As Israel tests dirty nuclear bombs in the Negev Desert, the MSM is starting up the "Nuclear Armed ISIS" propaganda machine.

77  2016-03-31 by jimmyb207

AS we know, the MSM has a way of broadcasting events before they happen.

CNN:Dirty bomb: Just how worried should we be as ISIS seeks ultimate threat?

A Nuclear-Armed ISIS? It’s Not That Farfetched, Expert Says

Even the IAEA, who Israel with their nuclear arsenal, is not registered with is warning us:IAEA Warns About Possible “Nuclear Terrorism

UK Media:Islamic State is on the brink of using NUCLEAR WEAPONS, chilling report warns


Only a matter of time before Cheney and Clinton's predicted nuclear false flag around Washington D.C. / NY occurs.

The establishment is desperate and needs a huge false flag.

Scary fucking world.

eh whats the time frame on this? Is the a link to this prediction? I live in ny and you got me spooked.

Cheney predicts nuclear attack-

In the first debate Clinton says a nuclear attack on US soil in her biggest concern.


Where is the info about isreal testing a weapon of terror? Dirty bombs are exactly that. They are not precise. .. they cant be deployed to take out a specific target... the dispersion cant be controlled. They have one goal: kill/mame as many as possible in a huge area... indiscriminately.

Thanks. They are claiming its to test the effects of one deployed against them. I have a hard time believing that.

The US has a history of this as well. Dispersing biological agents into the San Francisco fog to test it's dispersal effectiveness, releasing smoke and who knows what in metro subways, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

So the Israeli terror group will probably attack the US with this.

Support for them is waning, so time to kill innocent people so they'll realize how 'close to home' terrorism really is.

Think I'll make a bet in /r/hellscasino.

Another attack on US soil? Lol thanks for that thread

The enemies of Israel will be blamed.

When the first dirty nuke goes off in the USA, get ready to move. Don't hesitate. Get somewhere rural, or off the mainland, as soon as you can, if you can. The next phase is toxic chemical and biological agents for further chaos and death.

That's according to "The Apocalypse Equation," the (now-classified as “top-secret”) master thesis by Obama's Director for Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason. She wrote it while attending Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, from the central premise that a controlled genocide would be, in the long run, more humane than letting the planet descend into complete suicidal self destruction.“planned-and-controlled-genocide”/

Scary shit. But better to know and be prepared and ready to move, should it happen.

what if you don't have the means? what then?

How much would it take to get on a plane to Costa Rica or Hawaii (if planes were still flying, that is), or start driving across the country to a rural lake district somewhere? A thousand bucks? Less? More? I know a lot of people don't have access to that.

If you don't have the means, I don't know what to say. A lot of people are going to die -- it's by design. If you pray, perhaps a spiritual intervention will save some.

I don't know. I don't even know if it's really going to happen. There are a ton of forces in play, many we see (or "see") and some we don't.

Not intending to be flippant or too casual about this. You ask a fair and valid question. I don't have any solid answer.

And your answer is a good one. If it turned into all out nuclear war there will be no safe place to go anyway. IMO the fear factor is always and has always been used to control the masses. The only thing that I am fearful of is the aging nuclear reactors all over the world that are vulnerable. Best to plant the seeds in the youth and live life to the fullest. I just know that if we can watch a dragonfly come into life and live for a few days, those few days were a lifetime for that dragonfly. Who knows how long it seemed to that dragonfly? There has got to be a species that looks at our lifespan as but a blink of an eye too. Ranting.... Damn Sitchen.

I don't see all-out nuke warfare happening. The leftovers are going to want free reign across paradise, not some post-apocalyptic Mad Max wasteland. That's why viral pathogen far more likely -- they go to their D.U.M.B. hideouts while the majority of us get sick & die.

Some have said you can find Audrey Tomason's thesis on the Deep Web, but I've not had the time to chase it down. But if we believe that the bin Laden killing was a theatrical show and not for real, every one of those people in the picture were acting their part, and it's interesting that she both makes the picture and is visualized as peeking in from the back.

I'm slightly prepared to move, but not nearly as much as I wish I was. I do live near enough the water that maybe I could bribe or steal a boat and get out to sea for a while. But that sounds like fantasyland as much as anything.

I think they are spraying bio-weapons in Cali right now because just about everybody I know is sick with this flu that lasts for a month. I heard about Audrey Tomason's thesis. I read it was classified and people hate her for it. I am gonna go find it since I have nothing better to do than sit here sick as shit bored. It's always good to be prepared and have a plan and judging by how things are going, these next 5 years could be nasty. Oh and are not most of the seal team members that killed OBL dead now? So much info its hard to remember everything, let alone disseminate all the info.

Yes; most of the Seal Team 6 team that killed bin Laden is dead. Or...maybe "dead." I've also heard that their deaths were faked because of leaks of their identities that made them targets. Who knows what's real anymore?

There are definitely a lot of sick people and people who can't kick the flu, or whatever it is, in California. But IDK if it's from shit in the air or just the flu in general. Again -- who knows what's real anymore?

If you find the AT thesis, please let me know. Why do people hate her for it being classified? Because it's f'in EVIL? Or for some other reason? Either way, at least send me a PM with a link to the document if you find it. Or we can work out a way for you to send me the document itself. I'd love to read it.

I just tossed my super smart computer programming buddy a challenge. He accepted. He hates losing. If anybody can find it he will. ILYK