Does anyone else think Bernie Sanders is just a product of Trump's campaign?

0  2016-05-02 by [deleted]




Not really, it would've brought her down by now.

Nope, she’s going to hang for them.

i hope so!

Sanders wouldn't take money to run. He is running BC Washington is way out of control

lol. Your dear leader is not infallible.

so does that in turn mean Kasich is a Shillary plant?

I feel like Bernie Sanders only ran for president because Trump paid him to.

Why wouldn’t Hillary have paid him to in order to give the appearance of contention?

Because that hurts her more than it helps.

In what way?

Would I rather have 90-100 percent of the vote

or 50%?


Can you name a point in history when a primary–on either side–went uncontested?

Can you name a point in history when a primary–on either side–went uncontested?

What does that have to do with it being better for you to have an uncontested contest?

There’s no such thing as an uncontested contest for the presidency. At least on the surface.

You're being pedantic. Ironic that on /r/conspiracy there's someone like you here.

No, it’s the entire point. If she runs uncontested, there’s no illusion of choice.

Uh, no. Trump exists to make Clinton president.

She's so crooked, she couldn't beat anyone if the electorate was educated (without cheating, that is) - but Trump will be easy pickin's and she'll slide into first base unless the FBI does something. And Trump''ll get something nice from the Clinton Foundation as a consolation prize, I'm sure.

Now why would he do that? He is far richer than the Clintons. This whole "Trump is a Hillary plant" makes no sense whatsoever.

He actually isn't, not even close. The guy is leveraged to the hilt, which is why he won't release his tax returns. Sure wish we had a transcript of that call between him and Bill before he threw his hat in the ring...

Do a little research man, seriously. Five minutes is all it would take.

The inability for half the country to do even the tiniest bit of fucking research into Trump and Clinton blows my mind. And that people willingly perpetuate the media propaganda because they're too lazy to research on their own - their country be damned, just fucking stupid.


Edit: While way too few people care about the truth here as their hearts are strung on a sweet Trump-savior narrative and or researching candidates' histories is just too hard (goddamnit, America) - I'll add this for shits and giggles as a place to start for anyone interested in really going down the rabbithole of how leveraged and non-liquid Trump might be:

If you did a bit of research you would know that Trump is being audited and it would be a dumb move to release tax returns whilst being audited.

No, it wouldn't. People release their tax returns under audit all the time. They also release as draft. Even the IRS has said he's full of shit. He can also redact - Sanders has a bunch of redactions, so does Clinton.

You guys bend yourself into fucking pretzels trying to lie to yourself that you're not being played. It's gotta hurt!

Newsflash: You're being played.

There have been many attorneys/accountants that have said that Trump should not release his tax returns whilst being audited.

Furthermore, Trump already said he will release them. Unlike Clinton who is hiding behind her mantra "I won't release the transcripts until everyone else does" - Trump's promised to do so. And if he doesn't the media will just keep bringing it up again.

You're literally making an issue out of nothing.

He's going to release them - after he seals the nomination. And will allow a lot more to come out. To ensure President Clinton. Goddamnit, I wish people would spend a little more time researching these crooks.

Why would he do that? Why would he waste his time/energy at 70 years old to make sure Hillary wins?

Do you think a billionaire cares about some favours that Hillary will give? You do know that Trump's been pondering on running for more than a decade?

Believe what you wanna believe, don't let me stop you. Just steel yourself in the event that Donald Trump is, in fact, the most advanced troll of all time and he and the Clintons are playing everyone.

He actually isn't, not even close.

Oh really, now?

The inability for half the country to do even the tiniest bit of fucking research into Trump and Clinton blows my mind. And that people willingly perpetuate the media propaganda because they're too lazy to research on their own - their country be damned, just fucking stupid.

lmao, you're telling me to do my research on the topic... Oh jeez, dejen.

I wouldn't get your head too wrapped up in this politics stuff, madam. Bernie will not save us (probably hurt us even more). The intelligence agencies run the show...

Obviously, you're due a little bit of research time if your only response to me is to is to act dumbly sexist and then something-something-intelligence agencies.

How was that comment sexist?

I wouldn't get your head too wrapped up in this politics stuff, madam.

Seriously lame.

I know you for some reason have an MO of Trump-Trump-Trump (closet Clinton fan, are ye?) but better to get your facts straight, Google's just keystrokes away.

Seriously lame.

But not sexist. You're like those Jews who just throw out anti-Semitism (lame).

I know you for some reason have an MO of Trump-Trump-Trump (closet Clinton fan, are ye?) but better to get your facts straight, Google's just keystrokes away.

I don't support Trump, and sure as shit don't support Hillary. If anyone, I'd support Ron Paul, and I've made that pretty clear. I just find it amusing calling Sanders supporters out on their talking points about Trump. Doesn't mean I support the guy. But you can think whatever you want, madam.

Why do you think I'm a Sanders supporter?

(Also, excellent derail there. You can probably apply for CMA now.)

Why do you think I'm a Sanders supporter?

Because you've said that you were (on many different occasions).....

(Also, excellent derail there. You can probably apply for CMA now.)

How did I derail, I asked used to explain what you said ("Now why would he do that"). That's called a conversation/explanation, not a derail. Also, what the fuck is a CMA and why would I apply for one?

I'm a Gary Johnson supporter. I'd vote Kasich or Sanders over Clinton or Trump, though.

But who cares, you shouldn't worry your pretty little head about politics, man.

Ah, lesser of two evils kind of person (and would vote for a socialist to boot (that doesn't make sense, if you are being honest))...

But who cares, you shouldn't worry your pretty little head about politics, man.

Trust me, I don't. I find it all quite amusing, honestly.

And your answer here shows you haven't, in fact, done your homework. Jeesh. You're on a conspiracy sub, repeating talking points is just...not cool.

And your answer here shows you haven't, in fact, done your homework.

I have, I just don't deny reality or drink the kool-aide.

You're on a conspiracy sub, repeating talking points is just...not cool.

What talking points? Care to elaborate? You on the other hand....

  1. How the hell is Trump paying him? And why would someone who has resisted being bought out, suddenly decide, fuck it lets be bought.

  2. Why the fuck would Sanders do the bidding of someone who he opposes just as much as HRC if not more so?

  3. He is in it because he has nothing to gain by dropping out and everything to lose by staying in.

Can you name a point in history when a primary–on either side–went uncontested?

Can you name a point in history when a primary–on either side–went uncontested?