Why the fuck has the confirmed list of theories been unstickied?

168  2016-05-14 by [deleted]



Rules 4 and 12. Removed.

The witch-hunting of the mods here is beyond absurd at this point.

Good work! A permanent sticky at the top of the forum would reduce the number of votes which our current democratically voted top-submissions would receive, thereby handicapping them elsewhere on Reddit.

The original post had the feel of 'limited hangout' to me, I wasn't comfortable with it being there. This sub is more about 'Conspiracy Theories' rather than facts which have already been exposed, though it is good to wheel them out from time to time, as has been done.

Also most of the links in the post go to Wikipedia, that means outsiders can come in and 'cleanup' the information whenever they wish, really we could do with each 'confirmed conspiracy' posted in a place which cannot be interfered with, certainly not on Wikipedia.

By all means that should be a permanent sticky, because all newcomers go there first to confirm what we all here know

*edit...i'm all for it on the sidebar, wiki page, and somewhere offline btw

I was just about to check that post out then all of the sudden it was gone. I tried searching for it, but can't find it. Got a link by chance?

I would suggest we keep in mind the concept, but not rush to use this particular version. Most of it links to Wikipedia which means spooks can come in and change the pages at any moment, inserting propaganda and/or cleaning up the information.

I would prefer to see the mods in control of such a post and the majority of the links going to locations which while respected, cannot be tampered with by outsiders wanting to cover-up and misdirect. Also I'd like to see more 'confirmed conspiracies' added, so as it feels less like a limited hangout.

We don't do permanent stickies. It makes the page stale.

Moderators stickying other moderator's posts makes the front page stale.

Good threads that can be updated as frequently as they could be posted should stay longer.

And that one didn't stay up long either. examine the word stale.

I didn't realize a sticky influences every other thread that makes this sub's front page.

My point is that we don't do permanent stickies, someone else suggested elsewhere in this post that we should add the list to the sidebar. the sidebar is more permanent.

As far as mods sticking other mods posts, that happens from time to time yes, but not nearly as often as we stick the posts of regular users. The mods here are regular users in addition to being mods, we aren't paid to do this, the mods were elected by the community here because they were "outstanding users" so its not shocking that they would continue to make great posts and occasionally one of them get stickied.

I don't see what the big deal here is, You're very upset that a mod made a post that got stickied, and you're very upset that a stickied post eventually got unstickied, but both of these things have happened over and over again without incident and because of how stickies and reddit work, it will likely continue to happen over and over again.

It would be nice if you could be more constructive

It would be great if we could make room on the sidebar for the "list of confirmed theories"

instead of destructive

Something happened that I don't like so i'm going to take issue with the mods sticking a post that happened to be authored by a mod that one time.

Stale, no longer fresh and pleasant to eat

My word choice that a permanent sticky would make the page stale, as in no longer fresh and new, is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why we don't do permanent stickies. It would sit there in perpetuity collecting dust. We prefer to use stickies as a way highlight something new that is being discussed, or to circumvent the downvote brigades that sometimes try to bury a topic from being seen.

It simply isn't an appropriate tool for maintaining a list. first and foremost is that after a period of time, reddit automatically archives posts on reddit and they are no longer able to be updated, commented on, voted on etc etc etc.


There are better ways to make this information a permanent fixture here.

It won't be permanently stickied.

I agree with all of this, which of course, means nothing. Upvoting you back to -3.

understood....what about side bar?

It sounds like a great idea for the sidebar, I think It would better better to host the list offsite, so that it won't suddenly hit archive mode and have to be redone again and again.

Then again I guess archive mode wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.

I'll start a mod mail to see if we can get it added to the sidebar.

Because we live in a world where too much truth is considered dangerous and unacceptable and on a site with admins who takes $$$ from the Shillary campaign and everything else, can't have confirmed shady list of all the ways humanity has been subverted, stickied at the top of a sub that is gaining traction by the day as people wake up and realize their entire life has been a lie. That's my running theory anyways.

The quintessential r/conspiracy comment. This should be stickied

Well I did make a comment yesterday about adding the Mossad's involvement in 9/11 to the list...

Trust me, friend. I wanted SO BAD to put 9/11 on that list. I had it originally but I thought putting it as 'confirmed' before it's considered confirmed might endanger the validity of the other things. I debated the OKC inclusion but then put my ear to the ground and found most people believe the offical story to be bullshit, unless your'e a hardcore 60minutes watcher or something. There is confirmed videographic evidence that totally undoes their story.

I went back and forth and was going to put 9/11 as 'verified coverup' -- which is easily provable with one video alone, much less the other 50 datapoints of coverup. It's the 'steel' discussion video wherein Joe Crowley questions the 'blue ribbon FEMA team' and he's like 'why the fuckd'jya take the steel away so fast so no one could examine it....conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day with this..."

In version 2, I'm going to truncate some of my commentary and add more things and I WILL include 9/11 as a coverup, with trust me many many citations. It's irrefutable that it was a cover up.

Inside job, Saudi involvement, Israeli involvement has evidence as well. Namely bthing, dancing israelis; and ptech backdoor...

Good question


/shit sorry for the lockcaps - honest mistake - not going to retype.

This is a more realistic possibility.

I think we all know why, /conspiracy is not exempt from the reddit mods and censorship.

If not a permanent sticky, why not put a link to the archived thread on the sidebar?

I dont know i want it back Now

That should definitely be a permanent thing.

It should be linked prominently in the sidebar.

How can I find it now?

It's a conspiracy theory.

I guess having the same exact post about the new Brazilian president posted 3 times on the front page is more important.

Simple: Just bring it back.

Sticky that for eternity! Make it happen.

It was sticked for 2 weeks. I think it had a good run. I'd like to see it on the sidebar also, but it would be even better if we could make it a wiki. I was very happy that people were posting stuff I missed and things I didn't know about.

Some may say. ... it's a conspiracy.

Not sure but I think people liked my post...

Thanks for the support, all.

Start a new sub with just that info and have them link it in the sidebar. Problem solved.

Has this been removed too???

Stickies aren't permanent.

The mods here should rebel just like the mods at /r/The_Donald all explicitly do with huge support.

Never thought I would see a familiar username here!

Haha, from /r/psychonaut? Or /r/meditation? ^ ^

/r/aliens of all

Oooh but then it's not so weird! :P

Maybe not as weird as those others :p It's all a big conspiracy after all

Yeah, it's weird isn't it :)

A week or 2 is more than enough, keep things flowing, fresh and alive, permanent stickies just knock other important stuff further down out of view

Maybe because a “confirmed theory” is an oxymoron?

You're thinking of a hypothesis. Theories are well tested.

A theory has evidence to back it up actually