With The Warrant Canary Missing, We Should Have A Back Up Plan In case This Sub Is Removed

68  2016-04-01 by McDuffBSmith

Voat is an option, albeit a shitty one.

Is there a back up archive of r/conspiracy somewhere?

This is something we need to seriously consider and implement.


This sub will never go away. It's a good way to test the scope of judgment of their agendas and measure the speed at which people share whistleblower information.

This sub will never go away. It's a good way to test the scope of judgment of their agendas and measure the speed at which people share whistleblower information.

Well, if it starts being really good at that they may very well delete it, with every fucking link, title, and comment that goes with it.
I really agree with /u/McDuffBSmith. We need a backup plan.

Somewhere there should be a list of alternative sites for communication. Also, this is a good reason to get into ham radio if you haven't already.

I've been wanting a HAM. Is there really free speech going on over there?

AFAIK you still have to get a radio operator license.

Ahahah, that's hilarious.

HAM licenses are pretty cheap. The licensing test ($15) is actually cheaper than the study manual ($30). Hmm, maybe I will get my license.

So heres the deal, you can get your tech license for cheap and its super easy (line a driving test where the questions and answers are given to you) and you can get a very capable radio fir leas then 40. Baofeng.

Thanks for this. I've been looking at those Baofengs. Any tips on which model? Will I need a better antenna starting out?

This sub has already been removed. What you think you are reading is actually a hallucination from fluoride in the water.

I thought the hallucinations were from all the chemtrails.

Or maybe we're in lizard people space ships plugged up to the matrix

Nah. We're just all trippin on some Lucy.

Why would they remove the sub?

Cause this sub keeps cracking these amazing conspiracies like "lizards on Mars" and "vaccines contain alien DNA"

I applaud your attempt at discrediting posts by known shills, but the real reason is because this is where real news can be found. You have to check the new queue, but it exists.

That was the reason I started on Reddit in the first place, now most of it is censored

real news

In this sub? It's a tiny percentage. There are a lot of sensational clickbait youtube videos. There are a lot of sensational clickbait links that lead to sites that prey upon fear and paranoia.

There's a LOT of divisiveness, hatred, and suspicion not just of authority but of everyone.

But every once in a while, there's a gem.

Took the words from my fingers

Poisoning the well trick, good one. Old school.

Nice try

You seem like the type of person who doesn't understand what a "theory" is

That would be my suggestion. There's almost no one that uses that sub regularly there.


What's wrong with Voat? The interface is nearly the same just without the population of Reddit. If this sub gets removed (I doubt it will), we can all move there and it will be the same.

Just speaking for myself, the extremely high concentration of shit users over at Voat makes it very unpleasant to use the site. I've heard this sentiment repeated plenty of times by other people too.


And why do you think that is?



In case you missed it, I will spell it out loud and clear, please pay attention! This will Not sit well with the administrators or moderators, so I suggest you copy the post, if you want to re-post it yourself!

  • 1) r/Conspiracy has methodically been introduced to censorship policies under the guise of political correctness, thereby slowly cooking the proverbial frog. Since Reddit was bought by Advanced Publications it has moved towards a more mainstream corporate mass media style of censorship, information control and propaganda.

  • 2) All of Reddit, including r/Conspiracy, now has a fully automatized algorithm system in place to detect and censor any negative/revealing/damaging information about the US Intelligence Community, US government, corporations, financial industry and key political figures. The algorithms scan for specific words, wordings and flagged links to alternative media outlets. If an undesirable element is detected, the system will automatically remove or discretely rig the voting process.

  • 3) As many of us has already notices, if you post something controversial truthful about the 9-11 attacks, illegal NSA surveillance, crimes committed by the CIA/FBI/Law enforcement agencies, financial crimes, economical inequality, US war crimes and genocides your post will properly not see the front page. And let us not forget the legions 5h!lls and 9und!ts. Reddit controls the process minute by minute, the slip ups are few and far between, and they refine their already sophisticated methods for every day that passes by. The days when you could easily detect clumsy blatant censorship attempts are over.

  • 4) First Advanced Publications introduced a new and marvelous CEO, then they proceeded to removed all the troublesome administrators, after which they continued the process and removed all the undesirable moderators. And there was much drama!

  • 5) Then the ban-wagon finally hit the r/conspiracy forum, deliberately purging the intelligentsia, people who tended to post quality posts with lots of data and statistics, during and shortly after the height of the Mr. 5n0wd3n scandal, thus turning the forum into an echo camper for fools and idiots.

  • 6) Since the "great purges" the r/conspiracy forum has been absolutely spammed with racist anti-Israel posts, often making up 20-30% of the volume on the front page, and the moderators are doing absolute nothing about it. Users like Indra-Varuna, User_Name13, TouchMeHerePls, Tito333, AntiHasbaraUnit, dillonban, high-priest-of-slack and flyyyyyyyy has been allowed to spam the forum with racist and blatantly none-conspiracy post for months (Just to mention a few).

And this, my friends, is how the 0l!garch5 prepared the r/conspiracy forum for the final ban event. End of story. Goodnight.

Point 1 and 6 are in contradiction

Some pigs are just more equal than others.

pretty much.

1: censorship bad!

6: except when it's material that I WOULD LIKE TO SEE CENSORED

real news

In this sub? It's a tiny percentage. There are a lot of sensational clickbait youtube videos. There are a lot of sensational clickbait links that lead to sites that prey upon fear and paranoia.

There's a LOT of divisiveness, hatred, and suspicion not just of authority but of everyone.

But every once in a while, there's a gem.

Just speaking for myself, the extremely high concentration of shit users over at Voat makes it very unpleasant to use the site. I've heard this sentiment repeated plenty of times by other people too.

I've been wanting a HAM. Is there really free speech going on over there?

Point 1 and 6 are in contradiction