What topics get you downvoted in this sub?

54  2016-03-29 by 911bodysnatchers322

These topics will get you downvoted to '0' or '1', unless they are especially juicy, in which case they inevitably gain traction but are stalled, strangely, at '33' karma

You can talk about MKULTRA all you want. In fact, they love you talking about some bad thing they did 50 yrs ago.

  • Criticizing Catholicism in a real way.
  • Criticizing the Pope in any real way.
  • Criticizing Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
  • Criticizing Opus Dei
  • Criticizing Freemasons or Freemasonry
  • Criticising Fraternal Order of Police
  • Putting forth information that associates political candidates with secret societies, in a legitimate way (government document)
  • Information tying any of the above to each other
  • Anything related to gangstalking, because everyone knows it's always a mentally ill paranoiac
  • Anything related to targetted energy weapony, see above
  • Info about Government selling drugs, especially Opiates
  • Anything related to psychedelics
  • Speaking of which, anything validating Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, their contemporaries--everyone knows they were double agent working for them and not secretly working for you. Everything is black and white after all and no further discussion on this is allowed.

Know of any more?


Doubting the moon landings.

Anything negative about GMOs and/or Big Pharma and/or vaccines. Outing fake events/psy-ops/hoaxes. Saying global warming doesn't exist and/or is not from man-made causes.

In this sub?

Right. I think this sub is a place where it's ok to say stuff about

  • Gmos
  • big pharma

But with vaccines it's a wash

Outing fake events gets you someone always saying, false flag doesn't mean someone didn't die. Which is true. In fact Thomas Sheridan does a very good job pointing out how this particular subject is very sensitive because if you're wrong and you've accused the media of fakery but someone really did die, then you look like an asshole. (which is what they want--don't give them what they want)

Global warming is another one of those things. I'm actually on the fence with this issue. I feel like I'll never know enough. However I DO believe in weather manipulation. I believe that the RRR (polar vortex / california 3 yr drought) was done on purpose by haarp type tech in order to reverse the jet streams in order to restart the stalled gulf of mexico current loop that stalled as a direct consequence of the deepwater horizon incident. I posted about this here.

Global warming is another one of those things. I'm actually on the fence with this issue. I feel like I'll never know enough.

cui bono & follow the money

and to make $ on weather futures

re: global warming, just look up the correlation between solar activity and global temperatures going back thousands of years and you'll see that the sun was, is, and will continue to be the #1 factor in temperatures by far. Then look at all of the times the IPCC has been caught with its pants down falsifying data. Then look at the "studies" where those "97% of scientists agree" numbers come from and realize how fake those percentages are. And then go from there.

Obviously humans are having a negative impact on the environment but all of this global warming nonsense is, well, nonsense. Also consider that they do all this talk about limiting carbon emissions. Well who is the biggest polluter on planet earth? The US military/government, and it isn't even close. Where is the green movement calling for a limit to military spending or a limit to senseless wars? You won't hear a peep from them about that, because the movement is controlled.

This guy gets it! It always makes me glad when people can see through the smokescreen that is anthropogenic global warming instead of mindlessly believing the "97% consensus" bs.

Yes definitely. Most posts about these topics get downvoted so much that they don't even make the front page, let alone the top few spots, and all of the comments sections are full of naysayers and "debunkers".

No one mentions planet 9 - source

Now try to find any information on this since January... that isn't related to Nibiru/Nemesis/etc.

What's the conspiracy here? What would he the point of fabricating an entire planet? I'm genuinely curious.

Because a planet with an orbit like the one they give, could have potentially harmful effects to everyone on the planet. Yet they give very little information. Now put two and two together.

Damn yeah I get it now. Thanks for explaining

I think there is something behind this. Myabe not a planet, maybe a planet - but the event and phenominom itself I believe is real and will happen.

I think there is a lot behind this. In fact the search for Planet X is the reason we found Neptune and Pluto in the first place. Both times they did not explain the perturbations in Uranus' orbit.

Interesting...they obviously know more than we do.

Edit - Speaking personally, I've experienced brigading when discussing false flags on the day they take place. Almost like there are folks sitting by waiting to steer the narrative.

That used to bother a lot me because it felt like people here believe that literally every major event in modern history is a false flag. Obviously that is patently absurd. And claiming false flag the day of an event is clearly not based on strong evidence.

After a while, I started to find it productive. Not that I find evidence that every event is a false flag, but rather that we should vigorously question the official narrative every time. Even if TPTB are not behind an event, they will certainly spin the reaction to their favor. But I do believe that history will prove that they were behind quite a few scale tipping events.

literally every major event in modern history is a false flag.

Cough It's true Cough

Yep. I've seen that too. That is why I shut up after events and just see what is being talked about. That plus I am a low information commenter at that point.

Or that people feel like it's in really poor taste. You don't think that's a simpler explanation?

The false flag or calling them out?

I think it's wrong for people to say "someone DIED shut up about your conspiracy theory"! I'm of the opinion that it should be investigated independently from all angles instead of getting the single sourced info from the ministry of information jamming it into your stupid mouth like some kind of foisgras retard duck

My links about alternative history don't get as much love as I think they should but maybe I'm biased.



please keep at it. it's a mind-bender, takes time to make sense. i want so bad to understand this.

That is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Don't you have critical thinking skills?


That hurts my brain to try understand that top link.

They say the truth hurts right?

Edit : that's why I posted the second link. It break it down for ya!

This video series is how I came to understand it the visuals help a lot.


Yeah and in one of life's funny little synchronicities, i was watching a video of two russian kids beat boxing at the same time and one of them had the last name Morozov.

Has there been any scientific basis for this?

I can literally visualize a bunch of knobs in uniform furiously downvoting that.

Topics that I've seen routinely downvoted beyond what I consider 'normal':

Migrant Crisis, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture/Monsanto, Vaccines, pedophilia/child abuse/rituals, fraud in science, feminism, climate change, genuine analysis shortly after tragedies.

Edit: Adding more as they come to mind.

On a somewhat related note: Try searching 'Dani Dayan Zionist' on google, I just did and for some reason the results I got had the words 'Jewish' and 'Israel' highlighted as if google considers them the same as 'zionist'

Big Agriculture/Monsanto

Especially this. It happens to such an extent all across reddit you can't help but notice.

We talk about them a lot on this sub. It's hard to know whether people have less interest in this kind of thing or if it's being controlled. I posted a thing on C_S_T about big agro and it got pretty good traction comparably. Maybe they don't control that sub as much since it's not as well known. I feel a kind of fight clubby vibe, like don't talk about cst

Have you seen Cowspiracy?

Talking about religion, prophecies or how the NWO is all connected to prophecies.

  • nuclear demolition on 9/11 (/r/nuclear911)
  • no planes used on 9/11
  • questioning ae911truth
  • questioning the mainstream model of earth (hollow earth, expanding earth, growing earth, flat earth)
  • raising health concerns about emf radiation (wifi, mobile phones, microwaves) /r/electromagnetics

fwiw, i think most, if not all, of the examples you listed are tolerated here. of course the pr reps will comment on them, but they will generally not be downvoted to zero.

edit: a couple examples from today:

nuclear 9/11 comment

emf vs health (sleep) comment

Agree, nuclear911 is very controlled. Same with no planes but imho it's less plausible of a theory than some kind of novel nuclear technology (or energy weapon theory also--which is the very best explanation for the metal-only singed cars parked along the adjacent block)

I personally attack flat earthers. Sorry. I've been at high altitude, I can't unsee what I saw, no do I think it was a massive hologram or that the window was a projection screen window fooling me with the rounder's lies. I keep telling the flat earthers they need to get really high

Damn, 100% spot on. Especially questioning the mainstream model of the earth, it's brutal.

ok I'll bite.


no planes on 9/11

With all the footage out there, much which has been used to explain different alternatives from the "official" version, how can you deny planes were used?

Go watch stuff. Youtube "no plane theory." There's a lot to explain, and quite a few possibilities involved. Needless to say, there are men of great stature, pilots, retired military, etc that have come out as "no planers" to put a tag on it. They bring hard science and physics to the table about subjects that still remain unexplained by the official story. By being able to set aside the fact that (presumably random) video submissions of people saying they "saw a plane!," the theory opens up full scale to all sorts of possibilities. You can weigh the number of people on video saying they saw planes vs the number that didn't hear or see anything before the explosions, and I can promise you that you would be surprised.

I'll give you a sneak peak: planes, that large, CANNOT fly at the speeds they did, at the altitude they did, and pull the maneuvers they did. Even if they were somehow able to, the sound from full throttle engines and impossible air displacement would have been deafening to all who were present.

Well I mean, a plane didn't hit the pentagon nor crashed in a field, but how do you dismiss all of the video footage of 2 planes hitting the WTC?


idk if you're serious or not...

but if you are, how would someone cgi thousands, if not, tens of thousands of videos?

Edit: I put tens of thousands like an idiot, it's probably more like hundreds.

Tens of thousands? Come on dude, how many people had camera phones in 2001? How many walk around with video cameras? Most of the vids you've seen have been released via the news rooms.

Ask u/jamescolespardon for an archive of the footage. He's got a bunch somewhere and is a no planer himself.

yeah tens of thousands was a stretch, probably more like hundreds.

and no youtube. so even if you got footage with your videocamera, how you gonna get it to the public? the distribution was almost entirely controlled.

it's interesting to me that 9/11 needed cgi to be good enough for prime time, but video phones and internet video distribution to not exist yet. there was a very narrow window of time where this could've happened.

There are not tens of thousands of videos.

What if I told you that the major networks - at the time of the supposed impact of the second plane - showed different objects impacting WTC before they synced their videos?

Would you be able to at least entertain the thought?

If so - I can show you. With actual footage.

OF course, I keep an open mind to everything.


Hit me.

First, you have to watch the coverage of the event, live, on all networks.

So my suggestion is to start there.

Here is ABC

Here is NBC

Here is CBS

Here is CNN

The time you want to skip to is around 9:01 and just let it roll. Watch it on mute once, even, before you watch it with sound.

Take note of the characters on screen and covering the event. Make note of who the on-site reporters are - and their relationships with the networks themselves.

I am working for the next two days and have projects due all weekend but will always prioritize this conversation over all other obligations.

I am 100% serious about this. This plave is filled with trolls and disinfo.

You know /u/whipnil.

You know me.

Look at the Owl.

Now back at me.

Now I mod this sub. And I'm telling you - watch the links. I have nothing to hide and everything to gain.

You owe yourself.

But make no mistake - there's no going back.

Gonna take a look now, thx!

Good luck.

I'm off the next 2 days with nothing to do, so this is perfect, thx!

May the elements guide you.

Long days and pleasant nights.

See you around.

(and you're not crazy. Or alone)

Oh they're serious. Paranoid delusion is quite serious

Personally I think they were CIA remote controlled planes that were switched and used to seemlessy fly in which two untrained Muslim terrorists couldn't ever do the first time.This event was too crucial to have the planes miss the towers so why would it be left to chance? That would explain why people that saw the plane didn't recognize it as a commercial jet, it was a silver/gray agency plane.

I can get behind them being remote controlled, but to say that it wasn't planes hitting the WTC at all is a bit of a stretch.

Now as far as the pentagon/penn, that's a whole different story.

Personally I don't know what hit the Pentagon but I think it could have still been some type of plane. "They" want to spread the belief that it wasn't a plane so if they ever release the "real photos" it will show a plane even if it really wasn't.

IMO I think it was a rocket.

It very well could have been, but so much time has passed since 911 so it's likely that any photo/video evidence will have been heavily "edited" and will not portray the full truth.

go watch some videos... there are multiple theories, all with possible evidence supporting them.

I have, but do you have any in particular I should check out?

Very well said.

To entertain this asanine of a thought while researching 'conspiracy theories' to debunk them for personal satisfaction while being either unequpped, unable, or impossible to refute shakes you to your core.

It took me 18 months to deal with it, to be completely and brutally honest. Because why not? I'll share whatever is necessary to heal this wound.

The biggest one most Americans (non millenials) remember.

It was our JFK. And instead of magic bullets - we got magic 767s.

Same thing.

noplanes, exotic911 and flatearth get down-voted for a reason to be fair

Religion in a positive light. Prophecies of any kind, no matter how obvious it is that they are coming true.

On the other side of things, I have noticed that obvious racism toward Jews gets upvoted immensely and immediately.

Is the first thing just redditors being areligious?

I've noticed the second thing a lot.

It very well may be. I don't understand why it's "cool" to be antitheist on Reddit.

Because reddit's userbase is generally young, and young people these days are all on the atheist bandwagon which is really the "religion of science" bandwagon.

Very true. Sad, really.

what's the difference between a prophecy coming true and one being made to appear to be coming true?

Agree. I don't give credence to the idea that these "prophecies" are happening because "God's will." but rather self-fulfilling prophecies that are being pushed by the conglomerate of special interest groups such as Zionists & the Israeli lobbyists. Nothing is ever set in stone.

There are around 2500 religions in the world. Most of them contradict each other, but mine is correct

Anything that criticizes Benie Sanders

I wonder if it would be possible to measure instant down votes with variable of topic search term. Here one user found evidence of instant downvoting tied to username. I don't know enough about Reddit to know how to gather the data set but it would be fairly simple to look at vote fixing for variable of topic with the data



Is this where your username comes from perchance? If so I like you.

noice link

You too have something of the innsmouth look about your username

Had to google that! I'll take it as a compliment! Haven't read any lovecraft, I understand your username now! That style of megaliths are probably named after lovecraft's Cyclopean architecture! definitely connected some dots for me!

This is a really funny coincidence bc I assumed your username was from Lovecraft "Their croaking, baying voices, clearly used for articulate speech, held all the dark shades of expression which their staring faces lacked ... They were the blasphemous fish-frogs of the nameless design - living and horrible." Thanks for pointing me at megaliths

Synchronicity! I'm definitely gunna check out some Lovecraft now. Have you been over to r/c_s_t yet?

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Whenever I mention a one world government in a positive light. Star trek with universal basic income and space exploration for insurance.

Socialism is always evil, don't you know? There's a lot of ancaps here (rwa's / libertarians), not many anarchosyndicalists or agorists. No one ever talks about the latter..it's not even socialism, it's actually social anarchism

anarchosyndicalist checkin in

I'm an evil socialist. I must admit to caring for my fellow man. Gods Damn it.

Criticizing the Crisis Actors theories

Doubting global warming or question its repercussions

When I type NIST or WTC those seem to get hit instantly with downvotes.

Downvoted to exactly 1.

Topics: Zionists, Israel, Eretz Israel, Greater Israel, Moshiach, and Jewish Anti Christ.

I down-vote shills and obvious racism.

good job

Defending Snowden and Greenwald from unsupported yet passionate assertions of being "limited hangouts".

Are you saying those who are defending them from the others accusing them as being "limited hangouts" are downvoted?

Yep, me specifically. And the people whom I make it a point to disagree with don't just make accusations or raise suspicions, they flat out declare that it's a fact. Reeks of a discredit psyop IMO.

They may be up to no good, sure, but I have yet to see the evidence or any sufficiently compelling reasons to even suspect that.

please don't associate greenwald with snowden in that fashion, he is stalling and cherrypicking the release of what snowden risked his neck to get to us

he is stalling and cherrypicking

Proof? Please don't make hard assertions of things that you do not know to be factual. That's "truthiness" at its worst and only does a great disservice to informed discussion. Gullible people will read your assertion and not question your motives or actual knowledge of the situation and take it as fact. It creates a vicious cycle of defamation and disinformation.

Had you read anything by Greenwald previous to the Snowden leak?

lol fuck off. it's my opinion, agree or disagree, don't give me a pathetic misdirected lecture. yes i knew all about greenwald from his slate days......

P.S. the release of snowden's info has been ridiculously slow = stalling, greenwald gets to pick and choose what gets released and when = cherrypicking

seriously fuck you Dusty, you fucking thoughtpolice prick.

Politely ask for proof of an evidence-free assertion that attacks someone's character?

Thought Police.


Aw don't get mad.

You claimed he is stalling, meaning he's purposefully going slow for some kind of hidden reason. Right?

Why not just be honest and say "I think he is stalling" instead of making a hard assertion that you cannot support? If it's your opinion, like you claim now, they you shouldn't portray it as fact. That's all I'm saying.

shitty mod choice, the slide accelerates

No idea what you mean by that.

I do hope that you realize and overcome your fact/opinion confusion problem.

The boston bombing, sandy hook , the holocaust.

I could see how questioning the holocaust would get instant downvote, but probably not from this subs members

Not questioning it happpwning discussing its specifics

Every topic is fair game here, friend. Except tav,istock of coarse

ni,ce use of comma, tavistock

Chemtrails and Flat Earth theories.

I don't really support either, but have noticed these get downvotes. My position is that people should respect what theories others choose to believe in. People are free to post whatever they like and that's a good thing too.

If you really believe in something and you're free to post it, a few downvotes are a small price to pay for that freedom.

Anything questioning space...downvoted to hell, name callling, attacking, PMs....

B/w the lack of space/ancient races talk (that is heavily suppressed) and the constant political circle jerk, this sub is being manipulated.

Conspiracy type stuff also.

If you can take screenshots of the '33' karma posts that get stopped please

john oliver is a corporate duck who cherrypicks his topcis and how he presents them

Being critical of Bernie Sanders got me downvoted to hell on past accounts. All the candidates in this year's election are shit though. Bread & circuses, I guess.

this post should be stickied.

This post wreaks of intel gathering. The topics mentioned are mostly related to religious bs (I believe secret societies are a topic full of disinfo, even if there's something true about them):


Criticizing Catholicism in a real way.

Criticizing the Pope in any real way.

Criticizing Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

Criticizing Opus Dei

Criticizing Freemasons or Freemasonry

Criticising Fraternal Order of Police

Putting forth information that associates political candidates with secret societies, in a legitimate way (government document)

Information tying any of the above to each other

Anything related to gangstalking, because everyone knows it's always a mentally ill paranoiac

Anything related to targetted energy weapony, see above Info about Government selling drugs, especially Opiates

Anything related to psychedelics

Speaking of which, anything validating Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, their contemporaries--everyone knows they were double agent working for them and not secretly working for you.


Saying something nice about Hillary Clinton.

lol! Zero comment karma for that. That's classic. Did you do that to yourself to prove a point? Because it workd. I so want to upvote you but I will not just out of principle

In this sub anything that is pro-Jewish, pro-Sunnis, pro-Trump and pro-West or conversely anti-Bernie, anti-Ataturk, anti-Assad, anti-Putin, anti-Serbia, anti-Iran, anti-Hezbollah, anti-Shia, anti-Catholic, anti-Jesuit, anti- Free Masons will get you downvoted hard and your opinion will be silenced. This sub is a joke and simply a hivemind circlejerk for far-left and pro-Russian/Shiite resistance axis causes and opinions.

pro-trump stuff is upvoted, anti-bernie is a wash; I would say (in this sub) pro-hillary gets instadownvote, but that's by us, not by them. I'm trying to get at what is controlled. Sometimes it's so difficult to decouple the two that the effort to do so is pointless.

Chemtrails and Sandy Hook thats hack tinfoil hat shit

Not caring about down votes. Or up votes. It's not like you win a car or even a mouse pad with Karma.

Who gives a shit? I don't. If I ever find myself giving a shit, I quit the site.

Supporting police. Lol long as you are all "FUCK DA POLICE" you will be well liked here.

I've seen everything mentioned make it to the front page of the sub now and again.

The only stuff that gets outright laughed at into oblivion is Flat Earth.

Space crabs.

ITT: space crab deniers

Did you know space crabs on your head are called space lice?

When they're on your nethers they're called nibiruuties

This post is obviously information collection. See here: Cryptome - A Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies

Looks like this answers OP's question.

thank you

That ship has sailed homie

Lol no it's not hhaha

You clearly missed the memo of how much I hate our current gov. You should read some of my submissions I think you'll like thems.

Are you saying those who are defending them from the others accusing them as being "limited hangouts" are downvoted?

please don't associate greenwald with snowden in that fashion, he is stalling and cherrypicking the release of what snowden risked his neck to get to us

What's the conspiracy here? What would he the point of fabricating an entire planet? I'm genuinely curious.

I think there is something behind this. Myabe not a planet, maybe a planet - but the event and phenominom itself I believe is real and will happen.

I think there is a lot behind this. In fact the search for Planet X is the reason we found Neptune and Pluto in the first place. Both times they did not explain the perturbations in Uranus' orbit.

I have, but do you have any in particular I should check out?

he is stalling and cherrypicking

Proof? Please don't make hard assertions of things that you do not know to be factual. That's "truthiness" at its worst and only does a great disservice to informed discussion. Gullible people will read your assertion and not question your motives or actual knowledge of the situation and take it as fact. It creates a vicious cycle of defamation and disinformation.

Had you read anything by Greenwald previous to the Snowden leak?