Terrorism, Extremism, Radicalism. What's next?

6  2016-03-24 by outbackdude

I've seen the broadening of "the enemy" happening over the last 15 years. This was predicted by many people after 9/11. Where do you think it is all headed?


Isn't it obvious? Nationalism. Fascism.

We're still in WWII, the enemies just changed. The beginning of modern asymmetric warfare. They started calling it the cold war, then they called it the war on terror.

Once just about everyone is dead then comes individualism and Self determinism. At least this is the puppet masters grand plan. Hopefully we can skip the depopulation part.

Any good info on individualism / self determinism? Or shall i just Google it?

What's there to learn?

You have the right to be free. You should not have to rent from the government the things you supposedly own. If you stop paying taxes you should not be jailed or killed.

What is it you want to know more specifically?

?! So you're saying the plan is to get rid of all governments? I think im missing something here.

Yes, precisely. I don't think you're missing anything. You probably just don't agree with my conclusion.

Who would in that world take out the trash/run lights after sun goes down/sustain traffic lights/electricity in general? (aka no government)

Who ever does it now. Just because there's no government doesn't mean things won't get done. We'll just be doing it ourselves for ourselves.

Do you need to be micromanaged by your parents still? No. You have autonomy and know what needs to get done. That does not change just because their isn't authority to tell you to do something.

If people don't like doing a particular job because it's icky or whatever, they can find people to train to replace them. If no one volunteers it will go undone until people want to really fix whatever problem it may cause. Governments put things on the back burner all the time, we can too. We could elect to pay people more, if we decide money is something we want to keep around, for the icky jobs so that there is incentive.

Who ever does it now. Just because there's no government doesn't mean things won't get done. We'll just be doing it ourselves for ourselves.

Menial tasks will be done by robots. They won't need free people.

Do you need to be micromanaged by your parents still? No. You have autonomy and know what needs to get done. That does not change just because their isn't authority to tell you to do something.

If people don't like doing a particular job because it's icky or whatever, they can find people to train to replace them. If no one volunteers it will go undone until people want to really fix whatever problem it may cause. Governments put things on the back burner all the time, we can too. We could elect to pay people more, if we decide money is something we want to keep around, for the icky jobs so that there is incentive.

You make it sound like we'd have some choice in the future. It sounds a bit naively optimistic. We're curently going from a system of limited control by the elite to total control. There's no self determinism unless you're part of the plutocracy, even then i am sure there will be rules. ..

Depends on when it happens. We are only at the beginning of the robotic age. 25-50 years from now you're right. Which is why things are so desperate now. If the revolution is to happen it must happen before the end of the robotic age.

And they will need people to code robots and work on robots in some way. If not there's almost 100% chance that an AI would simply kill all humans. The elites know this, this is why we have until the end of the robotic age. At the end the puppet masters will have literal robotic puppets and will rule the world.

There's over 8 billion of us and maybe 1000 of them. The numbers are on our side. Only the most desperate and evil would kill everyone, knowing they would then be emperor of a dead world. Their desire for absolute power will cause them to turn on each other if we were to rebel.

We don't have to all agree on everything and love each other. All we have to do is agree when this party is gonna start. The only catch is BYOB. Bring your own body, because as the song goes, "The revolution will be live."

This could happen any day. If the end is increasingly near, so is a new beginning. The beginning can happen before or after the end. It is up to us to at least try for before the end.

Forgot to mention. .. nationalism and fascism - haven't we been there for decades? I mean it's just now they don't have to hide it.

Yep. Pretty much. Free to depopulate with retaliative approval, or at least only dealing with a few whining groups calling for 'ridiculous' things like peace and community.

We're still in WWII

This actually is literally true from my understanding. Germany was never offered (and has never signed) any sort of peace treaty at any point from the end of the war up to the present day. Technically then, legally, the war against Germany never ended.

"The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany was signed in Moscow, Russia, on 12 September 1990, and paved the way for German reunification on 3 October 1990. Under the terms of the treaty, the Four Powers renounced all rights they formerly held in Germany, including those regarding the city of Berlin. Upon deposit of the last instrument of ratification, united Germany became fully sovereign on 15 March 1991."

Thanks but I don't think that's really a peace treaty though, nor is it a formal renunciation of the war. Making Germany sovereign isn't the same as declaring the end of the war. Germany was sovereign during the war so obviously sovereignty alone doesn't put an end to the war.

For an example of what I'm talking about, check out the "Paris Peace Conference" - which was an official peace treaty. This only applied to the minor Axis powers though, not Germany.

And even if that is an official peace treaty, kinda weird that it took until 1991 before it was signed no? Why the 40 year delay? That in itself is interesting enough.

The German Instrument of Surrender was signed in Berlin on 08May1945. The Allies jointly assumed "supreme authority" over German territory by the Berlin Declaration of defeat signed on 05Jun1945. Subsequently, the Potsdam Agreement of 02Aug1945 confirmed the establishment of British, American and French zones of occupation. An Allied Control Council was established on 30Aug1945 to execute the governmental power in Allied-occupied Germany. The Occupation Statute of Germany of 10Apr1949 specified the roles and responsibilities of the newly created German government and the Allied High Commission in West Germany. The Petersberg Agreement is an international treaty signed on 22Nov1949 that extended the rights of the Federal Republic of (West) Germany vis-a-vis the occupying forces, and is viewed as the first major step towards German sovereignty. The General TREATY is a treaty of international law which was signed on 26May1952. It ended formally Germany's status as an occupied territory and gives it the rights of a sovereign state, with certain restrictions that remained in place until German reunification. The TREATIES of Bonn-Paris were signed on 23Oct1954 and came into force after ratification on 05May1955 and put an end to the Allied occupation of West Germany. The TREATY on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany was signed in Moscow on 3Oct1990, where the Four Powers renounced all rights they formerly held in Germany. Germany became fully sovereign on 15Mar1991.

I can read wikipedia too. None of that is a formal peace treaty between Germany and the allies though sir. Read through a few of them. To this day there are tens of thousands of US soldiers officially on German soil. Thousands more from the UK and other allies. And still no formal peace treaty like those the other Axis powers got.

Those U.S. troops still in Germany are part and parcel of the North Atlantic TREATY Organization forces in Europe (you're welcome to ignore the links, but I'm not posting them solely for your reference). So far, I've posted several examples of formal treaties between Germany and the Allies and yet you insist they are not formal (although they were signed by government officials), and proffer no comparative or contrasting formal Japanese treaties. That said, it's not possible to argue with the arguments you present. Try proving your statements, er, Sir.

No, what I'm saying is that none of them are formal peace treaties. At no point has a peace treaty been signed between Germany and the Allies despite all of the peace treaties that have been signed between the allies and the other Axis powers. A treaty giving Germany sovereignty is not the same as a peace treaty and is not a formal end to the "war" that was declared in 1941. I haven't ignored your links, I've read most of these treaties before. If there has been a peace treaty signed between Germany and the allies then let's see it. I've never read one.

The bottom line is that Germany as a country and as a people has been fucked over maybe more than anywhere else on earth over the last 100 years.

No, what I'm saying is that none of them are formal peace treaties.

You're grasping at semantic straws and refusing to provide any references or context. Not willing to argue semantics. Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. Peace. Out.

Yes, your're right. But if the leader is dead, or deep in hiding living in a magical vat that keeps him alive, the war ended practically speaking. Interesting point you brought up though.

I meant it more in the sense that the world is, and has been since WWII, at war with pretty much anyone who deviated from western European hegemony and ideology. Colonialism 2.0. When a world government is installed that'll be colonialism 3.0.

I really hope people wise up and sack up before it gets to colonialism 3.0. Otherwise its going to be a real pain to fix the world.

Well the main thing I was trying to highlight is that those who have power in this world generally, and technically, follow the law as it's been written (by them of course) as much as they can. They do this to give themselves legal loopholes and to gain our complicity (i.e. if we don't agree with how things are happening, we should just change the laws). The point is that "war" has a legal definition, it must have a legal declaration and then a legal renunciation. You'll notice that Japan and the other axis powers did sign peace treaties after the war ended, it's only Germany that didn't. Interesting little tidbit I would say, and one that most people have never heard mentioned before.

Edit: this could also explain all of the illegal invasions and wars that the US has started in the decades since WWII. By most international treaties and laws, these invasions would be not just unethical but illegal. In wartime though, these laws don't apply. If we're at war already then we can't be "starting new wars", and thus invading Africa or South America or the Middle East is technically legal - because we're already in a war.

I don't think they follow the law at all, the law follows them. They do something illegal, then make it a law after the fact. If they get caught, so what. They're the government, who's gonna actually stop them. Not us apparently. We like trading our freedom for B.S. creature comforts. We continue to trade our freedom to our governments so we can be 'safe.'

I respect the logic you are following, and logically you are absolutely right, but in practice that's not how things are done anymore. Surly you recognize this as some one familiar with law. Rules are made to be broken, by those who make them.

The illegal invasions are justified by combating 'communism' or 'terrorism.' We're not legally, or more precisely publicly, over throwing a government or a nation, just its supposed 'thugs.'

Check out this link. Whether or not every bit of it is 100% accurate (and in my opinion most of it is), the point it's making is basically the point I'm making. I think very, very few people actually understand "the law" to its fullest extent or understand the history of how it's been created and abused not just in the US but in most of the western world (and also Germany in particular).

The illegal invasions are justified by combating 'communism' or 'terrorism.'

This is how they're sold to the public for sure, but what I'm suggesting is that they also are "legal" technically. Of course, "the law" is just a bunch of words written by rich men to benefit themselves. Even things as blatantly unconstitutional as the NSA's spying are technically "legal" according to the secretive kangaroo courts that allowed them to be created.

Point received. Almost no one understands the law to its fullest extent. Even if some one had every character of the laws of all nations memorized it wouldn't matter. Unless they can also enforce the law.

The power of law comes from the ability to enforce it, not from the letter of the law. The pen is only mightier than the sword if you also have a sword.

Since the 'end of the cold war' america has been fighting 'terrorists' illegally via the CIA and similar agencies. 9/11 made it possible to have the fight, legally, out in the open.

There are three laws of civilization. Don't kill. Don't rape. Don't steal. And one law of nature. Keep balance. The governments of the world break all those laws every day. We now are left to enforce those laws on our illegal governments or corporations which have subjugated us for many millenia. That's all people need to know about the law.

Cannot forget about feudalism.

11/9 global simultaneous attacks, end of commercial airline industry, global currency collapses, unelected Pres HRC & world heads of state collaborate to create global police/security apparatus framework, new "Bonus Army" descends on D.C., 4/4 USAF F-16 'Isis sympathizer' crashes into Capitol Dome, Pres HRC & one party in Congress all killed, Trump's VP Palin sworn-in as president, takes over reins of HRC's "world government," handpicked Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan's second HUAC, military & intelligence purges, security checkpoints to get into U.S. cities, domestic Operation Condor eliminates dissidents, totalitarian stagecraft, Putin saves world from U.S. by nuking it

a political vs. theological war. Its hard to extinguish an emeny that is based on belief that is fueled through its own destruction as justification for its continued fighting with the West. I think it will end up with the only end game for the Islamic groups is that the West is their antithesis and we must be eradicated for their own preservation and vice versa.

So christianity vs islam ww3?

no Western Civilization (not Christianity) VS. Islam, A Political Ideology and a way of life vs. and entire Theological System

Next? Individualism. Self determinism.