I get paid by the Clinton campaign to shit on Bernie on reddit on dozens of alts. Ask me anything

10  2016-03-31 by [deleted]

Im a 20 year old community college student. AMA


I find it more offensive that you like Kanye, frankly.

sorry that my musical preferences hurt your feelings

Think of it this way: being a sad, stupid follower for money, I understand. But liking Kanye shows you're willing to mindlessly follow idiots for free. That's sad. It's also a great representation of why Clinton succeeds in certain demographics.

I enjoy his music lol

Stupid people enjoy stupid things. You like Kanye and claim to shill for a corporate brand you know next to nothing about. This isn't rocket science.

Making the important points so others can type less. True hero, sixsixsix.

So much salty, man! Y U mad?

Just because someone likes a certain type of music doesn't mean you can label em. For example: I like metal but it doesn't mean I'm going to start shooting at everyone or cause violence.

Crine u mad as shit

This is interesting. You can't stop responding, proving that you're not only a weak minded follower, you're also incredibly thin skinned. I call bullshit on this thread, no one lacking both basic intellect and endurance to criticism can be a paid shill.

You can't stop responding

You're doing the same thing in an attempt to provoke. C'mon now. It's a lose/lose for him. Respond and you get to say, 'I told you so, you just can't let it be.' Then you end it with a bait like, 'I call bullshit' and 'you're weak minded' and if they don't respond it looks like you've silenced them.

consider it a mental exercise. These shills do exist.

Prove it.


You get paid? Show us a pay stub or online transaction or however they pay you. Block your name and leave the payee. Link your accounts here that you've made all those payed comments on.

  1. I'm not doxxing my accounts

  2. I saw a dude get exposed on a /pol/ years ago posting a blacked out pay stub. Not taking that chance.

Maybe message the mods? They might be able to meet you half way with some validity. Otherwise we can't know if you're full of shit.

Messaging right now, hold on

Post something unique from a few of your alt accounts.

I can't

That would expose them. Spend 10 minutes in a Hillary thread in r/politics and you'll find one though.

Dam. This guy is a liar full of shit

This is why this subreddit has gone to shit... Thanks jackass....

How much?

$120 a week

P good for being on reddit

Okay, follow up, do "they" tell you what topics to talk about or can you do whatever you want?

Normally they end me a few threads, and then my coworkers and I vote brigade

Mods are in on it too, especially in r/politics. They get kickbacks

Figured that much...well thanx for entertaining us

Ur welcome

How do the kickbacks for the mods of r-politics work?

They get a pretty penny to remove anti-hillary stuff and pro-bernie stuff. The mods try not to make it obvious but you guys notice because they lowkey suck.

They must suck at their job. /r/politics is a Bernie circle-jerk

Thank you for confirming a suspicion many of us have

What would you say to someone who believes in the US Constitution?

Stop being a bitch "x" is for the greater good

Now, and I don't mean to ask this in an offensive way so I'm sorry If it sounds that way, but do you ever feel 'dirty' I guess you could say about doing this. Imo, it sounds like you're selling your opinions for a cheap $120 a week.

Also, do you stand behind and believe in everything you post?

Also, do you stand behind and believe in everything you post?

Honestly, about 3/4 I do believe. I don't think Bernie would make a good candidate.

I don't feel dirty because it's reddit. Its your own dumbass fault if you have any of your beliefs swayed by a corrupt site with a shitty voting system.

I don't post that often. I'll usually do maybe a combined 6hrs over the whole week. There are loads of people onboard.

Are any of the miss on this sub in on it?

I don't support any of the candidates. I personally believe that no matter who gets into office, someone is getting screwed over.

One last question. Why did you expose yourself?

Nobody I know through the org frequents this sub.

I exposed myself because I feel like reddit needs to know this kind of shilling is happening, but I don't wanna get myself nor my people in trouble. Keeping this as vague as possible, but it IS happening on most mainstream sub's.

And I ment mods. Not miss.

No mods in here are payed off

Why expose yourself here? If you want people to know it's happening, shouldn't you post on a sub that people will listen too? I mean alot of people don't think this sub is credible. I can see why though as alot of stuff on here is even far fetched for me to believe.

Mods will remove me elsewhere. Not even kidding. Askreddit mods are aware as well as most defaults. I can vote brigade but only if its pro-hillary

I knew mods were paid off but I didn't know it was that feel yet. But from what I understand about people, they will only believe if it's on MSM. The only way you might get people aware of this is exposing yourself 18th printouts of the proof at a Democratic Debate.

Thanks for your time btw. If the revolution ever comes, I will try to put a good word in for you for exposing this.


Lol this country deserves the hell it gets if it is mostly bootlicking whores like you.

Do you feel guilty?


Are you jewish?


So do you consider yourself a shill?

What are some of the things you say?

Basically ad hominem attacks against Bernie supporters, and backtracking on hillary

What are some of the ad hominem attacks? Let's role play:

I support Bernie and I think the US needs socialism. I also think Clinton should be tried for her crimes, in regards to her email scandal.


Normally I'd argue something about sanders supporters being delusional millenials, and then say shit about Mao because communism yada yada yada. I'd also bring up the republican hearing

Interesting. Thanks for your reply. BTW, I don't support him or anyone, but if you don't mind, do you support any candidates, or are you just doing it for the chedda?


Do you recognize my username? Have I ever told you that you were not good at your job? Because this activity is pretty easy to spot, if you have been in forums like this for decades.

Even if you are bored and just trolling this sub, I do know people like you claim to be exist.

Ever get called out for shilling? Or do you typically win?

Have any links to the accounts?

Not doxxing my own shills

They aren't hard to find if you read r/politics

How long have they been paying you, tho?

I started around week 1-2 of the NFL season, so work from there

How did you get involved?

Why do you do this? Do you actually want clinton to win or are you just doing it for the money/don't care about anything?

How'd you get involved, if you don't mind divulging. Not that I want to do that, fuck I'm Canadian so what do I care, but it's always interested me how the establishment would find people to fuck shit up.

Did somebody offer you over reddit, or some random at college, or what?

Ignore the trolls OP, we all know this goes on, to deny it is lunacy, what I am curious about is how do you avoid arguing facts and stick with ad hominem, doesnt your intellectual pride kick in?

I don't think he'll answer but I venture that the idea behind all propaganda tactics is to get what you want. Most I've read about rely on using faux argument that is unacceptable in formal intellectual debate but highly emotionally compelling, especially to listeners and opponents who are ignorant of logical fallacies. To a propagandist, it is a triumph to win without having to play by rules that govern pursuit and propagation of true knowledge.

Was this made to counter the thread some one said what if the elite tried to make bernie look bad to get him elected? How do i know you are not here to just try and get bernie elected knowing the elite want him to win?

Link me? I have no idea what you're talking about as we typically don't frequent this sub

We frequent, news, askreddir, world news, politics, etc. Mainstream ones

Honestly, no. And I made this thread first

A mod can easily check how many accounts logged from one IP

What are some of the ad hominem attacks? Let's role play:

I support Bernie and I think the US needs socialism. I also think Clinton should be tried for her crimes, in regards to her email scandal.
