Something fishy going on with Flytape and JamesColesPardon. Are they alts of the same person?

53  2016-04-01 by CelineHagbard

EDIT: As most of you probably know by now, this was an April Fools prank. I sincerely apologize to anyone who found this to be in poor taste. I was in on this since ~10PM EST March 31, though apparently it's origins predate that. If anyone was offended or otherwise not amused by this, please respond to this post and I will try to get back to you, or PM me. For what it's worth, this is the first AF prank I've been a part of that has really fooled anyone.

I cannot definitively tell you that JCP and Flytape are different people, though I've interacted with each of them separately and truly believe them to be different people. This is April 2 /u/CelineHagbard speaking .The post by Flytape to C_S_T and subsequent post by JCP was planned in advance, with my knowledge, and my participation in this thread was intended to deceive for the purposes of the prank.

Not being privy to the original discussions regarding this prank, I cannot be sure of its intentions. From what I was presented with, it was genuinely an attempt at humor. I sincerely hope all of you who might have been fooled can appreciate that I did not mean this in any nefarious or ill-intentioned manner, but rather as an April Fools prank that may have gotten out of hand.

Again, if I have offended any of you, I do sincerely apologize. The following text is the original self.text of this post:

So full disclosure, I mod a sub with /u/JamesColesPardon over at /r/C_S_T, but I feel like I have to speak up somewhere about this.

Earlier today, /u/Flytape made a post over in /r/C_S_T. It seemed really suspicious, as the Flytape talked and signed off on the post like JCP. I saved a wayback archive of the thread for proof, in case I needed it.

Sure enough, a little bit later, that post was taken down, and /u/JamesColesPardon made the exact same post! It also seems like he's trying to monetize the little sub that we built up.

I'm posting this to /r/conspiracy because /u/flytape has been a mod here for a while, and /u/JamesColesPardon was just recently added as a mod. Is Flytape up to his old shit again, this time packing the /r/conspiracy mod team with his own alts?

I could have made my own alt to post this, and if my suspicions are correct, I do expect JCP to remove me as a mod of /r/C_S_T, but I think it's important that this accusation be made publicly from a user who has participated on both subs for a while.

I really hope I'm wrong about all this, but what do you guys think?


What the fuck...?? This is really weird because flytape and JCP actually started a modmail conversation in /r/conspiracy the other day about "joining" the two subs in an effort to drive traffic. They even discussed adding flytape to the mod team of C_S_T. It seemed a little off but I didn't think much of it at the time, now I'm thinking that it's probably related.

Please for the love of Christ, don't let this happen. Flytape shouldn't even by a fucking mod HERE. I can't understand why you people have let him run his fucking mouth all this time. He's been removed THREE TIMES from THIS SUB as mod, not to mention the other controversial shit he's done. How can you possibly think it's a good idea to have him around?

in b4 Sovereign or one of those newbie mods deletes this for "rule 10" or maybe 4? how about 5? how about 2 now that i mentioned the rules at all? fuck this place.


He banned me for a ruleten, after baiting me with an alt into low level discussion because he disagreed.

I literally created this username because what you say is true.

What can we do?

Nothing lol. The majority of the mods here are buddies that talk to each other daily. They aren't going to break up their little clique. Like I said, Flytape has been demodded multiple times for legitimate reasons and then reinstated by some miracle. Check out the threads about it if you can find them, users were FURIOUS, but nobody can do shit because mods = gods. This is "their" forum, NOT "ours." Their rules. Not ours.

Its because FLYTAPE is a stormfag and so are most of the mods. They're fascists! Now my expectations of a slow stormfront infiltration has come true like WTF!

Look at your own post history, I would suspect you're the stormfag here.

Are you kidding me?

Without fact checking or stalking, I'm going to assume they don't know the difference between being anti israel and being anti jew.

I'm politically racist against israel, personally. But not that other thing.

You may be right. And I agree with your political sentiments.

Israel the illegal apartheid nuclear state full of Jewish extremists? What's to like about it anyway.

I suspected this.

still furious

I heard they ban people who share ae911 articles in here now.

I believe there is an automod set up to remove certain websites, but don't quote me on that because there's quite a few subs like that.

Not to mention that, despite being a CONSPIRACY sub, their filter is harsh on new accounts- and as someone who frequently makes new accounts, this is a pain so I don't even bother submitting here.

reddit itself removes certain websites - that's sitewide. We always approve any posts we see from banned domains and are one of the only subs that do so.

And the new account filter is only a couple of days to limit trolling, you would be amazed at how many people just create brand new accounts and shitpost.

The automod only removes one site,, as every article from that publication is satire.

The automod also auto-approves a bunch of sites from the reddit-wide spam filter, such as infowars and approves comments from shadowbanned users who wish to continue using their account after being banned by the site-wide admins.

As to the new user account filter, it is an extremely low threshold that is primarily used to stop trolls from hate subreddits like TMOR and conspiritard from flooding the queue after a ban. There have been attempts to increase the age limit to 2 weeks+, but those have been rejected by the mod team.

With regards to ae911truth, although there has been some questionable behavior by that group in the past with regards to monetary conflict of interest and one of our former mods, no one has been banned for posting any content related to that group. In fact, many of the current mods are staunch defenders of that group and would be instantly made aware of any such actions.

Overall, the moderation philosophy of the subreddit is rooted in a respect for the organic curation of content and the free flow of information; although there has been some push back against this ethos as of late, the overwhelming majority of mods are here to ensure the subreddit is not ripped away from its roots.

That isn't true, though personally I do think AE911Truth is controlled opposition. You can post away though if you'd like.

I believe it has been proven that AE911 is indeed controlled opposition.

Proven to some but not everyone interprets the evidence available in the same way. I do agree with you though, I'm pretty much convinced of it at this point personally.

What other stuff have they stopped you talking about?

Try putting up a link in here to the youtube r/conspiracy podcast with Flytape in his bird suit.

That will get you banned immediately.

Double dog dare you.

Where's my ban?

George Zimmerman.

I see a number of posts about Zimmerman when I search through here. What's your gripe?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Just like the mods of /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and many other subreddits; the mods of /r/conspiracy are COMPROMISED. Not JUST Flytape, but most of them.

You've all been given a look at how they compromise a subreddit. They build up trust amongst a community, and then start leaking into other subreddits where they "build trust" as well. Next thing you know, they're combined, or the mods in question take over "since they care so much about the subreddit, and want to dedicate themselves to more than just one." Sure.

It's hopeless to try and spread this type of information, because it is just so ridiculous, but you have to admit that is also an effective strategy to control information on a site like Reddit. You hire some shills and give them a subreddit or two to mod. You give these shills multiple accounts, that way you can dilute information, introduce hostility to whatever topic may be being discussed, all while maintaining a more convincing position on your mod account. Slowly, the mod account comes around to the position presented by the shills other accounts and begins to stand behind the narrative. Once they have "logically explained" away whatever "numbskull conspiracy theory" they've been paid to deal with, they are then able to pour over the reactions of the actual users and ban them so that they are effectively silenced.

I've seen it time and time again with multiple users in this sub over the years. /r/conspiracy thinks that it is free to say what it wants, but with certain mods lording over what is acceptable and what is unacceptable conversation.... You just can't have free speech.

I have an idea as to how you might spot which mods are COMPROMISED, you need only look at how many subreddit they mod. Perhaps even which ones, just to establish a pattern. It's a theory, but a working one by the looks of it.



They even discussed adding flytape to the mod team

To the /r/C_S_T mod team?! That's fucked--I don't even think I've ever seen him participate there before today.

We should probably look into that ForciteKits website he was plugging. I wouldn't be surprised if JCP/Flytape are part of that company or getting some kind of a kickback.

That website looks like something right out of the Alex Jones advertising playbook. This is... strange. To say the least. I can't really think of an innocent explanation.

Payola. Check flytape's taxes. Fair's fair.

That website looks like something right out of the Alex Jones Bill Hicks advertising playbook.


Bill Hicks, that dude and his ridiculous advertising schemes.


I was just going along with the ruse man, there's nothing wrong with the site. Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, no harm meant.

Lol you're so full of shit and you fucking know it. You suck at your job.

You should include a lifestraw or mylar sawyer drink pouch instead of those idiotic tablets. It's ok to have backup iodine tablets (polarpure is best) but also have vitamin c powder to neutralize the flavor. The aquamira tabs and other ones make everything taste like chlorine or worse. I can't stand it. People complain about iodine, but vit c deletes the flavor and even without I have no problem like the other tabs (the 1 or dual tab ones)...or the drops.

All that is irrelevant with a sawyer pack or lifestraw

I've hiked over 1500 mi in the wilderness on very long trips (one was 2 month with limited resupply) so I've earned my water badge. Best method for my money is a 2 bag gravity filter

I've hiked over 1500 mi in the wilderness

Bear Grylls...?

I actually went back and forth about including a sawyer pack (not lifestraw) in this first kit. I'll have to think about incorporating it in the future.

Also good tip on the aquamira tabs, thanks!




Wait. Holy fuck, you said "fuck you" to a bot, and it's comment was removed...? Wat 0.o? Am I taking crazy pills?

JCP is removing everything in here.


I guess it's time to pull the plug on this, eh?

It's 4/2/2016 by my calendar...


We'll recap in the morning.

Just know that it takes a lot to get you guys.

It's a testament to the community here of how the skeptical nature of this sub requires so much more energy for 4/1 stuff.

I spent way too much time on this.

Please do make sure that your "recap" includes the central fact of your construction of a layer of new "immunity" around "Flytape" -- the only mod long accused of sockpuppetry gets a new Teflon coating against accusations of sockpuppetry, courtesy of you and this operation.

What a curious choice of mod to center your "fun joke" around.


I hope you were entertained.

I personally dont' think you're the same person as flytape JCP, I'd be disappointed if I'm wrong. Oops it's the 2nd now. n/m

..yeàh, wow...

He contributed here.

Yeah, it looks like you're right. My point is just that he's not been a major contributor to the sub, like all of the other mods had been. It just seems kinda of strange that JCP would add someone like that to the mod team, especially without consulting the rest of us.

He hasn't added him to the mod team though.

True. I was referring to what Ambig was saying about him discussing it in /r/conspiracy mod mail. Maybe I'm just making too much of this.

I was inhibited from submitting (disapproved submitter) just now from C_S_T as a result of complaining about flytape in this thread.

Perhaps I should start a whole other thread for this because this appears to have gotten out of hand (on a Friday night!). Let me know what I can do to assure you they aren't "in" on it with me. Flytape I don't even know, and I just reached out to JCP to get his opinion on the project I was working on. He saw it as a good opportunity to plug the project and get feedback from the C_S_T community. Totally backfired. But I'm still here to answer whatever questions I can to put your minds at ease.

Payola. Both mods should be banned for using their mod powers to sell inventory.


Leave him alone /u/funkyfaery.

He had no part in this. It was April Fool's Day, man.

Put yourself in his shoes getting caught up in this unwittingly.

Entertain that thought for a second.

Both posts totally deleted and then removed from the sub by JCP. This looks really bad...


It'll sound like a cop out but no I would rather not. I would need to get the rest of the mods' approval before doing something like that, everything said in mod mail is assumed to be private and amongst only the users involved.


It's understandable, I would've had the same request if I was you - and in fact before I was a mod I often did ask for stuff like that.

As to the post, it was really weird because he signed it off as being from him "and the mods" and we had never reached a consensus for anything in the post and personally I'm just naturally opposed to marketing/advertising like that. And then there's been really no response from JCP at all since earlier this morning to any messages he's been sent or to this thread. It just strikes me as strange and I can't think of a rational or innocent explanation.


The stranger part is the identical post flytape made, who I don't think has ever visited the sub before. The obvious implication really is that they're the same person using alts, and it begs the question of what else is that person involved with. Eventually both of those usernames will have to say something in acknowledgement, so far they both are silent - which in itself is a little fishy.

Flytape stalked an old account (and many other peoples accounts in the past) simply for disagreeing with him on certain topics.

There is a long history on this user if you dig further. Can we please ask for both accounts in question to have their mod privileges revoked?

That's what we're looking into and discussing internally... so far neither has responded so we're waiting before taking next steps. It all does seem pretty damn suspicious though.

Flytape is literally Hitler. I agree.


Haha well worst case scenario you and I have networked a bit. Seems like a pretty bad plan in that regard though...

Fuck this statement!

The reason cst is shit is because of premise.

How can something be a thought if it cant be argued?

Do NOT equate the premise system with free thought.

A [Premise] isn't required you know.

Just flag as discussion and argue all you want.

Funny how they are trying to drive traffic, but when I did it, I was banned. Man fuck that guy.

Is this some BS april fools joke?

Oihhhhhhhhh wow


Yes, please do. I am the first one in the long line of people who want to clear this up. How can I help?

Everyone who has been paying any attention has known that flytape is shady since the start.

This prank was so specific and calculated it makes it seem like a psy-op. Cause a scene yourself about a topic that is actually true, but play it off as a prank -- a limited hangout type of thing.

Flytape did all he could to get me removed as a mod here on Conspiracy after being voted in by the people.

I voted for you too. shit didn't work out and you know why.

As a matter of fact, I suggested that you be nominated in the OP of that mod recruitment post. I had great hopes for you as a mod.

How many times have you been removed as a mod here? If it is more then 2 do you think that's a sign?

Wow, nice detective work mate, I looked at their post history and I couldn't agree more; but I guess I just don't understand the end-game of this guy? What is he trying to sell us something?

Becoming a limited hangout.

What do u mean? Also r/limitedhangouts make a post there about what ur saying

Wow, nice detective work mate, I looked at their post history and I couldn't agree more; but I guess I just don't understand the end-game of this guy?

Conspiracies happen every day. Don't believe everything you are shown or read.

What is he trying to sell us something?

Not selling. Giving it away. Just a different perspective.

I think the most telling part of this, is that neither /u/FlyTape nor /u/JamesColesPardon have really stopped by and explained what's going on here.

I kind of understand the April fools joke, by insinuating that /r/C_S_T was planning on monetizing the sub in order to gain traffic, but this still doesn't explain why FT posted the exact same post post verbatim, only to delete it and have JCP repost it.

I also find this post to be incredibly damning, and from face value, it really does appear to me that these two users are in fact one in the same.

I really hope both of them will drop in here and explain what the fuck is going on here and explain what this is all about. It really doesn't look good for /r/conspiracy, and from my own personal experience with FT, I wouldn't put anything past him.

You can find out a lot about a user by checking out the way they construct words and sentences. The UnABomber was caught due to a strange use of "Eat your cake and have it too."

I started by looking at both user names, arranging by top of all time (figured I'd look through their meatiest posts), and taking a look at what I came up with.

I found one immediate odd thing ...

The use of the phrase "any way" instead of "anyway."

Looked through the posts and both users use "any way" instead of "anyway."

I'm sure you can find a few more linguistics oddities if you look. It's really hard to cover up this kind of thing.

EDIT1: These might seem like small points, but together they add up to a user style. This is a linguistic fingerprint you can't mask. Here's the next two I found:

  • Both users use the "oxford comma"

  • Both users will often start a sentence with "And."

I'll let you know if I find more. So far they seem fairly similar to me, but nothing definitive. However, these small points start to add up.

EDIT2: for both user names.

  • Accounts were created within 8 days of each other.

  • Both use the words "thing" "post" and "time" with unusual frequency.

  • 7096 vs 7905 unique words in vocabulary (a lot can be influenced by proper nouns posted on.)

EDIT3: There are a few other areas where I've found unusual words/phrasing that I'm looking into. I'll get back to you. Feel free to look through and tell me what you think. Anyone know of anything besides snoopsnoo for automating this? The few I've found don't work.

  • Both user frequently will have one or two word sentences that they apply both capitalization and punctuation to.


They won't say something like "sorry" instead it's "Sorry."

Neither of them do this 100% of the time, but both do it rather frequently.

EDIT4: This one seems unusual to me and pretty telling.

  • Unusual signoff. Both have ended posts with

something something, [jim|flytape]

examples (and each do this a few times):

EDIT5: Ok, done for now.

I have come to a conclusion regarding these matters. However, I will give others time to put some research in via my methods or others. I don't want to poison others with my conclusion in case I am wrong.

However, I do believe I have definitive proof on whether or not these two users are the same.

I'll check back in a few hours.

EDIT6: Some non-linguistic things were pointed out to me. Right now I am no longer sure of whether or not they are the same person.

These are reasons to think they might be a different person. I'll let you provide further evidence for either way, as right now I am unsure:

  • JCP uses what might be called excessive amounts of bold, and minor amounts of ellipsis and dashes. I don't see any of that in flytape.

  • JCP will often say "[citation needed]". I have yet to see flytape ask for a citation in anyway, particularly not this unique way.

  • flytape will often say "Lol" or "Lmfao" note the unique capitalizations of the words. JCP does not ONCE use lol/lmfao or anything similar.

  • Removing posts: JCP consistently says "Removed. Rule #." flytape has inconsistent style here.

I should note: I think it is bad to have the same two people mod the same subreddits and that should not happen. However, I can't in good faith say whether or not they are the same person.

EDIT7: When I saw the same posts before, one was deleted and I could not see the same text. However, looking at this tells me they are the same person:

EDIT8: Thanks for the gold. I appreciate that it was given for several hours of work rather than just a witty comment. If there is further research you'd like me to do or questions about this research, let me know.

Now this is a good point!

Flytape bans a lot of users. Had a run in with him. Thank god for multiple accounts. Tried to point it out, info was surpressed. Trying again.

Please refer to rule ten.

Thank you.

Don't forget shadowbans ... and single shadowbanned comments

Had a run in with him. Thank god for multiple accounts.


yeah best of luck with that. i was told i'd never get back on here. i was back on the same day. it's called knowing how to use a computer. ban this account ill make 50 more. it's called freedom.

Why do you disrespect the website's Terms of Service like that? Why do you even use reddit if you think that you're above the rules, ruleten?

Because reddit is a co-opted site that invented half of the rules to quash free speech.

The vast majority of every legitimate thread of conversation in the main subreddits is so heavily moderated that the narrative of the site and its users is completely fabricated.

Why obey the rules of people who don't respect the rules? I reddit for Aaron Schwartz, not some psuedointellectual in a suit.

Okay. Why do you appear to argue against having rules to keep people from making personal attacks? Do you think that personal attacks and bullying are somehow beneficial here?

I keep hearing people all over reddit accusing you of being an alt for flytape. Why?

It's a concern trolling campaign. Some people are in on it, some are just gullible parrots.

I have a history of sticking up for Flytape when people parrot SRD/conspiratard/TMOR propaganda that he's racist. This has gone on for years. It's entirely plausible in my mind that the principle people behind the parroting (it's just a few people I think with multiple accounts) of this disinfo are actual paid disruption/FUD agents provocateur who are assigned here to sow dissent and divide & conquer.

Not funny.

Spitting in the faces of your community only serves to further diminish already low trust.

That's fair if you didn't find this funny.

We didn't intend this as spitting in the face of the community; we intended it as a light-hearted--albeit elaborate--AF joke. We deal with legitimate and far-reaching conspiracies on this sub every day, many of which affect millions of people in severely negative ways. This deception was limited to the one day of the year that people expect to be deceived.

only serves to further diminish already low trust.

Low trust in whom, the mods of this sub? It's highly possible some mods of this sub are intelligences agents or assets. It's all but assured that some members of this community are disinfo agents. How much can you really trust users of an anonymous forum anyway? There's very few people I trust on reddit, and even those, I only trust to an extent, and only accept what they say if they have evidence to back it up. Even this evidence can be fabricated, so I don't even trust that completely.

I've already been threatened. Apparently, I might be a stalker if I mention it again.


I did PM him about it, but he hasn't gotten back to me. I would have like to at least hear his side of the story before taking this public, but I felt I couldn't wait any longer.

JCP didn't consult any of the other mods, as far as I know, about the CST proposal. I made a mod mail message about it, and he hasn't responded to that either.

Hopefully they'll both show up here to speak their parts.

I hope so to. I really want to be wrong on this.


The rest of us were discussing it in mod mail pretty heavily, as we didn't really want to cause a stir in the sub if JCP could explain himself. The rest of us, or at least I, had nothing to do with it.

He's usually pretty good about including all of us and even the community on decisions like this.


He just showed up in the CST thread to corroborate JCPs story.


I'm thinking I need to take a break from this drama and wait for JCP to address this. In this day and age, anything is possible and jumping to conclusions is dangerous. Good detective work funk.

April Fool's, man.

I guess I figured CST would be above that kind of nonsense. It seems a little disingenuous to forcite as well to plug his startup in a joke post. Not my taste in jest I suppose.

Fair enough.

We'll see.

This place is amything but conventional, however.

I'm probably just butt hurt that I was the fool :)

No harm was intended so hopefully the hurt is transient.

Sometimes we learn the most from something we thought we knew.


Nothing clever about poisoning people's trust in mods with such a "joke."

Which makes it not look like an April Fools attempt at all. Nice try, tho

Might sound stupid, but are you sure it's not an April fools prank?

There is another example posted here from 11 days ago, so if it is an April Fools prank, it's very elaborate.

I've been working this for months, man.

See, I wouldn't know you from Adam. I don't know that I've ever paid attention to any of your comments. I pay so little attention to who is a mod, who says what, all that silly drama. But this is intriguing (for a couple of hours at least while my DVR records so I can avoid commercials).

I do find it interesting as the political season gets into full swing that the head mod at /r/conspiratard now runs a very popular subreddit that supports a birther/white supremecist candidate, and you/Flytape jumped on the Trump bandwagon. I see massive hilarity with exposure to the light coming in the next few months.

Also that out of all the comments, mine, buried several comments deep, is the one you chose for a reply...

Flytape and me are different people.

And who is Adam?

Same really shitty "sense of humor" as Flytape. More confirmation?

"Flytape and me are" is poor grammar. Maybe the guy upstream analyzing has something to say about that. I find it all amusing. Your adamant denials buried deep in a tiny off-shoot thread is compelling though.

Flytape and me are different people.

  • With access to the same accounts?

  • and posting identical comments that get deleted?

  • and denying it then claiming a prank?

  • only admitting it after it was caught?

  • because poisoning people's trust in mods is funny?

  • and allegedly "using Flytape" in such a prank, who has a long history regarding sockpuppet suspicions is even funnier, like urinating on constituents who already think you're dishonest?

It's easy to post things before I do when he's in on it and I PM it to him.

Who do you think archived the post?


The flair of your choice in r/C_S_T and a shoutout in the recap for going above and beyond.


Souds like you don't need me my man.

I look forward to reading about your accomplishments.

No need to take a joke so hard either way.


I'm not taking anything hard as you say.


Youre 100% correct Jim. I don't need you. I need my real life family and community.


You've been a much needed prankster today in the sense that you've only reinforced the work I do in life. And a reminder that I shouldn't spend so much time here on reddit.

Also true. This place is a temporary (depending on your definition of temporary) spot for those who wish to escape. I agree.

In a way I feel for you that you spend so much time (that you have said you do) dedicated to elaborate pranks like this. And I hope you too have had a realization about time spent dedicated to online "reality".

I don't need your pity. I'm here because nary anyone else is and am stuck here - paddling back and forth across the River Styx as it were because nobody else has a boat to spare. I enjoy this. Why else would I be here? I'm not gettin paid.

Thanks for the reminder that real life is where true treasures are to be found.

You have ever been more welcome.

Unfortunate that I have a copy of this thread before that poster, /u/funkyfaery, deleted his/her comments.

Thanks to "Flytape" a.k.a. "JamesColesPardon" for driving the best contributors away from this subreddit.

Was this whole operation to drive such people away? Setting the table for a compliant community of users who will accept poison?

Why did this get booted from the hot page?

Bizarre. Maybe Flytape/JCP is an admin??


Supposedly they're 8 daya apart

Flytape banned me from /r/conspiracy once a few weeks ago, in what I would characterize as a very suspicious way, and made it difficult for me to prove I was a regular here.

You will notice I've had this account for only a few months and have almost 10k karma and given out shittons of gold to users here. I earned that karma, mostly here in /r/conspiracy, a lot of it from original content I wrote... but because I taunted anticonspiracy people in another sub pointing to my own post, I got banned. It was pretty clear what I was doing, and a slap on the wrist would have sufficed but it became a thing and other mods had to vote me back in.

I thought this whole ordeal was foolish and didn't feel like flytape was operating with the same sentiment as the rest of the mod team. To characterize me of all people as any kind of shill means you're not paying attention.

So my vote is for 'ishiness'

You still never explained why you began fighting with yourself in that one thread...


I missed it. You forgot to switch to your TMoR account I assume?

Now why was that necessary? You're essentially accusing /u/911bodysnatchers322 of being a shill. Speaking of forgetting to switch accounts by the way, there are many here that believe you are also an alt of FlyTape. You're defense of him is rather unusual if you ask me.

there are many here that believe you are also an alt of FlyTape

Indeed. Count me in.

Ask him about what happened. I didn't make any shill accusations, essentially or otherwise.

When I see someone being defamed as a Nazi I will defend them to the best of my ability in part because I too have been a victim of that same smear campaign.

You forgot to switch to your TMoR account I assume?

That's insinuating he's really a shill from TMOR in mind at least. I just don't think that's very becoming of a mod here to accuse someone of being a TMOR shill without posting any kind of proof. Do you have proof that he has an alt that posts to TMOR?

That's insinuating he's really a shill from TMOR...

No it's not. Again, ask him what happened.

Do you have proof that he has an alt that posts to TMOR?

Yes. Past tense though, he has stopped AFAIK.


I'm the one who bought you Gold before you posted that you were "in on the joke."

I find it remarkable, not merely "in poor taste" that such an alleged "prank" coincides with a mod, Flytape, who has a long history of already being accused of such behavior.

Looks exactly like a false flag AND a poisonous psy-op, at best.

I'm sure the Admins will back up moderators no matter what fraudulence was committed. I will be doing my best to see what consequences can be brought for such contempt of Reddit's users.

I want my money refunded for the Reddit Gold.

How much gold did you buy him?

I am sorry, especially that you spent real money as a result of our prank. I do not know if reddit can refund you the gold, but I am absolutely willing to support you in any way that I can in such a claim. You can quote me on that and I will send any message to the admins you want concerning that matter.

Regarding Flytape, I don't know much about him other than what I've said in my edit. I've never paid much attention to the drama that seems to follow him. I honestly have no opinion on it.

Was this a psy-op? Yes, in a way, yet I think in the way any April Fools prank is; the purpose was to deceive, but not with any malicious intent, at least on my part.

Again, I do apologize.

You reek of insincerity.


  • that the entire prank was designed around a mod whose credibility was already damaged,

  • that so many user comments were deleted by mods in the course of this "good fun"

  • that the end result of this "good-natured prank" is to provide cover for a mod already long suspected of sockpuppeting.

Truly toxic.

That's all fair. I didn't design the prank, so I can't really speak to the original intentions. Maybe /u/JamesColesPardon can comment on this.

What I would say is this:

that the entire prank was designed around a mod whose credibility was already damaged,

Assuming this was just a prank, this is part of its ingenuity: people already suspect Flytape of malicious intent or whatever, and they are therefore more likely to believe such a prank. Part of what makes an AF joke work is that those being fooled can believe, at least initially, that it could be true.

that so many user comments were deleted by mods in the course of this "good fun"

I don't believe that to be the case. In this thread, mostly what I've seen is comments showing up as [deleted], meaning the author deleted the comments themselves. AFAIK, comments removed by the mods show up as [removed]. See this changelog post. If you have examples of mod-deleted comments, I would be happy to reconsider this position.

that the end result of this "good-natured prank" is to provide cover for a mod already long suspected of sockpuppeting.

This one I can't really deny fully. As far as I know, I have no reason to believe that they are the same user, and in fact have significant reason to believe otherwise. Could this have the end result of providing cover for Flytape, who might indeed be using alts or doing other nefarious things? Yeah, I guess it could. But if anything I would say it would draw more unwanted attention to him.

Regarding Flytape, I don't know much about him other than what I've said in my edit. I've never paid much attention to the drama that seems to follow him. I honestly have no opinion on it.

You sound like either a useful idiot or an insincere accomplice.

A useful idiot or accomplice for what? You're on here acting like this is some grand conspiracy on the level of even the most basic ones this sub discusses on a daily basis.

What exactly do you find to be the purpose of this great deception? If you think this was more than just an April Fools prank, what exactly was the endgame?

And you're on here with a 9 day old account. Am I to take it you just started participating in this sub 9 days ago, or am I talking to an alt account of some other user?

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I hope they show to explain. This is crazy.

Your user name describes my thoughts about this.


Edit to add- this thread is now stickied at the Topmindsof reddit sub.

Ruh roh!



Well that sub is dope. And I've never been a fan of Flytape.

If my memory serves correctly, Flytape stickies posts to the top of /r/Conspiracy more than any other mod, and I can recall multiple times where the highest rated comments on those posts were opposed to the post and asking why it was stickied. I think it's because he gets butthurt about his posts not being upvoted naturally.

There's far too many posts about his redditiquette, in far too many subs.

Thought police got to spaz on something.



lol, color me liberal.

Come back please...

You know, there was another mod that was once here and did something similar. Spent a lot of time talking to alts of themselves. This all looks and seems familiar. If I recall, fly tape was a mod at the time and was advocating for the guy to stay... I can't remember though. I'm sure others can remember. Wasn't so far in the past.

What the fuck happened to this sub today? It seems astronomically more insane here than ever.


I like you...


Your comments really resonate, and then I look and it's you....keep on being on... <3

Happy April Fool's day indeed.

So are you admitting that you were part of this prank in a premeditated fashion or insinuating that a prank was played on you and others?


"Retroactive continuity", or retcon for short, is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work, to cover-up plot holes.

This was premeditated and planned by me.

You should be demodded, along with flytape.

I vote to remove both of you. While we're at it, throw in theghostofdusty for good measure.

Commenting to save the link to this thread after it gets removed.


Well I don't know what's going on here so this won't be removed as long as I'm still a mod here.

So are you still a mod or what?

Aaand it's gone -

(told ya so)


Seems to be. I consider the return to be temporary.

After all this thread has already made two trips to /r/uncensorship. There will be more.

MacReady: "I know I'm human. And if you were all these things, then you'd just attack me right now, so some of you are still human. This thing doesn't want to show itself, it wants to hide inside an imitation. It'll fight if it has to, but it's vulnerable out in the open. If it takes us over, then it has no more enemies, nobody left to kill it. And then it's won."

So u/jcm267, head bigot of /r/conspiratard starts /r/the_donald and suddenly embraces a birther/white supremacist supported candidate, after years of laughing at birthers and non-stop attacks on Ron Paul's supposed white supremacist links.

/u/flytape appears to be playing with alts and becomes a Trump supporter. Man, you guys should be able to see this coming...

I'm not surprised


This is the first I am seeing this.


What do you think?


Like WTF.


This is really weird.

Ive been out of town for a few days; im still trying to wrap my head around any of this...


Yeah i came to the party a bit late. You know, part of it is a learning experience, imo. It kind of illistrates that we gotta remain vigilent when scrutinizing information -- even the information coming from trusted sources.

I hope you reconsider bowing out, at least permanently. Even if you decide to, you know the door is always open should you change your mind in the future.

And yes, CST is user-flair-friendly. Some folks get them by request, others from their awesome contributions, some for secret reasons ;-)

FWIW, i heard the caduceus is pretty fucking cool...

I've revoked the Owl offer.

This one is all yours.

The Gadfly strikes again. He gets off on this type of controversial attention. Why the fuck would you play along with this mods? So lame.

It was an April Fools joke. That's it. One day a year where we try to get over on each other; we just took it a bit further this year.

I've never really paid attention to the drama surrounding Flytape here, and don't really care about it.

I've never really paid attention to the drama surrounding Flytape here, and don't really care about it.

You should...

Whoops. Smooth execution, it would seem.

Each of those characters plays their respective roles every well....until a fuck-up like this occurs. The evidence seems solid to my untrained eye.

First the warrant canary, then this. What can we do?

Well you certainly had the fools part right in the subject. The coolest prank flytape could pull off would be a disappearing act. I vote for that for the encore.

You know what would be a great April fools prank to pull on /r/conspiracy? Make everyone think there is a conspiracy behind the scenes of the subreddit.

Edit: I knew it.

Flytape has a lot of baggage, not great for a prank regarding this topic. Just plug in "Flytape" and "sockpuppet" and "Reddit" into Google.

I like how the top result is complete bullshit. xD

lmao crackin me up

Glad someone found the humor in this!


I did as a matter of fact. Though i'm careful not to use my mod powers here to influence people's political opinions. I just comment about it like a normal person.

Hmmm. And jcm267 runs the Trump subreddit. Coincidence?

/r/conspiracy has been totally compromised for the past 2 years because of this gadfly & co.


Cool opinion bro.

People who make statements like yours above, are generally not educated on the matter. You're just parroting the liberal media bias because it makes you feel superior to the poor white people you loathe so much. Tell mom and dad I said hi.


You talk about poor white people as if its supposed to be an insult.

Are you sure that you're on the right side of things here?

Well, that wasted a lot of my time. Got me gold though, so I guess that's good.

If you remove the dual post evidence, I think my linguistic analysis shows they are different people. I can explain this further if need be.

I'm sorry if this wasted your time.

It's up to you whether you want to post you linguistic analysis. I actually found your comment to be the most interesting of all of these: you really dug into analyzing the similarities of posting habits. There are real examples of people using multiple sock puppets, as well as bots using various formes of trickery. I do hope this doesn't discourage you from applying this technique to other reddit users.

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I did post my linguistic analysis through a number of edits. It was interesting putting theory into practice.

My end conclusion through linguistic analysis was that they were different users, though there were several red flags at first. I was only dissuaded from that conclusion by a moderator pointing me to that double post on /r/C_S_T

I was glad to do this and I had fun, I just wish it could have been more useful. Hopefully others will look into my techniques and use them if something like this comes up in the future. I think the /r/conspiracy crowd has a lot of interesting things to say, but often they could be more rigorous in their methodology.

I think jumping to conclusions because they fit your world view can makes us easily manipulated. It also allows for disinformation people to put in little phrases that when repeated to others make us seem foolish. What I mean is saying things that are 90% true and then tacking on a loch ness monster. When that information is then passed on to others, they dismiss the 90%.

Not quite the same, but an interesting example of on-line information manipulation is Rudolf Hess. A doctor analyzed his body and found he was likely NOT Rudolf Hess. His conclusion linked to the murder of Rudolf Hess in the 1940s and then the murder of his double in more modern times. There are a number of articles out there that make it seem like the doctor was only talking about the more recent murder. They then debunk that and use that to cover up the 1940s murder.

What is important for the /r/conspiracy crowd to understand is that these days the internet allows for the rapid and free spread of information. Intelligence organizations are well aware of this. They can't hold back information, so they must do something else. I believe that in lots of operations they will add a "viral" element that allows for them to control the mainstream narrative and the "truther" narrative. It's also essential for them to violate Occam's Razor, as anything that violates that is easily dismissed by the public.

For an early example of this, look into the JFK rabbit hole to end all rabbit holes:

The other thing to remember is that there is more than just the CIA. There is more than just the CIA, Mossad, FSB, and GCHQ. There are a lot of intelligence agencies out there, and they all have a narrative to push. Just because the government and media is lying to you does not mean everyone else is telling the truth.

EDIT: Wow, some people are not happy with these posts. Im curious if any of the downvoters want to give a reason? I feel what is being said in these posts is fairly well written and indepth.

Very well put. All of it.

Do you have a link on the Rudolf Hess thing? That sounds interesting.

It's also essential for them to violate Occam's Razor, as anything that violates that is easily dismissed by the public.

This is probably my favorite part, and a very astute observation. Occam's raxor is a good idea in principle, yet is likely best applied to science. Anyone who is aware of the theory can easily use it to their advantage, to deceive.

Do a google on "Rudolf Hess Murder" and take a look at how most of the articles only talk about one murder (the recent suicide.) Then look into "Rudolf Hess double" and see where that takes you. Notice how the articles of the first type try to obscure the idea of the double. They make it seem like the doctor only talked about the suicide when he talked about the suicide and the murder of the double. It's creative spamming of articles related to the suicide murder that hides the original murder.

Agreed on the Occam's Razor. We should realize that Intelligence agencies are aware of all of these things. How would you deal with free flow of information? It has to be a different tactic than just classifying things.

Is it still April fools in America?

Every day is April Fools in America. All we do is false flags.

What time is it in Tel Aviv?


Tee hee!


Is that Hebrew?

The word "dunno"?


Shush, you!



I have no love lost for flytape after the whole podcast thing, and the behavior afterwards, but, this should be x posted at r/whogivesashit.

Not because of the way it will possibly effect you, but because he isn't worth the attention, or time. If that happens, move on.

Don't give him that power you are giving him. Or the impression that he has any. Because it couldn't be further from the truth.

I can see the slug trails from here in his pants already if you are correct. Do you want to be the source of his orgasmic bliss? Let him jack himself off with an alt.

Definitely don't subject yourself to the same under the table work he had to do. If you do, then you will have two choices, to spit, or swallow.

You can't respect a person like that, at least I cant.

Don't give anyone at reddit or anywhere for that matter that power over you. It's reddit. A bunch of cyber nobody's.

The only reason they pull shit like that here is because of short comings IRL. And if they tried it IRL, they would probably get a hot one to the eye. Or at the least going home with a hair line fracture.

Douche's that big aren't born, they are made. Don't let them make you.


After Brussels, it was clear by the top stickied post that this sub has been sold out.

r/conspiracy is controlled opposition, i'd say most of the "users" work for DoD.

I'm centerlink funded.

There's something wrong now with anti-conspiracy /r/conspiracy mods?

Nah,not I.

Edit to add....iactually kinda sorta wish someone with access to files working for big bro would throw me a morsel or at least man up and interact....

Where's my cheque?



Rules 1 & 10. Removed.

You know what day it is right?

That doesn't mean you get to repeatedly break our rules.

What the fuck is going on /u/SovereignMan ? I trust you will have answers soon. Is this a cruel April fools joke?

No comment.

Okay, now I can comment. Yes, it was an April Fool's joke. Apparently they spent quite a while planning it out.

Doing a prank like this, which involves Flytape of all people, was really lame. That guy gets off from this type of controversial attention. I guess pleasing a gadfly is priority #1 here.

Cool prank /u/Flytape and/u/JamesColesPardon. You made a lot of redditors look very foolish :D

I hope you enjoyed it.

More proof that mods were responsible for the fake Richard Gage AMA.

The same mods who are now labeling AE911Truth a psyop.

You did a good job today.

I think I had a glimpse of what /r/topminds see here everyday :)

The best part, imo, is i knew, but i still fell for it....

After much thought I've come to the conclusion that this was a well planned april fools prank. Ill bet money =)

A strangely unfunny and divisive prank if that's the case.

Aka a perfectly planned one =)

'Let's discredit ourselves and make our subs look compromised!'

Am I missing the punchline? Hoping you're right though.

No you are not because there is no punch line. No way JCP would be all serious most of the time and then completely fuck his credibility like that intentionally. If they did [plan and execute this farse], they are too goddamn stupid to be mods in the first place.

Me too.

It's a "Limited Hangout"!

How do you explain the examples of the same behavior from 11 days ago, posted further up in this thread then?


After thinking about it, I think it's that and there is more to it.

What is this shit all about?

I make a post and head to dinner with the wife and kid after a long week and some heartfelt thanks to the whole community and I get bullshit shill accusations?

I expected this from the undelete folks but not from my own team. Keep thtlat shit in house - Celine. And you were one of my favorite new additions, man.

Thanks for the courtesy.


I haven't even had time to look at the archived stuff. I'm going to need a few to figure out what the fuck is going on here.

And I'm already at the pub.

JCP.... Pub more important than your reputation as a mod? I had nothing but kind words for you in CST but there's a lot of sketchiness here and I think the mods and subscribers deserve some sort of explanation.

I haven't even had time to look at the archived stuff. I'm going to need a few to figure out what the fuck is going on here.

This right here tells me that this is in fact a REAL conspiracy, and not some well planned April fools joke. Clearly if it was intended to be a joke, you'd not have reacted so defensively as you did here.

The defensiveness was the way to sell it my man.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Why would you pull a prank of this level onto a community already ingrained with paranoia? Not to mention, Flytape loves this type of controversy, so you definitely helped satisfy his thirst for attention. This was so pathetic :/

Maybe pointing out the paranoia is a way to acknowledge it and (hopefully) move past it so we can continue to grow as a community.

And remember - don't believe everything you read on the Internet ;)

don't believe everything you read on the Internet

That's why many users questioned the fake Richard Gage when he was OK'd to do an AMA by /u/axolotl_peyotl.

You should resign as a moderator if you are going to defend your actions.

Dude I had no hand that AMA and as a user called it out for bullshit.

Why bring it up again?

Why bring it up again?

User trust in moderators. You violated it.

So has /u/flytape and assuredly (vapepen), axolotl (fake Gage AMA), dusty, so you get why violating user trust is a big deal.

You should resign as a moderator if you are going to defend your actions.

Why bring it up again?

User trust in moderators. You violated it.

On April Fool's day.

So has /u/flytape and assuredly (vapepen), axolotl (fake Gage AMA), dusty, so you get why violating user trust is a big deal.

You should resign as a moderator if you are going to defend your actions.

If people didn't log onto reddit yesterday they would note that nothing has changed in this sub at all and everyone was given a Premise to entertain without knowing specifically.

Why would I resign? What sub rules have I broken?

Rule 12 for starters. Then you took the reigns and banned multiple comments, violating user trust in the actions of their moderators.

Why is this hard to understand Jim? Let me copy a comment I made to you earlier, it's the /r/conspiracy moderator history of psyops leveled against the conspiracy community:

Will it be anything like the fake Richard Gage AMA psyop planning sesh?

Or maybe the vape pen psyop planning sesh?

Or maybe the xkcd takeover plannng sesh?

You couldn't have worse judgement as a moderator if you don't know flytape's history. Are we to assume you're a 'useful idiot' Jim?

The only comments that were removed were the smart users who realized what was going on (and have been restored).

And you can't ban comments.

You couldn't have worse judgement as a moderator if you don't know flytape's history.

Are we to assume you're a 'useful idiot' Jim?

If you did it with any other user than flytape, then maybe I would agree with that sentiment. But you did it with the most controversial and attention seeking redditor I have ever witnessed in my life. Just googling his name shows dozens of divisive threads. This is the guy who did that horrific podcast and has been demodded multiple times. I think you went too far and I think the community would appreciate an apology.

This was really stupid, especially because of flytape's reputation.

This wouldn't have worked with anyone other than /u/Flytape and you know this.

Your prank was so elaborate I beg to differ. If any user was caught posting the same post verbatim with a signature sign off of another user, they would have been accused equally. You just got a bigger reaction from the users who already distrust him.

The fact that you're saying the prank would have only worked with flytape is the point. Why fuel the fire? Irresponsible and pathetic.

Maybe it could have - but he brings an extra level to this regardless.

Maybe acknowledging the reaction level to an accusation (I created myself, mind you) should show that some people take this place way too seriously?

You elaborately faked a sockpuppet conspiracy with the entire moderation team. It was convincing because of how serious you took it. I think this prank was irresponsible.

Have a great day.

Honestly dude, you're talking about me as if I'm not a mod here, a user here and both with a longer history serving this sub that you have.

You don't like me, I get it! That's fine!

But there is no need to obsessively microanalyse everything that anyone does in relation to /u/flytape.

No one needs to apologize for an April fools joke that involved mods of the subreddit... Please stop being so melodramatic.

No one needs to apologize for an April fools joke that involved mods of the subreddit

You don't get to make that decision unilaterally. This isn't your subreddit, unless I missed something. I'll remove this comment if you are indeed the unilateral decision maker of the /r/conspiracy mod 'team.'

You should be removed of your moderation duties.

In light of the fake Richard Gage AMA, you couldn't have had worse decision making skills as a moderator of /r/conspiracy. period

You and flytape both had your first comment within a couple of minutes on this thread

What are you /u/BattyKoda 's alt or something? I explained that thread already a week ago.


Rules 1 & 10. Removed.

HAHAHAHA accusing me of using alts! I always knew you were sympathetic to the fascist delusion but I had no idea you were the HEAD STORMFAG!

Removed. Rule 10.

Why are you removing these posts? Answer the questions.


Dude if you had fucking consulted the rest of the mods before putting on our name on that shit today we wouldn't be having this conversation. Or if you had responded to my PMs or mod mails. I tried to keep this in house; the fact I had to come here to get you to respond at all is on you.


Removed. Rule 10.


Here we go what?

He's doing ot throughout the comment section. Btw, you forgot to delete the comment.

For anyone that hasn't been here for years

Every 6 months or so a team of non-community outsiders try to turn r/conspiracy against Flytape. And usually their "evidence" turns out to be a load of BS to divide and conquer the sub.

And here we go again on April first. I don't care enough to look into it, but this happens like every 6 months.

If you don't believe me stop down voting and use the search function


Irrelevant either way.

Irrelevant? I personally take offense to right wing fanatics plotting against our forum. Dis is annuda shoah!

Muh feelz

Rule 1. Removed. 1st warning.

So "non-community outsiders" just decided to choose Flytape to pick on? Every 6 months?

explanation for the slow

And if that doesn't do it just look at the April Fools tag on this post.

The first link is deleted and the second link I read all of and don't see anything relevant in it. But I have no idea what CST is about or any drama happening there.



I was just spreading some love, <3



It'll sound like a cop out but no I would rather not. I would need to get the rest of the mods' approval before doing something like that, everything said in mod mail is assumed to be private and amongst only the users involved.

Irrelevant either way.

Rule 1. Removed. 1st warning.

I like you...

Happy April Fool's day indeed.

I guess I figured CST would be above that kind of nonsense. It seems a little disingenuous to forcite as well to plug his startup in a joke post. Not my taste in jest I suppose.

Rules 1 & 10. Removed.

Your comments really resonate, and then I look and it's you....keep on being on... <3


Do a google on "Rudolf Hess Murder" and take a look at how most of the articles only talk about one murder (the recent suicide.) Then look into "Rudolf Hess double" and see where that takes you. Notice how the articles of the first type try to obscure the idea of the double. They make it seem like the doctor only talked about the suicide when he talked about the suicide and the murder of the double. It's creative spamming of articles related to the suicide murder that hides the original murder.

Agreed on the Occam's Razor. We should realize that Intelligence agencies are aware of all of these things. How would you deal with free flow of information? It has to be a different tactic than just classifying things.

The defensiveness was the way to sell it my man.

It's easy to post things before I do when he's in on it and I PM it to him.

Who do you think archived the post?

You should be demodded, along with flytape.

I vote to remove both of you. While we're at it, throw in theghostofdusty for good measure.

This prank was so specific and calculated it makes it seem like a psy-op. Cause a scene yourself about a topic that is actually true, but play it off as a prank -- a limited hangout type of thing.

That's fair if you didn't find this funny.

We didn't intend this as spitting in the face of the community; we intended it as a light-hearted--albeit elaborate--AF joke. We deal with legitimate and far-reaching conspiracies on this sub every day, many of which affect millions of people in severely negative ways. This deception was limited to the one day of the year that people expect to be deceived.

only serves to further diminish already low trust.

Low trust in whom, the mods of this sub? It's highly possible some mods of this sub are intelligences agents or assets. It's all but assured that some members of this community are disinfo agents. How much can you really trust users of an anonymous forum anyway? There's very few people I trust on reddit, and even those, I only trust to an extent, and only accept what they say if they have evidence to back it up. Even this evidence can be fabricated, so I don't even trust that completely.

A [Premise] isn't required you know.

Just flag as discussion and argue all you want.