakers

I live outside of Cincinnati and about 20 to 30 minutes to the north in Madison Ohio they just had a school shooting within the last two weeks. Perhaps it is becoming so common it's hardly big news anymore.

The other part is that if you stop feeding it attention people who will do it for attention, the "everyone will know my name after this" types won't do it.

Which the Media was fully aware of before this recent flap of shootings. But they kept televising it anyway. The only thing that killed coverage was the upswing of election news.

people who will do it for attention

I've heard that rationale before as an explanation for the act. Is that theory backed up by anything or is it just an idea?

I've seen some psychological profiles that reference a mentality like that but I cannot find an explicit quote from a shooter at this time. I swear it was said by one of the Columbine kids though.

...looks like you're right. There is a "copy cat" mentality not just for the act itself, but seemingly the notoriety that comes with it.

No one has ever cared about violence in the ghetto.

Madison Ohio isn't a ghetto, it's a farming community with at worst some heroin junkies sprinkled in.

Just looked it up, no one died in that shooting. The news tends to report less when no one dies. Eg, when I was in college there was a shooting at the mall near my college (Garden State Plaza). It was huge news around here but it was barely a blip in the national news cycle because no one died.

It's always been this common. Only special "terrorism" cases make it to the MSM



I'm not sure why you keep talking about the US figurehead president. He doesn't have any say in the policies of the US government. It's about as useless as asking me about British pickpocket rates in relation to which monarch is on the throne at the time.

So, about the same number of people are being killed with guns per year as usual (less probably), even the FBI’s data on mass killings is only about 57 percent accurate, even the Mother Jones data I'm assuming is referred to doesn't really go back far enough to determine any accurate trends (what statistically significant increase are you referring to?), and in typical liberal fashion they are more interested in seeing which race got the high score than actually doing any kind of meaningful analysis.


If you look at the bottom you can see I quoted the original source.


If you click through and follow the sources you will see that graph is lying. Mother Jones had 25 mass shootings recorded during Obama's term, Wikipedia had no "postal killings" recorded since Obama took office, and the list of "Mass Shootings In The United States By Year" had 47 recorded between 2009 and 2015. Many of the incidents recorded on Wikipedia's list of "Mass Shootings In The United States By Year" also appear on Mother Jones' list of mass shootings, resulting in a number much lower than 162.

Additionally, you will notice that each of the sources uses a different definition of mass shooting.

If you literally paste the Mother Jones data in Excel and chart it, you do see a slight increase in the total number of fatalities per year, but not enough to be statistically significant (and certainly nothing to suggest Obama is significantly worse), especially if you factor in that this has to be calculated per capita (population always grows).


Always follow links, paste numbers in excel, and do the math yourself.

they want everyone to watch "the show", while they enact laws & plot & plan more chaos in secret.

in NYC more people are being stabbed,

Cops say they’ve put the cuffs on the knife-wielding lunatic in Brooklyn who wore an American flag bandanna as he sneaked up on and slashed a woman in the neck earlier this month.

Six men were slashed, three of them by a machete-wielding maniac, during two separate incidents at restaurants in Queens and the Bronx early Sunday, police said.

Interesting thought - the machete-wielders don't fall into the gun control propaganda. The guns are always used to cover the medication OD/withdrawal association. Harder to pull that card to deflect investigation with knives and cars and machetes. :(

right, it's not gun control, but multiple random violence is still occurring.

The National Machete Association pays them to keep quiet.

I thought the timing of the captured terrorist in Brussels was suspicous.The French people take to the street over the extended "State of emergency law".One week later the top fugitive terrorist is captured by police.

no one can explain why he didn't go through with it.. ofc.

No balls

no explosives more likely.. this was a drill portrayed as real. he was playing a role.

Great catch.

They're still happening, just not bubbling up to national news because so many of them are happening, they're not interesting anymore...:/ Check your local rags and you'll see some...kind of wonder if more articles are mentioning the medication connection and that's why they're being kept quiet locally...but probably just that Trump's ridiculous antics make more money for networks right now than dead families.

It is remarkable how many of them were on anti-depressants, or had just stopped taking them.

Not too remarkable if you read the drugs' "liner notes." :/ The conspiracy is in plain sight, the emperor has no clothes.

Yeah Adult Swim had even done a skit on this:

Why go on a spree killing now? No matter what flavour of crazy you are, there's a candidate who speaks for you. Crazy ass people typically go on killing sprees for ideological reasons and I can guarantee you we'll see some not long after the election. We'll see fed up kids who were sitting on the edge slip over, because they're mad about this, that or the other thing.

A lot of very mentally broken people are pinning their hopes on the candidate of their choice and as soon as that candidate loses they'll start a rapid descent to the end. There's kids who fellate the idea of a socialist dream and will buckle under the pressure of society if Sanders loses. There's people who are convinced that blacks and arabs are here to covertly conquer the country; these people will snap if Trump loses.

But not until then. A spree doesn't happen until all hope is lost and, for pretty much anyone, a presidential election always represents "hope".

The other thing is that media attention tends to fuel these and a spree (right now) would get less attention, which lowers the incentive.

The waves of cop violence also happen during specific seasons. Cop attacks on innocent people have also subsided during the election stageplay.

Thanks for mentioning Gladio in your post also. Most people don't get it.

What is gladio exactly? Just wondering.

Operation Gladio was/is a NATO-sponsored & CIA-affiliated series of European(footnote 1) false-flag terrorist bombings, massacres, spree-shootings & assassinations designed to shift European public opinion/political electorate toward right-wing, authoritarian governments, and to create a "Strategy of Tension".

On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio, requesting full investigations – which have yet to be done – and total dismantlement of the paramilitary structures [used by NATO to accomplish the false-flag attacks].

The 1990 European resolution condemned "the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence" as well as "armed operations organization in several Member States of the Community", which "escaped all democratic controls and has been run by the secret services of the states concerned in collaboration with NATO." Denouncing the "danger that such clandestine network may have interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of Member States or may still do so."

Examples of such alleged terrorist acts include the strategy of tension in Italy, the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing, the 1972 Peteano Massacre, the 1978 kidnapping & murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the 1980 Munich Oktoberfest bomb blast, the 1982 Bologna Massacre, spree-shootings in supermarkets, assassinations of intelligence officials & counterterrorism officials.

Gladio has been called "the best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II".

(footnote 1) These attacks occurred primarily during the 1960s through the 1980s, although there is no indication that Operation Gladio was ever discontinued, or was geopolitically limited to European soil.

Putting it in perspective, when mass shootings related to drug prohibition and gang activity are subtracted, the number drops by ~70%

End the War on Drugs.

My apologies, I put up a link from the same place, just the 2016 list before reading your comment.

Even with both links you'll still see 3/4 of the sub here pat the OP on the back.

You're right, and I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't made this post.

Then again, they say "April is the cruelest month."

Then again, they say "April is the cruelest month."

You should check out Mark Passio's stuff. Basically it's all about astro-theology and occult symbolism. Even if you don't believe in it, there are those in power who do.

So where does April fit into all of this? Simple, March 20th/21st is the date of the vernal equinox. This is a big date for certain people and it sets off what Passio calls ''The season of sacrifice''. It's his theory that explains why so many bad things seem to happen within a one month time period beginning at the end of March.

I also suspect that bad stuff is still happening, but the media coverage has been altered during the pre-election period. The reason for this is that they make money from high ratings. Non-stop coverage of a Presidential election brings in way higher ratings than whatever daily murders.

I'll finish this off with one more thought that some of you might find interesting. Consider the potential effect of all this election coverage, politician's ads etc. Is it possible that the change in the overall media message actually has a powerful enough effect that it can distract certain mentally unstable types from their own internal problems? It might be that all the election coverage gets these people outwardly focused... away from whatever mental issues they have. Maybe distracted enough that we can observe a significant reduction in random shit that normally happens the rest of the time.

It's just a theory. I know it's not really conspiracy-related. But it's a possibility offered for your consideration.

edt: Also just realized there's a flip side to this (proposed) effect. If election coverage can ''turn it off'', maybe regular programming (or certain types of media content) can make it worse? Definitely some conspiracy potential there.

Or it starts getting warm, and the days longer. In Seattle, this is gang shooting season... I liken it to the spring rut for animals. Lots of young men, reclaiming their streets and street corner territory after a long dark winter chased them inside. The rhythms of spring compelling them to go out and claim space and impress women with their dominance....

It's a seasonal thing, yes. But it doesn't have to be ritual or conspiracy, just nature.

Suns out, guns out.


Good point. People are animals whether they admit it or not. I'm sure there are seasonal cycles that affect group behavior in ways that we don't know about yet.

Great comment!

This is a great comment.

Is it possible that the change in the overall media message actually has a powerful enough effect that it can distract certain mentally unstable types from their own internal problems?

Yes! This is a fascinating possibility and it makes sense, big-time. I remember reading some of the online postings of a mass shooter, George Sodini, and he mentioned postponing his murder-suicide because he was interested in seeing the outcome of the 2008 election.

Elections are media spectacles that can add novelty and excitement to the otherwise dreary lives of some of their spectators, especially if those spectators pick sides and spend their time looking forward to their preferred candidate's victory. I can definitely see how an individual on the edge could be distracted from his own troubles, and perhaps could be inspired and given much-needed motivation to continue living, by the entertaining Sanders and Trump phenomena and the other attention-grabbing political firestorms of the day.

Thank you for informing me about Mark Passio. I've never heard of him before, but his stuff does seem very interesting and I'll be doing some reading on him now. These theories sound very plausible.

Because all the wind-up, drugged up MK Ultra victims are in rest mode.

LSD doesn't make you violent

They used many, many other drugs besides LSD. Plus they successfully made Manchurian Candidates that wouldn't even remember they killed using solely hypnosis. Also, MKUltra Subproject 119 was a lit. review of methods for "the remote electronic activation of the human organism."

All citations and much more here:

Yeah but under certain circumstances it's been used to essentially brainwash people when combined with other things like torture. It's effective at 'wiping' people's minds which then allows the persons brain to be reprogrammed. That's the idea at least.

That was the original concept yeah, but they ended the program because that's not how acid works.

MKUltra never really ended. The acronym may have changed but the experiments continued.

Although the CIA insists that MKUltra-type experiments have been abandoned, some CIA observers say there is little reason to believe it does not continue today under a different set of acronyms.[50] Victor Marchetti, author and 14-year CIA veteran, stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducted disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKUltra was abandoned a "cover story."[90][91]

He never even said LSD, just drugs. MK Ultra was/is about far more than LSD research.

Naw, Americans are still shooting each other at an alarming rate. Several mass shootings occur every week, you're just not hearing about them as much.

An illegal immigrant shot five people in Kansas, then one person in Missouri a couple weeks ago

Ha. Hadn't heard about either. I can totally see why on the first, though.

Those people have been moved over the Anti-Trump bandwagon. They only have so many zombies to use at any given time.

You have to wait until intermission.

Yer fun.

The big shootins aren't Comey's style.

His are far more intricate.

methinks they are planning a really big one before this election. I have a feeling that this next one will be the real catalyst that catapults us into world government.

I personally believe that the Vester Flanagan Virginia shooter and Dylan Roof were both psyops for more racial division. Both shooters had manifestos and the crisis actors were like D-class at best. These motherfuckers are getting sloppy

Are we talking about real mass shootings, or reality show mass shootings? Real mass shootings are remaining relatively consistent, but those were never really reported on in the first place.

I believe the typical reality show shootings(i.e., skinny, autistic white kids), will come back into full swing after the election when there will be a new push of brainwashing/propaganda.

Yeah. Those kinds.

They're waiting to execute an op closer to November. Mexican cartel does something nasty in the states. Trump promises to stop the Mexican gun violence.

Allegedly there are "hundreds of mass shootings per year". I always find that claim hilarious. Where are all of these hundreds of shootings in the news media? All we ever hear about are the obvious psy-ops.

Someone should make some graphs comparing coverage of shootings during different reoccurring events like elections.

I have been thinking the same thing lately. Pretty fucked when a lot of people notice.

ha. very good point. no doubt same PR group creating both stuff - can only do so much at one time.

They're still happening, but the reporting frequency has gone down. Vice magazine has a mass shooting tracker on their website at updated weekly.

Rage energy redirected into the various upstart campaigns. Regular candidates have no appeal to people who are fed up with there chains.

The gun control debate mobilizes voters on both sides, and the majority of Americans-even some Dems-believe in the 2nd amendment, so Dems almost lose more than they gain when bringing it up.

The mass shootings never stop, they just only get reported when its a slow news day or its a school with a high body count. Seriously look in to how many school shootings happened last year, and then think about how many you remember hearing about.

Isn't it kinda jumping to conclusions to say these can only be planned. Children are nasty to each other. An immature, emotional mind is capable of much bolder and rash decisions than they're given credit for.

Just wait till the general election starts. That's when they can get the most bang for their buck, so to speak.

Even professional crisis actors cannot be in two places at once.

It's just media coverage of mass shootings that has changed. Once guns need to be a hot topic in the elections, you'll see more.

cant steal air time from the president debates and candidates!, not in the agenda

They don't the mass shootings to keep you all distracted because you're all distracted enough with the election.

They are waiting until a month or two before the election and there will be a BIG one, at a hospital, most likely a va hospital(dual benefit of pushing gun control and garnering sympathy for vets, to decrease the publics rationality even further) in the south eastern united states. My money is on Atlanta and Im betting the cdc will be involved

Well that's awfully specific. Care to explain your reasoning?

Certainly. The public called BS on the last few FF's in record time(San Bernardino, Vester Flanigan) so the tptb are aware it will take something so charged with pathos that the publics critical faculties are short circuited.

Kasim Reed is the first mayor of a US state to attend Bildeberg since Clinton. With the Malheur wildlife fiasco and the media pushing gun control and vaccine stories it's clear what they are prepping us for. So say a "domestic terrorist(really a patsy) get's a hold of a nasty strain of virus from the cdc, and than the dastardly villain(check out the etymology of "villain" sometime quite telling) unleashes a hail of bullets in a hospital(I think VA because america LOVES its veterans but could be any hospital) and in the process infects innocent people with a super strain, why than they can mandate vaccines(which will be fda approved and ready for sale within an hour) and take away our gun rights without a whimper.

Also I'm no newcomer to conspiracy, I have my own forum and a decent sized, but choice readership that followed me from GLP and LOP after I had a total of four posts each with over 500,000 views deleted, because I predicted other things.

But if there was a mass shooting covered by the media then is would be some weird false flag thing about the government wanting to push stricter gun laws, it's all a conspiracy haha

"We’ll ‘Win With Our Second Amendment." They got scared. /s

In all seriousness they probably did run out of patsies though.

Lots of mass shootings still going on.

I really doubt your gladio hypothesis. If anything the media isn't discussing them nationally anymore so you only hear more local mass shootings.

Aren't all the mass shootings faked by politicians? That's what the Sandy Hook morons think. Maybe the politicians are too busy to stage them while running for office.

You're being silly if you're suggesting that people like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton are actually the ones mulling how to carry out a false flag and giving the orders. While they might know about it, the people orchestrating the events are not at all known to the public.

The run-up to the election provides more than enough material to keep the networks busy and ignore real issues. Given that the gun grab has been a failure, and people are clearly waking up to the fakery en masse, the strategy will be tweaked. But they will still find ways to interject hoaxes into the news when they need material, regardless of how busy the presidential candidates are.

People are still dying though. Not like you lot have stopped killing each other.

750 kids between 0-17 years old injured or killed this year from guns and we're only in March. Disgraceful amount of kids involved in one way or another in gun activity.

Children between 0-17 are their parents responsibility. If they gain access to guns then the parents are at fault. People kill people whether it is with a gun, knife, car, bus etc...

It is sickening that 150 kids between 0-11 are dead or injured from guns between Jan 1st and today. Agree?

Small number compared to other causes of death. Also not related to false flag operation aka mass shootings.

You genuinely believe all mass shootings are false flags?

Not all. Their are some people that have mental illness or other issues causing them to do untold things.

And you allow them to have access to guns. Who are the mental ones?

Love how you use statistics from LAST YEAR to try to show for THIS year.

Chin up mate! This IS This years stats so far.

Check out your last 72 hours. 3 killed yesterday in Pennsylvania. So awesome 👌👌👌

So you're citing as your source a page that has been proved in the past to be rabidly anti-gun and has manipulated statistics in the past AND was caught doing so?

And we're suppose to think that lends ANY kind of credit to your argument? Yea, ok.

The other part is that if you stop feeding it attention people who will do it for attention, the "everyone will know my name after this" types won't do it.

I think he's talking about the 20-30 or so homicides in Chiraq everyday that are rarely mentioned in almost any context.

Dont bother with these racists in denial

Basically the BLM only makes headlines when it is a white person killing a black person. Other wise the its just another day.

some people are sensitive and use the word racist to describe criticism

I don't understand this comment.

Let me try to explain it to you. "BlackLivesMatter" is a Soros-funded front group ostensibly protesting White police officers shooting Black criminals.

Meanwhile, BlackLivesMatter has essentially ignored that far greater issue of Black criminals shooting Black people.

The fact that there are some nominal discussions about black on black crime isn't really relevant.

Understand now?

The reason the comment was made is because recently the mental gymnastics that have been going have lead some to the conclusion that because they believe racism is a social construct that black on black crime doesn't exist. They say that any crime committed by a black person to a black person is due to institutionalized racism and was caused by white people or white males to be exact.

At least that is how I follow the explanation I was given

I understand it. Ignorant bigotry is funny on reddit, allegedly.

It's always been this common. Only special "terrorism" cases make it to the MSM

...looks like you're right. There is a "copy cat" mentality not just for the act itself, but seemingly the notoriety that comes with it.

F-ing right! It's all a game of I'm not responsible.

No one has ever cared about violence in the ghetto.

the people who have been stating black on black crime doesn't exist or isn't an issue.

The only people I ever hear asserting that are those who do so on their way to insisting that black on black crime is THE issue.