NPR's All Things Considered is a disgrace. They believe our most pressing issue today are trans-gendered bathrooms.

83  2016-05-09 by Apoplecticmiscreant

So today, right after the 4 o clock hour, they glossed over a story about Bernie Sanders and very quickly said he's a lost cause, and that it will be Hillary vs. Trump. Then they went immediately into a long piece about the very pressing issue of trans-gendered restrooms, complete with several interviews. Not that we are saber-rattling war with Russia. Not that we've put troops into Yemen. Not any of dozens of other issues that are of much more importance to literally everyone.

NPR is garbage. I wonder why.


NPR is lost. I don't think it will ever pull its head out of its ass. I work nights and listen to morning editon a lot, and I can't believe how bad it is most days.

I think the bathroom issue is only an issue to distract from real problems. Its designed to be pointless, and to have dumb people get deeply offended and arguing. Its like the wheel debate in the Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy book where a group of crashed aliens try to reinvent the wheel but are hopelessly deadlocked over what color it should be.

We are going to be singing So long and thanks for all the fish, because new wars just don't matter any longer.

Isn't NPR state sponsored propaganda like the rest of them?

Without a doubt, it is now.

National Propaganda Radio

Nazi Propaganda Radio

No, they have many different sponsors.

Corporate underwriting, state and local governments, educational institutions (which receive state grants and funding), and the federally funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

...And then pledge drives.

NPR member stations receive funds through on-air pledge drives, corporate underwriting, state and local governments, educational institutions, and the federally funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).

There was an all-out assault on public broadcast from Newt & crew back in the day, and they won. I used to always listen to NPR. Now almost never.

Same here. Lifetime listeners here. Now, each and every time it's a disappointment.

Shill operation for the establishment. The Dumb Turks are also using this as a battle cry. It's called keep people interested in the irrelevant, so they don't even talk about what matters.

I for one welcome our two minutes of hate

It's starting to feel that way

Because after the last budget cut, (1990s) PBS, NPR, PRI, all those public service organizations, now receive only about 25% of their funding in tax money,

A majority of their funding is now from corporations and foundations, mostly conservative leaning foundations.

NPR in particular features a lot of experts from AEI and Cato, the to two influential libertarian think tanks.

I call it tax supported partisan propaganda, true since the 2000s.

This is a good whistle blow for conservative voters kind of election year topic.

Voice of the pretend left. The actual left, were it still around, would agree with you.

I think of it like Chris Hedges says in this piece. He says that they now bring up worthless drivel and gossip, or social issues in order to divide us. Real issues are too dangerous.

You bum people out with the truth, they turn the channel. That's why public radio is supposed to be publicly financed.

Isn't it ironic that we are now more informed by news from Russia?

Considering all the warmongering in the MSM, I'd say very much so.


I'd like to do a piece on how to build a good, sturdy guillotine. Make it like a Martha Stewart project.


I'd like to use only the best materials like good sturdy oak with a cherry finish, stainless steel for easy cleanup, comfort head rests, and attractive baskets for head collection.

Maybe it's because the Justice Department just sued the state of North Carolina today? This is actual news, not some distraction.

NPR is pretty lame,but any news source on the level its at with the funding sources it has is going to be watered down.I'm mean look at HUFFPO,pure garbage,but thats what America considers being Left is,and i guess compared to the right it is.We need mainstream independent news as much we need a mainstream independent party.

NPR used to report on ADM. Then ADM became a sponsor. That's what i love about the pledge drives. They don't need a dime.

But they'll still ask us to put them in our will!

They just want to make it your pressing concern


I wonder how long we have until the internet is no longer freely accessible? I have a feeling at some point, news and info that TPTB deem contrary to their agenda will be blocked. Then, just maybe, people will get mad.


Someone posted an estimate of something like 300,000 plebeians to one oligarch. They should be nervous right about now.

yeah, but no rant no slant though, right?

Well look at it this way.

NPR is funded by the public, the public doesn't donate a much because the government steals their money unless they are super rich. So the government then pays NPR to say what the gov wants.

Everyone always knew Bernie was a lost cause 3rd alternative, Trump is the guy people love to hate, and people kinda just want to see a woman president before WWIII kicks off and humanity pretty much self destructs.


Global war is just the norm now and even it can't sell anymore.

So to distract us from all that, NPR focuses on worrying about who comes into the potty in the stall next to us. It's a divisive issue that stupid people — who think they get to decide how others live — will never tire of arguing over.

You are aware that the federal government and the state of North Carolina sued each other today over this issue today, aren't you? Did you expect them to not cover the story?

NPR coverage of Yemen:

I don't know what you're complaining about here. Are they supposed to cover Yemen every day? Are they supposed to not cover the lawsuit? Are you mad because they're not pretending Sanders could still win?

Thanks for the link. I'm pretty sure it shows that NPR still hasn't reported on US troops now on the ground in Yemen, and that goes for ALL of NPR, when I had only mentioned All Things Considered.

Yes, I do expect them to report on things like another country that we are meddling with over who goes tinkle in what bathroom, and at least giving more importance to the silly potential war thingy.

I don't know what you're complaining about here. Are they supposed to cover Yemen every day?

No, but I would have expected them to have reported on it since March 29th, which according to your link, they haven't. No mention of boots on the ground in a new war zone.

Are they supposed to not cover the lawsuit?

No, I did not imply that. But to lead with such a long puff piece (pun not intended) with multiple interviews, is unforgivable. We may soon be at war with Russia, and I really don't fucking care where trans people choose to go potty. It's a silly social issue to clog up the airwaves and the minds of americans while real issues are ignored. It's also a wedge issue, purposely foisted on the public in order to divide people.

Are you mad because they're not pretending Sanders could still win?

No. My concern is that Sanders is not being treated fairly, in what we are told are fair elections here in america. It's a valid concern, especially with how the DNC has behaved. They have very clearly shown favoritism toward Clinton since the beginning, so that was no surprise today.

You are aware that the federal government and the state of North Carolina sued each other today over this issue today, aren't you?

Apparently, NPR didn't report on potential war with Yemen on the same day, it's been 3 days now and they still haven't, so why should this silly social issue be reported on so promptly?

No, we americans (sic) must get our real public news from Aljazeera.

I have a question for you: aren't you just a little uptight that our news sources here in america are propaganda?

I stand by what I said. NPR is crap, and they should be ashamed to call themselves a news organization.

Yes to all that.