Panama Papers are a psyop to discredit any idea of the NWO, or illuminati by placing a focus on 'a system that allows corruption' and 'participating companies'. This is a push to revive 'coincidence theory' to battle any 'cabal' theories.

46  2016-04-08 by 911bodysnatchers322

Exalting commercial corruption and tax evasion as a modern mythology fulfills a strategy of flooding the public's collective psychology with anger towards 'a system' versus "a few people at the top". It has the effect of dispersing people's collective ire. Of course, they will respond to this: "you're trying to hard to cling to this idea that there's a few people doing all these things".

When in fact, it's both. It's a small group of highly influential people strategizing in secret (bilderberg group and CFR and FPRI, UN, etc) making policy and then implementing those policies that then enable all the wrongdoing by big businesses.

Basically, they create a socialism for corporations as a form of cryptofascism--fascism because they seek monopoly through unfair use of force to crush opposition. What do I mean by that? Bailouts. Huge loans to bail out malfunctioning corporations--Savings and Loan crisis. Tax breaks. Legal loopholes that allow them to shirk taxes. No bid contracts. Preferred contracts. Lobbying. AND. Keeping minimum wage low. Media mind control to make the middle hate the poor, coining the meme 'entitlements'--making it a bad word, instead of 'something you have a right to access'.

There are many ways that corporations 'cheat' at competition. While at the same time, demonizing the struggling public for the audacity of getting assistance from the government, which accounts to a miniscule fraction of the assistance corporations receive--and a miniscule fraction of a miniscule fraction of the revenue they bring in from perpetual war or mafia protection of their precious one drug to rule them all (afghanistan pills). It's basically a huge hypocrisy. They lionize capitalism and never once actually participate in capitalism. They are the biggest socialists around.

They are trying to bring in fascism thorugh all their tricks.

The Panama Papers are their latest trick. They are appropriating the "Empire of the City" conspiracy theory (City of London, DC, and Vatican) by holding up City of London as 'the center of the spider's web', but that's a trojan horse because their cognitive subtext is that it's thousands of companies doing wrong, not the small few cryptofascist policymakers like Kissinger, Yellen, Bernake, Clinton, PMs, US politicians, the Pope, the Queen etc.


The ultimate psyop is money. The very source of all injustice upon the planet. It does not reward the virtuous, but the greedy. Until the mass of humanity understands this, civilization will continue to be populated by slaves imprisoned by the selfish dreams of their obfuscated oppressors.

Yup money is a lie. And from it more that promise miracles, medicine that promise health, food the pretends to be real, tv and movies that distort our reality, politicians that promise hope, colleges that promise a future. The for profit drive behind the system has reached its inevitable peak and this is why the world is the way it is

100% agree.

More specifically the Federal Reserve, I think a money not born into a system based on debt, that represents a certain existent wealth is not a bad thing, money is indeed very useful. It is the abuse of the idea of money that brings the injustice you speak of. Gold-back currency is the answer, not the problem.

Hm. Now that I think of it. Money is not real. It had power because people believe in it. So, in accordance with natural law, perhaps it should only be used to exchange for that which is unreal, just as the tool itself is.

Hm. Now that I think of it. Money is not real. It had power because people believe in it. So, in accordance with natural law, perhaps it should only be used to exchange for that which is unreal, just as the tool itself is.

Or maybe...hear me out... rich people are greedy and want to keep as much money as possible.

That's true, but it also says nothing about the accuracy of OP's theory. Ever since Jimmy Saville and Jeffrey Epstein I have been convinced there is something worse lurking behind the 'corporate greed' we see out in the open.

Money thinks it's above the law and that's troublesome. Nice comparison😊

The fact that they're both jews?

I tend to go with the fact that they're both pedophiles and Savile was likely a necrophiliac/murderer but I guess that works too?

Lol! They are not mutually exclusive statements.

I'm saying "this is how the rich and greedy people do it"

You're talking about cake. I'm talking about the making of said cake.

What are "afghanistan pills"?

As far as "London being the center of a spider web" goes, are you saying that they could blame the UK government for this? Why would they do that? If this is indeed a psyop, which it certainly is, then wouldn't they protect the nation's most valuable ally? Our parent nation in fact? I mean, personally I think even Putin and Salman and all these African dictators are in on the scam too, their actors too; they just are playing "bad cop."

their actors too; they just are playing "bad cop."

I agree.

I think it's all misdirection. I mean what do they think americans will do? Want to have nuclear war against the UK now? That's silly. They are letting UK take the fall now, but next time we'll take the fall for their psyop.

I believe it. A lot of the comments on the front page aout this are just basically taking a shit on this sub.