A three hour black out on Reddit, on the same day as an attack in Brussels? I'm calling fuckery....

52  2016-03-24 by Putin_loves_cats

This is beyond odd and suspicious. What do you all think? Social media black out on reddit?... Reminds me of an internet kill switch. That's fucking crazy to think about.. Are they getting ducks in order?


Not the same day, the day after.

Is it fixed yet? (testing)
Edit: yes, this comment was still here.
They claim to be working on the backlog of missing messages, I wonder if a few will be 'lost in the system' though.

Yeah, I see you.

There are still a whole lot of threads with missing comments further down the new queue.

Did the admins give any explanation or hint at any possible causes? This seems highly unusual.

According to http://www.redditstatus.com, it was a problem in the comment queue. This is pretty crazy. Just shows how a website could be manipulated. I'm calling fuckery on Reddit. This is not good.

I just had a thought, what if this is when they tried to set up the new comment routing through the out.reddit domain and because so many users had already blocked it it went completely wrong? Or even more out there, routing it through a Threat Level analyser to really keep tabs on users. /tinfoil

Meh, idk. That whole thing was browser side on the user end. What ever happened tonight was on the server side. Not sure what to make of it, tbh... Could have something to do with it, but I lean to it not being the issue. Something else is afloat, imo...

It's equally likely a monumental fuckup occured but hey if I can't make some out-there speculations what's a conspiracist to do? ;)

My reply to this comment didn't show up in this thread...
Edit: but this one has, WTF?

Could explain why there are so many shills on reddit. Just Santa making his list checking it twice gonna make the elves in his workshop make comment black holes. Merry Christmas everyone.

Edit: I see 15 comments reddit counts 17.

I had a similar thought but if they're implementing drastic changes why not just use the default 'Reddit is down for maintenance' screen?

Maybe someone on the outside sabotaged or tampered with the site? Maybe they wanted to generate buzz?

-Just thinking out loud

Dev's fuck up when transferring. Developer here, and have fucked up on transferring code.. Sometimes we are sneaky, sometimes we shut the shit down. Depends.... I'm not a reddit dev, so idk...

Not so far, have a look in /r/announcements?

The most recent post there is a month old. I just find it odd that they let the problem persist for hours without notifying users or giving an explanation.

Probably either running around like headless chickens or analysing the effectiveness of the comment killswitch...

I think it's getting there. I had two gobbled comments, and one is back - the one that popped back was posted three hours ago. The disappeared comment from 38 minutes ago is still AWOL.

I noticed you can tell which threads haven't been fixed yet because the posts still have no thumbnail images.

FFS has it broken again? (testing), my last reply to Putin isn't registering.

I can see you but I posted a comment that I cannot see either.

Still a bit broken then, well played reddit.

I posted a few days ago this sub was broken. I retract my statement the whole ship is sinking. Call Gilligan, were going islanding.

Edit: could this be account specific?

I realised reddit was really dying last week when I tried to post a link to the March Against Monsanto activity list on /r/monsanto and the mods there had to approve the post as it's blacklisted automatically by reddit... As soon as Miramir launches I'll be splitting my time here with there to help it get off the ground.

I will have to research that thanks for the heads up. Can't even have discussions anymore. Jeez I need a brainwash, gray matter bath.


things were getting a bit pitchforky in the SandersforPresident camp.

I'm scrolling through some posts with three or five contents and keeps coming up "no data". Can't up vote either gets instant down voted.


Yer high.

Hey, give the admins a break!

It's a holiday - with OBLIGATORY DRUNKENNESS, ferchrissake!

Let 'em have their debaucherous fun!

/Blassed be Moartechai!

//Curssed be Haamun...


S Hit send

I dont know, but if thats true, itd be a yellow flag for me.

We've run amuckery in fuckery.

Did the admins give any explanation or hint at any possible causes? This seems highly unusual.

Probably either running around like headless chickens or analysing the effectiveness of the comment killswitch...