Let's distance ourselves from all the anti-Semitism on here.

0  2016-04-22 by [deleted]

A lot of Jews are standing up to the sort of ridiculous collusion that goes on in this world (cough - Bernie Sanders - cough), and a lot of gentiles are extremely complicit (most world governments, possibly Hillary Clinton, almost certainly Cruz, Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Christie, and possibly Donald Trump). There are only about 15 million Jews worldwide, compared to tens of millions of non-Jews who have enough money and power to be ensnared in the transnational elite. I believe that it is very wrong to delve into racism when - by simple math - if 10% of American Christians are complicit, then that means that even if every single Jew is involved and no non-Americans are then 30/45m people who are part of any given cabal are gentiles.


It's Zionists and the majority here make that distinction quite clear. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews... Thanks, but we kind of already know this...


What the fluck does someone's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict have to do with their financial policies? Saying "Zionist bankers" is about as relevant as saying "pro-choice bankers" unless Zionist is being used as a slur rather than a reference to being pro-occupation.

What the fluck does someone's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict have to do with their financial policies?

Zionist's are mainly Israel first or firmly aligned to Israels' state hood. That's a conflict of interest if they are crafting US policy. Doing what's best for the US may not be good for Israel, therefore, problems arise.

Saying "Zionist bankers" is about as relevant as saying "pro-choice bankers"

Your point?

slur rather than a reference to being pro-occupation.

It's not a slur, if it's factual... They openly call themselves Zionists.

The problem is using Zionism in irrelevant contexts as a dog whistle for "da joos". Using someone's opinion on the Levant conflict in a discussion about interest rates is as jarring to me as using their opinion about abortion. George Soros is a Jewish Zionist. He is also a native Esperanto speaker and an establishment Democrat. Guess which of those is used against him?

The problem is using Zionism in irrelevant contexts as a dog whistle for "da joos"

It's not though, Zionism is Jewish supremacy. Just not all of Zionists are Jews...

Using someone's opinion on the Levant conflict in a discussion about interest rates is as jarring to me as using their opinion about abortion

That's kind of like your own opinion, man... We all can have those..

George Soros is a Jewish Zionist. He is also a native Esperanto speaker and an establishment Democrat. Guess which of those is used against him?

Usually, what's used against him is that he was a Nazi who killed his own people (and enjoyed it - kind of what is happening now to the Palestinians), got rich and started fucking around with various nation's economies via economic warfare.

Can I ask why do you think Zionists are inherently bad? I agree with you but i would like your opinion.

Zionism is Jewish supremacy, plain and simple. I'm not a supremacist.

Do you disagree with Israel itself or us supporting Israel financially?

I could give a shit what another country does. Just don't attack or infect/lobby my country and ask us to pay/fight wars on your behalf. I believe in isolationism, and no allies. Friendly/trade with all, but ally with none. You know, like the founders wanted/intended....

Isolationism or non interventionism?

A nice mixture of both?

"Isolationism" as a term originated as a pejorative for US citizens opposed to entering WWI. These citizens were non-interventionists.

da joos

Reported! It doesn't work where you came from, and it doesn't work here. You have just outed yourself as a, well, we know exactly what you are now. If you hadn't been this fucking retarded, we might have still thought you were legitimate.

You realize this isn't r/politics ?

Your argument here probably sounds as "what the fuck does it mean hitler was a nazi? doesn't the germany deserve a pro-germany president??" and legitimally so.

"nono nazi are bad"

"anti-german!" /s

And btw i'll gladly ask for a "no-choice government" if the alternatives the "pro-choice" one gives me are death or slavery. But hey, that's a choice.

lol, you're not trying very hard, are you?

i love that you have nearly 130,000 link karma and nearly 50,000 comment karma. i find that to be hilarious.

Not hard when he averages 1000+ posts a month http://snoopsnoo.com/u/selfhatingyank

Let's be clear, there is no "here" here. It's just a bunch of people playing masquerade: think about it, you hide behind a nom de plum and spout off about this and that. The title reinforces the illusion there is a "community" that needs to be protected, or purified, or perfected or brought, kicking and screaming, back into the acceptable fold.

Then the author name drops with no discernible meaning followed by nonsensical shit-math. So what are we supposed to do in this "distancing"? Are we supposed to agree on terms and then poo poo certain attributes or expressions in this non-community. I say fuck it!

It's enough to say that Israel is an apartheid, racist, slave holding country, with a strong leaning AWAY from western civilization as we know it. I've tried to speak to reasonable treatment of the SEMITIC PALESTINIAN PEOPLE and all I get is polemics, stubborn bullshit and "poor me, you can't possibly understand" double-talk. So... fuck 'em and fuck you. Down vote the shit out of me. I don't care. You are all assholes.

Look, it's fine to be anti-Zionist and anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian. The problem is using Zionism as a snarl when it's irrelevant; if replacing "Zionist" with "pro-Israel" doesn't make sense, you're doing it wrong.


You only speak for yourself and people who like shiny heads and tatoos. Hmm, maybe that might group up the wrong people. What I meant is, SKINHEADS......you're talking like a skinhead.

Redditting must be this guy's full time job.. http://snoopsnoo.com/u/selfhatingyank

TL;DR: That's a nice way of calling me a shitposter.

No one here is anti-semitic, only anti-zionist.

Not just anti zionists, anti supremacist

"Zionist" literally means "pro-Israel". If you do a find and replace of a quote with Zionist in it and it doesn't make sense when you substitute in pro-Israel, you're doing it wrong.

word. the inaccuracy of the overly broad smear really ticks me off. plus, before the redshields gained control of the financial system there were existing power structures that are still around. easy targets are easy targets. we have to be tighter with our thinking.

When there is a righteous mod team, there is no hating of Jews nor is there a misguided excuse to "just hate Zionists" which comes from the so-called alternative media that is run by FBI division #5 in the United States which Alex Jones is subject to. In fact, there would be no hating of anyone, just the hating of the actions committed by wicked men and their wicked doctrines.

Jones' ex-father in law is presumed to have been a Knight of Malta who set him up with his media platform in the first place and he has obvious ties to the Knights of Malta and Jesuits through the Sheen family and Pat Buchanan. I maintain David Icke is an asset of British Intelligence, too.

It's the Israeli government that should be criticized and if the Israeli government was truly a Patriotic Zionist nation, they wouldn't allow the Vatican to have legal custody over Jerusalem which has been the case since September 1993 when that Jesuit-trained hofjuden Shimon Perez deeded 60% of the city to the Papacy. One of the biggest traitors to their own Jewish people was David Ben-Gurion for facilitating the transfer of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jew to Auschwitz for extermination in exchange for establishing Israel. That's right, Ben-Gurion along with Rudolph Kastner worked with top Nazi officers like Adolf Eichmann to slaughter their own Jewish people and Ben-Gurion and Kastner were labor Zionists which was the only form of Zionism allowed allowed in Nazi Germany which makes sense when we learn that that labor Zionism was formed out of the Jesuit Order's Fabian Socialist British labor party and the Jesuits were responsible for the Nazis and Hitler who was brought to power by the Archbishop of Munich. Himmler modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order and Hitler is quoted as having said "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola"(source: "Libres propos" (Flammarion, Paris 1952, p.164)). And Hitler idolized Mussolini who was overseen by a Jesuit named Pietro Tacchi Venturi. Mussolini did so much good for the Pope that he was made a Pontifical Knight.

All the copies of the book which details the Kastner affair called "Perfidy" were bought up by the ADL and the ADL gives out the Cardinal Bea Interfaith Award. Cardinal Bea was a Jesuit who oversaw the Vatican Ratlines, helping Jew-murdering Nazis escape to the Americas. The Papacy has always hated the Jews and the fact that the ADL would name an award after the Jesuit Nazi-aiding Bea shows their acquiescing to the Jesuit Papacy.

A lot of Jews are standing up

Not comparatively.

(cough - Bernie Sanders - cough)

Sorry, were you trying to give an example of someone standing up to it? Because you didn't.

There are only about 15 million Jews worldwide, compared to tens of millions of non-Jews who have enough money and power to be ensnared in the transnational elite.

And yet there's only one group you can delete and have the thing come crashing down.

Ibelieve that it is very wrong to delve into racism

Facts aren't racist.

Christians are complicit

If they're complicit, they're not Christian.

Just say goyim, by the way. We do.

The reality is this: anytime we call out a cheating lying asshole who happen to claim to be jewish, we're called "anti-semitic".

Just because I despise Hillary Clinton certainly doesn't mean I'm anti-American.