People moving goal posts about 911 being a conspiracy.

42  2016-04-19 by [deleted]



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I quietly knew they would pull this shit. Redact - until after a couple wars and 1M middle-easterners dead. Then hang the shit on another scapegoat. I don't think Lucky Larry, the dancing art students, or the hundreds of New Yorkers who stayed away from WTC that Tuesday were Saudi Royals. Just a hunch.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Great quote, but I don't think we're living in a cosmic time scale big enough before everything collapses to accomplish an organic process such as that.

Why not?

I tend to agree with BurninEpix in the sense that things will need to get a whole lot worse before we can achieve a critical mass of people profoundly enough affected to become significantly aware and involved

Thats not even what he says at all tho. Weve already reached level 2 of his quote. Why dont you think level 3 will come soon? It doesnt mention revolt or anything you mentioned. Idk why you brought that in

This whole thing is a hot mess haha

Lol…for the very reason BurninEpix stated…the cosmic time scale. The "truth" has been "violently opposed" for decades…in some cases, centuries.

What makes you think the end is near?

In point of fact this is not the end…it's not even the beginning of the end. It is simply the end of the beginning.

For the record…it's not only the ruling elite that violently opposes the truth…it is our friends and neighbours. It is they that will have to be profoundly affected to have their povs change. To be affected to the point of not only acknowledging the "truth"…but to the point of action.

Btw…I didn't mention "revolt"…I said becoming aware and involved.

We are talking about 9/11 tho. I know we are on /conspiracy but can you tone it down with the crazy talk? Thanks. We are talking about 9/11. What "truth" are you talking about that hasnt been exposed on a "cosmic time scale"??? Also "the end of the beginning"? Dude wtf are you talking about. This is why we are mocked, cuz of comments/people like you

So you think the truth simply needs to be exposed and people will accept it? You can stow the attitude. If you dont understand there's no shame in just admitting it. Wise is the man who having nothing to say refrains from providing wordy evidence of that fact.

"Stow the attitude". Look, I understand. You just turned 15, you realized god isnt real, your parents lied to you about that and santa claus, you also realized the world and governments suck, so now youre an angsty teen that thinks he knows everything. But you dont. I was there once, One day youll grow up and realize how stupid you sound. Now if youll get your head out of your ass, and read the comments here in this thread, youll see the person I originally replied to quoted someone who mentions 3 steps to a plan. We are already on step 2 of the plan he quoted, which btw was in reference to 9/1. So when you come in here spouting about "truth" or whatever other buzzwords you want to use, youre being fucking retarded. We are talking about 9/11, we are not talking about illuminati or any other bullshit your silly mind is thinking of. The comment that Im replying to right now is utter trash, you should be ashamed of yourself. Read my other comments, read Burning_Epix comments, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Which is exactly why we get made fun of. There too many vocal children like you that use angst and sarcasm as if that works, as if rolling your eyes is a convincing argument. Grow up. "Omg the cosmic truth bro theyll never let us find it out unless we revolt!!" Gtfo, idiot. Leave the discussion to people who arent retarded

Now if youll get your head out of your ass, and read the comments here in this thread, youll see the person I originally replied to quoted someone who mentions 3 steps to a plan. We are already on step 2 of the plan he quoted, which btw was in reference to 9/1.

That "someone" was me you addle minded simpleton…lol

I take it your screen name is merely a projection.

Ahh Its hard to find comments on mobile, i applogize. Didnt know it was you. That being said, my comment stands. How can you be this lost in a comment thread you started? Youve wasted 2 comments now saying nothing of substance whatsoever. If you insult me, at least spend an extra couple seconds and back up your extremely retarded statements. And there you go using words like projection, trying to be some kind of psychoanalyst Sherlock Holmes. No one here is convinced youre older than 15.


Aww look how butthurt you are


First time ever seeing this (Pentagon footage?) & I want to see better image, because this thing is bouncing all over the place.

That video is a known fake I'm pretty sure

I want to believe we can still fight. Fight for truth at some meaningful level.

Maybe we won't get Bush, maybe wet won't imprison all the neocons from then and now, but I shudder to think the Islamic terrorist story will remain in the fucking collective narrative archive like Lee Harvey Oswald.


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

So you think the truth simply needs to be exposed and people will accept it? You can stow the attitude. If you dont understand there's no shame in just admitting it. Wise is the man who having nothing to say refrains from providing wordy evidence of that fact.

Aww look how butthurt you are