Anyone else notice the front page is curiously devoid about posts about Brussels?

219  2016-03-23 by SlappingMrT

I mean, it's still all over the news, every channel. This morning when I logged onto reddit, I saw a stickied post that had over 6k upvotes and 13k comments. And in several subreddits, the posts were getting so highly upvoted talking about it that it blanketed the front page with posts. I didn't get to read anywhere near as many as I would've liked to, because I had to work though. I checked on my lunch break though and read a few more, and there were still several, but I noticed a HELL of a lot less than I expected.

And then tonight, after work, I get on and there are virtually no posts about it beyond /r/the_donald...? WTF is going on? I saw a post on r/videos while browsing through r/all, but all the posts are gone?

Do we not have redditors in Belgium? I mean, we have redditors fucking EVERYWHERE, where are all the first hand accounts? Where are all the pictures and videos at all? Why is it only the same few circulating? And why is there virtually nothing about the actual attack? I went through about 8 pages of /r/all and saw very, very few posts about it at all, and again the strong majority only from that one subreddit.

Did I miss some giant announcement about lots of people breaking reddit policy and the admins cracking down? I just don't get it. Everything looks suspiciously sanitized or something.


Check the comments of this thread:

Then specifically u/tjhovr comment in that thread.

EDIT: I'll add it here for you.

God I hate what reddit has become. Now that the mods of /r/news, /r/worldnews, etc are employees of news organizations and PR firms, they delete/ban everything that is user generated ( images, videos, comments, etc ). Now the only thing they allow are links to BBC/RT/etc journalists's twitter accounts or links to news articles to feed traffic to their employers. Before, we'd have real live on-scene images, videos, accounts, etc. Now we have to wait for the story to break on "real" media, then these stories are allowed to get to the frontpage and then a heavily moderated discussion. Fuck reddit man. What a fucking joke it has become. Edit: Wow, looks like I touched a nerve. I got a bunch of comments, I just can't read or respond to them all. It's funny watching my vote count go from 8000s to 7000s in waves in a span of minutes... Lots of brigading going on... Edit1: Oh yeah,stop buying reddit gold!!!

They are right, they were not deleted... just bumped down using forum sliding.

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the irony

Cuck off

I came here to see if anyone else noticed. Brussles would have been half of the front page for days a year or two ago. Now within hours, the top posts were stupid fucking gifs and James May AMA. Give me a fucking break. This site has become a complete joke, which of course was done on purpose. Can't have people communicating freely with each other!

It benefited Trump's campaign and rhetoric too greatly, had to go.

someone might find the truth then

We know Reddit is compromised, and this subreddit isn't immune.

That's why we can see your comment isn't it!

Look up JTRIG

It's not necessary to delete comments to control discussion.

Reddit is dying. The people who used to care about world events have given up on the site because it has been overrun by advertisers, spies, and boring millennial doofs.

Reddit clones are in development on the Ethereum network. Web 3.0 is almost here.

Voat is slowly getting better.

yeah but the site will remain popular and people will just keep flocking here...

You can also find discussion on r/european. Since they are not Leftist. In general though things like this have to be swept under the rug, and forgotten to continue the Islam is a religion of peace mantra.

It's actually kind of amazing to me. When 9/11 happened it was news for like 2 years. Now we have 3 significant Islamic terror attacks in western countries in the past year, and they get out of the news fast.

Faar more people died on 9/11 though and it left the world changed with draconian legislation etc. It changed the world

It took me hours to know about the Brussels attack because I didn't see not one post about it on the front page. I only found out after seeing a top post on Imgur.

They needed Reddit to become infotainment, like the cable news channels, which means burying events like this that get hot enough to alter desired perceptions and opinions with pesky things like first-hand accounts/video or any information or commentary that could sway people away from the desired perception and conclusions.

This, of course, was not a part of Reddit's founding vision, and I'm sure those in the company presently are pissed that the voting and commenting system makes this agenda a pain in the ass.

You notice that the media isn't talking about the subway bombing much? They just mention it in passing "oh and an hour later, another bomb went off".

They've focused on the airport bombing suspects, and have said nothing about the subway - how the bomb got there, who put it there, who they suspected, whether or not it was another suicide bomb. No surveillance footage released as they did with the airport, despite subways having almost perfect area coverage with surveillance.


Exactly this.. I'm asking this question too.. Not a single mention of any suspects.. Little cctv.. Very strange.

Also, any of you notice that, instead of coverage of the terrorist attack in Brussels, there was a top article about some Syrian refugees rescued a neo-Nazi German politician?

Aaron is turning over in his grave now

The front page has been curiously devoid for a while.


Voat is full of shit as well. Spend all their time worrying about what is going on at Reddit.

I see you haven't been there lately.

Couple months

It's new. It has to grow.

Voat is just for racists, sexists and homophobes. It that's your thing you'll fit right in.

A lot of people posting that stuff were bots and trolls.

No, they weren't.


i see a decent comment every now and then.

That is the best summary of voat I have heard in a while.

Also quite a good summary for reddit unfortunately.

Nobody is buying your moral superiority bullshit anymore. Those accusations are now almost exclusively used to silence and exclude people who question the narrative.

Well your sort has proved their moral inferiority. Now go worship Trump and plan the coming fascist dictatorship.

Coming? Have you been outside in the last 60 years?

I wonder if you're right.

Of course you would label me a fascist and assume I support Trump. You're indoctrinated into this black and white world, if someone does not accept your political views they are immoral racist scum. Surely you realize that your use of racial politics to gain authority and refusal to accept other political views makes you the fascist. It must drive you insane that people are supporting Trump, I guess your next move is to attack the bill of rights.

( ͡; ͜ʖ ͡; )

You have come to the conclusion Reddit is trying to prevent any dialog on Brussels, not to mention The main stream news.

Given that the government would prefer us to be scared, why is there a blackout on this one story' just puzzling...

Globalist want the West too be more Pro-Refugees so the Brussels attacks contradict that.

I was curious about the same thing. First thing in my mind - check /r/conspiracy. Here we go...

noticed this too...

people are getting numb.

no one believes or cares enough.

At least two posts about Brussels just hours after it happened were being down voted into oblivion. As soon as I noticed a new point on either, I'd refresh and it was gone.

Saw them in the "new" tab - I couldn't believe my eyes. They seemed like they were being suppressed, but who knows, maybe it was just me.

what i do notice is a lot of anecdotal articles about refugees doing good things.

"refugees drag rapist to police."

"refugees save racist from car accident."


Thanks Ellen Pao.

Here is just one example of discussions that were removed by mods and admin. If you look at any of the sites that monitor this you will see many, many deleted posts on brussles for being "duplicates" or whatever excuse the mods used to end the discussion.

Once someone has their discussion and it is deleted they will not have it again. They know this and looking at comments here many have fallen for it.

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I was surprised to see very little on the Brussels 322 attack trending in this sub as well.

I really do think it's just an over saturation effect. I don't think people are purposefully not talking about it, it's just the circles that want to talk about it are getting smaller and smaller. At the end of the day, most people do not want to focus on negative things. When you start to focus on Brussels, you start focusing on Ankara, Paris, Boston, Middle East. Soon you can't say anything without talking about tragedies all around the world. You start to become less fun at parties and your heart starts to hurt as you see how fucking backwards we can be as humans. It's just easier to numb the pain with gifs and useless AMA's. You need to accept that as humans we tend to avoid pain. It is not a conspiracy that people are not talking about this. We are becoming numb to terrorism. We wish we could change it, we literally just don't know how to.

It's been removed, I can't see it, sorry.

I read on another thread that in Brussels, they were asked not to use the internet for the rest of the day in order to free up processing power (or whatever it's called) for official work on the bombings - communication in real time. They also requested that people NOT post information on what police were doing so that terrorists would not have access to advance information. Maybe once things calm down, people will post more first hand footage.

I saw the request not to post about police actions (which was ironic considering CNN did that with live coverage constantly), but I had seen an article that said all phone service was down and people were being asked to communicate via social media.

Oh. The Belgians had set up a site to see if their relatives were OK - I wonder if that's social media. I don't know how I would react in a bombing.

I'd rather not find out how I'd react to a bombing, which is why I'm voting Trump.

I'm not voting for Trump because he's a narcissist, and narcissists are unable to take responsibility for their failures. I don't want a President who will blame everybody else for everything and only work for his own interests just because his brain is wired like that. I'm voting Bernie because at least he's consistent in trying to work for the greater good. I'm sure people getting bombed is not the greater good, and he will work on getting better educated people working on our problems.

Personally, I like successful people instead of failures, which is why I can't vote for Bernie. He is consistent, I'll give him that, but he's consistently been a failure.

Success and failure... Being successful at doing the wrong things is not something to root for. Oh look! I was successful at egging your car or stealing your identity! Right now, we take Trump's word that he's going to be successful at good things. I'm not in the mood to take the word of a four time chapter 11, two times divorced narcissist.

He did have 4 failed businesses giving him a less than 3% failure rate. Sanders on the other hand with decades in Congress, has proposed 316 bills and only 3 of them passed (two of which were renaming Post Offices...), giving him a less than one percent success rate. Furthermore, almost all the super delegates voted against him, meaning his OWN party doesn't support him. He's a fascist with a curiously large amount of supporters who have KKK robes in their closets. You vote for whomever you want, but I'm voting for the successful future president, Donald Trump.

i thought the same thing and not just happening on reddit ... we all know the MSM LIVES for things like this and would 247 milk it for all its worth .. theyre SO stupid because if they would of just let things happen as usual no one would bat more of an eye than usual; but them actually putting effort to "stop the speed of info spreading" kinda does the opposite and confirms at least SOME portion of truth in that ... i dunno im just sure that the next american revolution is just waiting on someone to say GO and its on ... and theyre the enemy .. if u believe in "god" i believe god would not only pardon but agree with anything that has to be done in the name of justice ... as a person who was never big with guns, i plead to you, while u still can, excersize ur 2nd amendment right and lock n load (cause unfortunately theres at the least a 50.50 chance youre gonna have to use that gun . google a local gun shop, you dont have to pay alot; taurus is a good quality but not expensive brand you just want a semi auto at least 9 bullets in the clip , but realistically 13 in the clip 1 in the chamber) because ignoring this or pretending its fake might make u feel better for now but wont stop that fact that this is happening and will continue whether you choose to "be on board" or not ;\ .. unfortunately the people we "trusted" [in reality we all know the systems fixed, but have become so LAZY that if we admit that as a whole, it means we shudder have to do something about it] not only didn't do their jobs, but were TREASONOUS MURDERING NAZIS who RAPED US of our country, freedom, personal choice, and our own bodies. But if we claim to be civilized, now that we have the information [thanks to literally pioneers like dr judy wood who "cracked the case" on HOW 9/11 was done, because you can't take someone to court on "thoughts". people wanted a 2nd "real" investigation, well you got one. And not one word of her forensic study has been disputed because it CANT, because its SCIENCE, and her case went all the way to the "supreme court" [she is literally the only person to EVER go to the gov't involving ANYTHING involving 9/11 let alone lawsuits and sepinas] and was ignored]] we need to have these MURDEROUS NAZI SATAN WORSHIPPING PEDOPHILE IDIOTS put on trial with penalty of death for the laundry list of crimes unheard of in all the annexes of history; crimes against humanity, human nature, the earth, and the very universe itself. These "people" don't even fall under the category of "humans" and theyre trying to take the "human" out of us .. while you can, and stock up on food ...


Terrorism isn't on the domestic menu this year.

why does it have to be a "conspiracy" though? I mean the relative lack of commentary does mirror my own feelings, and the attitudes of those I work with and know in real life. We're just a bit more numb to news of constant terror threats at this point the more often they occur.

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy, but it is weird. I really expected that I would find a lot more information than I did by the end of the day, and it seems I'm not the only interested party that went WTF? I just expected more than the handful of pics thrown around, r/watchpeopledie had nothing, etc. It's just oddly sanitized looking now considering what WAS there and was suddenly...gone.

Currently there are two posts in the front page about Brussels.

Exactly this.. I'm asking this question too.. Not a single mention of any suspects.. Little cctv.. Very strange.