Explosions at Brussels, just yesterday we were talking about how the elite's occult sacrifices are beginning

246  2016-03-22 by [deleted]



I live in France where there's " l'état d'urgence", this law that authorizes police forces to search your house and force you to house arrest without a judge's involvement is the direct consequence of Paris' attacks. It has been used against arab-looking people who are often French citizens, gun enthousiasts and ecologists. Yes, the last one is real. If you're some greenpeace activist you're more likely to be targeted, it's retarded but what do you want.

Belgium is next. The citizens will ALL ACCEPT this state of emergency, because they'll believe anything they see on tv. People are stupid and think some 20 yr old Arab who's a low level pothead criminal managed to get his hands on some explosive devices and full auto rifles, planned exit strategies, simultaneous attacks, all of this with money he doesn't have. LOL

Why does it happen??? Massive unemployment, social unrest, political muppets have been lying for too long. The EU is a mess. I'm not talking about the refugees (which are also the consequence of those political clowns.) But the system in itself has been used by all European politicians to get paid massively while screwing their own citizens.

People in France have been arrested and put on house arrest for tweets or facebook posts. Welcome to 1984.


100% this. It's to the point that I've found almost every maxim that has been taught to us from birth is inverted truth, or an outright lie.

May I add that cognitive dissonance rules our world.


I hope you realize that if you kill yourself it means another victory for TPTB. Just tell your parents you were trolling them, shut your mouth when you're around them, and start working towards independence.

Suicide isnt the option man.. Im with u on that.. Just keep trying to make it day by day and hopefully something will change

There are other ways to choose between life and death, you know. Suicide or homelessness aren't the only options.

Thats not the only two options. I think all critical/free thinker in this age are getting ostracized... I often get into conversations and have to watch what i say, or i get a little too deep and they realize im poking my head out the rabbit hole. All of what you guys said, and also compartmentalization of information. Alot of the people pushing TPTB agenda, believe it 100%. They dont think a lie that big could be possible.


Have a nice glass on wine instead of killing yourself

Although taking control over one's time on this earth is noble, consider that your goal should not be for brainwashed people to love you, but for you to love yourself.

The more you invest and love yourself, regardless of the exterior, regardless of their opinions, the more reason and drive you will have to stay on this earth.

I smoke kush all day, give up the pot. Hit the weights, ignore your shitty family I grew up without one to begin with. Haven't needed them in 28 years bro. It will work out if YOU want it to.

Not the only choices. Go to a church, it might take you a couple, ask for help. Some non-"Big Box" churches have pastors who know what's up, that evil has been loosed to unprecedented proportions. There are monasteries and communes for Eastern religions. Pursue your spiritual bent, find the hope and beauty that still remains on this planet.

All is not lost, at least for each individual. Every day the bad guys lose on some playing field, even as it looks as if they're winning. But I'm not sure there are -- the elections is showing more and more people what a rigged game it is.

did he seriously say go to a church lmfao

I believe he said find the last remaining beauty in the world by finding your spiritual path. It's not bad advice, unless you're an atheist--which is the spiritual path of no spiritual path, and that philosophy is equally fully of shit.

The only valid spirituality is to admit that you really don't know and yet you also see the world through your own eyes, so the challenge in life is to figure out who you are and what you believe and all is permitted in that domain.

Dont do that!! The most powerful tool we have as human beings to send a message is the art that we make, find what you love to do, in a creative sense, and use that to its full potential to send the message.

So your parents have lost all regard for you because your into conspiracies? No offense but you got some shitty parents, conflicted and hard as stone. I'd say good riddance.

Why sit around thinking about killing yourself? Have you considered sacrificing yourself for a greater cause? Like...Truth? Love? Killing yourself is an evil sacrifice.

Have you looked into WWOOF-ing ? It might help to get out of your headspace-mindset & some fresh air ..Meet new people, change the scenery and eat organic food. You could travel somewhere interesting to you & have free accommodation in return for (i think) 4 hours work a day.

You're not alone man. There's a lot of us out here. It doesn't always seem like it, but people are waking up. You're here to wake others up. I've wanted to off myself before too because it seems so pointless to fight. Learn to fight without fighting. Preach without preaching. You're here for a reason, man. We seem insane at times, but it's because the world has lost it's goddamn mind. The only thing I know is that sanity seems like insanity right now. Even homelessness isn't that bad. It's a start to a great story if it comes to that.

Go live in the woods, find a cause to join, something. You're brain needs to adjust the way it thinks if you think homelessness is problem.

If you are really in this bad predicament then get ride of your idea of society and having a house to be homeless. TPTB put that in your head, so remove it.

You live on earth. At no point are you not at home. Find survival supplies and live in the woods if you think you need to be homeless. But you are a soul that had a use somewhere on earth, just not in the small bubble you are in now.

What's so crazy about the rabbit hole is that many of the things you discover and come to realize are truths are things you would not have ever considered to be possibly false or fabricated. When you get into alternative media, you're expecting to read things about the 9/11 cover-up, various false flags, moon landing hoax claims, JFK stories, etc.

But wait...the "United States" is a corporation that resulted from America becoming insolvent over 80 years ago? Our inability to repay the Federal Reserve caused an English banker takeover in which America offered its own citizens as collateral?! And to this day, our birth registries are being traded on a market and can be used as a declaration of ownership?! WHAT?!

And that's part of the issue - this is a concept I couldn't even fathom prior to learning so much as I age. If someone as open-minded and (hopefully) discerning as myself is learning things that even I couldn't have even comprehended, what does that say for the rest of us? How many people are really willing to set aside their comforts and possessions (which are technically not ours anyway) in order to stand up against this false terror garbage?

"many of the things you discover and come to realize are truths are things you would not have ever considered to be possibly false or fabricated."

That statement is so true. The problem is that it takes a certain level of ego functioning to be able to acknowledge that something you once believed is in fact not true, otherwise you succumb to cognitive dissonance. It's interesting how we come to believe the things we believe that we never question. I recently read a book that gave me a completely different perspective on Timothy Leary. He actually had some really great ideas about how psychotherapy could be used on a macro level to impact society and possibly 'social evolution'. Yet I had grown up thinking he was this drugged out hippy crack pot. Why did I believe that? I never bothered to learn anything else except "drugs are bad and people who use them are bad." Now you start to see research about the potential benefits of psilocybin in treating addiction and depression. Hmm, imagine that. An experience that causes you to reevaluate your place in the world and universe might have some lasting impact on your wellness.

That's cool. To me, some such drugs are without debate, unequivocally, helpful to your being. The day after I first took MDMA 11 years ago, I was a different person than I was the prior day. I didn't have quite the experience from LSD or psilocybin, but both were still beneficial.

Problem is, enough people keep chasing the purple dragon for the rest of us to look bad. I haven't taken any of the above drugs in many years, yet I carry those experiences and enlightenments to this very day and have no doubt I would still be "trapped" in my temporal being. If everyone had similar experiences, there would of course be more understanding and happiness today. But that's part of the point of the drug war...to not only control the money that inevitably gets spent on drugs, but to help ensure people don't have the awakening experiences some of the drugs provide that may help them snap out of their fear bubble. Even THC does this on a smaller, but effective, level.

I took medical ketamine because I was on the verge of suicide, 2 yrs ago. It induced an afterglow of psychedelic reality that inspired me into a worldview in which I actually did have power to change and the world had power to change along with me. This perspective shift cured the chronic depression--it deleted it. I've been as happy as I've ever been in life, and I'd never consider it ever again.

Another postive side effect is that it cured my hearing loss in my right ear. I was about 40% deaf in my right ear from a severe infection in my 20s and surgery on that ear, a wakeboarding accident, a nearby explosion and a christian rock concert in childhood. Ketamine did something to this ear and now I can hear all ranges as well as I can with the other ear, but I can also hear infrasound below the threshold of the 'good' ear. It also seems to have reversed a problem with stumbling and random dropping things from my right hand (a kind of tic), which was from a medicine-caused stroke I had about 4 yrs ago

This made me do research into it. Turns out psychedelics are on-the-whole good, not bad.

Couldn't agree more. I was into co conspiracies and religion.. The real kind before drugs.. But after small trips on lsd shrooms and dmt it all became clear as day and life has been so hard since. Honestly, just because I feel alone as fuck even tho I know I'm not.. My soul will literally not let me partake in almost any normal activity cause I cant stop thinking about real world issues and real life issues.. Its tough but id never go back. I spend most days just playing video games nowadays.. it helps me keep my mind off stuff (right or wrong).

ano1418 this is also a spiritual war, and I'm not talking about Religion or Christianity. As you've said we live in a giant matrix of deception. Those who seek, speak, and live the truth will be targeted, period. Because those people are real threats to TPTB. Consider yourself under attack. You must defend yourself. They in particular are attacking your mind and spirit. The plan is to break you, spiritually specifically. But it is from our spirits that our strength and resolve resides. Stand up within. Defend yourself. Do no use negative pejorative terms to describe yourself, or explain how others might. You have seen deeply, and it's a troubling, distressing sight. I can 100% relate. You are actually incredibly sane. And it's not that others are insane, but that they are, as you have said, deeply lost within the Matrix. Blind, mesmerized, spellbound. Irrational animals.

But we all must resist. It is not hopeless. We each have immense potential within us. TBTP know this, and this is why they keep us spiritually starved, sick, and/or broken... which is one of the primary roles of Religion. We are all in a war, that we've been born into to. A war for the absolute control of humanity. A war that has existed since before written history. A war of the few controlling the many, the few enslaving the many.

You're already in the war. The decision to make is; are you going to pretend it doesn't exist, run away, become another innocent victim, or stand up and defend yourself?

ano1418 you DO NOT want to commit suicide. YOU know this. Reject the voices whispering these dark thoughts. They are not your own. Fight back. Your life, my life, our lives are worth fighting for. We were not created to be enslaved to other people.

I'd love to hear some of your theories. I'm always looking for something new to ponder.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


I hate that for you. I have one friend and these things are all we talk about. Feel free to message me. Edit: I came across this sub a couple years ago and what I thought was promising began to disappoint almost immediately. That's not to say that I haven't seen some good ideas and arguments, but they are the exception and not the norm unfortunately.


I can give you a tip on the path to knowledge; learn to trust someone. Doubting everyone is a path to the dark side, it's how they divide us, our strength is in our unity. Talk to a counselor or a priest.

I know it seems like a crap shoot but there are good people out there, we're just ignorant is all, don't hold a grudge against everyone or when help arrives you will turn it away. Which is exactly what the PTB wants us to do. There are good things if you look for them.

I don't know about "leading you to a path of knowledge" but I know a couple things.


I agree with most of what you're saying as well; I am beginning to believe that there are more people like us than we have been led to believe, often making suicide seem like the most rational answer. I don't know how else to say this but, as someone who has desperately tried that solution twice now, each time some vast karmic plan went into effect to save my life, and somehow I am still here. They won't let me die yet. Yet last week my best friend died, of course he dies and I have to live. Anyway -- you're not alone.

(https://youtu.be/Xbp6umQT58A ) First I think you need to understand we're all tax slaves. This is a great 13 or so minute video explaining that. It's a good place to start.

I agree to keep an open mind and doubt things, but you just called Noam Chomsky a guru dissident who is deluding us. It is possible, as everything is, but I highly doubt the validity of such a claim, yet you speak with such conviction which is a contradiction of your own claims. There was no "maybe" on your part, nor no "maybes" throughout your entire post. You believe what you think is real, but belief puts a constraint on your intelligence and leads to dogma. As long as you have beliefs then by logic you don't actually have an open mind. You've gone a little too far down the rabbit hole, creating a paranoia that is no good for your mental health. My advice would to be to stop presuming everyone is an enemy, out to get you and stop taking life so seriously and you might feel happier and better able to connect with people.

I don't think Chomsky is a puppet, he tells the truth and exposes the power structure, the matrix. He let's you see the cage. Seeing the cage is the first step to being free from the cage.

Lighten up man. Go travel, see nature, see foreign places. It's not that bad out.

I think this post is trying to influence me. Therefore it's false. (Am I doing this right?)

You're an idiot.

....says the idiot.

Good one lmfao. I'm not the one who is scared and paranoid because of irrational emotions. :) Keep trying though!

I'm neither scared nor paranoid. My faith is in Jesus Christ and thus the terrors and perils of this fallen world do not imprison me. But it does help me see though the liars and servants of dark forces.

Jesus Christ? I've got news for you pal...

So does Jesus.

He would if he was real

I guess if you believe all the eye witnesses were part of a conspiracy, you're in the correct sub.

However, something tells me you aren't even a real conspiracy theorist, so you should probably know that nearly all modern scholars of antiquity, which is the majority viewpoint, agree that Jesus existed and most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted.

Edit: Why don't you start by taking a look at the wiki.

Jesus existing and being the son of God who died and rose to heaven are two very different, unrelated things. Prophet Muhammad existed. Does that mean Allah is real?

Why would you say "he would if he was real" unless you were implying he wasn't real?

I am implying he wasn't real

So...you don't think he existed?

I messed up above. He most likely existed. Jesus the man. The son of God stuff is just fairytales

Fuck off half wit.

,,,,says the idiot.

You are below stupid. Honestly, if you manage to achieve half my IQ through some miracle brain surgery I might want to talk to you. Bye! Blocked :)

....says the idiot.

You might like this: http://mileswmathis.com/guru.pdf

Agreed, though most of the "alternative media" is composed of psyops and shills.


great advice. appreciate the insight.

NEOcortex. The matrix is an attack on your brain

Don't neck yourself mate. I recently read a similar premise on the Hidden Wiki. Do you have any links you could share for futhur reading on your various beliefs?

Op what you think about Snowden being a limited hangout psyop? Are you subbed to r/limitedhangouts

You are actually delusional and should seek help ASAP. Seriously, seek help - you don't live in a quote "MATRIX OF IDEAS." You are most likely schizophrenic.

If the people on this sub won't recognize this, shame on you.

You're crazy. You should be the one put in an insane asylum. Get this guy his pills.

See what I did there?

Take him away boys.

People need to stop diagnosing each other as delusional. If you want to diagnose people online, then go to through a proper school program designed by the military to apply various labels people who are difficult to kontrol.

If you disagree with someone, just say you disagree and state what it is you disagree with and why. It turns out, people are in fact willing to spend their time to hear your opinion; you don't have to denigrate others' just to have your own.

But you really should get really clear with what you know and own it and speak your truth. There is a space for more than one truth

ALso, regarding the 'matrix of ideas' I believe the OP was talking about the Spectacle. Which is a sad reality of our time:


No, I don't.

It's a metaphor. You sound like the stupid one who needs the help of a 1st grade teacher to get your reading comprehension up.

No man, read this guys post history. He clearly needs help.

Guy is talking in wide-grand conspiracies - that's fine, to a point. But also talking about how his family cast him out and he is hours from suicide. So, like I said, shame on you and shame on this sub for letting a guy like this live in fucking lala land.

I'm all set regarding reading comp. Thanks.

I don't think OP is the delusional one........

People in France have been arrested and put on house arrest for tweets or facebook posts.

Would you happen to know where I can find specific examples of this? :)

Reading this makes me kind of sadly chuckle a bit. Hear me out. Whenever I hear that America is so far behind, and Europe and the rest of the world is so progressive and they don't need guns, it makes me revert back to the thought of "America is the last bastion of Freedom". All these so called progressive countries have a Rothschild banking system. In my opinion, they are closer to the slaughter than the US is, but not by much. Again, hang in there.

To be honest, this dude is 26, that's about the age of a higher ranking NCO in the military. Guys who lead small and large teams of trained individuals. I can totally believe sallah, with the help of a keeper, could plan this kind of stuff, especially with the extra help of outside resources.

The FBI here in the states is losing public favor with the Apple encryption fight, plus the fact that the Paris attackers didn't use encryption but burner phones.

I wonder how long before, coincidentally, encrypted devices get found for this attack and emergency orders are issued by some law enforcement agency to gain access to the devices.

they're also losing public favor over the lack of indictment for shillary

Isnt it funny how all these latest attacks are "suicide bomber" than 2 days later some arabs photo gets thrown around saying yep its him. What......did they find his face completely untouched just like the passports from 9/11.

Looks like europe is the next target.

This was the plan by the elite. Destabilize europe by getting angela merkel to invite all the refugees in, creating friction between the muslims and europe. Than "suicide bombers" go nuts and next thing you know the place is in lockdown for months.

They probably saw him on CCTV recordings and ID'ed him that way. Or he was just a patsy playing his part. Or he potentially never existed but was used as the scapegoat anyways.

This was the plan by the elite. Destabilize europe by getting angela merkel to invite all the refugees in, creating friction between the muslims and europe. Than "suicide bombers" go nuts and next thing you know the place is in lockdown for months.

Bingo, I could and can see the writing on the wall with the influx of refugees into Europe, completely staged for a purpose.

Bergkamp !! Fuck mate he was a good striker...sorry off topic lol

But how would that benefit the elite?

What the locking down the street for months part?

Destabilizing Europe. Don't the elite live there?

Lol. They don't live among the commoners. Also if you think any true "elite" has ties of allegiance or sentiment toward any one country you're just being daft. Don't be stupid. There's a bunch of ways the elite benefit by destabilizing Europe. I'll name a couple huge ones.

  1. Justify more surveillance and draconian "anti-terror laws" therefore increasing the power, budget, and authority of intelligence/police forces that they control.

  2. Cheaper labor, more profit, higher housing demand, which means higher costs of rent, and more taxable income in general. More money in their pockets.

Open your eyes brother.

how do we put an end to their reign of terror?



They are all over the world and dont have alligance to any continent. If shit gets real they have the means to leave.

But how does destabilizing Europe benefit them?


Pls explain


I wish I could personally strangle to death every elite and TPTB that is orchestrating these nefarious events lol

Belgium is on lock down. The government asks civilians to stay inside. Paris and London increased their security levels.

The attacks were like 2km of the spot where the suspect of the Paris attacks was caught.

They'll put it as a revenge act I think.

It's sad. I wonder what else will happen the coming month.


I read in the thread yesterday it was today (mar 22nd) to the 1st of May.

Spoopy accurate

the 20th of april is a big one (edit: bin laden, hitler, Columbine, Bay of Pigs), but it goes through May 1 (Walpurgistnacht).

I didn't want to jump on that thread yesterday, but it's fairly obvious that there are cells in belgium and france and germany that will be activated over the spring season. I suspect that several people will be "caught in the act" by stings and used to justify extraordinary security measures. Also, remember that national ID is on the table in the US, and nobody has been talking about that lately. I suspect that these attacks being blamed on immigrants will help push that narrative.

This attack also seems to justify the security theatre at airports, while at the same time calling its efficacy into question.

EU states have already adopted national ID cards, but still can't track the flow of homegrown Islamic radicals to and from points abroad, much less the movements of the multitude of poorly documented refugees arriving daily. Frontex (EU Border Control) are said to be developing a plan to gather more biometric data on e-cards with RFID. Must carry at all times. Coming to a theater near you.


I wonder what else will happen the coming month.

I wonder why police blasted on all media channels that the Paris suspect they caught earlier is cooperating with law enforcement. They can't be so stupid can't they...

How funny you say. Just on the radio this morning they were talking about a 'revenge' attack in Brussels following the Paris attacks.

God when I read about the news this morning I instantly thought about that we talked about this yesterday.

Setting off a false flag by the EU buildings is useful for influencing politics, let's see what they were due to discuss today, ahh yes, the Palestinian peace process

European Parliament Committee Meetings

European Parliament, Brussels

"Palestine: Palestine's Foreign Affairs Minister Riad Al-Malki will join Foreign Affairs Committee Members to debate the political situation there, including the inter-Palestinian reconciliation talks, the economic and humanitarian situation in occupied Palestinian territories, initiatives for re-launching Middle East peace process, and the regional situation."

I tried to post it on r/bestof but r/conspiracy isn't allowed.

There's no point anyways, they'll just say stuff like a broken clock is right twice a day.


TOR is completely and totally compromised.

three two two

...no coincidence thar, matey....


I believe it supposed to represent three two times or the number thirty three. Bonesmen and similar fraternal orders believe that number has some sort of significance.

Yeah Tim Russert got himself shot with that CIA heart attack gun for those interviews.


time to get your bucket and spade



James Warburg was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He gained some notice in a February 17, 1950, appearance before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in which he said, "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest."

from a previous post to this sub,

"the 40-day season of sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st Manipulating the collective consciousness of humanity using black magic rituals"


Man, the cabal really need a hug or something. Who hurt them? Maybe they had a bad childhood. Anyways, I will be a beacon of light and agent of good, as the article says!

Yes, a lot of them were tortured as children.


To get them to disassociate so they can accept demonic entities as alter egos.

how do we stop this?

Slave making.

Lol wtf

I will never trust what the news says who carried out these attacks. If it's on the TV it's propganda

I guess there are still stay-behind troops that "our" armed forces left behind in Belgium after WWII in order to subvert and instigate fear.

See: Brabant killers

If you want to make your head spin, compare execution dates/times here in the US to the solar and astrological calenders.

The fearmongering by the morning Blues talking heads is pretty damn irritating....can we plz cut the politicians and the pundits and get to the fucking facts?


As if that hasn't been made abundantly clear to even the daftest of dolts...

Good people can little understand the depths of depravity the wicked are willing to go.

Today's date, 3/22... Just sayin.

Excuse the ignorance, but what's the connection here?

Skull & bones

It's the number of Skull and Bones

What relevance does that have?

3/22 is an occult holiday relating to Genesis 3:22. Skull and Bones is based on Genesis 3:22, where man becomes like God. This is also a date that has religious meanings pertaining to Islam, since it's around equinox.

This is also a date that has religious meanings pertaining to Islam, since it's around equinox.

No connection at all.

No connection to Islam at all. In fact, Islamic teaching abolished numerology, astrology, superstition.


Yes, of course many of those in power do not represent the will of the people; or, the rule of law.

In Islam there is no space giant. The whole notion of a creator exists outside of the presumed universe.

Skull and Bones from what I gather

Skull and Bones

I've read in local news (i'm belgian) that the subway attack occured on 9:11am .. just sayin' too

But I won't talk about those angles for a few weeks, people are emotionally out of control here as we speak

I kind of feel numb in a weird way

edit : source dutch.. but you'll manage to find 911am ..

Weird. It's terrible that these things happen, but one has to admit the numeric syncronicities are puzzling and troubling together.

I hope no more people are injured there today. And that the worse has already passed

We must understand that ISIS himself is made by "Elite Player" in this world and we must understand this is just some scenario by them and after this gonna be another tragedy and so on.. Now Europe has policy for immigrants to enter they country and ISIS member using this opportunity to invade and conquer Europe and again this is just scenario.. They ("Elite Players") don't care about victims of this tragedy..what can we do??..we can't do anything because this is the beginning of The Judgment Day by bible if you believe it.


I take it the car bombing in Ankara that killed 36 doesn't count as evil occult machinations because it happened on the 17th.

3/17 also has significant numerical significance (if you're into that stuff), too. 3, 7, 11, 17 are primes. 17 is 11 (significant) + 6 (also significant).

(Also, if it's true that 322 is significant to some secret societies not just due to numerology but Genesis 3:22, 3/17 also has meaning.)

I don't know what I believe here, but it's interesting regardless.

So, basically half of a month has "meaning" in numerology.

I hate this word Solidarity.

I am not a Communist. I don't support terror. And I won't be solid behind the EU just because some Jihadis they brought in attacked people.

We want justice not solidarity.

i would think you want an end.

What blood sacrifices were made this time last year? Or the year before that?

Other than the Skull and Bones number 322, what is the occultic significance to this current time?

Solstice- Easter, other things I've forgotten

Now, one thing that as a free thinker always has me puzzled, is the NATIONAL state of panic after a terrorist attack. Yes, people died, yes, it's terrible and I feel sorry for them, but hundreds of times more people die every year from car crashes, the chances of you dying from a terrorist attack are almost nill.

You really can't equate an accident in a very small and local level with being on par with an attack against civilians.

There's meaning in everything if you know where to look.

I could never get my head around the whole numerology thing, but I do find it interesting that there was a thread very recently on here, telling people to be aware of today's date because of it's significance.

I just want to point out that occult simply means hidden and the only thing that connects occult organisations throughout history is their firm belief that people on average are stupid, don't want to understand anything, have no higher goals in life and thus should not be trusted with knowledge and should be steered by those who have that drive and are intelligent enough. Of course a lot of times things didn't work out, but generally I have to agree, there's no point in telling people the truth.

You want to make the world a better place? Read a shitton of books, make a lot of money and join the 'elites'.

Unwise. The elite are educated but unwise, and they lose their souls in the quest for power. To save the world and yourself, humble yourself and help the needy through whatever means you have.

It is weird but this is the first time one of these attacks has happened somewhere I know I have been.

In my opinion it's Islamic terrorism.

Happy 3/22!

and here comes Obama....


he also pulled the ole reading a childrens book during 9/11 george bush style i was out of my office routine


Why wasn't Obama awake and prepared to respond (how?) to a bombing in another country at 4 in the morning!? How deep does this go?!

It'll probably get downvoted but...people are claiming that 'major events' are coming soon damn near every day on this sub.

Broken clock is right twice a day and all...


Roe v. Wade is when they began.

Is this a joke? Do you really think this shit began in the 1970's? It's a funny joke if so, if not I feel bad for you.



Ah. Your from the "holy shit an explosion! Give up all civil liberties! See all muslims are bad!" crowd?

Exact opposite.

Then why is it wrong to question these things?


Rule 10. Removed. Final warning.


Rule 10. Removed.

See where it says theory over there on the sidebar? Remember that terrorist recently who was a bit simple minded so the FBI had to really help him? Maybe you should find a sub that only deals in absolutes.
Warning rule 10.

Remember that terrorist recently who was a bit simple minded so the FBI had to really help him?

That could also be considered a conspiracy theory to some; that there may have been no FBI involvement. Have to agree with you on the rule ten, but shouldn't the comment be deleted?

Did I forget to delete it? Oops, shit happens. Deleted now.

Consider this your first warning. ;)

I'm banning myself as we speak.

They probably saw him on CCTV recordings and ID'ed him that way. Or he was just a patsy playing his part. Or he potentially never existed but was used as the scapegoat anyways.

But how would that benefit the elite?

But how does destabilizing Europe benefit them?

"many of the things you discover and come to realize are truths are things you would not have ever considered to be possibly false or fabricated."

That statement is so true. The problem is that it takes a certain level of ego functioning to be able to acknowledge that something you once believed is in fact not true, otherwise you succumb to cognitive dissonance. It's interesting how we come to believe the things we believe that we never question. I recently read a book that gave me a completely different perspective on Timothy Leary. He actually had some really great ideas about how psychotherapy could be used on a macro level to impact society and possibly 'social evolution'. Yet I had grown up thinking he was this drugged out hippy crack pot. Why did I believe that? I never bothered to learn anything else except "drugs are bad and people who use them are bad." Now you start to see research about the potential benefits of psilocybin in treating addiction and depression. Hmm, imagine that. An experience that causes you to reevaluate your place in the world and universe might have some lasting impact on your wellness.

This was the plan by the elite. Destabilize europe by getting angela merkel to invite all the refugees in, creating friction between the muslims and europe. Than "suicide bombers" go nuts and next thing you know the place is in lockdown for months.

Bingo, I could and can see the writing on the wall with the influx of refugees into Europe, completely staged for a purpose.

Lol wtf