Reminder to take Noam Chomsky--verified media gatekeeper--with a grain of salt // On the trend of positive Noam Chomsky posts

39  2016-05-02 by 911bodysnatchers322


Wow! Noam Chomsky is on our side again! Finally! I guess we can forgive him for the 9/11 and JFK gatekeeperism. Yes. He's saying things I like to hear...stuff that's bad about Israel, stuff that supports poor students being raped in the wallet, stuff that looks anti-hillary and anti-establishment. I am being pandered to, and I'm loving it. Let's listen to him and ignore any vicious, counterculture-subverting trojan horse statements he might slipstream into his political mumblings

My point here is though he may be correct and your'e entitled to listen to whomever you want, always remember that Chomsky is a gatekeeper for the elite cabal. This is irrefutable.

Gatekeeperism Explained

After years of exposing the covert activities of the CIA in deposing leaders, inciting coups, interfering with elections, shaping perceptions through interference with the media, installing provocateurs in political groups to undermine movements, and supporting anarcho-syndicalism (free market where unions own industries; workers fractionally own industries and they work autonomously--no government intervention whatsoever), Chomsky suddenly and quite noticeably betrayed ALL of 9/11 truth and ALL of the JFK truth movement in an act of hypocrisy that has no known equivalent in terms of intensity and impact

So you see, there are plenty of quotes that Chomsky is using disinfo and hateful propaganda to discredit the 9/11 movement. Yet these postive posts of Chomsky are suddenly showing up.

I believe posts like this one and others pointing out Chomsky's gatekeeperism are getting under someones' skin. They didn't like it when I said we would remember Chomsky after his death as a hypocrite and we'd assure that his name was tarnished forever. Because of this, I suggest that they decided to salvage Chomsky's name. I think that because it is clear to me someone is trying to promote him and his analysis (like we care anymore), out of the blue. They are also downvoting things that were previously upvoted.

Keep in mind, it's possible to agree with Chomsky and I do, on many things. But I'm pointing out why suddenly we're listening to him anymore. Listening to him was such a pre-gatekeeper thing to do, did we miss the memo?

Look at the karma of my comments on chomsky being a gatekeeper. I can assure you months ago, these comments would likely get 10-30 upvotes, suggesting the most on /r/conspiracy agreed with me then but what? changed their minds overnight? I don't think so.

My bile filled comments:

Now it's possible someone posting Chomsky stuff is just uninformed, or they are a true critical thinker who is afforded the ability to listen to an enemy and derive the true statements from it, like a police detective.

Or it's possible we mistake sometimes of thinking someone posting positive stories about an outed enemy is a shill, when in fact, they are just ignorant. I'll allow a concession for this starting now. Ok?

So here's what we maybe shouldn't do: go back in time and dredge up old Chomsky stuff that says things anti-establishment, make cute memes out of them.

Because that makes Chomsky look like he's on our side, when we know he's not. And that will confuse newcomers to /r/conspiracy who are just now 'waking up' to the truth.

I mean, you're welcome to read or re-read chomsky's stuff, but maybe keep it to yourself! (hah)

Because if you ignore his recent gatekeeperism, then you're willingly deciding to ignore the bad parts that say so much...and you're willingly being mocked, to your face and you should know this. Maybe you aren't into being mocked or perhaps your'e a reality denier, so you bury your head in the sand and pretend that your ass wasn't just kicked or that your friend stabbed you in the back.

Anyway, your'e welcome to have whatever perspective you have, this is America, where you're entitled to be stupid. I'm just not going to respect you and whenever you post something postiive about Chomsky while ignoring the gatekeeperism, I'm telling you now I'm committed to inform you in the most unpleasantly confrontational way I can because it will be clear you're not giving up your buried-head-ism / shillhood, and nor will I stop gatekeeper reminding you.


Noam "Who Cares?" Chomsky

Can't you just agree with him on some points and disagree on others like every other rational person in the world?

That's not what's happening. I've listened to him and agreed with him for years. Now I'm saying, "it's wise to stop listening to him" or "if you listen to him, know that he's going to try to sneak poison into your mind". You're welcome to do as you will, however I won't accept anything from chomsky anymore, and I'd appreciate if others stopped posting chomsky crap. I won't even listen to him personally.

(Do you agree with things ann coulter says? I do. Do I have to actually listen to her anymore? No. She ends up creeping her way in somehow, but I am not going after it. I think she's a nasty human being.)

Why stop listening to Chomsky? First, he's said the same things for the last 40 yrs, except when he talked about 9/11. Red flag. Secondly, because he actually is just a celebrity and has no more authority than you or me. Seriously. Do you read? Ok, then, you've got the same authority as Chomsky. He's a political analyst because he talks about politics and people are willing to listen. If you stop listening, he ceases to be a political analyst and then becomes just like you and me, "cowardly bloggers who oh so bravely post vicious attacks on the government, on online forums like reddit or something", except he'll go back to being 'just a linguist'. Yet he'll always have Nim chimpsky the delightful monkey that learned rudimentary human langauge in his name. So there's that.

Why does he have no authority? Because he is actually not a political scientist, he's a linguistics professor from MIT who speaks well and has authored books. In politics, however, at the end of the day, he's blogger with a miniscule amount of authority. He reads a couple of books and thinks he knows geopolitics. It's very brave of him to go onto a podium in a ratty sweater with messed up hair and the abject inability to speak clearly even though it's his career to be heard and 40 yrs of practice--forcing everyone to try very hard to make out what he's saying, as if they are listening to someone from russia with a thick accent. Everything he says about Israel is incorrect, they don't have to fight palestine, they have no motivation to fight them. See what I just did? I just pulled a chomsky.

Chomsky is either an agent or a coward who was emasculated by occupy NYC when they asked him to talk and no one could understand him. Human microphone failed because he's a gravelmouthed loser who misread the room. So then I guess it broke his brain and he switched sides. So, yeah, fuck him.

Criticizing US foreign policy, calling out several administrations for unlawful wars, shining a light on the corporate state and how media is used to condition the American mind, criticizing Israel's role in world politics... Nah, let's just plug our ears because you disagree with him on 9/11. This is the exact opposite of critical thinking and an open mind - which is what this sub is all about.

This is the exact opposite of critical thinking and an open mind - which is what this sub is all about.


There's a conspicuous agenda among a few accounts to undermine and spread doubt about Chomsky recently.

No, because that’s nonsense. If you want to compartmentalize ideology like that, you kick things down to “you can’t disagree with him on everything because he eats and you eat; ha take that!” levels of discourse, which isn’t meaningful.

He’s a nutjob and a member of the ruling class, pushing their agenda just like anyone else.

Is that your take on anyone with differing opinions? Or just of people who get air time? (Serious)

Is that your take on anyone with differing opinions?

Truth is not a matter of opinion.

Good answer. That's what is at the heart of this post. Trust. When someone betrays it so completely, you can never ever listen to them again.

It's like what Thomas Sheridan says of psychopaths. Once you're identified someone without any doubt that they are psychopath and in your life, you must never contact again. This is good advice.

You see, psychopaths don't have any feelings, thats' why it's moral to do that. If you did that to a normal person it would be crushing, callous and cruel. And also, unforgiveness hurts the unforgiver more than the unforgiven. Psychopaths never ask for forgiveness, so you're not required to give it; you're just required to run as fast as you fucking can.

Chomsky is a psychopath. Anyone going along with the 9/11 lie on purpose is a fucking psychopath. I personally believe he should be destroyed like a faulty television set. Give him back to the archons kind of thing.

I could have put the above more simply:

"If Goebbels were alive today, would you be listening to his podcast?"

Then why does sweaterfag mumblehag get a pass?


... says the guy who responds to earnest questions with ad-hominems?

No, and having nothing to do with what I said. There was once a time when intellectuals didn’t comment on things they didn’t comprehend save to make hypothesis thereabout. People used to understand that there were things they didn’t know.

And then the shills came along and were handed talking points for everything.


"it doesn't matter" and "who cares" mean two different things. The latter is an insult to culture in its implication that there is (and should rightly be) an overwhelming majority that think it is not important. This is not true about truthers or falsers, everyone thinks 9/11 is important.

"it doesn't matter" doesn't carry the same insulting connotation and is more ambiguous. It is not neutral language, but it's more neutral than 'who cares'.

Yep, I'm not going to make a checklist of each chomsky statement, sentence-by-sentence and put a check by things I agree and x by things I don't agree with.

That takes too much effort. Better just to cut the cancer out, then trying to dab a little poison on it daily.

I can do that "like reasonable people do" with most every other celebrity or public figure, but not Chomsky. His words are like plutonium poured into your ear

Excellent effort post.

'effort'. lol thanks? I agree it could be much better, formatting and flow got deranged because I was hasty....and mad

"Effort post" is a meme which means that you did a great job" you put a lot of your own effort, into a, generally, great post. Yours is well written and researched as well.

I agree it could be much better, formatting and flow got deranged because I was hasty...

I wasn't implying that at all, quite the opposite.

Such a great post -- the whole point of his existence is to gain credit on matters of lesser importance, and on the matters that really are significant, the very few super-important matters, such as 9/11 and JFK, these are the ones where he shows his true colors. "9/11 was 15 years ago, who cares", is he fucking serious? I couldn't shill worse if I tried, how can anyone take that man seriously. 9/11 is the litmus test, our entire society changed that day. How in the bloody fuck can he try to say that?

Exactly. It's not so much what he said is how he said it. In listening to Chomsky for years, I've never heard him get more nasty and angry than talking about 9/11. If he were talking about the facts about it (which he expressly avoids), it would be one thing. But with him, it's clear that 9/11 goes into some kind of chomsky triggering meta area that we're not privy to. Like "Chomsky if you talk about 9/11 we'll shoot your dog, your wife, and the rest of your get angry when asked, put on a show, or else. yours truly, donald rumsfeld" or "listen you need to get mad at truthers, otherwise we won't be able to cap the pyramid next year as it gets out of control. yours truly, brother thomas of knights of malta baltimore chapter"

Chomsky's politics are still stuck 1969 IMO.

Also I hate it when his rabid fans try to justify some of his more outlandish statements by pointing to his linguistic work. He could be the most brilliant linguist in the world, but that says nothing about whether his political theories are valid or not.

Thank you, sir! Exactly this.

Also, most people don't even understand what he's contributed to linguistics, because even linguistics people don't understand linquistics. I had a friend in a masters in linguistics program and he and his classmate couldn't explain it to my satisfaction (specifcally chomsky also) and I'm of at least avg intelligence. So I think it's stupid. It's probably not though. I think if you can't explain it then it's not realworld, and so why if you deal with etheric nonsense do you have authority in real world applications? Answer: you don't--if you live and breathe in etheric, you think etherically. Unless you're scripted, which Chomsky clearly is. At least he is now, maybe not pre-911.


Thank you.

Spot on.

Try make the Aaron - Noam connection and you'll make some new friends.

Aaron who? I'm confused.

Aaron Swartz was also at MIT, probably fringe part of lulzsec; same ethic, certainly very smart. Swartz is one of the exalted truth warriors in this war, remembered in the hall of heroes

Oh. Right. Yeah, he's not that big of a deal to me. "Truth fighter" and all this other shit. Guy downloaded a bunch of files. Big whoop. I don't see how he was this huge revolutionary like some people have played him up to be.

With how hard "they" hit this post, it very quickly become very obvious who signs Chomsky's shill gatekeeper checks.

While he may be a gatekeeper, he is a LOT better than many other sources. He is not perfect. Nobody is. But, he has a lot of good information and he has been on the right side of things in many cases.

I think that JFK and 9/11 are major inflection points and are therefore very important. So, I do not think that we should forget or dismiss them. But, I also sorta get why Chomsky says "Who cares?". It is in the past and it is already finished. Although I do not know exactly what happened on 9/11, I know that the attack was used to justify an attack on Iraq that was planned before 9/11 even happened. 9/11 was used to take away even more of our rights.

The point is that the war now is in Syria and the Ukraine. It is in the budget and the college loans. We need to stay focused on the present rather than the past so that we can prevent another 9/11 even if it only happens inside of some bill that passes congress.

This is not to say that studying the past events is meaningless or that we should not do it. It is a matter of relative focus.

A gatekeeper accusing another of being a gatekeeper, news at 11.

Please explain to me how I am a gatekeeper. Or do I have to wait until 11?

For whatever reason you feel threatened by Chomsky and you want to dissuade others from listening to what he has to say. Ergo, you're acting like a gate keeper. Thus the irony.

I don't know which time zone you're in, so no clue if I'm meeting the deadline.

I could have put the above more simply:

"If Goebbels were alive today, would you be listening to his podcast?"

Then why does sweaterfag mumblehag get a pass?