In this sub there are literally 100's of highly rated conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, while I can't find a SINGLE one about Bernie Sanders. Are there any negative conspiracy theories about Bernie Sanders that I should know about?

17  2016-03-29 by [deleted]

There's no doubt that the majority of reddit supports Bernie Sanders and despises Hillary Clinton. But, I was still surprised to see that I couldn't find a single conspiracy about Bernie. After reading countless negative posts about Hillary, I decided to search up Bernie to see if there was any negative conspiracies about him. I chose the "top of all time" option, and after scrolling through well over ten pages, I have still not found a single negative conspiracy theory about Bernie Sanders. Literally everything related to him is positive.

I posted this for three reasons:

  1. I'm genuinely curious to see negative things Bernie Sanders might potentially be doing. Reddit makes Bernie out to be a literal saint.

  2. This is a test to see if /r/conspiracy, the center of fair publicity about all subjects, will upvote this post, or downvote it in fear of not wanting people to see negative conspiracies about Bernie Sanders. Can the reddit community put its political agenda aside for one moment just to see if Bernie is up to anything bad?

  3. I find it fascinating how people in this sub will become angered when news media sites like Washington Post only say negative things about Bernie Sanders while supporting Hillary, while this sub, and basically all of reddit, will only says negative things about Hillary while supporting Bernie. There's a bit of hypocrisy.



this. he's controlled opposition

Found the redacted

He gutted the Audit the Fed Bill.

"Bernie Sanders Gets Ripped By Ron Paul Over Federal Reserve Audit Bill back in 2010"

I am aware of some sexually explicit material he wrote in the '70's I believe. Not sure if it qualifies as conspiracy.

I am no expert on Zionism or Judaism, but I think he supports that side of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

To be fair he did snub the AIPAC conference which is a pretty big deal.

He got his office raided by protesters after voting for the whole Kosovo debacle

This video does a pretty good job of showing he's full of shit:

this video is great. thanks. i didn't realize he was so pro-war

Realize that Congress votes on war and the budget and often ammends these to completely un related bills. He was the only senator to vote no on iraq.

He's a career politician. He's full of shit.

There are real problems facing America and he hasn't addressed any of them. He's just spouted populist bullshit for leftists while Trump spouts populist bullshit for the right.

I guess I'm not sure what you think is a major issue in this country... Education, health care, fair taxation? No?

The fed for starters.

see the downvotes. this is why you don't find anything on Bernie. Anything negative gets sunk. That's the conspiracy. You don't get the same thing for Hillary, yet she's supposedly got the MIC and all it's shills and AI behind her. Where are they down voting anti Hillary stuff?

Instead you get copy pasta warriors earning conspiracy cred for pushing for ae911 thermite (controlled opp) and then the only other thing they share is stuff to bring down Hillary.

This sub is fervently anti Bernie and pro trump, do you even read here? Pro Bernie stuff is mercilessly mocked on the regular. To a fault.

Dunno what reality you're living in. Bernie gets lots of love and a comment I made on Bernie being a zionist got voted down to -30 in a matter of minutes.

Because he's not a zionist. Voted against arming Israel. Believes Palestine should have their own state. didn't speak at AIPAC, an Israeli super pac convention both Donald and Hillary attended and spoke at.

Believes Palestine should have their own state.

Oh, is that before or after he gently reprimands Israel for heavy handedness, then tells one of his constituents to SHUT UP when they ask him about Palestine again?

He's the left's 'anti-establishment' candidate and he didn't go to AIPAC because the left are recognizing Israel's wrongdoings.

Trump went because he gets the 'anti-establishment' evangelical christian vote (who are actually zionists because they want Israel occupying that land to bring about the second coming).

Despite that, there's not much else you can say in this subreddit that garners -30 in a couple of minutes with no comments in reply and that fact alone contradicts acurafails claim that this sub is anti bernie.

Oh, is that before or after he gently reprimands Israel for heavy handedness, then tells one of his constituents to SHUT UP when they ask him about Palestine again?

So now you have to reprimand Israel to not be a Zionist?

Trump went because he gets the 'anti-establishment' evangelical christian vote (who are actually zionists because they want Israel occupying that land to bring about the second coming).

Trump went to AIPAC because he is a zionist, same reason he endorsed Benjamin Netanyahu and made a video over it.

Maybe those downvotes should tell you something ehh?

actions speak louder than words. Bernie skipped out on AIPAC and touts pro-Palestinian rhetoric in order to appeal to his far-left voters, but he has never voted against a defense spending bill and has consistently voted pro-war. if he is truly anti-zionist, then it is suspicious that his policies seem to align with theirs so closely.

You realize defense spending bills are confessional budget bills. If you vote against passing the budget the whole government shuts down. Voted no on iraq. Voted no to giving military aid to israel.

What Mae-Brussell-Hustler posted is the only thing close to real dirt I've found. I think it must be really being trotted out in the cable news because my grandma told me a few days ago that "You know that Bernie Sanders was into the porno, he's a porno guy" and I was like, What? and had to look it up. SMH.

No "conspiracies" - his lousy voting record is public knowledge. Bernie bros don't care about facts.

You can google his wife and possible financial fraud at the university she was running.

His lifetime adoration with openly communist movements and governments is kind of a huge red flag in my book

As a prominent student organizer & activist in the 1960s, Bernie would have an FBI file.

The fact that no news organization has looked for Bernie's FBI file is noteworthy. Think about who benefits from the failure to even ask the question. And yet the same media has given Bernie bad coverage & propped-up Hillary inexplicably. There's a mystery here.

Also look into Thom Hartmann, who has groomed Bernie for press conferences & public speaking for 12+ years, giving him an hour every Friday much like Donald Trump was given a performance practice arena by NBC. Hartmann, who has relatives in the German BND (read: Gehlen Org) and speaks fluent German himself, visiting Germany once a year, also is NOT well-regarded by the JFK assassination research community for his books. Hartmann was big on hypnosis topics and NLP topics early in his show (2003-2005). Hartmann blocked any discussion of 9/11 on his show until post-2008. He's sort of a coach/consultant to Bernie. This doesn't mean Bernie is aware of any of this. Quite the opposite.

Bernie's biggest conspiracy is an open "secret": to divide the Democratic party into two irreconcilable opposing camps. Many conspiracy theories surround Trump being a double-agent for Clinton because Trump is having the same effect on the Republican party that Bernie is having on the Democratic party. Yet nobody makes any accusation that Bernie is a double-agent. But, in simple terms, neither Bernie nor Trump needs to be a double-agent. They only have to be zealots who have a skilled handler.


that he's a closet zionist extremist because he spent some time on a "kibbutz".

Bernie verbal attack on reporter for asking a question just wait til the end for what he says to see what I mean but generally he seems as he gives a shit about the people though.

Bernie has some friends in media. His senior campaign advisor is Tad Devine, president of Devine Mulvey Longabaugh, a media consulting firm. I have my suspicions that Bernie's "anti establishment" image is fabricated thanks in part by Devine.

He's a socialist with no idea how an economy works. And he wants to steal from one group to pay off another. 'Nuff said?

He isn't a socialist. He's a new deal liberal.

Edit: You know, now that I think about it, this is the best conspiracy surrounding Bernie. He isn't a socialist. He is using socialism as a marketing term. He knows that people are fed up with capitalism and he is using this label of Socialist to fool people into thinking he isn't just another puppet in the American political game.

New Deal Liberalism is Social Democracy. He calls himself a Social Democrat, not a socialist. He talks about the necessity for a political revolution. That sounds pretty radical, and I'm guessing his unspoken views are even more leftist than the ones he espouses publicly while trying to win a national election.


Correct in that the failed economic experiment in Keynesian policy has failed everyone except the government. But that does not give anyone a basis to say "OK, we were wrong. Everybody turn in their chips and lets redistribute.". At least not in the US.

Yeah, because the one group that is currently stealing from everyone else and has completely disrupted any sense of economic balance between them and everyone else is just working so well right now isn't it?

This will increase under Sanders.

Money, celebrity and wealth worshiping of the current dominant class is not serving anyone but them.

Whose them?

I think there is a case to be made for more balance in the economy, there is enough for everyone,

Enough of what for everyone?

This will never change unless we make a choice to evolve as a human race.

I can agree with this, but the fact is, we're already at our pinnacle evolution. There will always be greed, gluttony, corruption, predator/prey in this world.

You sound like you live in a fantasy world....


Despite all of what you are saying, you still push for Sanders... Either way, Sanders in presidency or not, it will continue to, as you said, "get worse and worse". So, why push for him? Why push for any of this? You talk about the "haves" and "have nots", yet fail to understand/realize, it's always been this way and will always be this way. The elite are not going anywhere and we cannot avoid them. Should be evident with this little experiment we call the US. They are Red wood trees, as above, so below.

So he's just a regular politician then.

If by steal you mean a 2.2% increase an income tax yes you are right.

Funniest shit I have seen on here in a while. You seriously think that the businesses and wall street will just eat his tax plan I assume. Nothing will get passed down to you (or your parents who actually make money).

I make 60k a year and pay 3% of yearly income to health insurance, if Bernie wins my income tax will increase by 2.2% that's the only extra tax. however the 3% of my income going to health care will vanish so I will actually pay less if he gets elected. I take his tax plan as it is written out and don't make assumptions beyond that.

It's no assumption that taxes trickle down; it's a fact of life. Good luck with that if you think you will pay LESS if he is elected.

Taxes trickle down Wtf are you talking about? maybe you should read what his tax plan is instead of making wild assumptions.

Lol article starts with the US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. What a load of bull shit. Yes are corporate tax is the highest but no, no company actually pays their income tax give me a break. Pfizer grossed 30 billion in profits last year and reported a loss in the US. Bank of America literally has paid 0% income tax last year.

Please better educate yourself.

Let's just no even bring up that the corporation tax increase we bill offset for a majority of companies that provide health insurance.


I was NOT born into wealth but I HAVE worked hard to get where I am. Bernie would peg me in the 1% for sure.

actions speak louder than words. Bernie skipped out on AIPAC and touts pro-Palestinian rhetoric in order to appeal to his far-left voters, but he has never voted against a defense spending bill and has consistently voted pro-war. if he is truly anti-zionist, then it is suspicious that his policies seem to align with theirs so closely.