Powertrippin' Conspiracy Mods

2  2016-04-15 by [deleted]



Hmm i also use all caps for emphasis on single words but VERY rarely. Maybe your frequency trips his alarm because I've never had my comments removed for caps.


Maybe you pissed him off somewhere? /shrugsmile


Interesting. Ill test your theory (for fun):

Ted cruz is weird, untrustworthy, disconnected, with a shady father. If he became president i would truly cry.

Ill let ya know if i get targeted =) (i highly doubt it since ive said worse than that about him before ... creepy dude)

I got here late, Ted Cruz is awesome stop saying those things. I'm targeting you for reeducation

He's just applying the rules, or an interpretation of the rules. They're not his rules, so it's hardly powertripping.

So how about you remove this post, and resubmit your Trump/actor post without capitalising (except for the first letter of the first word of each sentence, the first letter of proper names, initials, initialisms and certain (but not all) acronyms)?

A moderators job is to "moderate," not enforce their personal bias or "interpretation" of the rules. If the rules aren't plainly laid out, people will break them unknowingly. It is easy to say that is clearly in favor of the moderators, being that, you can delete and ban "at your discretion." Almost like, hmmm, a cop, wouldn't you say?


Point is there is no way to moderate the mods! WHO watches the Watchmen?!?

I 100% agree with you. I have plenty of problems with the mods here, and I let people know (mod reactions to my removed thread, simplified: legit complaint, it looks fake, go post somewhere else).

The only problem is, Reddit subs are the "property of the moderators," that is to say, it does not belong to the community, but to the person who created the sub and appointed its mods. There is zero reason for them to listen to us, which is why I post primarily on Voat, where the mods leave everybody the fuck alone.

There is text formatting on this site. Use it so you don’t look insane.


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.


Yes, it was all caps lock. That's how I've always applied the rule. Recently there was a discussion amongst the mods and the majority wanted the rule to apply to single words too.

Why can some people use Caps and others get Removed?

Not all posts are seen by mods. All reported posts are seen by mods. That's the difference.


Smokinbluebear is simply enforcing the rule based on what the majority has agreed to. Let's not get into another witch hunt here. He's doing a perfectly reasonable job modding.


why is it only being selectively enforced?

I already explained that to you. There's nothing "selective" about it. All comments that get reported are dealt with according to the rules. If a mod happens to come across a submission or comment that violates the rules then that is also dealt with appropriately.

see now my writing style is starting to make sense, ey?

but for real, yeah rules are selectively applied for the desired effect. i don't see it as 'power tripping' - i see it as a control technique. it's just business.


nah, i got some water in my keyboard and my shift key died for a couple months. it works now, but i adapted.

also, i'm lazy.

Never contributes anything substantial although you didn't make it past the first page of his post history.

I also brought the Sibel Edmonds, Kevin Ryan, Ted Rall and 2nd Russ Baker AMAs to the sub.

Yeah I saw some contributing comments in the first page, just wanted to show something 'concrete' like a self-post or link for OP.

I agree the caps lock rule is too ambiguous, and lends itself to selective enforcement; if it means no caps, then that's what it needs to say, because sparing use of capitalization for emphasis in a title/headline is rhetorically legitimate.

There are far better things in which to NIGGLE.

I fight authority, authority always wins.

Whut? smokie posts a lot of 9/11 stuff. He's da man on /r/911truth and crossposts notable things here.

It's a rule that's applied evenly to everyone. I don't get why this is a problem. Honestly, I'm pretty glad this one exists, also when self-posts have almost no context or content, and just link to some questionable site.

This is one of the most common rule violations...Rule 6 (which I had nothing to do with the creation of) is there so every post is on an equal level. (Thinking is that posts which use caps lock draw more attention)

I do, unfortunately, find other violations as well...I don't enjoy banning people or removing comments/posts--but when posts/comments go too far I do my best to judge fairly (and not instigate things further).

Mostly, I try to tread lightly in the sub and steer clear of drama...I also do make plenty of posts and comments.

This is why you couldnt pay me enough to be a mod. People will always nitpick those in authority(or just perceived authority). You may steer clear of drama but on this sub its aiming right at ya =)