Some of the best posts are found at /r/conspiracy/new/ and are smothered by the paid manipulators... so please remember to take a look and help push the good ones up!

205  2016-04-13 by meat_for_the_beast

Don't just give the clever meme post all the attention... click on that "New" tab and give it a chance. So many good posts are buried even on this sub.


This is very true, the best way to browse this sub is sorting by new. You're going to get a lot of fluff, but there will also be more than a few gems that never see the light of day.

I want to also point out that a significantly more important target for censorship on this subreddit and many others would be the top story. The difference between the top post and the second is huge. On your front page, you might see the top /r/conspiracy post as number 21, and the second post as number 130 on page 6. Those are the stories most subscribers will see from here. A very small amount of people actually go into this subreddit to check out the rest.

The problem with pointing this out is that I've said it here already and there is almost no possible way to inform the vast majority of subscribers about this obvious problem.

For those who missed it, I wrote up a post describing a censorship tool known as "handicapping."

Fascinating write up. As a heavy poster, I find the 'instantaneous downvote' an almost ubiquitous phenomenon across most of reddit, and long suspected it was being used in this way.

I'm also assuming there is a vault of some kind with posts and matching sensationalist headlines that can be used as a competing submission for that top post.

Here's a screenshot of /r/Documentaries the other day:

2 submissions, the more popular one being posted 20 minutes after the one about COINTELPRO, and that one takes the majority of traffic simply because it's the top post.


The best thing is just to browse this subreddit to start the day, I don't even bother with the front page anymore.

If you aren't browsing /r/conspiracy/new, you aren't getting anything useful out of this sub-reddit, you're just getting a different flavor of the exact same propaganda on the other mainstream sub-reddits. Sure there's lots of 'alternative' agitprop and fearporn on the frontpage, but it's almost always system-supporting or crippled in some way.

The votes are manipulated all over this site. Don't let someone else control what you can and cannot see. Seek out all information because you never know what you're missing.


In case you missed it, I will spell it out loud and clear, please pay attention! This will not sit well with the administrators or moderators!

  • 1) r/Conspiracy has methodically been introduced to C3ns0rsh!p policies under the guise of p0lit!cal c0rrectne55, thereby slowly cooking the proverbial frog. Since Reddit was bought by Advanced Publications it has moved towards a more mainstream corporate mass media style of c3ns0rsh!p, !nf0rmati0n c0ntr0l and p|20paganda.

  • 2) All of Reddit, including r/Conspiracy, now has a fully automatized algorithm system in place to detect and c3ns0r any negative/revealing/damaging information about the US !ntelligence C0mmun!ty, US government, corporations, financial industry and key political figures. The algorithms scan for specific words, wordings and flagged links to alternative media outlets. If an undesirable element is detected, the system will automatically remove or discretely r!g the vot!ng pr0cess.

  • 3) As many of us has already notices, if you post something controversial truthful about the 9-11 attacks, illegal NSA surveillance, crimes committed by the CIA/FBI/Law enforcement agencies, financial crimes, economical inequality or US war crimes and genocides it will properly not end up the front page. And let us not forget the legions 5h!lls and 9und!ts. Reddit controls the process minute by minute, the slip ups are getting fewer and far between, and they refine their already sophisticated methods for every day that passes by. The days when you could easily detect hamfisted blatant c3nsorsh!p attempts are over.

  • 4) First Advanced Publications introduced a new and marvelous CE0, then they proceeded to removed all the troublesome administrators, after which they continued the process and removed all the undesirable moderators. And there was much drama!

  • 5) Then the ban-wagon finally hit the r/conspiracy forum, deliberately purging the intelligentsia, people who tended to post quality posts with lots of data and statistics, during and shortly after the height of the Mr. 5n0wd3n scandal, thus turning the forum into an echo camper for fools and idiots.

  • 6) Since the "great purges" the r/conspiracy forum has been absolutely spammed with racist anti-Israel posts, often making up 20% of the volume on the front page, and the moderators are doing absolute nothing about it. Users like Indra-Varuna, User_Name13, TouchMeHerePls, Tito333, AntiHasbaraUnit, dillonban, high-priest-of-slack and flyyyyyyyy has been allowed to spam the forum with racist and blatantly none-conspiracy post for months (Just to mention a few). On top of that legions of 9und!ts and 5H!ll5 has been allowed to down vote and 5pam any undesirable posts.

And this, my friends, is how the 0l!garch5 control r/conspiracy forum. This is how the 0l!garch5 has taken control of all the c0rp0rat3 0wn3d ma55 m3d!a. The 9und!ts and 5h!ll5 is just the last nail in the coffin.

knew something felt fucky

Nice try Moshe. Mixing truth with lies. I had you until deflecting the blame on a "rascist" and "anti-Israel" conspiracy. You know very well that people are sick and tired of the Jewish lobby and forced multiculturalism. People are no longer discouraged by allegations of "muh racism" and "muh antisemitism". It's perfectly natural that /r/conspiracy will have more posts these topics. Great wall of text anyway, L3T5 8R1N6 1337 5P34K B4CK!!1. (RU810)

Yea he really lost me with that last point

He spams this with some regularity and sometimes people eat it up because of the flashy formatting and appeals to emotion.

That's such a shame. I felt like the leet speek really touched something deep down inside of me. It's similar to being really gassy.

0h $h!t, y0ure 3lit3 h4ckz g0t r1ght thr0ugh that algorithm!

manipulators make this sub look stupid by posting dumb things like Nibiru, UFO and so on, so real consipiraces looks dumb too


This is a form of the genetic fallacy: judging something as good or bad depending on where it comes from.

Sure, they are poisoning the well and working to lower the bar with nonsense. But it's just too lazy to lump everything you don't like into that.

Upvotes help, but also downvote the obvious non-constructive noise that the drones upvote en mass here (and in other subs). Fuck reddiquette or whatever they call that nonsense. also turn off custom css themes for subs that hide downvote button with.

I've noticed censorship in other ways as well. Today, with the Conspiracy of Silence documentary over in the documentaries subreddit. I clicked over there, saw it, up voted it, subscribed, came back here, then went back to the documentary subreddit to read the comments on it and it was gone. Vanished. I posted in the thread here about it and another user let me know it was still there. We exchanged screenshots. It was there for him/her but not for me. I logged into my main and checked. It was there for that one too. Another documentary on the list was missing as well for me the other user pointed out. Now I wonder how often this is happening. Feel free to click through my history, you can read the discussion and I posted the screenshots in multiple replies there.

EDIT: Also, in the spirit of this thread. Another user made a post about this conversation we had. Its entitled 'fuckery is afoot". It's in the first page of controversial of conspiracy right now if anyone wants to check it out and discuss. It keeps getting downvoted which I think is odd. Considering it's possibly a conspiracy literally involving the forum we use to talk on about a topic we discuss. Censorship is something we should all care about. Especially in a place where we spend a lot of time.

I was really impressed by the amount of people who weren't on the 'lol satanic panic' bandwagon in the comments there.

I got /new everytime I visit the sub and give upvotes where due. Just make it a habit and you end up supporting

Good reminder.

Yes. Try all the sorts and filters you can. Best way to look for information and trends in any database.

Make your own sub, or better, your own website.

Controversial is also a good tab.

Thanks for the info. Hard to get past the gov't manipulators.

Stick this post mods

Based on the voting, controlling for vote fuzzing, there appears to be very few people foing this at any given time of day. Posts can sit around one, two, or zero points for an hour so before they pick up steam.

Also, check out the "rising" tab to help out the good posts.

Just Voat

While I do suggest everyone do this for their own benefit, I still think that the average front page of /r/conspiracy is more informative and interesting than the majority of subreddits.

Very true. Overall, this sub seems to still do good with spreading real information. I have noticed so many good posts... have a very low '% upvoted' but lots of comments back and forth... which says to me people are searching and responding... but it is being pushed down by the 'paid manipulators'.

I get the feeling that a lot of well-meaning users here don't bother voting on posts. I know I sometimes forget to.


That's dangerous because you're isolating your self. The point of the web is connectivity. If you don't like what some one says stop reading, no need for all the other fancy stuff.


I defiantly understand the sentiment. As annoying as they may be, for me, it's not worth the risk. The more I know about how they behave the better they can be dealt with long term.

Burying your head in the sand helps no one.

Well, except for the sand hole lobby...

I defiantly understand the sentiment. As annoying as they may be, for me, it's not worth the risk. The more I know about how they behave the better they can be dealt with long term.

Well, except for the sand hole lobby...