i can't stop thinking about the Jews.

0  2016-05-01 by [deleted]

I went down the rabbit hole and it's pretty clear - the Rothschild family, the Federal Reserve, multiculturalism, the media - in each of these sectors there is a disproportionate representation of Jews.

The decisions of the Federal Reserve are what led to the economic crisis of 2008 (Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and the countless other Jews who directly benefited from the collapse of the economy).

The Big 8 film studios, Paramount Pictures, MGM, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Universal Studios, and Waner Bros, were all founded by Jews. They were establishing control of the media in the early 20th century. So you could say that these film studios are now owned by the Big 6 media conglomerates. But guess what? Comcast, Disney, CBS, and Viacom, all owned by Jews.

There isn't even a need to mention multiculturalism - just listen to Brother Nethaneal, or read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, in which he touches upon how the Jews, from an evolutionary view point, have become so dominant in foreign cultures.

But the problem is - I can't stop thinking about them. Every time I am watching a movie, reading a book, or reading an article I have to find out if every author, every publisher, screenwriter, director, actor, etc. is Jewish. I constantly dream about them. These dreams are ambivalent - in some they are degrading and putting me down, in others they welcome me to their society and I get to experience what it is to be in control of billions of people. How do I cope with this?


Do you personally know anyone who is Jewish? Why don't you just go down to your local synagogue one Friday evening and hang out? Or depending on how old you are and if you are near a college, check out the local Hillel house. What you'll find is that although it's true that many people in positions of power are Jewish, most Jews are not, and they are not "in on it." They are just ordinary people leading ordinary lives. There are also many people in power who are not (or do not appear to be) Jewish: The Bushes, Cheneys, Kennedys, etc.

good answer, i agree

Precisely my point in past posts.

Zionist behavior is truly sickening, and it seems that the world's Jewish population is finally getting very sick of the crimes being perpetrated "in their names."

I truly feel sorry for them--it's like blaming each and every German for the atrocities of WWII.

I'm Jewish and I hope me being in this thread makes you sleep a little less at night.


The fed is controlled by the Class A stock-holding banks which are run by the Knights of Malta. The Rothschilds are mere court Jews and Masonic Knights subject to Rome. The Rothschilds were known as the guardians of the Vatican Treasure.

Multiculturalism is completely Jesuit in design. For starers, they run the refugee services that are responsible for bringing in Muslim invaders to the west.

You will find that the real men of power beind these media companies are not the owners, but the CEOs who are powerful, Jesuit-trained and Roman Catholics. Many of the owners themselves are Jesuit-trained like Sumner Redstone. The vice-president of Comcast organized the coming of the Pope to Philadelphia. These Jews are Papists.


Brother Nethaneal

Real name: Milton Kapner; a crazed lunatic, proven liar, and charlatan.


Kevin MacDonald

Roman Catholic disinfo agent.


The most dangerous subreddit exposing the real controllers, the Jesuits of Rome:


Start thinking about boobs instead. Everytime You are watching a movie, reading a book, or reading an article Make sure to find out if every author, every publisher, screenwriter, director, actor, etc. has them or has been in close proximity with someone who has boobs.


If you just recently went down the rabbit hole, then there's no need for you to do anything to help cope. It sounds like your mind is already coping, by processing all the information you recently learned. It does so in many ways, as you've no doubt noticed: constant thinking on the subject, seeking connections where you wouldn't have found them before, dreaming about the subject, etc.

These actions will help cement all the information as important, long term memories which will make it much easier to form connections between what you learned in the rabbit hole and what you will experience for the rest of your life. This is normal. In fact, it's what most people should feel after going deep into the rabbit hole. It shows that you are a thinking human being, capable of processing and understanding the world around you.

Eventually, things will calm down in your head and you will only think of these things at the appropriate times. Trying to stop the process is essentially asking to forget what you learned. Take the red pill; let your mind work its magic, and when it's done, you'll be that much wiser.

Join them, become a self hating Jew like the rest of us and move on with life. Shalom sucka.

poor baby

Look into IQ studies and this maybe a link you are missing that will comfort or make you more uncomfortable.

knowledge is power (or something)


Ashkenazi Jews have the highest score. You should go back and read more on the topic. drops mic

go get circumcised

By biting it off, pedorabbi styles

  1. Yes, there are a surprising number of Jews in power and behind the media.

  2. But if those Jews are so smart and controlling, why is the US being run into the ground, with no competent leadership in sight, except perhaps the Trump? And why is the US allowing Iran (who promises daily to annihilate Israel) to acquire nuclear weapons?

Conclusion: yes Jews are in some positions of power, but they're not doing much with it, certainly nothing to worry about. The exception might be that they're orchestrating the drive towards diversity and big immigration, but every non-white group does the same.

  1. Jews have higher IQs than whites, hence it's logical they will rise to positions of power. You see the same wherever the Chinese move to. So, perhaps it's just biological. (Sticking to a traditional ethnic diet may also be a part of avoiding the civilisational decline that effects white folks).

  2. Listen to some Barbara Streisand or Carole King. Or watch some Seinfeld. They ain't all bad.

  3. And the last but most important point: if you didn't know you were surrounded by Jewish people (i.e. they look much like you) then are they really much of a problem?

  4. Relax, I'm not Jewish.

This is a typical answer from someone completely brain washed.

You only have to scratch behind the official stories to see how paper thin they are. The US has been massively manipulated by Israel for decades. The US is possibly thr biggest victim of ashkenazi manipulation. 3000 innocents killed during 9/11, decaying schools and homelessness while politicians proudly give billions of dollars to them.

Many argue that the collapse of the social fabric of America is due to them too. Indeed most porn moguls have ashkenazi names.

What is also disturbing is the recent silence of even criticising Israeli brutality. In some places it will even be illegal to boycott israeli produce from occupied territories.

Search for someone called David Sheen. Search for an organisation called "Jews for Justice". These are humans first but none the less normal Jewish people with the same taste for fairness and justice we all share.

The vast majority of Jews are simply not an issue. Just normal people. But ignoring the problem entirely based on the above person's post is a dangerous path, giving into Ashkenazi extremism. They think they're superior. We are goy - inhuman cattle to them. They think they are a superior race. Sound familiar?

Violence is not the answer. American dollars for American people. That will already help.

Why it's almost like they're lashing out at everyone and then using the Holocaust as an excuse to do it.

'Lashing out' is extremely generous. A youth throwing stones at IDF invaders. That's lashing out. Some ignorant mug assaulting an old person because of what they read on the news - lashing out.

But the orchestrated mass murder of 3000 people? That's not a mere lashing out. That is fucked up beyond all reason.

I agree

Do you have any insight into Jews in the UFC (ultimate fighting championship)? I found it odd that the most prominent UFC journalist is Ariel Helwani, a complete nerd. He is a good journalist but is not your typical UFC pundit. He knows nothing about the technical side of MMA. I wondered whether he might be a Jewish propaganda agent.

And I noticed a co-panelist on his show is an ex-marine. And their charity is for ex vets. Maybe they're trying to win over the US public and military to their side. I could be wrong of course.

And recently I noticed a couple of long beared Jewish looking reporters at a UFC press conference, and that's when I really took a step back and said "whoa!". They looked way out of place.

I can find the video if you're interested.

I still don't buy a lot of what you're saying about the Jews, but the UFC has me curious.

I don't know anything about that field, as it's not in my list of interests. But if there's money to be made and people to influenced it would surprise me if they have influences there.

As for not believing me, that's fair enough. I am one random redditor against a life time of media messages and reinforcements. I think the very fact that you're reading stuff like this is impressive. Just keep an open mind and ask why. Why do they keep appearing? Rugrats, southpark, bill maher, bob's burgers. It seems odd that such a small percentage of the population has such a high, regular and overwhelmingly favourable appearance.

I believe all humans are equal, and we stand the best chance of flourishing when united. I also believe that American dollars should be spent on American people. There are plenty of ways 13 Billion dollars can help.

That's all. All the best to you.

You've been brainwashed to think Nations and nationality even matter...

Based on what?

To me, it's human and that's it.

To them it's jew or goy.

I reject nazism and all similar world views, like any sane person.

The US is possibly thr biggest victim of ashkenazi manipulation. 3000 innocents killed during 9/11

You may have a point about 9/11, but the rest of you're argument I'm not sure about. Reducing the Palestinian conflict down to "Israeli brutality" is way off the mark, the prime cause of violence there is Islamic ideology and martyrdom for Allah.

Be sure of it. You yourself admit the vast majority of American media is ashkenazi propaganda.

Ask yourself, is it in the ashkenazi's best interests to tell the entire picture truthfully to their biggest cashcow, the US?

Mate, if someone cut off the water to your area, and then bulldozed down your home with your family still inside, I would expect you to fight back.

Muslims have been living largely peacefully in western countries for a long time. They're patsies. You have been trained by ashkenazi propaganda to see them as the new boogyman. Ideology has zero to do with it.

And remember there's proof that israeli terrorists actually give medical aid to Isis.

But Islam is actually extremely similar to christianity. Both religions have been demonized by jew media. If you want to know about islam, go to your local mosque and ask with a logical and impartial mind.

so you as a non jew is shilling for jewish bilogical iq supremacy? do you realize that by the same standards you also admit they are biologically inferior in other areas? You're shilling inequality do you see that?

I don't talk about Jews unless prompted. I don't have any interest in them, let alone be a shill for them. Compared to Muslims, China and Russia, they're barely on my radar.

Yes, theoretically Jews could be inferior in other (non-IQ) areas. What did you have in mind?

I don't know anything about that field, as it's not in my list of interests. But if there's money to be made and people to influenced it would surprise me if they have influences there.

As for not believing me, that's fair enough. I am one random redditor against a life time of media messages and reinforcements. I think the very fact that you're reading stuff like this is impressive. Just keep an open mind and ask why. Why do they keep appearing? Rugrats, southpark, bill maher, bob's burgers. It seems odd that such a small percentage of the population has such a high, regular and overwhelmingly favourable appearance.

I believe all humans are equal, and we stand the best chance of flourishing when united. I also believe that American dollars should be spent on American people. There are plenty of ways 13 Billion dollars can help.

That's all. All the best to you.

I don't talk about Jews unless prompted. I don't have any interest in them, let alone be a shill for them. Compared to Muslims, China and Russia, they're barely on my radar.

Yes, theoretically Jews could be inferior in other (non-IQ) areas. What did you have in mind?