UK Royalty (Saxe-Coburg Goetha) & George Bush started the Vietnam War to Save the Opium / Heroin Production

65  2016-04-28 by 911bodysnatchers322



Take a look at this chart, Global illicit opium-poppy cultivation. Note that from 1990 to 2001, The Golden Triangle (Laos, Myanmar and Thailand) were kicking Afghanistan's ass in heroin production. This is an even longer perspective (1980) showing that Afghanistan wasn't always the leader, that production from countries outside of Afghanistan eclipsed Afghan production.

Finally in 2001, production in Afgahnistan dropped to nearly 0, stimulating the 9/11 attacks and therefore manufactured the Bush Administrations' reasons for occupying Afghanistan ("because of 'Al Queda', which we now know means 'the database'--- of leave-behind islamic CIA-trained operatives in the first proxy war with Russia in the 80s). No doubt you've seen the US Marines occupying the Afghan poppy fields, even playing with poppy farmer children (and getting Hep C at alarmingly increased rates (near 0 to 25,000 cases) as well, due primarily to sharing heroin needles, and remotely secondarily to poor medical practices). To my mind, it's clear that Jr. Bush needed to be in Afghanistan to save Dad's Heroin business, so I'll leave that issue at that.


We should all know by now that the Gulf of Tonkin incident did not happen, and therefore the Vietnam War was predicated on a lie. This was a needless 20 yr war. Lots of people died on both sides. Many of our troops returned demoralized, permanently disfigured and insane--we're still dealing with this issue today. It should make you furious. It should make you demand tough answers of your government henceforth.

I'm going to let this article speak for itself now. The research is good. I'll summarize: The crown and knights of malta agents in the CIA (Bush, Dulles...) created the Vietnam War in order to save their opium business in Afganistan.

What's a Knights of Malta Agent?

Afghanistan, the Bitter Lake

We had created the heroin industry there to begin with, in Afghanistan, during the 'big dam project era', at which time we--according to Adam Curtis in the documentary film "Bitter Lake"--altered the land agriculturally by raising the water table and thereby salinating the land, and thereby creating a salty crucible in which poppies--one of few drought, wind and high-salinity tolerable plants--can grow.

Of course, Bitter Lake doesn't discuss poppies, but instead discusses radical islam and history of Afghanistan. In this way, as James Corbett points out, Curtis is a establishment pseudoskeptic and somewhat of a gatekeeper. I personally believe Curtis' work is very meritorious and factual, and if he's a gatekeeper it has more to do with gatekeeperism by omission and control of the spectrum of discourse. My above claim comes from 2 key facts we know of Afghanistan: 1) we salinated the land through dam projects in the first half of the 20th century, 2) poppies are one of the few, highly valuable commodities that grows in high-saline soil.

Agent Orange

Agent Orange (by Monsanto) is as much a weapon against plants as it was against humans--that's to say it was a double-duty, agent--a powerful pre-roundup herbicide and and a chemical weapon. The excuse for using it was to 'level the playing field' against the viet cong, who had an unique advantage in being trained for jungle warfare.

However the US's indescriminate aerial spraying of Agent Orange for a decade over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia was just a ploy that seemed 'reasonable enough', given the omission of the media's reportage on 'unintended side effects' (read: accidental on purpose) of ruining farmland in affected areas, causing the Northern troops to starve, yet again, and leading to a war of attrition. Again, because originally, starvation of Vietnamese was caused by the French and Japanese colononization of Vietnam in 1945, and formed the initial basis for Northern Vietnam to to join the Russian communists. People need to eat--Russia offered them food. This isn't rocket science--N. Vietnamese were over a barrel without any doubt, for half a century.

What is never talked about, though, is that some of those farms and plantations were growing the world's opium in Laos, and the Vietnam war was simply an excuse to secretly drop off troops in these areas to fight the drug war. By 'fight the drug war' I mean 'protect Her Majesty and CIA's heroin interests elsewhere by eliminating the competition'. The CIA used a secret 'cover airline' the Civil Air Transport to move troops, drugs, arms, etc around at this time as blackops missions hidden from the public, who were at the time, enjoying the bread and circuses of the daily terror, that was the first-ever televised ongoing nightmare, that was the Vietnam war. Here are a list of other confirmed conspiracies, many of which are related in some to the Vietnam war. Yes, it turns out it is a big web of lies...and it's still happening in realtime.

So in conclusion, George Senor Bush likely killed JFK with Dulles's SMOM squad and they also are the worlds drug dealers. Our establishment either is clueless or pretends to be clueless about this situation because they don't know how to fix it, or they know who they are up against. I guess its up to us to shine the truth on the situation, until enough people are knowledgeable and upset the world over that we make the French Revolution look like a slap on the wrist.

Here's more reading to confirm for yourself:


BTW guys, it took a lot of effort to get this post 'going'. First it was automoderator removed because it contained a facebook link within the text. Second, I linked that to so that it would 'anonymize' you, which is the point of not-linking to FB. Then, it was immediately downvoted, this happened twice. My point it would take an incredible speedreader to read this post in faster than 1 minute, so clearly someone was downvoting the title, which means they had an agenda. Get that? It's called kontrol by fascist astroturfers. Or like ghostofdusty once told me, people were downvoting everyone to promote their own post, which is beyond foolish. Anyone doing that should be deleted from reddit, imo.

So I've had to repost. I know if you get a '0' your post will likely never be seen.

Beware that archive post.

All true. There is more but it's all yours to figure out people. It affects food, water, school, TV, our psychology, our family, our culture, and our religions.

Good luck all this is a very good post.

The banks make infinite money and then sell us the money. No one can tell me this is about money. This is about human enslavement. Break the chains people.

There is more but it's all yours to figure out people. It affects food, water, school, TV, our psychology, our family, our culture, and our religions.

Now I'm intrigued. And thanks for your kind words.

It's impossible to describe almost. There is peace in all of our hearts. We are made to believe in war, in technology, in the advancement of human species. Humans have been around for tens of thousands of years, people seemingly believe we suddenly became super smart and invented all of this.

The reality of what truly happened is we knew about this path the whole time we just chose not to go down it. If you take out technology we have quite literally accomplished NOTHING over the course of the past hundred years.

The moon landing is fake so even that is a ruse. Other than technology we have ruined our psychology(with technologies help maybe) ruined our planet, ruined our traditions, we stand for nothing. Humanity is going to run out of food because the powers that be want us to run out of food. It's a trick to them we're like a big herd of cattle. The quicker you realize that the better. Name me one thing good that the government has done. Just one. I can name you 100 things it purposely does bad. Everything good we believe they have done is actually a trick. They don't do anything, they don't learn anything for us and teach us, they might as well burn the documents because they'll never let them see the light of day.

Protect our freedom 9/11, meanwhile they planned the attack. Big pharma fixing all of our medical issues when the sugar they feed us and fluoride in the water combined with the chemtrails are probably the main cause. The drugs they give us don't help at all, some do, but the majority make it worse. We live in a corporate killing machine, once it gets your years of working out of you it's straight to the funeral home. They have no sympathy, no compassion, no love, nothing. They care as much about you or me as they care about an ant. I would say a cat but they probably like cats more than humanity at this point.

This country is and has always been under the control of the Crown. More Americans need to understand this. Good post.

The world is divided into 20 sections, the crown owns all 20. It just favors some more than others to keep the illusion going.

The Crown is owned by the Roman Curia. Tri-Sovereign States. People need to look into that.

Great post, seems some of these Marines are being convinced they are working in God's name, being bestowed with memberships in KOM /Templars. Being brainwashed while undergoing trauma creates some interesting side effects. And boom : god complex... No fucking wonder we are at 22@day

Being brainwashed while undergoing trauma creates some interesting side effects

For some reason, this reminded me of Deadpool

I too have heard of this....hollywierd?

Vietnam was called Spelly's War, named after Cardinal Spellman, the Archbishop of New York, whom all American Knights of Malta answer to at Saint Patrick's Cathedral.

A satirical Vietnam-era drawing of Cardinal Spellmann

JFK forbade Spellman to hold Mass in the White House, and Kennedy also refused to let Spellman review the daily CIA briefing which he had been accustomed to under Eisenhower. The Archbishop of New York is that powerful, just underneath the American Jesuits of the fourth Vow, I would say, with this Jesuit Papacy so obviously behind the drug trade via their Knights in the CIA.

You're making me attempt to recall something I encoded long ago. Can you elaborate on Spellman?

Wow. You need to make a post on conspiracy with everything you know about this.

Another excellent, informative post! Well done!

I'm glad you appreciated it!

opium wars are nothing new

Curtis' work is very meritorious and factual, and if he's a gatekeeper it has more to do with gatekeeperism by omission and control of the spectrum of discourse.

precisely, he says things without saying them and he avoids saying things he can't prove. i think his heart is in the right place but he is smart enough to know what he can and cannot say while attempting to make a living as a documentary maker