What happened to the billions in gold that was underneath the WTC towers on 9/11?

48  2016-04-16 by [deleted]



They recovered it

Sure, but who are "they"?

The ones who run the show.

Trucks after 7 went down could have held a lot of it. Note the golden hue reflection in the bed of the truck at 1:26-1:28.

There may have been many smaller thefts like this extremely heavy cart.

Damn...that is so Die Hard With A Vengeance!

Said Simple Simon to the pieman going to the fair, "Give me your pies... or I'll cave your head in."

Haha... He was a smug prick for a villain.

Die Hard 3 had a fake terrorist attack to steal dump trucks full of gold through tunnels, 6 years before it actually happened.

Any reliable sources for such vast amounts of gold being there would be greatly appreciated, because I think it is part of the puzzle. Everybody was looking UP, it would have been a great magician's trick to smuggle the gold out on street level, literally in plain sight, "Lethal Weapon" style.

You mean Simon Gruber/Jeremy Irons style.

It was Die Hard, not Lethal Weapon, wasn't it?

Yes, Simon Gruber is John McClane's nemesis in the third Die Hard movie

If the gold vanished where did it go?

If the gold was still there, there would be more gold in the rubble than a gold mine.

They were recovered and you can purchase them.

Some examples:


Hey, today I learned. Do you have some background on these?

//edit: nevermind, found the rabbit hole. Thanks!

Bush & co.?

The gold is in Panama where all the leaders stash their cash. Do we have justification to try Bush and Cheney? Yes. Will it ever happen? ROTFLMAO

It was Die Hard, not Lethal Weapon, wasn't it?