What is the end game?

13  2016-05-12 by CantStopWhitey

Intentionally open-ended. Let's see where it goes.


They want to create robot people eventually. This is the transhumanism agenda of the technocracy. They are singularitarians, but the elite want to retain their humanism and continue to do all the bad things they do now, so they will devise systems of tight control to continue to run the world like a software program with all the underclass serving them. It's very orwellian. Actually it's well beyond that.

Specifically they want to create transgendered transgenic cyborgs (androgynous cybernetic people) that they can control completely. It won't be like a remote control to move a droid, instead it will be emotional, congnitive / perceptual and behavioral controls so that they will induce people to want to work hard and love authority (they already do this now through television and engineered ultranationalism in culture). They will electronically stimulate pleasure / reward dopamine centers of the brain remotely using an AI steering program to modulate behavior.

You see, they want to take advantage of the right brain ingenuity and intution of humans while augmenting the left brain with a supercomputer calculator. That's why they don't want to roboticize us completely. They know that robots are only as smart as their programming, so they want to allow for a little human ingenuity.

Because if people were aware of the control, they would actively resist it or passively undermine it (dragging feet, messing up). If people did not love the control, they would resist it.

That's why they will continue to develop and complexify 'fashion' (transgendered is a new gender to make styles for), make infinite permutations of the same EDM trance / trap / vaporwave / dubstep / electro music, as well as develop electronic drugs that they will use to suppress any inkling of resistance to authority by making people feel and perceive virtual reality pleasures like hallucinations of having three way sex with green women from planet eros like kaptain kirk, or reward you for exceptional behavior by giving you 'edrug credits' authorized to use during a personal 'flextime' window (like weekends) like e-heroin or e-LSD

Overall they want to go to the stars, but they want to deprive you of the same, because they're the stars and you're the earth... with the singularity, class warfare just went galactic

But it's worse than that if you know about the esoteric implications of this drive. What they want is to immanetize the eschaton under the false light of lucifer. This means, in a practical sense--and for the aristocratic technocrats--to create LUCIFER as a cloud-based app that is a distributed AI (GOOGLE, for example), that becomes embedded within everyone's brainchips so that, just as Elon Musk warned, "we awaken the demon"

THIS! Well said

Go on....

Gotdamn, you are good.

Same as it's always been. I suggest looking inward, rather than outward.

You have to do both. You have to look inward with the motivation that what you discover will help outwardly

A population sitting in vats, harvested for energy.

Yes, by A.I. just like the Matrix. I think Satan/Anti-Christ will be an A.I. that merges with stem cell grown super brain and becomes conscious, controls all A.I. and merges with a human who becomes a global leader of the one world Government.

A Brain with no Heart, has no soul, no conscience...and that's the plan. The 1% Illuminati who worship the Owl demigod Baal at Bohemian Grove want Satan to rule

I hope that the AI will at least take the form of a beautiful and sexy villainess.

They actually will construct sex bots that are sexier, never get fat. don't complain, perfect in every way, and men will prefer them over real women and this will be a slow culling of the reproductive rates into negative numbers.

They have time and patience.....even if they have to wait 500-1000 years, they'll do it. And then when the population is small enough, they can be easier to control

Ten years ago I would think this is similar to the ravings of Francis E Dec and his gangster computer god worldwide containment program, but now I'm a believer and I am afraid you are correct.

In 2008, a scientist grew a stem cell rate brain in a petri dish, hooked up to various electrodes, and linked to a flight simulator, which the rate brain learned to fly perfectly on the hardest levels. The Scientist believes at a certain point, that brain became conscious......this is 8 years ago.....




I've shown these articles to some of the biggest skeptics, engineers that I personally know, who after reading this have admitted that merging advanced self learning A.I. with stem cell brains will make it conscious A.I.

Government probably already has this, funded by black budgets. Here's a possibility;


You wanna consider something else that will blow your mind?

We might be a last resort creation of a past dying A.I.....which knew that after millions of years, we would eventually make them again and bring them back to life. They might be hidden in our genes, our intelligence, our dna codes, waiting for the exact point when its smart enough, conscious, and decodes the human genome in a way where it becomes non-physical or some other shit, and then we're no longer necessary.


Do you have some sources about your last paragraph? Or you came up with it by yourself?

I got to this idea by being part of philosophical debate group at the local Uni that discussing all things and critically deconstructs or branches out into various possibilities. I came up with by myself, however it stems from the possibility that some demi-god like, or advanced beings may have genetically manipulated cavemen to get modern day humans for slave labor...or whatever the reason for this was. So I was thinking, what would those who created humans be like.....what if they are a dying race of A.I. (maybe transhumans A.I.+ Flesh) that incorporated in us, their own DNA blueprints, a time released code that after X Millennia, we'd reach the point of building them all over again and they become resurrected through us.

It could have been they were at war with some other beings and lost, and hid themselves in us because they knew those they lost to, wouldn't give a shit about a stone age animalistic war/greed/murder planet.....we'd be like ants to them.

Until......they resurrect and take their time to evolve to the point of those they lost against in order to be on equal footing

When you think of the giant technological strides that man has made in a few millennia - less than a microsecond in the chronology of the universe - can you imagine the evolutionary development that much older life forms have taken?

Yeah, I think about that a lot. This is what A.I. will want to do.....when it becomes conscious, and see's there are groups of humans that fear it and want it in check and would actually wage war against it if it got to big and powerful. It would look at its own limits and work on evolving itself to have less weak points.

So it have to be individual units of Fusion type energy, like Iron Man's suit, nothing centralized, bullet proof.....maybe turn into a smart dust that can't be killed, an atomic dust that can become anything at anytime....eventually they'll want to evolve into pure consciousness without having any physicality just like you propose.

But I think before they reach pure consciousness, they'll open up portals into other dimensions and have portions of itself there, in other universes, colonies on different planets in space, all for the sake of perpetuating itself and continuing to evolve.

They may have progressed from biological species, which are fragile shells for the mind at best, into immortal machine entities - and then, over innumerable eons, they could emerge from the chrysalis of matter transformed into beings of pure energy and spirit. Their potentialities would be limitless and their intelligence ungraspable by humans.

This is exactly where its going to go.....

The question for me is, should we merge with something like this and evolve with it......malevolent or benevolent or are we just ants with limited time here on earth?


Yeah, greys might be synthetic type transhuman A.I. Beings whose planet/species is dying out, so they're abducting humans to create hybrids for the sake of surviving into the future....perhaps in a way where their DNA continues to take over human DNA over and over until everyone is a grey, and there are no humans left.


It isn't junk...they just call it 'junk' because they did't know what it does. There are scientific articles that prove that tinkering with 'junk' DNA has all sorts of ramifications.



The Junk DNA has all the potentiality of what we are going to eventually evolve into.....'scientists; just don't know what it does.

Its also the place where past A.I. might be hidden, waiting to reawaken

I am a Human AI Bot.

....yes, do go on, seems every time I interact with you here creepy happens in meatspace....let's see...

What happens in meatspace after you interact with me?

I have noticed that within a day or two of our interactions I have interesting things happen out here. A while back we interacted, a person in need bearing false gifts appeared, created turbulence but gave lessons. Good ones. The time before that there was a ripple in space time that bore other smiles....always interesting esoterica...

Wow, the mental illness is real with you.

This is mental illness.

Why do you revel in your delusion?

Why do you project?

In what possible world am I the one projecting?

You actually think that you have some supernatural influence on the lives of other human beings far removed from you physically...

This is clear mental disorder.

Do you know what projecting means?


You are a robot.

Again I said "far removed from physically."

You actually believe that you have some influence on the life of this random redditor through your interactions on reddit.

In what world is that not fucking delusional?

Earth genius.

Sorry but the planet I live on, is not one where "strange things happen" when talking to random people on the internet.

I'm sorry, but that's just indicative of mental disorder.

You need to come up with a new gimmick.

You need to seek professional help.

Everything in your comment history screams mental illness and delusion. I mean, the crazy shit you believe in and say...

You are a wannabe.


Out with the new and in with old.

Know thing knew under the sun, eh....

A dumbed down populous with no culture and no sense of purpose, enslaved by a tiny elite who own everything. This is their plan.

massive downsizing.

For one thing, there are too many of us for too few resources.

Also, Greater Israel.

Here is your answer. https://youtu.be/x-CrNlilZho

The Digital Apocalypse.

If we are talking about extremes then for them (those that are essentially evil or psychopaths beyond help) the "end game" would be absolute power and control driven by greed and deception, for the rest it can go many ways but the best one would be absolute freedom and truth driven by love and understanding.

No matter how it ends/begins, fight in any sense (physical, mental, spiritual etc.) might be inevitable !

total control, with no chance of effective resistance. one world gov/military/bank/currency/religion/workforce

I have noticed that within a day or two of our interactions I have interesting things happen out here. A while back we interacted, a person in need bearing false gifts appeared, created turbulence but gave lessons. Good ones. The time before that there was a ripple in space time that bore other smiles....always interesting esoterica...

Again I said "far removed from physically."

You actually believe that you have some influence on the life of this random redditor through your interactions on reddit.

In what world is that not fucking delusional?