Panama Litmus: if it is not available on the Internet, it's not a leak, it's an operation.

45  2016-04-04 by 911bodysnatchers322

If the Panama Papers are not made available to /r/conspiracy by this time tomorrow, midnight Apr 5 EST, then they are a fraud and should be assumed to be a CIA operation to distract us from Clinton and the bombing that they are doing right now in Uzbekistan, Byblos, Lebanon or Phoenix AZ that we'll find out about after the fact.


Wait, did you just say they are bombing Phoenix Arizona?

You'll find out after the fact.

read like it

I agree with the idea that not releasing all the information publicly all at once is an operation, not a leak. I've been feeling wrong about this leak at the core since I heard about it.

As for what they are meant to distract us from. It could be anything, I don't think that matters as much at what it's supposed to do.

First some perspective. Unless someone uses these documents to make a 'hit-list' to hold these people accountable, and some how effectively enforce laws or ethics upon them, it doesn't really matter. We knew all this already. All we some have are names now so what, they'll only be brought to justice if the state makes it so.

This leak is meant to splinter the conspiracy theory community. Anyone who has recently 'opened their eyes' may fall victim to this misdirection. It's an election year so there are many new people who have been doing some political-soul-searching and have decided to open their eyes for the first time, or maybe just squint.

If the people seek vengeance on their own, via violence in the places mentioned in the leaks, they are doing Americas work for them. All the countries in this 'leak' are regions the US is not strategically allied with. The information is meant to destabilize any and all potential enemies societies and economic systems. Seems like a good move to distract from something much larger.

I think it's more important to focus on the things absent from the leaks.

Like anyone related to US anything?

This leak is meant to splinter the conspiracy theory community

I completely agree. But the mainstream hates Hillary (an example offshore 'company') so much also because of deep distrust...surely they have to at least be suspicious about this.

The mainstream hates all candidates, but they have so little dirt on Bernie. The guy is almost squeaky clean. He did a really good job cleaning up any messes in his past. Just enough is left over to not put him on a pedestal, so his back story becomes more believeable because there is just a little mess.

This could easily be the work of his people. He certainly stands to gain from it.

It's a dangling carrot. I am having a very difficult time to see any posts related to the madam papers among the sea of Panama leak posts.

madam papers

What's that?

EDIT: n/m I completely somehow missed all of this story.

There was a madam that was on trial around 2007. The DC madam. Suffice it to say she had an extrodianry client list. Anyways, her lawyer is going to release the names in her phone book because it will greatly affect the election. But he is first asking to have the restraining order ( to talk about it) lifted legally. The supreme court is going to look at it. But he said in two weeks it will be released no matter and if he doesn't respond to some service in 72 hours they will be released. A kill switch. He fears for his life. The dc madam said before she was found hanging in 2008 ( another of her workers committed suicide around this time) that if she ever killed herself someone killed her.

I'm not wizard but looking over why they do it, I think they're making us aware of this as some of the "world leaders" and their friends use Panama to dodge sanctions. Since there's a lot of those going around at the moment which seem to have little effect, they're probably trying to get it shut down so that the west controlled sanctions can have a real hurt against those eastern countries who dared to defy them.

Right. These are people who are unimportant enough, have already screwed up, or have served their purpose. The biggest one I've seen so far is the Prime Minister of Iceland. There are a couple others, but no Americans and most of these people are former office holders.

This 'leak' looks to me like placation for the masses calling for the incarceration of 'elites.'

edit: spelling.

One type of people you forgot to include are people on the Zionist hit list, in particular heads of countries that usurped against the banking cartel, or stood in the way of Israel's expansion into the Levant.

Yes, nice. That would cover some of them. A lot of these look like 2nd rate, US backed, post regime-change politicians. Like this release was the culmination of a long-con honeypot.

The US part of the leak has been censored by the corporate owned mass media (US intelligence puppets).

One type of people you forgot to include are people on the Zionist hit list, in particular heads of countries that usurped against the banking cartel, or stood in the way of Israel's expansion into the Levant.