Bernie Sanders on CNN about Israel

92  2016-03-22 by kgt5003

Bernie is talking on CNN right now. He's the only candidate to skip the AIPAC conference to continue running for President of this country and now he's also the only person running with the balls to come out and say that Israel is just as guilty as Palestine for the conflicts going on there/Israel has been using more military force than necessary.


This is embarrassing. If Trump skipped the AIPAC conference and said what Bernie said tonight all of his supporters would be jerking off so hard that they would forget Reddit even existed. Since Trump sucked israel's dick instead they are down voting comments about how Bernie was the only guy to get off his fuckin knees. Amazing. Do people care about actual policies that candidates put forward or are they just rooting for their home team at this point?

Trump is the only nationalist in the race and his foreign policy is far superior to that of the statist Jew Sanders, who voted for NATO to involve itself in an unnecessary war and mass-murder Serb civilians through terror bombing.

Support for Israel is an important litmus test in the Republican Party. Trump has been slandered enough as it is. He needs to pass this litmus test, one of the final hurdles on his path to the nomination, or else lies will spread about how he is an evil anti-Semite who wants to turn the Israelis into lampshades. There are Christian Zionist retard voters and Jewish-owned establishment politicians who need to be appeased at this moment. Trump is the only Republican willing to adopt a posture of neutrality on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (and he pretty much said so himself).

Sanders is one of those idiots who opposes Israel because he considers it an evil white European oppressor state that is hurting the poor brown Palestinians. If you think he stands against the NWO agenda, then ... wow. I don't know what to say.

Do you want more statism, disarmament of the civilian population, continued "liberal" interventionism around the world, Third World poverty thanks to failed socialist policies, and more Third World migrants (especially the Syrian "refugees," who are mostly Sunni Muslims---oh, they will integrate just fine! /s) flooding the U.S.? If so, go ahead and support Sanders.

He's a Jewish leftist globalist wearing the skin of a hippie peace candidate. His policies, especially on immigration and on foreign intervention, are a stealth continuation of the globalist war against the American people and against the world.

I don't care WHY Bernie is right about Israel. I care that he is right about Israel.

And if you think Bernie's foreign policy is a continuation of war I hope you watched Trump's AIPAC speech where he basically pledged to use the American military against Iran on behalf of Israel... he's just another war chief for Israel. But hey, Trump gets a pass. Everything he does is "just playing the game." Nobody who supports him is ever critical of anything he says or does. It is amazing.

I can't overlook the issues that Sanders is wrong on, and there are plenty. Immigration is one of his worst spots. The Third Worlders are being used as tools of the establishment in a long con, a nearly invisible demographic war. The people make the country. Once the white working class is hopelessly outnumbered by the voters who blindly support any candidate with a D next to his name (because Democrats promise not to deport grandma and insist on keeping the welfare bucks flowing), the Jewish elites and the establishment as a whole will be impossible to overthrow and the country will be gone.

People from Third World shitholes do not have the same values as Americans. They cannot be trusted to uphold constitutional freedoms. It is no coincidence that the millennial generation, which is the most non-white generation of all, is more supportive of "hate speech" legislation than any other group.

Luckily for everyone Bernie is running for President; not dictator. Congress will continue to exist and the global population of third-world immigrants wont suddenly become American citizens.

Sanders wants a "path to citizenship" for the 11 million illegals already in the country. Unlike Trump, he will do nothing to end birthright citizenship, which is the major incentive for illegal immigrants to have children on American soil.

The Democratic "blue wall" of states that will probably hand Hillary the general election exists primarily because of changing demographics. Racial minorities vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats. (And before you get too excited, they are supporting Hillary overwhelmingly in her race against Sanders. It's why she wins every Southern state.)

The elites constantly work against the white working class. They don't live in lower-income neighborhoods, surrounded by the phenomenon of minority crime, so they don't care about the concept of armed self-defense. They don't compete with Mexican and Central American illegals for employment; it's the lower-class white carpenters, construction workers, agricultural workers, and drywall installers who suffer the consequences. They don't get fucked over by the disastrous free trade deals; it's the Rust Belt whites (and blacks, of course) who lose their manufacturing jobs, and it's the imports of cheap, untaxed goods from China that drive the smaller businesses out of the market.

More information on minority crime:

The support for Donald Trump explained from a class and economic perspective:

If you think that a small percentage of Mexicans is controlling the American electorate you are wrong. Hell, the population of Texas is almost 40% Hispanic and you can't get more Red than Texas.

About 17% of America is Hispanic. 17% isn't enough to control the vote.

As far as losing jobs to countries with cheaper labor... Trump did good to actually adopt Bernie's points about the trade deals there. Bernie and Trump have a lot of the same ideas when it comes to Trade and Citizens United and Wall Street... They part ways when it comes to Israel and how to solve the problems in America. Bernie gives very specific plans and Trump just says "Trust me, we are going to make a great deal."

Hell, the population of Texas is almost 40% Hispanic and you can't get more Red than Texas.

Yeah, thanks to gerrymandering.

And I'm not blaming Hispanics.

The people themselves are mostly good people seeking better lives. Shit, if I were born in a drug-war-ruined hellhole with chainsaw beheadings and no hope of economic advancement, I would probably take advantage of weak immigration policies in the First World, too.

However, the job of the government ought to be to look out for the best interests of its citizens, not pursue the kind of "invade the world, invite the world" lunacy practiced by neoconservatives and left-wing globalists.

I have family from other countries and their attitudes toward freedom of speech, the right to self-defense, and freedom of religion are very, very different from the "American way." They're nice people, but I don't want their kinsmen imposing their tyranny of numbers upon me.

It's best to keep incompatible cultures separate. I think Hispanics and Asians can definitely integrate, but most of them do not, especially since so many of them are flooding the country that they can afford to live in their ethnic ghettos without absorbing mainstream American attitudes and values.

American attitudes and values.

That country of Catholic farmers to the south doesn't share the same values as you? It's too bad that your definition of values is so restrictive as to exclude the people who are actually very very similar.

I suggest you go visit the plains states and discover how Latin American immigrants haven't destroyed them. In fact Latin American immigrants are some of the only people actually interested in farming in rural areas. The "real" Americans aren't interested, you can see this in the plethora of ghost towns they've left behind and the rapidly aging population of Nebraska and all the surrounding states. That's a very important aspect of American culture that is rapidly being lost, and yet... those immigrants are preserving it.

But by all means continue to pretend that "pure" America was doing so well.

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I agree with most of what you are saying. Trump does need the jews to ensure his victory and thus he had to go.

I do however think israel is a European imperialist offshoot since they are a mandate state of the British empire and were populated by Germany and the rest of Europe to create an imperial ally in the mid-East.

I think that Americans are trying to find the best candidate in a system that doesn't promote leadership and doesn't nurture leaders but rather a majority of useful tools for the industrialists.

Trump probably won't be a good leader because he will serve the top and the jews and Sanders is just a socialist scumbag bent on destroying American culture even more to satisfy the nanny state's need for control. Dark times.

Trump probably won't be a good leader because he will serve the top and the jews

I see your overall point, but I disagree with this statement.

I will support Trump, regardless of his token statements of support for Jewish institutions and regardless of his New York business connections to Jews, as long as he stops the Third World invasion of the United States (don't get me started on the Syrian "refugees," and the Latin American and Asian migrants are just getting used as convenient pawns-----they overwhelmingly vote Democrat after getting naturalized, so of course the Jewish elites want more of them so they can empower candidates like Hillary and not have to listen to the increasingly marginalized white population), alters or destroys the free-trade agreements like NAFTA that devastated the American manufacturing sector and wrecked the working class, protects my right to keep and bear arms (because I don't trust the government or the rest of society to protect my rights on my behalf), and halts the suicidal and unnecessary neoconservative empire-building that has defined American foreign policy since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Nationalism, which is made possible in the United States by the existence of its white population (the "historic American nation"), is the greatest threat to the globalist agenda. Once every country is a brown, deracinated mess, a conglomeration of fifth columns and different hyphenated citizens with their own divergent interests, resistance to greater international control will be far more muted. Homogeneity is a barrier that must be overcome for the Western world to be subjugated to international corporate and legal power structures.

The Jewish elites fear the white working class and the white population of rural, Middle America. Trump-style populism is their Kryptonite.

As long as Trump pushes in the right direction on those aforementioned fronts, I really don't care how close he is to "the Jews."

The whole point of opposing Jewish influence is that Jewish influence typically results in white genocide, either crony capitalism or poverty-inducing socialism, and either "liberal interventionism" or neoconservative warmongering (the buzzwords may be different depending on the D or R next to the president's name, but the intent and outcomes are the same).

I would vote for a candidate who takes the populist, anti-establishment stance on these issues even if he were a Jew himself. Unlike some other commenters here, I'm not race-obsessed. As long as we can undo Jewish policies and restore sanity in the U.S., I have no problem with coexisting with other races.

I agree with you and I also support Trump above any of the other candidates. He's the only one that shows conservative bahavior. I agree immigration is destroying the West in every respect. At this point, however, it's simply about hoping he does a good job. But I don't think hope is enough.

Holy shit... there are more downvotes going around than people commenting... I thought Reddit was supposed to be a Pro-Bernie haven? How is this possible?! It's almost like there is as much a Trump presence on reddit as there is a Bernie presence...

Sounds like you need a safe space!

Head on over to your safe space at /r/politics if you think that a statist, gun-grabbing Jew is the panacea we need.

Name me one person who ran for President (as a democrat) in the last 30 years who wasn't a "gun grabber" and yet everyone still has their guns. Keep sending the NRA your money though.... Everyone is coming for your guns!

I don't send the NRA any money. And good luck winning the second revolution (or putting up any kind of resistance or intimidation or insurgency) when the Jewish elites and the establishment are the only ones with weapons. The globalists love to tear apart weaker nations that cannot defend themselves. The same will happen to civilian populations that get in the way.

I don't understand why anyone would not care about, or would not take seriously, systematic attempts to disarm them (and thereby emasculate them----good luck upholding your rights as a human and any sense of dignity, and good luck protecting your property and those you care about, when the only ones with the capacity to defend themselves are the government's jackboots).

Yes, I need guns to protect myself from aggressive criminal scum and from a government that I do not trust at all.

The Israelis could round up all the Palestinians and gas them as far as I care. I don't believe in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" doctrine. The ones who get so emotional about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to the point of basing their vote on that conflict above all other considerations, are usually the leftist cuckolds who also want open borders and the coddling of minority criminal "youths." As Anders Breivik wrote, we need to do better than "priests in jeans who march for Palestine."

Trump's non-interventionist foreign policy will hopefully be the coup that ends Jewish control of the American military and intelligence apparatus. Maybe it won't be so revolutionary, but, regardless, it's the best option out of the shitty choices available.

I will take a Jew-friendly nationalist over a Jew-hating communist, open-borders globalist any day.

Everyone who wants a chance of victory in any American election has to at least make gestures of good will toward the Jews. I'm sure that you are smart enough to recognize that.

Unfortunately for you Trump's "non-interventionist" foreign policy involves using our military against Iran on behalf of Israel. But, as usual, Trump gets a pass for saying what he says. He is just "playing the game." Surely the guy wouldn't actually command our military on behalf of Israel, right?

You see, it's not that I care about the Israel-Palestine conflict too much. I care about it some but not too much. What I DO care about is having a President who isn't dictating our foreign policy on behalf of Israeli interests. I don't want our military being sent overseas because Israel feels scared.

And as far as the "second revolution" goes... nobody is coming for your guns: Hillary isn't. Bernie isn't. Obama didn't. After Sandy Hook there was over 80% public support for a more extensive universal background check law to be passed at the Federal level. What did Congress do? Nothing. When Obama took office he had a majority in the House and Senate... what did he do about gun laws when he had the majority? Nothing. Both parties get money from the NRA and gun lobby. However, if there was a second revolution and the military didn't side with the people it doesn't matter how many semi-auto rifles and handguns you have... Drones and tanks and fighter jets beat handguns every time.

Drones and tanks and fighter jets beat handguns every time.

Handguns? Trust me, there are more than enough AR-15s to go around.

I think that doing some lurking over at /r/SyrianCivilWar would help convince you otherwise. You would be surprised by what passionate, sandal-wearing desert dwellers with Toyota pick-up trucks, ammonium fertilizer, and AK-47s are capable of.

using our military against Iran on behalf of Israel

It's a common Republican talking point. Tough talk of this sort is needed to soothe the fears of establishment figures who might otherwise run a cuckservative third-party candidate in the general election to intentionally sabotage Trump's campaign.

Trump criticized the Iraq War effort at a time when more than 60% of the American public still supported it. As reported in a recent Washington Post editorial, he is putting forth a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy. The last thing he wants is to be George W. Bush Part II. You should observe the bigger picture and not blow the significance of words out of proportion. Maybe you could read about Carter Page, one of Trump's national security advisers and a pundit who opposed regime change in Ukraine. Trump is not positioning himself to be Emperor #45.

The Syrian military is slightly less advanced than the American military. If the American military doesn't abandon the President and side with the people it would be a quick end. AR-15s won't shoot jets out of the sky and they won't kill drones and they won't pierce the armor on tanks.

Those fighter jet pilots have families they care about and bases they operate out of.

Those drones have human controllers. If their brain matter is decorating the floor beneath them, those drones are useless.

Molotov cocktails, Tannerite, explosives made out of ammonium fertilizer, barricades and trenches to immobilize large vehicles, the blasting caps used to blow up large stones at rock quarries, and even explosives looted from the military---all of this can be used against tanks.

I'm not a military expert, but I imagine that rebels can be very resourceful, especially when something as lucrative as control of the American continent is at stake.

Edit: And let's not forget that bombing a civilian population leads to major collateral damage, and the families of the victims will likely turn against their killers.

Like I said... if the military were to side with the people it would be a different story. If the military doesn't side with the people then it's over quick. I know it's fun to romanticize this idea of "the people" taking back the country from a tyrannical government but without the military siding with the people it doesn't happen. We spend trillions of dollars per budget building a military bigger than the world has ever seen and if it is fighting against us, we lose.

You're just not going to convince some people that they can't stare down the US military with an AK-47 and win. It's too deeply entrenched as a fantasy in a large part of the population.

That's a funny way of mischaracterizing and intentionally oversimplifying every argument I've made here today. I am obviously describing the idea of an armed insurgency. It can't be too hard of a concept to grasp.

And before Mr. Goldstein and the party van stop by my apartment, let me be clear that I'm just talking about hypothetical resistance to a tyrannical government in the event of an escalation in the regime's violations of citizens' rights. I don't expect this to happen until a handful of decades from now, when the white population is an embattled minority and the gun culture has been successfully demonized in the minds of the majority of Americans by the mainstream media.

I hate to admit it, but whites are the #1 gun-owning demographic. If they go, so will the gun culture. (Full disclosure: I'm not even white.)

Eric Frein (Pennsylvania) and Christopher Dorner (California) were two criminal scumbags who were able to paralyze the course of ordinary life in their respective areas just by shooting a few police officers. (I don't agree with their methods of acting out their grievances against police. I'm only trying to illustrate a point here. Bear with me...) In each case, the authorities were sent into a total panic. Everything ground to a halt in large areas of those respective states, including traffic and commerce. (Remember, insurgencies are bad for business.) The authorities, despite the militarization of police phenomenon that has been documented extensively here on /r/conspiracy, were horribly ill-equipped for the task of tracking down and apprehending these violent fugitives.

Now imagine two violent fugitives. Or twenty. Or two thousand, embedded in a large civilian population in an urban environment.

What are you going to do, nuke all of Wyoming? If so, the government loses what little legitimacy it may have had and makes millions of additional enemies, both domestic and foreign. Suddenly, Mark the moderate, middle-aged Democrat in New York, who never gave a fuck about guns, is enraged that his entire family in Atlanta has been wiped out by jackboots. And thus a suicide bomber or kamikaze pilot is born.

I don't need to describe every conceivable scenario. If they come for the guns, every mentally unstable, fringe element with pent-up rage---every unemployed, depressed, suicidal 40-something white guy listening to Infowars and watching his world crumble around him---is going to erupt like Vesuvius and every fault line, every ounce of tension that has been building in this country since the Civil War (racial, class-based, religious, and more), is going to be unleashed on the government and whatever convenient targets may find themselves in the way at the wrong place and the wrong time.

It's unfortunate, but that's reality. The United States is a 50-year-old man with bipolar disorder. As long as he takes his meds and a balance is maintained, everything will be fine. Replace the meds with crack and you have a situation where anything can happen.

I don't want a civil war, obviously. It's not my "fantasy." It would be horrible. I want to smoke weed, troll my friends (of every race) on Skype, and play GTA 5. I want to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that I can say whatever I want and keep a gun for the purpose of self-defense, a natural right of all creatures.

But if the regime wants to take away the freedoms that we have left, then I would probably have no choice but to join some kind of revolution. It probably won't happen in my lifetime, though.

Edit: LOL at the Antifa downvote brigade here. I must be causing major leftist, Berniebot tears. I'm going to have to abandon this account and switch over to a new throwaway. I've gotten brigaded so hard that reddit forces me to wait 8 minutes in between posts. kek

I agree with you.

Ignore the Trump shills. There are so many here. I can't tell if it's multiple shills all sitting next to each other, or if it's the same person with multiple accounts. Either way, their rhetoric is usually based on white supremacy, or false unrealistic promises made by Trump.

Trump is a billionaire that owes billions of dollars to multi-national Rothschild banks. He is a whore to their money - he wouldn't have had a career without it. He is also a lapdog to Israel, else he wouldn't have even been invited to AIPAC, much less attended and given a speech. He is also beholden to the corporate media, who has completely dropped all journalistic responsibility to talk about him (and it seems even bad press is good press for voting numbers). He is also beholden to the Clintons, whom he is close personal friends with, and possibly funded by. His rallies are a complete soap opera, no better than Jerry Springer or WWE. He is a racist, sexist, fascist in the making, and a complete joke/terror of a presidential candidate.

His shills hate the comparison to Hitler, but that's exactly who he is modeling his candidacy afterwards. Will we elect Hitler twice?

Bernie is a Zionist Jew who lived on a Kibbutz in Israel. He's been a Zionist supporter for Israel for damn near 30 years. Why would he need to go to AIPAC? Sure, he talks about Israel (Likud regime), but also talks about a two state solution which is a Zionist talking point. He also tells people to shut up about Palestine, and when they don't he pulls the IS/Hamas card. Yeah, Israel wrong! But look at IS and Hamas!!!! Typical, yawnn....

Except his plans for America (end citizens United/break up the big banks) hurt Jewish interests and as we speak he's on CNN and just said he will remain neutral in negotiations between Israel and Palestine because both countries have plenty of blame for their problems and Israel has been using an over-abundance of force to retaliate to rocks being thrown... I guess he forgot that he's supposed to be a Zionist... Did ya catch Trump's speech though? It was fuckin pornographic as hard as he was blowing Israel. But yeah:. The guy not blindly supporting Israel (Bernie) who also skipped the aipac conference (Bernie) is the Zionist.

if support of Israel is porno graphics usa politics is a giant televised orgy

You aren't wrong on this point.

his plans for America hurt Jewish interests

You can’t be serious.

Excellent argument! You've swayed my opinion!

Excellent argument! You've swayed my opinion!

Excellent argument! You've swayed my opinion!

Except his plans for America (end citizens United/break up the big banks) hurt Jewish interests


Sanders killed the End The Fed Bill.

He only makes a pretense of "hurting Jewish interest" so he can ingratiate himself to the Goy. He's a 100% Zionist Khazar.

Did you ever look at why he amended that bill? It was about to die in the Senate. Bernie had 2 options: let the bill die and get nothing or amend it and at least get something. He amended it.

Yeah. Gotacha. Keep defending and supporting your Khazar god.


This country's definitely done.

(end citizens United/break up the big banks)


Bernie is a deceiver, and all you need to see that is when he back stabbed Ron Paul on the FED audit (The CENTRAL fucking bank). All talk. Bark, no bite. Trump on the other hand very well could just be playing the game, something Paul couldn't/didn't do. He never went to AIPAC, and look how that turned out. Sanders doesn't need to suck Jewish cock, because his record and tribal lineage showcases his true loyalty. But, you can continue in your fantasy world that Sanders is going to follow through on anything he says. He's a liar, a deceiver, and a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Jesus Christ with this audit the fed bill... It was being blocked in the senate. He then had 2 choices: let the bill die or amend it so they could at least get something and the bill would pass. He chose the option where they didn't walk away empty handed.

One guy running had the balls to not suck Israelis Dick this year. Don't forget that you decided to support Trump anyways. You think trump is gonna follow thru on "banning Muslims from entering the country" or "building a wall?" Gimme a break.

Ron Paul comments on Bernie Sanders back stabbing on the audit..

I think Trump may be pulling a Putin here, and maybe that is what the US needs. I don't support Trump, but it would be interesting as fuck to see what he would do. He very well could be US's Putin. I'd be ok with that.

I already saw/heard Ron Paul's statement on that bill and when you look up the facts of that vote, it was literally blocked in the Senate and the choices were to let it die or amend the bill. I love Ron Paul and I supported him in 2012 and contributed to his campaign but Bernie didn't backstab him. Bernie amended the bill so they could at least get some of their plans thru.

I wish I could have some trust in Trump but I honestly think he is full of shit from top to bottom. The rate at which he says one thing and then contradicts himself is only matched by Hillary Clinton. Hillary is my worst case scenario so I'd take Trump over her because at least he is a wild card and maybe we'll get lucky and he'll be more for the people but I sure as hell wouldn't bet much on it.

people just want to hate on Bernie for being from a jewish family, not looking into the facts you have presented, his plans will hurt jewish corporations, anyone who makes a lot of money and doesn't want to pay the taxes they should, but people keep on repeating the same things, because its easier than to research and think for yourself.

THANK YOU! Totally agree with Trump at least being a gamble at something different, whereas Hillary is a guaranteed continuation of the current state of America.

With that being said, it's hard telling if any of the candidates could actually change anything anyway. It seems like most people have completely cut Bernie out of the race, while at the same time saying "Oh free health care and free education, of course I want that, but it'll never happen!" Even though numerous other countries are already proving that it is very possible to achieve. Yet, Bernie is the "unelectable" one?

Think my vote is still going to Deez Nuts...


Ninja edits are unfair. I do not support Trump, never have, never will. I don't support any politician, I'm more of an anarchist. Rome is burning, and no it's not Berning. I'd like to see it all fall, so we can recover as a nation (Peonix out of the ashes), preferably before I'm 70. We cannot keep kicking the can down the road. Think what ever you want of me, I don't give a fuck, never have. I was upvote brigaded, not sure why. Mainly I get downvoted....

Trump isn't half the man Putin is.

I agree, but there are similarities...

can't criticize that

This actually sounds a lot like the man who was SUPPOSED to be the leftist leader running for Prime Minister of Canada, Tom Mulcair, who silenced anyone in his party who attempted to criticize Israel.

As guilty as Palestine? What Palestine?

after see the comments I should not of clicked my way into this.

link please?

It's still on CNN as we speak.

He’s the only candidate to skip the AIPAC conference

Why would a jew need to go to his own conference?

he’s also the only person running with the balls to come out and say that Israel is just as guilty as Palestine

Except Trump has already said that he’s not taking Israel’s side and will be making them pay for continued US support.

Did you hear trumps AIPAC speech? Didn't sound like he would be neutral

How much fucking longer will the bots falsely try to use that as leverage, I wonder. A month? Two? Honestly, it’s getting fucking sickening already and it has only been a couple of hours.

You didn't answer my question.

Oh, I did.

No, you actually didn't. You made a claim that was counter factual to what Trump said earlier in the day, I asked if you had heard his speech, and then you hilariously called me a bot.

So either, your reading comprehension is shit, or you're a very dedicated troll.

I'll ask you again...did you see/hear his speech?

You made a claim that was counter factual to what Trump said earlier in the day

Sure thing. Enjoy your lies. Either pay attention to what was actually said or don’t fucking comment on it at all.

I'm not lying, at least knowingly. If you could show me an excerpt of his AIPAC speech yesterday where he said he won't be taking Israel's side and will making them pay for aid, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you could show me an excerpt of his AIPAC speech yesterday where he said he won’t be taking Israel's side

Or you could keep your fallacies to yourself.




Once again...his AIPAC speech

Bernie used to be a zionist settler.

Used to be?...

I guess that cabal never ends.

At this point it hasn't. That's for sure.

damn isn't that the truth

Bernie going to that apache conference would be like suckling his own dick on tv.

Well I guess you should have got that message out to the thousands of Jews who were at the conference including Netanyahu. Jews attend and speak at the conference every year. Bernie is the only candidate who had the balls to skip it so he can run for President of AMERICA and not Israel.

its a strategic pr move

His strategy is to not get tons of money from AIPAC? Bold move.


Classic Trump supporter. Call someone a shill and then make up stories about Bernie killing Palestinians. Nicely done. How sad are you that Trump bent over for Israel last night? That hadta bug ya.

Meanwhile Bernie was on tv speaking out against Israel and the illegal settlements.

i don't support either can you wrap your shilly head around that?

Oh. Way to take a stand. Judging by your typing and arguing skills we are better off without you voting.

can't vote not citizen. so can you deal with that. way to gey the mods involved. eh?

How the fuck did I get the mods involved? What mods and what did they do? Is that why you deleted your initial post calling me a shill? If you look at the rules on the side you broke a few of them but, no I didn't say shit to anyone. If the mods were alerted to this it wasn't by me.

mods did it and no need to resort personal attacks

also you said that were better off without you voting thats a personal attack

That's not a personal attack. I looked at what you were saying and made a judgment. Based on what you were saying we would be better off without your vote. How is that a personal attack? Disagreeing with your ideals is personally attacking you?

attack me by ostracision.

No.. I attacked your thinking. You pulled out of your ass this fantasy that Bernie probably killed Palestinians when he was younger. There is nothing to support that claim but you made it anyways. If you invent your own history and then base your decision making on your fantasies we are better off without your vote.

i said probably and that's all.

Even saying probably doesn't change anything. You made it up. You have no reason to think there is a good chance Bernie was killing Palestinians when he was younger. You just invented that idea and threw it out there as if it there's a good chance it is true. People who make shit up to defame other people are pathetic. If you want to attack Bernie attack him for what he is doing... don't make shit up about him. That's what people do when they don't have good arguments against what the person is actually saying and doing. He spoke out against Israel and the illegal settlements so you had to resort to making shit up to discredit the fact that Bernie is the only candidate left who isn't kissing Israel's ass.

if kisses on israels ass is bad you should not live enjoy living in America son. because its full on pornographic orgy when it comes to blowing israel. hillary bernie trunp the rest of the e puppos. bernie is jewish so he is israel. you keep trying to gloss over that but you're doing the worst job ive ever seen.

Yeah.. he is Jewish... and he is also the only guy with the balls to actually call out Israel. You keep glossing over the fact that AIPAC doesn't like him and he is actually speaking out against Israel. I guess actions don't matter. Just look at the fact that he's a secular Jew and assume that that means he's a Zionist. He's the one guy running who doesn't believe in a biblical apocalypse so he doesn't have a need to make Israel a 100% Jewish state to bring the Messiah back but you ignore that. Jew = Zionist. That's a very deep understanding you have.

has he ever publically renounced Israeli citizenship? even if he never had one he is entitled to it anyway. has he ever renounced that entitlement? no he hasnt and he never will.

a kibbutz is a settlement ok? its basically zionism in situ.

He's not on a fuckin settlement now. He's in America running for President and speaking out against Israel while the other candidates are on their knees. He doesn't believe we need to move the fuckin US embassy to Jerusalem to help fulfill a horseshit prophecy like Trump and Hillary. He is the only person speaking out and you refuse to listen. He spent a couple of months in the 60s as a volunteer on a collective farm and you equate that to the other candidates calling for war with Iran on behalf of Israel. The land that Bernie was volunteering on was land that immigrants actually BOUGHT from the Arab owners in the mid 1930s. It wasn't stolen land. Wake up.

Why do you hate Israel?

I hate apartheid states and policies.

pro bernie and anti apartheid?

Pro only candidate that openly says that Israel is occupying illegal settlements on Palestinian land and has bombed schools and hospitals and apartments unnecessarily... Yep.. Pro that guy. I'd be pro that guy every time no matter who that guy is.

he isn't trying the audit the fed right? he is saying he will end lobbies but will he end aipac?

He worked on a bill with Ron Paul in the past to try to audit the fed but the bill was dying in the Senate (because there isn't enough support in the Senate for a bill to audit the Fed) so he amended it to get it to pass. And he isn't saying he will end lobbies... he is saying that they won't be allowed to contribute exorbitant amounts to political campaigns. People should be elected based on their ideas and their support from the public. It shouldn't be based on how much money they are given from special interest groups. So AIPAC might still exist but they won't be allowed to dump money into any candidate's campaign. But, as Bernie has said all along, this would all depend on people who support him also voting for candidates into the House and Senate who support the same ideas so he can actually pass some of the plans he wants to pass. He isn't promising the world without offering any explanation into how he's going to do what he wants to do like Trump does.

but hey common a kibutz zionist that's knows global language but doesn't know what a zionist is. audit bernie. lol

If he is a Zionist he sure is a shitty one. He called out Israel and AIPAC is supporting Hillary and Trump now but not Bernie. If Bernie was a sure-thing Zionist why wouldn't AIPAC be supporting him? Hell, he's even a Jew. He should be their first choice... why don't they support him?

aipaches have the hillary as their favorite. but out of the pups who isn't laying down to be red carpet for zionists?

Can you discuss politics without immediately resorting to shill accusations please? Warning, rule 10.

can you also warn the other user about personal attacks

Opening with 'yep you're a shill' doesn't exactly give you a strong grounds for complaint.

i get it. because i said shill the other user can do no wrong.

Perhaps you should try reporting them if they break the rules, that's what happened to you.

did that same user report me? because the user denies it

I have no idea, we can't see who reports what unfortunately or there'd be a massive amount of people banned for wasting our time I suspect.

what if the user is a shill? are they breaking any rules at that point?

Does this look like the post history of a shill to you? It certainly doesn't to me, do you also think the users who only post pro Trump stuff are shills?

I can also post histories of that user. Is that cool?

Also, use np. next time, to avoid being accused of brigades ;)

Haha, stop that brigading you. That's always a red flag to be fair. There are still no rules in place about some-one who actually is a shill even when blatant so I'm still not sure what you can achieve from this. We ban GMO circlejerkers and TMOR/conspiratard regulars on sight usually but there's no real system or guidelines for anything else. If they're suspect and actually break a rule there's no prisoners taken and no sympathy but it's still not very clear as to who's who.

There are still no rules in place about some-one who actually is a shill even when blatant so

Exactly. Kevin Folta (the disgraced UFL prof. who promised Monsanto a 'solid return on their $25,000.00 investment') hasn't been banned by /r/conspiracy yet, right? Even though he came here, to this subreddit claiming he has no ties to Monsanto and was caught shilling for Monsanto across the nation!

Unlike you, he'd go head to head with anyone in a fair debate, not demand what you want, which is 100% censorship of anything you disagree with.

All of the anti GMO subreddits heavily censor. They have to, science isn't on their side, they're unable to make valid arguments, so they have to resort to what people like you have always done.

The anti GMO crowd are modern day Lysenkoists, and if they could get away with it, they'd do everything Stalin did.

But just look at what you choose as a username, that's not something educated, mature, rational adults do.

Hi Kev

That's pretty fishy indeed. Still not exactly grounds for a ban under the current rules though.

They're all dickheads. I know it's addictive, but stop paying attention to the theater.

For some reason trump is still going to be Better with Israel. We need some one who is literally an outsider not someone from Israel and who is an outspoken Zionist .

Did you watch Bernie speak on CNN last night? How is he an outspoken Zionist? He is literally the only candidate in the entire race who skipped their conference and dared to be critical of Israel.

He's lying he's a settler supporting Jew with duel citizenship

Huh.. funny that AIPAC isn't supporting him then. Weird that they'd be against the guy who is a Zionist and supporting Hillary and now cheering for Trump. They must really be playing the long con. They are going to wait until Bernie is completely out of the race before they reveal that he was their favorite candidate all along.

And Bernie also specifically spoke against the illegal settlements on CNN last night... Where was Trump on that one? Couldn't speak out against the settlements with Netanyahu's dick in his mouth I guess.

Then why did he vote against every audit against the federal reserve ever put forth

He didn't... he filed an Audit the Fed bill with Ron Paul that he ended up having to amend because it was about to die in the Senate.... not only did he want to audit the Fed... he co-sponsored a bill to audit the Fed. The problem was that the rest of the Senate would never let that pass. He then had to make the choice between letting the bill die entirely or amending it so that it could pass and he amended it. Make no mistake though... a bill to audit the Fed will never pass thru the Senate.

Bernie is a cuck much like yourself.

A Cuck to who? Your boy Donald Trump just bent over for Israel earlier.. Who is Bernie a Cuck to? The American people?

are you that guy posting those threads on /pol/?

I have no clue what you are talking about so I'm assuming I'm not that guy..

Bernie is a cuck to Hillary and the establishment and he lost LOL. Now his cuck supporters will vote Hillary despite the dirty tricks and slander she did against Bernie.

LOL cuck! I get my politics from reddit!!

LOL cuck! I get my politics from reddit!!

If you wanted to confirm the assertion, congratulations.

Personal attacks huh? The sign of a true intellectual!

Do you need a safe space?

Do you need an education?

I'm sorry real life isn't some liberal college where you can just bully away my voice and demand a safe space.

ad hominem attacks are usually used when you have no fighting ground and instead decide to attack the other persons character to make your own argument convince others, or others to distrust the receiving end of an ad hominem attack.

You sound like an 8 year old that lost an argument, instead of defending your stance you called OP a cuck, which leaves us thinking your argument is pretty weak.

Oh no by all means stay it's very entertaining .

Lol you must have so many friends in real life

Lol so obsessed with being a cuck. You must be angry Obama didn't get around to plowing your wife. The POTUS has more important things to do.

Bernie is getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT as we speak.

They're all dickheads. I know it's addictive, but stop paying attention to the theater.

its a strategic pr move

Yeah.. he is Jewish... and he is also the only guy with the balls to actually call out Israel. You keep glossing over the fact that AIPAC doesn't like him and he is actually speaking out against Israel. I guess actions don't matter. Just look at the fact that he's a secular Jew and assume that that means he's a Zionist. He's the one guy running who doesn't believe in a biblical apocalypse so he doesn't have a need to make Israel a 100% Jewish state to bring the Messiah back but you ignore that. Jew = Zionist. That's a very deep understanding you have.

Opening with 'yep you're a shill' doesn't exactly give you a strong grounds for complaint.