Alex Jones as controlled opposition?
29 2016-03-29 by Auctionhouseblues
Even though I have outgrown the phase in which I listened to his program I still stumble onto his clips and stories. So I see a lot of people claiming him to be disinformation agent of some sort which seems entirely possible given that he seems more of a caricature of a conspiracy theorist than an actual person. That being said I benefitted from learning certain things he's talked about and he helped me see more of what's up than I would have without him. So my question is; if he was controlled opposition isn't he doing more harm to "them" by discussing certain issues that many would have never been aware of if not for him. What benefit would be to whatever organization controls him? I would think anyone that brings that many people into a better understanding of their government and its acts is doing more good than whatever his true objectives are. Someone please explain to me why and for what objective he could be an agent provocateur. Thank you.
15 DoYouEvenBrewBro 2016-03-29
Molly Maroney, the former managing editor for Infowars Magazine, worked for both the CIA and Stratfor (a known intellegence community company) based in Austin, TX. How Alex was unaware of this fact is beyond me and speaks more to him being controlled opposition than not.
2 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
He was definitely aware. When that came out, it was proof positive that Jones was 100% controlled opposition.
1 911bodysnatchers322 2016-03-29
So you're saying its impossible that Jones had a mole in his organization...because he's hyperintelligent and way smarter and sneakier than the CIA?
btw I think Jones is very intelligent, I'm not saying that. But I am saying that I don't buy the argument that it's not possible that he didn't know someone on his staff was former spook . They are spies for a reason and that reason is they are good at keeping secrets.
1 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
A mole in his organization PLUS his refusal to discuss the real culprits? Sure, that sounds perfectly reasonable if you're an apologist. He didnt treat it as if that were the case. How did he handle it again?
Jones is an actor. Playing an unbelievable role, primarily for the benefit of his employer, the "globalists." It doesn't take much to discover this.
1 TrialsAndTribbles 2016-03-29
His whole family is linked to the cia.
13 jimmyb207 2016-03-29
Alex Jones is irrelevant now. He was exposed as gate keeper for Israel years ago. He is just another has been fear gear salesman.
5 Contrary_mma_hipster 2016-03-29
Bingo - he is basically a honeypot for those who see the conspiracies and might figure out who the puppet master is. Jones dishes the dirt but puts the blame on people like "Satanists", instead of the real group pulling all the strings.
On top of that, his demeanor and mannerisms make it easy to label those conspiracy theorists nuts.
3 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
Guilt by association. He was used heavily in the ridiculous "gun debate" with P. Morgan.
2 sowreckd2 2016-03-29
So. Much. this. He was/is a gate-keeper. I had suspicions ever since he was able to film inside Bohemian Grove. I did follow him from about 21-23 I am 28 now and have just stepped back and been able to perceive what he actually is.
2 jimmyb207 2016-03-29
I listened to his radio show religiously around the 2004 - 2007 time frame. His mantra then was "9/11 was an inside job". He implicated a lot of figures within US government without ever muttering the word Israel. Once it started to take hold within the 9/11 truth movement that Israel was the main perpetrator, people would phone in and try to talk to him about it. He would get belligerent and act like a total asshole towards the caller.
It wasn't long after episodes like that it became clear what Alex Jones really was. Other high profile truthers started calling him out for being a Zionist gate keeper. It was becoming obvious as more and more videos about him came out exposing him for what he was. Even his sidekick Paul Watson has become somewhat of a's ridiculous.
2 BoogerBagels 2016-03-29
That David Duke interview really fucked up Jones.
1 dirkdeagler 2016-03-29
What does gatekeeper mean in this context?
6 jimmyb207 2016-03-29
Alex Jones is a Gatekeeper for Israel because he directs his audience away from talking about Israels involvement in 9/11. He will not allow the conversation to pass through "that gate". His big mantra 10 years ago was "9/11 was an inside job". He was naming a lot of people within US government who he believed to be complicit...everybody except the zionists, neocons and Israeli dual citizens that were actually involved.
8 dupingdelight 2016-03-29
Very controlled. He will never id the real powers that be... i.e. the Freemasons and Jews.
5 SocialJusticeVVarior 2016-03-29
He has a large following and thats the purpose. He will play a key role when there's agenda to push by TPTB. You can already see the kind of videos hes uploading recently, like the divide and conquer vids reinforcing the left and right narrative.
4 Miralian 2016-03-29
I stopped listening to him back in 09 when I found out about his Zionist connections and that Genesis Christian Radio, his parent company, is owned by Adnon Khashoggi (SP?), an international arms dealer.
4 RedditIsPropaganda23 2016-03-29
Alex Jones, like Trump, are OWNED by Israel.
3 adrixshadow 2016-03-29
Just remember the golden rule of conspiracy theories.
Just because he is a shill does not mean he is wrong.
Their whole job is obfuscate real issues so mix truth with lies with the hopes of dismissing or misleading you.
2 Auctionhouseblues 2016-03-29
OK. Thanks. I'll look at it from that angle..
2 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
It's the only way. If Jones was proven wrong repeatedly and it was shown that he knowingly release bullshit, no one would continue listen to him. He has to be 90% truth and 10% purposeful disinfo/deflection from his employers.
3 Freeyoursoul5885 2016-03-29
I'm so sick of seeing everyone rip apart Alex Jones on here. You Internet trolls are frustrating to say the least. If you have better messages you want to convey to the world on a daily basis, then start your OWN podcast! Why is it everyone else's job to create a platform for you to critique. Be the change you want to see in this world and quit harping on others for theirs.
2 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
I feel sorry for you if you honestly can't see right through Alex Jones. Based on his words and actions alone. He's been known as controlled opposition for YEARS now.
The Molly Maroney fuckup was proof positive that he is employed by Stratfor.
Its fun to watch people actually try to defend the actor. Not a single argument has held any water in supporting Jones.
2 RMFN 2016-03-29
He's entertainment.
2 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
Because as soon as his turncoat membership is exposed (or even just questioned by a large number of listeners), they lose EVERYTHING they so heavily invested in. He clearly has to walk a tightrope in releasing a lot of valid information. This keeps people listening. For the remainder, he can release disinfo, or he can redirect the blame from his employers.
So, you haven't noticed that he REFUSES to ever identify who his "globalists" bogieman really is. It doesn't take much to understand why that is.
2 Juan__Lennon 2016-03-29
I feel sorry for you if you honestly can't see right through Alex Jones. Based on his words and actions alone. He's been known as controlled opposition for YEARS now.
The Molly Maroney fuckup was proof positive that he is employed by Stratfor.
Its fun to watch people actually try to defend the actor. Not a single argument has held any water in supporting Jones.