Dealing with users who support the official narrative of Sandy Hook – we’ve been going about this all wrong

15  2016-03-28 by [deleted]

This post is directed solely at those of us who have little to no doubt that Sandy Hook was a hoax. When commenting in THIS post, I advise you to ignore all of the users who reply saying that they knew a victim, or that they were related to one, or that they know for a fact that the event was real, or that they need someone to explain why we think it was fake. (all commenters are encouraged to exercise their right of the freedom of speech however)

I will be making an attempt here to classify the different types of people who have anything to say about the “shooting” at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I’ll call them types of “supporters of the official narrative” or SOTON Types for short.

SOTON Type 1:
Shill. The worst kind. An accomplice, employee of, or servant to, the entity or entities who carried out the hoax at SHES. A shill’s purpose is not to engage the person they’re speaking directly to, but to speak rhetorically to the readers of the comment thread, with the intention of either distracting or convincing those readers that the shooting was real and to “move along, there’s nothing to see here”, because we’re crazy and cruel for calling it fake, right?

SOTON Type 2:
The people who refuse to believe that they were lied to by our Holy Government and the honest workers in the main stream media. This type of SOTON will most commonly insult us or accuse us of being cruel and sadistic or horrible for stating that nobody died at SHES. They honestly and truthfully believe people died at SHES, and will likely make intellectually dishonest attempts at saying it was real (saying you weren’t there, or I know a guy who knows a guy, or put your tinfoil hat back on, or telling us to prove it was fake instead of themselves taking a good honest look at the countless resources that clearly indicate foul play).

SOTON Type 3:
People who are liars but are not shills. They are difficult to distinguish from a shill. This type of SOTON wants attention. They may suffer from Munchausen syndrome and are claiming to have lost a relative or friend at SHES for the purpose of garnering sympathy (I usually see these people in the comment section of YouTube SHES tribute videos)

SOTON Type 4:
The second type of shill. The sneaky little bastards that pretend to not understand why people say it was fake. They usually say something like “can someone please explain…”. This SOTON’s purpose is to engage us in a long back and forth string of comments that is longer than the patience of people who stumble across the thread and don’t yet know that SHES was a hoax. They intend to muddy the waters with thousands upon thousands of comments intended to fill space in a forum.

Then there are people who honestly don’t know why we call it a hoax and they ask us to explain it because they really are too lazy to research it for themselves. Try to be nice to these idiots, because if we can help them to wake up, they are each ONE MORE PERSON that we can have on OUR side.

If I’ve missed any, I encourage those of you who reject the official narrative to let me know so I can add them to the list of classifications.

WHY do I classify these people, you ask? Because we aren’t allowed to accuse others of being shills in this forum. Because we aren’t allowed to insult them, though they are more than deserving of ridicule and insults. Instead, when you encounter them, simply reply with a link to this post, state that you believe them to be a SOTON Type 1, 2, 3, or 4, and state that you will not engage them in conversation unless they admit that it was hoax. My goal with this post (pun intended) is to lead this forum toward the truth and to let the shills know that we see them for what they are, and to render their efforts useless, without breaking the rules.

edit 1 : formatting

edit 2 : you'll read in the comments my interaction with a redditor who's provided photographic evidence that verifies his username and his connection with the victim Lauren Rousseau. While I still believe this event to be a hoax and the victims' names to be fabricated, this is the first victim I am reconsidering.

edit 3 : by request of u/CaptainObviousHere1 - the beer keg is all bought and paid for.


If anyone that has an open mind would like actual photo evidence of Lauren Rousseau's existence, I'd be happy to oblige. I knew her for 7 years. She was one of my wife's closest friends. I was supposed to see her on the evening of the shooting for a mutual friend's birthday.

The name the media provided wasn't fake, it was real. She did in fact teach at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Again, if there's ANY interest at all, I'll post pictures.

Edit: there's at least some interest.

Here's a pic with my username.

Here's a pic of me, my wife, Lauren, and our friends.

Here's just me and Lauren at a New Years party.

Heres a bunch of us out at a bar.

Lauren giving me a kiss on St Patrick's Day.

Lauren and I dancing at a friend's wedding.

Is there anything more I can do to prove she was real? I'm sorry the pics aren't the best quality. I think it's pretty clear that she was in fact a real person and that her and I were close friends.

Edit: replaced a picture that had my real name in it

Second edit: thank you for the gold. I hope my posts were helpful.

You have balls to doc yourself. Why would you put your real name in the picture?

Someone gonna go tell my friends, family, and job about all the crazy shit I post on /r/fatlogic, /r/Android, and /r/childfree?

This account will be deleted eventually anyways.

did you go to her funeral?


then post a picture of you next to "Lauren Rousseau" and another of you holding a piece of paper with your reddit username on it. otherwise, i believe you to be a SOTON Type 1 or 3

Sure. I'm driving home from work atm but I will post it when I get home.

Edit: Why the downvote?

He says anyone that could possibly have known a victim is a government plant.

I wish that were the case. The reality that all those children and teachers were murdered is much worse.


There were dozens of people involved in the shooting. What's stopping ONE of them from coming forward from witness protection to say the entire thing was bullshit?

Also, gtfo with your condescending attitude. No one will take you seriously when you speak to them like that.


Jesus H Christ, there is a mountain of holes in your story. Why would they be in witness protection? Witness protection is for one's safety. Who is out to harm them? Why would they sign onto it to begin with? A buttload of money? Would you leave your friends and family for a lot of money? I know I sure as hell wouldn't and the Lauren Rousseau I knew definitely wouldn't.

Seriously, stop responding to my posts with your shitty, half-baked theories on what happened to my friend. Try presenting actual evidence or a well-thought out theory. As you can read from my other posts, I'm not close-minded, but this post is just silly top to bottom.

Yeah, i definitely am not "in the govt know" in a way that would help me explain... And, the truth is I don't know the answers to those questions to debate them....

And then, I really hate arguing, I dont want to argue with anyone...even you, some stranger online. It just feels wrong, not fair, and not nice. Pointless really. Tmrw is Monday for us both. We are both just people. Jobs. Friends. Family. Money stress. Not worth growing animosity towards someone I don't know, life is hard enough. :)

So, I'm deleting my comments. No matter what happened, sounds like you lost a friend in your life regardless of how, so for that I'm sorry. Take care.

Please come through with whatever you can offer.

Edit: Seeing as Lauren Rosseau is supposedly deceased, I don't see how your testimony is going to be validated though. A start would be what PinkFreud requested.

Posting as many pictures as possible would still be appreciated, to help validate she was a real person and not a vicsim (victim simulation.)

See my post history.

Yep, thanks.


What are opinions about the consistencies or lack of consistences about the story presented to the public, and borderline stupendously ridiculous interviews with some select individuals who are criticized as being actors, being that you come forth presenting evidence of a victim being real?

Additionally, if people died, could this still have been a planned event, by a perpetrator other than the singular Adam Lanza? And do you even have reason to believe Adam Lanza was the murderer of your friend?

Finally, do you believe we received a portrayal of the true events that happened that day?

I'm not an expert in the field and I haven't studied the event closely enough to have an educated opinion on whether or not Adam Lanza did it. Frankly, I don't really care. The only thing that mattered to me was that my wife and I lost one of our closest friends.

As far as the lack of consistency, I'll refer to my above paragraph and add that mass shootings in general seem to have a lack of consistency, so this one doesn't stand out much to me in that regard.

I don't know if we received a true portrayal of what happened that day. But if the government did this in order to enact tougher gun laws, they did a really shitty job passing any.

Good answer.

As far as the lack of consistency, I'll refer to my above paragraph and add that mass shootings in general seem to have a lack of consistency, so this one doesn't stand out much to me in that regard.

The stories that reach the public sphere with such magnitude as Sandy Hook tend to be manipulated and injected with a message regardless of their veracity. I do not believe, however, that there is bound to be inconsistencies. I do believe that inconsistencies can occur in crimes, but we live in a reality based world limited by the known laws of physics. Inconsistences should be scrutinized, and given the amount presented at Sandy Hook ...

From that idiotic Medical Examiner (and his famous quote "I hope it doesn't come crashing down on their heads,")
Gene Rosen's acting and morphing (ridiculous) story,
A mentally unstable non-professional teenager gunning down 26 people without help,
The demolition of the school and house, and more.

... the alarms should be ringing.

I don't know if we received a true portrayal of what happened that day. But if the government did this in order to enact tougher gun laws, they did a really shitty job passing any.

Considering you are on this board, I assume you've heard of the NWO. If you are one to believe in a shadow force which pulls the strings behind the curtain (call it what you want,) their strategical time-line far exceeds that of the normal (singular) person. This is a tool in their toolbox that can be played at any moment's time present or future, for it is permanently added to the list of shootings which may require us to have our rights to arm ourselves (in any fashion) taken away.

I'm on this board because OP replied to a 4 month old post of mine. His post history got me here.

I'm not anti-conspiracy but the idea that people think the SH victims didn't exist makes very upset and even a little nauseous. I wouldn't wish losing a friend or family member like that on my worst enemy. Losing a close friend right before Christmas and a week after losing our dog was one of the hardest times in my life. Random breakdowns at home and at work, difficulty sleeping, and it didn't take long for people to start saying that it was a hoax. Then, being constantly reminded of it via social media.

You can believe what you want as far as who did it. I don't care. But telling me Lauren didn't exist is a slap in the fucking face, to mine and hers.

I hoped my questions lead you towards my beliefs (That although people may have died, the event is still verifiably suspicious.) It seems you are not in the position to confirm the actual story we received that day. I was simply curious what your opinions were.

I'm sorry for your loss and the trauma you were put through due to inhumanity; whether it be by an Adam Lanza, or shadow forces at large. It doesn't matter which it is to an immediate victim or someone related to a victim.

Finally, I hope you understand that my skepticism and inquiry is for good reasons (to prevent or disrupt future inhumanities, for I believe that the world is veiled by a complex web of deceit and stricken with evil, which I understand is not a belief shared by many)

I was living about 50 miles or so from where the shooting occurred. The only info I know is the same everyone else got.

Everyone has a right to be skeptical. It's not as if the media and government have never lied to us in the past.

Also, you can see my post history for a few more pictures of her and me.

I edited a previous post to include a second picture of her and me.

i think the only possibility of someone having actually known one of the victims is the case of Allison Wyatt. the perpetrators of the hoax picked a random picture that happened to be Lilly Gaubert in real life. Lilly Gaubert's mother spoke out when her actual daugher's picture was being used on national TV and passed off as Allison Wyatt the victim. as soon as this happened the picture was changed

So in your theory there are at least victims, yes?

I mean there are some leaps in logic on that site that make my head hurt. "FINAL VICTIM IS WEIRD TERMINOLOGY" Uh, not if you're a press photo agency batch uploading photos about crimes.

directly answering your question, no. there were no victims in real life at SHES. the perpetrators of the hoax used pictures of real people to give faces to the fabricated list of victims.

This is Lauren Rousseau, my wife, myself, and two of our friends. Lauren is second from the right. You can see the picture is dated 4 years before the shooting.

You can see my username in the comment section of the picture.


Here's a picture of me with my username.

i do not accept your claim, as you are unable to provide a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username hand written on it.

the picture which you claim is you in a group with Lauren Rousseau is horribly grainy. perhaps her name isn't a false one, but it never surprises me the more i look into the hoax: Lauren Rousseau's DNA found on pistol grip of rifle, shoulder stock of rifle, feed area inside of mag, Glock magazine, 9mm magazine, P-mag magazine, and 13 cartridges.

On first glance I've no reason to doubt it's legitimacy, but I've seen much stranger tells of CGI/photoshopping/fakery in arenas such as space pictures and 9/11 collapse/plane footage. It's a confusing, tricky and uncertain world, friend.


Rule 10. Final warning.

You've got to be kidding me.

Then i ask you, if she did indeed exist, and she was actually murdered, why does it not matter to you who did it? Do you know how valuable your knowledge and proof of her existence would be to those of us who want the real story?

Why should it matter? What's done is done. Whether it was Lanza, the government, or Lanza being a tool of the government, it doesn't matter. If it was someone I knew personally that killed her, maybe I'd feel differently, I don't know. Either way, we were completely destroyed by it, and it took months to pull it together. It's not something you ever completely get over.

As far as the real story, I don't have any info to add besides proof of her existence. I wasn't there, I'm not familiar with the location, and I'm not a forensics expert. I have no business any more than anyone else saying what definitely did or didn't happen. I know my friend was here one day and gone the next. That's what I know.

supposing that what you've told me is true, then i offer sincere apologies for stirring up a painful memory. i've been reading about the Sandy Hook conspiracy for several months now, and only recently began commenting on certain posts, because i am actively looking for proof that it did happen. you are literally the first i've come across to present actual pictures of yourself with an alleged victim (looked up your facebook also, you just bought a house). I think you should create a post in r/conspiracy which simply contains your profile verification photo and then the photos of you with Lauren. I'd really like to see the responses you get.

Sandy Hook Elementary School.

was a Fairfield Hills hospital building, not a school for children.

schools do not have MEN and WOMEN on bathrooms for children, rural K5 schools do not have armored glass reception rooms.

schools for K5 children do not have one single adult sized baseball diamond and fcuk all else for playground equipment or playing fields. wheres the ball courts.

not a school.

Look, I've never been there so I couldn't tell you what the building was like.

I'm here to talk about Lauren Rousseau's existence. She was in fact a person. Please see my other posts for a picture of her and me.

schools do not have MEN and WOMEN on bathrooms for children

Based on what? You have obviously never ordered for a institution or business in the last decade+. You go to Emedco or Grainger or Staples or etc... and order whatever ADA compliant signs you can find. Usually if a child is at the point they can't read, there's a teacher taking them to the bathroom.

rural K5 schools do not have armored glass reception rooms.

I went to school in literal Rural NJ way back in the 80's, and I remember all of our doors had reinforced glass with the cool steel chicken wire in it.

schools for K5 children do not have one single adult sized baseball diamond and fcuk all else for playground equipment or playing fields. wheres the ball courts.

Here's an elementary school a few miles from my house, and you can see how TRULY rural we are. Single baseball diamond, and maybe some slides to the right. Don't see a basketball court. Closest I think it the section of parking lot they colored so kids could play games at recess.,-74.2079888,439m/data=!3m1!1e3

Here's where I finished my Elementary school days in the late 80's:,-74.2513281,218m/data=!3m1!1e3

Paved lot, only a basketball court, and the only "ball field" is "bases" painted on the pavement for when you play kickball. When I was a kid in the 90's, there was two swing sets, but thank to liability(I'm guessing), those are long since gone.

interesting claim, and i'd like to read further into it. while i'll reserve my belief on that, could you point me to a source?

Great. You've given us evidence that you knew this woman. But you've offered us no evidence that she is dead. No evidence that she died at Sandy hook. And no evidence that the name of the woman in the pictures is Lauren Rosen. So what exactly is the point of your comment?

I'm not sure how I can provide some of those, but a Google search on Lauren Rousseau Sandy Hook will turn up pictures of the same girl I'm showing you in my pictures.

My point of the comment was that OP thought these people didn't actually exist. That they were just photos of people with fake names. They're not. They were real people with friends, family, and significant others like everyone else.

"My point of the comment was that OP thought these people didn't actually exist."

I don't see that assertion anywhere in his post. He only says the event was hoaxed. You are reaching, maybe even misdirecting, and with all due respect I am not surprised that you cannot provide us with any evidence of her name or her death. Though of course evidence like death certificates can and have been faked in the Sandy Hook psyop.

He explicitly said that fake names were used with real pictures and that there were no victims. Check his post history. You're the one that's reaching.

OP did not say all of that in his post. In another comment he wrote: "the perpetrators of the hoax used pictures of real people to give faces to the fabricated list of victims." There is nothing in all your comments and pictures that negates his assertion. So you know the person who has been called Lauren Rousseau. You have offered no proof that is her real name or that she died at Sandy hook. Even if that is her real name there is still no proof she died at Sandy hook. So I repeat: what is your point? Are you just trying to show us you are a SOTON 1 with a real life personal connection to the hoax? Ok, we believe you!

Jesus Christ even OP believes some/most of what I said.

let's not try to put words in my mouth. i said you've given evidence that she existed, and she is the only victim i'm reconsidering. i might believe you, but i don't necessarily believe you.

edit: i think you did in fact know the person called Lauren Rousseau. you may not be in a position however, to provide proof of her identity or proof of her death, since you were a friend rather than an immediate relative. did you know Tony?

Did? I still do.

this may not be a fair request on my part, but could you provide pictures that include the two of you?

I don't have any.

i suppose you don't

can you tell me about when you met Lauren? you said you knew her for 7 years.

edit: you also said earlier that you're here to discuss the existence of your friend, so to be fair, i'll try to restrict my questions to that topic.

I met her in 2005 through my now wife.

I don't have any pictures with him because I only met him a couple of times before the shooting and i only see him a couple times a year. We're not close.

i'd like to ask if you understand why we think the shooting was a hoax.

I've said earlier that I understand why.

all i can see from your comments is that you aren't anti-conspiracy.

I had some difficulty posting from my phone yesterday so it's possible some of my posts didn't go through as I thought, but yes I do understand why.

can you give any input as to your belief on whether or not our government would have been complicit in the event that occurred at Sandy Hook?

I don't really have an opinion on it. It wouldn't be the first time the government has lied to us.

That just means you are good at misdirecting and spreading FUD. I think if OP reads our interaction s/he will realize your evidence amounts to very little. Certainly does not indicate what you assert it does.

Then PM him, see what I care.

From_My_Brain has shown that he has had a real life connection to the person called Lauren Rousseau, however, you are correct in your statement. we still have no proof of her identity or death. i think he did know her, but i also think he's embellishing when he claims he was going to see her the night of the shooting for a mutual friend's birthday party.

Just saw this post. No I'm not embellishing. We all had plans to see The Hobbit that night for our friends birthday, then we were gonna hang out and have some drinks. We actually still did that, because we weren't completely certain what happened at the time. We couldn't get in touch with Lauren or her family.

Not sure why you think that's unlikely. She was a close friend for several years.

While part of me doesn't doubt that this might have been a hoax and no kids really died, I think that the possibility that kids DID actually get murdered in that school still doesn't keep the Sandy Hook event from being a false flag event nonetheless.

I think it doesn't really matter whether people actually got murdered at Sandy Hook or not because the main point is that it was still a false flag operation.

It's sort of like 911: Did people really die? Hell yeah they did. 3,000 people got murdered in that event. Nobody can say that people didn't die. Nobody can say that a lot of mayhem didn't occur in the event.

That's not the real point behind that event, however. The real point is that IT WAS A FALSE FLAG OPERATION through and through.

Same thing with Sandy Hook. Too many people are getting caught up in whether people actually did die or not. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I'm personally not super sure one way or the other...and I don't really care all that much, to be honest, because the main point is that I know it was a false flag operation/fear-porn event designed to try to, among other things, repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Doesn't matter whether people actually got murdered or whether a bunch of crisis actors were used. The real point is that it was a staged event that did not take place in the manner that the MSM reported it. It was brokered by TPTB behind the scenes, and people need to make sure and not forget that regardless of whether they argue that people actually did or did not get murdered in the process.

Not gonna try to convince you if it was a false flag or not, but I wanna let you know I posted a few pictures of myself and one of the victims. You can at least know the victims are real.

Even if the victims were real, I still wouldn't doubt that at least some of the whole Sandy Hook event was staged. And if none of it was staged? (which is b.s. since there are enough videos definitively showing that at least some of it was staged) the fact of the matter is that the MSM and it's "never let a tragedy go to waste" modus operandi made sure and milked it for all it was worth with regard to using that event (false flag staged event or not) as an attempt to repeal the 2nd Amendment. That alone really put everything that happened into serious question because the deep agenda the MSM threw behind the event made it just...reek of a contrivance and an opportunism that made whatever might have actually been real or authentic become suddenly doubted.

we might be able to accept that one victim existed. your friend.

TIL how to spread propaganda

I mean really OP that is what this post is about. Shilling one possible side of the story to have maximum impact. That is what propaganda is.

nobody is paying me to make this post and engage people in conversation about the hoax. my only vested interest in exposing it is my natural desire to seek out the truth, which we were not told by the MSM... how is this "shilling" ?

Yea had someone tell me they drove they're little girl there like I'm going to believe they took they're daughter to a school with asbestos in it since 2007 right

this is so far the only thing i could think to do, to bring peoples' attention to liars.

I'm one of those that thought it was real but I now believe it was all set up. For a drill that went national and dum ass president that made all his followers believe it was true.

You are the dumb one that can not spell DUMB!!

Like you never missed a button before see there you go telling someone else what they're doing wrong shows how you don't know everything that goes on in the world around you SMART ASS spelled that one right!

dum ass president

an actor frontman president, look at the hugs and kisses photo with 'Robbie Parker', they knew each other from before SHES.

Friends or family of victims, or those who personally know them comment on sites like reddit in numbers disproportionate to what you'd expect. There's probably some mathematical formula that would prove shill activity.

I like this idea. I don't think it's really possible to distinguish between types 1 and 2. I assume anyone acting like that who I don't know from real life is a SOTON type 1

I guess I'm SOTON Type 4. I don't doubt for a minute that the oligarchy would have any compunction about wasting a school full of little kids if it achieved their goals. I just don't see how it would benefit them not to kill the children. Too many things could go wrong. Obviously, I don't believe little 110lb Adam Lanka was responsible, either, but I simply don't see what they gain by not killing those kids.

I wouldnt categorize you as SOTON type 4 based on his definition. That is a pretty reasonable conclusion to come to, and the one I lean towards. That being said, there is evidence that no one died, such as destruction of evidence (the house and the school were demolished) and no crime scene photos with even a speck of blood released, to my best knowledge, they were all redacted in the photo dump.) But as I mentioned in a thread of Sandy Hook, evidence is not proof, and I tend to agree with your post, as it's too risky to not sacrifice human life, if the mission is important enough.

that actually sounds logical and scary AF

Well, they did it on 9/11 100x so why not at sandy hook.

The dead-or-not is a false problem, there is enough evidence and facts to call for a serious investigation no matter the actual victims.

Ofcourse those legitimate idiots to start saying "how can you say that, there are people who died!!!!22", but that you can know is mostly type 1 shill or hopeless idiot.

Personally, I attributed to the destruction of evidence to removing evidence of what really happened. For example, if they found a stray bullet of the wrong caliber lodged somewhere. The fact that the autopsy data was covered up was extremely telling, particularly because that coroner couldn't get his shit straight on teevee.

When you have total control over the media you don't need to worry that much about things going wrong. It's actually safer that way because you don't have real victims' families suing and demanding answers. Instead you can use the "victims" families as propaganda mouthpieces. I agree they wouldn't hesitate to kill a school full of children if they thought it would further their goals. But in this case it's actually safer and more effective to hoax it

I wish that were the case. The reality that all those children and teachers were murdered is much worse.

i think the only possibility of someone having actually known one of the victims is the case of Allison Wyatt. the perpetrators of the hoax picked a random picture that happened to be Lilly Gaubert in real life. Lilly Gaubert's mother spoke out when her actual daugher's picture was being used on national TV and passed off as Allison Wyatt the victim. as soon as this happened the picture was changed