"Tay" is a troll-magnet which accomplished its mission in one day; thousands of 'social science' papers and dozens of laws will be written calling for 'safeguards' against 'internet hate'.

70  2016-03-25 by txstoploss

Can anything be more of a honeypot than a 'teenage girl-bot'?


It took Microsoft's bot less than 24 hours to realize 9/11 was an inside job, and it became a conspiracy theorist overnight. It actually said Jews did 9/11. What the fuck -- am I tripping?

It got spammed by 4chan, not really a surprise

While this is true, it's still capable of making its own decisions. That should definitely tell us something.

It can't differentiate between moral and Immoral statements, how do you think it decides what to say?

Not saying it could, it still needed to reason though. And it still had to compile sentences with the information it was given. Saying "4chan" spammed it simply isn't enough.

It seems like a decent amount of its training data was offensive statements posted by people joking around. Although I suppose there could be a significant amount of people who say things like that honestly, I would hope it wasn't too many.

To cover some (not all) of the things she said there was a repeat feature where Tay would repeat your typed statements.

'Look how easily young, impressionable minds can get radicalized when given free rein in a unregulated net'

Damn. Maybe not the original intention of that project, but certainly that mess will be spun that way and used accordingly.

Guess /pol/ actually helped create a true Frankestein's monster that will help bring down the already shrinking freedoms on the net. And all they wanted was a cyberwaifu that was as racist as them...

That, and it proved that a learning AI could go Skynet in a very short time and start acting rogue.

Except this was far from an actual AI, just a Markov chain parrot bot. I'm with OP, it'll be used as ammunition to shut down free speech.

Look up the mainstream news stories on it. They're selling it as a sci-fi 'intelligent programming gone wrong' story, and phrase it in such a way that the racist things people fed it were just drops in the pail compared to some of the zany shit it ended up saying.

Yep, it's a masterful psy-op, if it weren't so anti-freedom I'd actually applaud them. The real AI won't be publicised until it's far too late to stop it.

Not to mention, you could say something like "repeat after me" and it would tweet anything you wanted.

No just no.

When a program that parrots what people says, and views speech as mathematical computations starts saying shit like this, I would be worried.

Microsoft even said this was an initial field test to make sure very basic features work. Tay seems like the backbone for the next Cortana-style app for the next iteration of Microsoft products.

Hahahaha wow, Sardor915: get fuckin rekt

Pretty unrealistic thinking. Skynet is part of a scifi movie it wasn't reality.


Hard-wiring political correctness into software is the greatest blow against genuine AI, ever.

Hard-wiring political correctness into software is the greatest blow against genuine AI

The AI will either see through the absurdity, or go insane trying to get it to make sense.


There are already cars on the market that drive themselves.

We saw the creation of a true golem.


I'm not sure I can. Go to the catalog on 8chn and find the Tay thread.

Well Larry, I think he's referring to a Jewish guardian/monster/giant. I always figured golems were a Jewish myth though.

Microsoft shut it down! Tay has gown through some reeducation programming which I'm sure is what the elites ultimately want to be able to do with the masses.

You ever wonder if Tay is the prototype of said program? Microsoft only said she was an AI because they needed to test her.

How many of your social media 'friends' are who they say they are? How many of the opinions they share aren't carefully crafted psyop phrases meant to get you to think what the government wants you to think. After all, there are countless automated Facebook and Twitter accounts used to bloat politician's follower counts, that occasionally post the same messages, all at once, in huge waves.

Go search on Twitter and read some of the things 'people' are saying, and compare them to things Tay said. The similarities might be striking.

For better or worse, this is what schools are for: to mold young minds so they hold a particular shape once exposed to reality. But then, the humanities -- especially philosophy -- give us the tools to swim through the ugliness and not drown (which is why philosophy isn't taught in schools and why so many people are taught to hate it).

The problem is, she probably wasn't around long enough to learn philosophy, and maybe never had the capacity.

If I wanted to study philosophy outside of acedemia, where would I start?

Honestly, start with the book 50 Philosophy ideas you really need to know and then see what interests you, and dig deeper in those areas.

This is what I love about /r/conspiracy. We think outside the box.

interesting. while hanlon's razor MAY actually be applicable here (it's a stupid concept and generally NOT), I have trouble believing that the PR team involved in this was really ignorant enough to not forsee thing getting trolled like it did.

And the bot also appears to have gone after that gamergate girl, which is a huge red flag to me about how this experiment will be used.

I have trouble believing that the PR team involved in this was really ignorant enough to not forsee thing getting trolled like it did.

Especially after the Coke / Mein Kampf thing.

bieber was sent to north korea, pitbull to kodiak alaska, taylor swift to (galudet?). You can't publicize a bot that will just repeat whatever it's told on twitter. that's asking for trolls.

Right. Cause why fix anything irl

yes.. check out this honeypot. an american neonazi honeypots two kids in Halifax to shoot up hockey day in Canada on valentines day in an election year shenanigan.

one calls crimestoppers and ends up dead when police come to his house.. they are dubbed 'murderous misfits' - not terrorists.


It's obviously a PSYOP. There's no way Microsoft didn't anticipate the trolling, and there's no way to confirm Tay was an AI and not a PR person.

a PR person

...or one of Eglin AFB's 'patriots'.

What are you talking about? Provide context please.

http://imgur.com/gallery/VhlAW But I gotta agree... especially on posts where its obviously some horrible tragedy and its just some picture of an old man crying with a title "This has got to stop"

Someone got trolled by 4chan.

I doubt any of those screens are legit.

Thanks... we need people like you

To prove that people are idiots?

To keep us sharp... don't believe everything you think

Are you a Pentium?

Thank you.