TIL moderators remove a post about the CIA overthrow of Iran, claiming it's not verified even though the CIA admitted to the overthrow.

2713  2016-05-17 by TROLL_CALIBER


This sub is controlled. Why do you think no real conspiracy theories are ever talked about here anymore? It's all the basics like 9/11, elections, and the military industrial complex.

But I haven't once seen a post get removed here, even the worst of the worst posts. What do you base this on?

You don't have to remove it if the shills and sockpuppets vote it down so few people can see it. I know when I post new stuff I can rarely get more than 5 votes and often it's zero so no one sees it. It's the same as if it was removed.

The exact reason why we have certain people flood posting to the new queue. Increase the signal to noise, and virtually no one will see your thoughts.

Recently (weeks) another change has occurred. I don't think posts are getting in front of everyone's eyes. Perhaps a regional selection? I'm not sure.

I agree that all the posts can't be viewed by everyone looking. It's the new censorship.

Have you dudes ever thought that maybe a huge number of people are using reddit everyday at all times and are just people not shills? The influx of new posts is from other people who get washed away in the tsunami of posts along with you? It's like you guys haven't tried just pandering to the stupid young adult demographic that reddit enjoys so much. Then you'll see your stupid internet points >_> its not a reddit conspiracy for a few random ass /r/conspiracy posters.

Get over yourselves.

As you're trying to sell how innocuous. Stick around and youllvery quickly find out exactly who works who, and what their specific trigger topics are. What you're trying to claim can be very quickly proven false.

/u/MarzMonkey Get over yourselves.

Classic. That's why the old Conspiratard friends of Israel log every post, and send brigades whenever the truth is widely discussed here.

I think you have a point about "sometimes we confuse shills with regular people who haven't 'woken up' yet", but it's not the 'young dumb" ones that are these newbs. It's probably a wide variety of ages and I can tell you the genx and older people who are still justifying the system are the most outspoken anti-conspiracy people there are, so--as a genx person myself--I can say that young people are our only hope in this so stop calling them dumb!

Plausible deniability.

Oldest trick in the book

Guys I just had an idea. Disable downvoting!

You can't. Only through CSS but that can be turned off with RES.

Just FYI I think you guys are silly 99% of the time and this is one of those times. Your posts are doomed from gaining traction from the start. As soon as it hits the masses it will be mostly downvoted. Then some people will be curious and come into the commments and downvote anything they don't like. Thats why 4chans conspiracy threads usually gain more traction. Just my 2 cents for you.

I've been here almost 9 years. I've got 780+k karma with about 177k on conspiracy. I know how to choose articles people find interesting. But I can't fight an army of shills or Reddit management.

Not sure why you're arguing against me as thats what I said just I'm on that side. Your posts will do well until they get popular then they get hunted.

People of merit on /r/conspiracy (post quality things, make quality comment) don't care about karma. They just say what's true and it's your responsibility as a real person or even as a shill working for the death star to choose to ignore or fight it. And you do so at your peril once you realize that you are cocreating the realtiy around you--that it really is some kind of game and youre not 'apart' from it.

But then their post gets burried and noone else sees it.

One: you aren't browsing /new 24/7 so you can't know if posts aren't getting removed. They are, but for good reasons..mods here do a pretty good job of removing posts that break the fundamental rules of this sub. The bad ones aren't breaking any rules so there's no reason they won't get removed.

Two: there's pretty good evidence people are on this sub mass down voting. If you do hang around /new a lot you'll see it happen, even if it is a post that will garner a lot of quality discussion. When a post is downvoted it disappears and you will need to know exactly what you are looking for to find it.

I constantly get my posts removed allegedly because I post links to books that are being censored. Anyhow, what's suspicious is how popular 9/11 related posts get (thousands of comments) and yet disappear quickly from the main page.. to be replaced by some cat content. I dunno, if Reddit was really what the people wanted, wouldn't those discussion be pinned? On the other hand, Reddit is technically owned by Conde Nast so who am I kidding..

So meta.

It's actually true. This sub is just an echo chamber for content that isn't allowed anywhere else.

You mean 'sounding board'

Hmmm it appears you only submit one piece and naruto stuff.

Have you tried to submit "real conspiracy theories"? Did /r/conspiracy remove them?

Thanks for looking at my history. I only lurk here usually.

Seriously, what's the point at looking at someone's post history? Especially in a small conversation like this? That's just creepy.

Lol right like damn you caught me I watch anime and read manga burn me at the stake

Your lack of punctuation triggers me.

Burn the heretic


I know it's just one click, but for me I think it's just the fact that someone actually cares enough about a random Internet conversation to do that research. Like, you really care what this person has said in the past? Does what they said in the past effect the conversation taking place now?

In my mind, it's just a cop out. A way to disregard the current conversation because of comments said in the past that have no current meaning to the conversation at hand.

Basically, the only time I ever see anyone look at someone's else's post history, is to say "Oh, you're like this, fuck off."

I know it's just one click, but for me I think it's just the fact that someone actually cares enough about a random Internet conversation to do that research. Like, you really care what this person has said in the past? Does what they said in the past effect the conversation taking place now?

Because it's odd to complain about the content in a subreddit being censored or inadequate if you don't show any evidence for this to be the true, and don't post any significant amount of content yourself.

Looking at a profile allows you to see if the person only talks about one thing on reddit for starters.

Also, I've noticed a pattern recently of new accounts with a couple hundred karma and maybe a gilding suddenly "taking an interest" in this sub in particular.

I agree it shouldn't be used to disregard an opinion (oh you believe x, so I don't care about your opinion on y), but it is useful in trying to decipher if a person is real or has ulterior motives for posting.

I just find it hypocritical that you would say this sub doesnt talk about real conspiracies while at the same time you arent talking about real conspiracies...

Oh it's my sub? I gotta talk about them? It was just a statement relax. The only theory I want to talk about is the flat earth but y'all hate it so much here and now I'm gonna get ridiculed for even mentioning it. I'm not debating it here and I'm still a GLOBER. So don't come at me like I'm in the flat earth society.

... what now? If a person can make a compelling case for flat earth it gets debated but I have not seriously ever seen an argument that is convincing.

Its just I wouldnt complain about something that I have taken zero effort to fix. Do something about it before complaining about it next time.

So no curvature at 120,000 feet isn't compelling? And seeing a ship reappear with binoculars after it "went over the curve" isn't compelling? Do some research you obviously haven't. This game they play is so big we're just scratching the surface. And you right i was being a hypocrite.

I'm not the dude you were arguing with, nor do I really believe the flat earth theory but can you elaborate more?

I just like to think about different conspiracies and I've never really thought about the points you brought up. Seems to be a very interesting convo.

I don't want to point you to YouTube cause people say oh it's a YouTube video but look up videos in YouTube. Eric dubay, odd tv, and dmurphy make a lot of good points in their videos. Water is always level is a point they make which I always think about. Also in weather balloon videos it'll show being flat at 120,000 feet and people say you need to be higher. But then there will be a video at 90,000 feet with a fish eye lens and they'll say SEE SEE told ya!! Like what? That makes no sense

Forget actual earth curvature and lens-induced curvature. Both are prone to errors in perception, measurement and (obviously) lens distortions.

How well does Newtonian physics jive with flat-earth? How do the orbital mechanics of satellites work in a flat earth model? Why do radio signals fall off past the "horizon"? What is the horizon in a flat earth model? What is happening at night? What is blocking the sunlight?

There is a live video feed of earth from the space station - is that a live 3D render of the earth with updated weather showing? I can download an app that tells me when satellites will flash reflected sunlight at me - what is actually flashing at me if its not orbiting satellites? My GPS works around the globe. To do that without satellites would be impressive. It would require a massive network of radio towers everywhere, including the oceans. Well, maybe not. If the earth was really flat we could just use a couple of big towers because the signal wouldn't attenuate at the horizon, I guess. When I look through a telescope at other planets that are obviously globe shaped and rotating, why should I infer that the earth is flat?

All of this (and tons more) would need a "fake" public-facing front end that somehow jives with the accepted universe perfectly and at the same time works in the "real" flat earth model.

This means everyone in NASA, Roscosmos, ESA, ISRO, JAXA, etc, are all in on it. Any company that deals with large distances would have to lead a double life.

On a flat earth, distances between continents would beyond the flight range of our airliners. They would need to be flying ridiculously fast to make up for the distance. Every map would be so wrong as to be useless for navigation. Every person who has ever used a map for any intercontinental trip would be aware of the issues. Every airline pilot, every ship captain, even just intrepid world travelers. That's a big conspiracy that would have included my stepfather and about 8 other people in my life.

Even ancient societies predicted with basic math the size and shape of the earth with remarkable precision. These experiments can be replicated easily and requires no more than measuring shadows at two locations. Basic trigonometry will dictate you are on a sphere of a specific size.

What's that satellite reflection app? sounds neat.

Well, it might just be a webpage, but "Heavens Above".

This is surely a troll, flat earth? This belongs on /r/wtf

No he's just another guy that believes every conspiracy out there. Flat earth, sandy hook, chemtrails, etc.

Zero critical thinking, complete denial of Occam's razor.

Thank you for self exposing your motives, beliefs, and purpose here. Added.

I don't know the answers to all those questions and as I stated I'm skeptical of both models so relax. But NASA is a fraud I don't believe a word they say. Also Newtonian physics would apply just not magikal gravity.

So NASA and every other space agency are frauds? Ok.

Gravity is magical? What is the force pulling us "down" then? Binding the solar system together? What is the source of the 9.8m/s2 acceleration that we find on earth? You can't separate Newtonian physics from gravity.

Yes, yes they are it's a money making scheme. They don't ever show us non cgi/photoshopped pictures and videos. Seriously look up on YouTube all the times they fucked up. And yes gravity is magikal, how can gravity hold the oceans down sturdy but let birds fly and my helium balloon float for 2 weeks. And that same force is also holding the moon in orbit? That is quite the magikal force ya got there. In reality it's just density. Things that are less dense than air will rise and float and more dense with fall and sink. Believe whatever you want and I'll believe what I want :)

You seem really miss informed gravity is not density. Why do thing accelerate then? What causes the earth to orbit?What is stopping the bottom of the planet from falling? Why has no one never gotten to the edge of the planet?

Idk if I had all the answers I'd be on the news. I'm not misinformed I'm just not buying into what we've been taught all our lives anymore.

Ever study any math or physics?

Yes and they never taught me how water can curve around a ball except for gravity. Magikal gravity is the answer for everything.

Easy. Water can curve around a ball for the same reason people in Mexico and China can both jump up and down and accelerate back to the ground at the same rate. The force of gravity (9.81 m/ss) gently pulls from the center of the earth, so from any point on a sphere the force of gravity is the same. So water in Australia is being pulled downwards towards the center just as water from Maine is. If at any random point, the force acting on water is the same, it can be concluded that water can move from point A of a sphere (Earth) to point B of the same sphere and the force binding it to the planet's surface will remain the same. So water essentially hugs the crust.

Like, from a physics standpoint that makes so much sense. Knowing the acceleration of gravity solve hundreds of physics mysteries. The force of gravity is also why airplanes can seemingly fly straight. As an airplane flies straight it also loses height due to gravity pulling it downward. So it adjusts and flys slightly upwards. The plane's upwards thrust complained with gravity's downward acceleration will lead to a plane staying equal distance to the earth's center (if the plane just wanted to go forwards). That is why planes don't just magically fly into space when flying forwards for long periods of time.

Of course gravity is the answer for everything even tho no one can even prove its real. And if you can prove it is real please explain :)

You can prove its existence with your own experimentation. You seem to not be interested in that though.

What does that even mean - prove it's real? Prove that it exists? Drop a baseball and a bowling ball off of a tall building. Record the velocity of both objects, as well as the time it takes to reach the ground. Knowing that A=V/t, you can divide the velocity by the times, and for both cases A will equal 9.81 m/s2. That is called the gravitational constant. It works for any and all objects. How else can two objects in free fall always have the same acceleration without some sort of gravitational constant? Literally nothing else works.

It doesn't help to be both math illiterate and smug. Choose one.

Of course you gotta insult because how dare anyone question science right?? I get it though thanks for the lesson :p

Okay. So did the math above mean anything to you?

Edit: later, troll

I mean so because things accelerate at the same speed it's gravity? Guess that makes sense

Can't reproduce it through ANY experiment you can do yourself (or sufficiently trust the testing procedures and controls), you can't verify it, but it's 100% truthful and you're "crazy" if you dont buy in with no proof like your peers. Keep fighting the good fight, sir. I've watched shills circle as you speak the your truth. Keep your eyes open and pick up on the patterns as quickly as you can.

ok then, say if the Earth truly is flat then who benefits from this conspiracy. Who does it benefit if the earth is curved or round...

The elite do. What bigger deception is there than lying about where you actually live ya know? I also think the globe makes it easier for them to create artificial scarcity in resources. They keep saying oh we're gonna run out of water, food, and oil. If you wanna go deeper than that we know how greedy the elite are and call me crazy all you want I think there might be more land out there that they don't want us finding so they keep us going round and round on the globe or in a circle on the flat. So even flat earth could be another front for them to keep us in the circle. But who knows I just like entertaining the ideas cause they're fun :)

The elite do. What bigger deception is there than lying about where you actually live ya know? I also think the globe makes it easier for them to create artificial scarcity in resources. They keep saying oh we're gonna run out of water, food, and oil. If you wanna go deeper than that we know how greedy the elite are and call me crazy all you want I think there might be more land out there that they don't want us finding so they keep us going round and round on the globe or in a circle on the flat. So even flat earth could be another front for them to keep us in the circle. But who knows I just like entertaining the ideas cause they're fun :)

So then please explain to me what the sun and moon do when they through the sky each night. Also while we are on this topic what causes day and night. Should i not be always day in this magical world of yours.You still have not answers how the elite befit from this theory. Also if they wanted more land they could just hide a continent.

I don't even believe it yet so don't call it my magical world and don't act like what they teach us isn't magical lmao. Also I just like researching the theory so don't come at me like I invented it. Anyway the theory says the sun and moon rotate above us in a circle and they're the same size and not as far as they say. And they benefit by getting a lot of money from space programs. And I already said create artificial scarcity. And how could they just hide a continent lmao. Also I'm not religious what so ever but they could be hiding the fact that we do have a Creator and we are very special. I mean science does hate god that they'd go as far to say our universe came out of nothing lol

you say how would they hide a continent. How would they hide the earth is flat xD. You know space programs are funded by the elite right? And religion says that god created us out of nothing so not sure what you mean by that.

I thought you meant like cloak it. Easy to hide the flat after all the indoctrination we've been given and all their cgi/ fish eye lens pictures and videos. Of course a god or creator could create something from nothing. So then the creator did the Big Bang yet they don't say that. And you just proved the space programs are frauds by saying they're funded by the elite lol. But they also get our taxes too. Either way nice little discussion I'm gonna keep researching until I'm 100% of either model :)

I'm still 95% sure you're trolling, but in case you really did drop out of school in 3rd grade...

I could discuss specific points all day (I do math and physics tutoring from elementary to college level), but if you've made it this far in life, you're probably deliberately shielded yourself from the overwhelming multitude of specific proofs.

The mainstream physics you are doubting, is like 0.01% of the body of knowledge based on it that has created every piece of technology you use in your life. It's the concrete foundation of a skyscraper, and you're suggesting it just isn't even there, when you've lived in the skyscraper your whole life.

There are many people who have this view of the people who create all the technology like they're magicians with completely unknowable methods. But any curious diy-er can build primitive versions of all the shit mankind has come up with - just by learning the physics, learning how to apply it in designing something, and seeing it work.

Like for gravity, the Cavendish experiment is totally an at-home setup which was used by a curious little 18th century scientist to observe that gravity is a force exhibited by all masses on all other masses and that the strength was always inversely proportional to the square of distance. You can test hundreds of materials, sizes, and distances and see the pattern for yourself.

That's just one of thousands of examples of how you can find the experiment that proves or verifies every law that plays into mainstream physics. They just don't allow anything in without that up front.

Those equations predict the distance and speed of the planets from the sun, the moons from their planets, the tidal effects of the moon on the oceans, the effects of the earth and moon on space craft and satellite trajectories.

If you want to be skeptical of NASA, be skeptical about the right things, like the fact that they were a cover to invest in developing intercontinental ballistic missile technology. They still have to master a lot of legitimate aerospace physics for that end. Now spacex and virgin are doing their own space flights and they all are just like a diy-er (except with many orders of magnitude more money) taking the established principles of physics and applying them.

And when combined with knowledge from geological studies about structural properties of rocks and minerals we can even accurately predict what shapes and sizes of asteroids, moons, planets etcetera are stable and won't crumble inward under their own gravity into more symmetric (rounder) shapes and which are too weak and will just float apart into space debris.

It's almost like a society run on deceiving the population has the negative side effect of making it's populous un-trusting of even the most basic scientific truths.. I wonder how many matrices proceeded our own, and the time span involved in developing such an effective measure of subduing dissidents.

I'm not trolling I just know we're being lied to about our world. And about the cavendish experiments I've watched a bunch and don't really get what it's even showing. A lot of people seem to think that experiment is stupid and doesn't show anything. I don't think that I just don't get what I'm supposed to be looking at?

The gist is you hang an handlebar from a string, put some masses next to the ends of the bar, and observe over time how far it twists the string. You can measure the torsion constant of the string by applying known forces, and then compare to the force of gravity from the masses. String twisting because it's sensitive to super tiny forces. If you're testing with 6Kg masses in the neighborhood of 6cm distance, then you're talking about measuring gravities 100 million times weaker than earth's gravity.

we're being lied to

That's why I give my whole point about diy-ers. You don't have to sit around and be told things (that may well be lies) when you can just go access the truth directly. Experiment are the quintessential part of the scientific method: you have direct access to all the truths of physics in your living room. And you can short cut the process by learning how to spot credible sources (hint: they always give a blueprint to reproduce their results) and they're involved in networks that boot their ass if they did something debunkable.

Thank you for a nice appropriate response I appreciate it. I'll have to give this experiment a try one of these weekends.

If you want more fun homework, you can plug the earth and moons masses and the max in and min distance of the moon into Kepler's laws or the same for the Earth from the Sun and observe that the periods and distances all check out. You can use calculus to derive kepler's laws from Newton's law of universal gravitation.

All this will show you just how interconnected and fundamental stuff like gravity is, and why denying it to a physics-educated person is not very different from denying 2+2=4 to a math educated person.

Thanks for the suggestions. Like I said I don't necessarily believe in it, I just like to put thought into it. It's very compelling to see people put effort into something like this.

For those playing at home, this comment tree is proof that if Reddit is being censored, it isn't just the mods. This is just trying to derail this thread.

Sorry I questioned science I'll go back to my programming.

So maybe... ready for this... strap in... Make a fucking post about it instead of pissing and moaning, then we can talk.

Nah this sub hates flat earth why waste my time

Because you couldnt make a coherent well thought out argument?

Sure whatever you want to think.

Jesus. Do you ever shut the fuck up? Great job at directing the discussion elsewhere though.

Is that you're job?

Sorry for derailing the bitching and flat earth shit.

Please carry on and dont let me disturb you.

I bet this sub "hates" homeopathy too.

There's just no science behind it, why keep bringing it up?

I don't ever talk about how I think the new world order is trying to break tradition gendering and families to prevent child bearing among other things. I don't think people would take me serious.

And you talk about Israel.

A lot.

Yes I do, I also post a shit ton in /r/AskScienceFiction

Do you read what I write about Israel? Ive got family in Israel so I do have a bit of a vested interest and Im not afraid to say I think what they do to the Palestinians is fucked up.

But here nor there, did you have a point?


I agree

As they pretend that their level of israeli mentions is considered "normal." Got got...

Yes, all of my discussion posts have been removed by moderators. There are many things that are OFF-LIMITS on /r/conspiracy.



On TIL, bro.

Yeah! Where are the Giants with double rows of teeth?

If it were up to you, what would you see here?

Any conspiracy theory no matter how crazy it sounded.

But doesn't that just dilute things that have credibility rather than any story that comes up? What stops a tool of any establishment coming here to make up stories to discredit the group and people who believe literally anything?

I get what you're saying but does disregarding theories just cause they seem too crazy add credibility here? I mean people already think we're crazy no matter what. The brainwashing of the populace is unreal

What stops a tool of any establishment coming here to make up stories to discredit the group and people who believe literally anything?

News Flash man, nothing prevents that, it happens regularly. Might as well have them imo, adds a flavor to the sub that attracts people keen on indulging their fantasies about lizard people and my personal favorite, suppression of ancient human technologies by TPTB. I know its silly, but I do love reading on the latest bullshit. Your being way too serious and is kinda what gives this sub the stench of basement and balls.

I think its fun too. But when are we going to take our selves seriously? Are we just going to keep splintering like the atheist subreddit? Otherwise isn't this just gossip? Maybe we have never really had a "mission" on this sub but I'd just like to see a bit of unity and concerted effort.

Maybe we can put out efforts into something else besides dilapidated daycare centers.

Those things you mentioned are real conspiracies

WTC 7 fell because it was traummatized. Reddit is uncensored and a source of honest news and information. There are no hidden advertisements and no one is using it to further self interest.

Nothing to see here, move along.

PS: I fucking hate people who use 9/11 conspiracy jokes. "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams", "bush did 9/11", etc. it's a fucked up event and the real possibility that we've been lied to and the event was carried out nefariously, is legitimately fucked up.

Where should we go brother for real conspiracy theories?

This sub is controlled.

Oh yeah...how so? Proof?

Just my opinion.

Well...you may want to rethink that about this sub.

Lol you really don't think it's controlled? You gotta be pretty naive to think that.

You can make up whatever you like. This sub is the most open sub on Reddit. The logs are there for everyone to see.

That statement suggests Reddit isn't controlled as a whole.

Not talking about the over all control.

So you admit Reddit is controlled? Therefore so is this sub lmao

Oh shit. We got a live one!

How about, saying it's the least controlled.

The fact that this is on reddit means it is controlled. There's no super secret or safe sub-reddit.

Safe? Haha

That doesn't make it any less true. It can still be less so, and fully co-opted.

Everyone knows ever since dear government murdered poor Aaron Swartz (or mentally brought him to position to kill himself by constant harassment and threats) reddit is a joke with cats,AMA that sells you movies and other shit and corporate advertising.

Yep that's been confirmed many times over. Even Wikipedia has it as confirmed.

Operation ajax or TPAJAX. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat



Here we go, me attempting to tiptoe around the hot potato! I have had my fair share of warnings...

  • 1) All the major Reddit subs are being censored extensively. It happens from behind the scene, a block box contraptions by design, to control the flow of information, if you post articles that reveal crimes or lay out criticism about: The US Military, US Intelligence Community, T.B.T.F. Financial Institutions, Mega Corporations, US Politics, US Economic Data, Inequality and Social Unrest, Corporate Owned Mass Media or well connected individuals.

  • 2) Their favorite methods: 1) Word detection algorithms. 2) Subtle vote rigging. 3) Manual removal of posts. 4) Intimidation. 5) Banning of accounts. 6) Allowing trolling by Shills & Pundits. 7) Algorithms that automatically detect undesirable media outlets. 8) The AutoModerator Death Kneel post! It is a very smooth and professional operation. No need to pretend otherwise.

  • 3) Reddit is a black box, if they don't want you to see what is going on, you won't see it. We can't fully observe the process nor can we tell the entities apart. We can make patient observations. We can take notes. Patterns emerges. We are not allowed to talk about our observations or criticize "them", that would be a violation of rule #2 #5 #10. Catch 22!

  • 4) Reddit has been censoring users and independent media sources for years with an increasing zeal, they are censoring them because they are compromising the narratives of the Corporate Owned Mass Media. They punch holes in the official scenery of propaganda, fear, polarization and lies. The recipe for destroying the corporate propaganda is straight forward: Data and fact driven journalism with a high degree of integrity. Reddit is owned by Advanced Publication Inc a de facto Corporate Owned Mass Media outlet.

  • 5) (As an Example) There is a lot of racist postings on the front page of r/conspiracy, thinly disguised as "conspiracy anti-Israel posts". They constantly make up 10-20% of the front page volume. There is a lot of wedge issues, pitching various groups against each other, thinly disguised as conspiracies. On top of that you can add irrelevant trivia, sports and celebrity worship, designed to distract and entertain. What you have left is maybe 5% of relevant content. This is how "they" are dumbing down the conspiracy forum and Reddit in general, a mere shadow if its former glory, an echo valley for idiots, scratching each other behind the ears. It it by deliberate design, not accident!

I agree I don't post many things but at least 50% of my post were deleted; Reddit is not really a place for serious discussion about social, political or economic change and if you attempt to do that your post will be deleted as I have found out. Meanwhile a pic with a cute kitten, puppy or panda will get you on the front page.

And if a soldier is holding that puppy, well that's just coincidence.

I love #2. Whenever I post something having to do with freemasons, jesuits, fraternal order of police or the vatican, it's instant 0. Like the moment I click save


There are still plenty of ways to spread truth on Reddit. If they remove your material, figure out a way around it. I've had my fair share of censored material, and there is always another way to get the truth out. Here's a recent one that was censored. The /r/politics mods didn't respond to my questions. Here's another one. They appear to resort to removals mostly when the thread is either front page or likely going to be there shortly. The entire thread could be removed as well in order to censor a comment within it.

However, you should still be spreading truth outside of Reddit. Youtube comments, 4chan, comments on news articles, your bathroom at work... If you are censored, let that motivate you even more.

well arent you lucky.. still unbanned from the major subs??? you havent been trying hard enough..

Visibility... NR getting shadow'd or whatever would vindicate him and his continuing efforts... he's our canary in this mineshaft.

Forums are not a good source. There are endless documentaries and youtube channels to watch.

Isn't the solution to start new subreddits that pride themselves on no censorship and have mods that stand by that proposal? Granted r/conspiracy isn't the most heavily populated sub, but it is pretty transparent when it comes to posting content and user replies (as long as they fit in the subs rules (no spamming name calling etc). The average redditor doesn't want to admit they view this sub, but when a major sub censors information; this is the hub people go to make it known, or find out what's going on.

Do you think the mods of r/conspiracy are part of the plot to censor information? I've heard some folksmake this claim, but very rarely is it backed up with facts to prove it, which leads me to believe it a psy-op so people lose faith in this sub. The whole of reddit isnt compromised, and one can hope that after mounting evidence of censorship in the main subs, people will seek more transparent outlets for their information.

Great right up though man. Thanks for the information.

I knew I took a break from this place for a reason.

That is depressing.

Really interesting... about seeing the patterns, the other day there was a financial accountant of 30 years trying to figure out how to rework hits 401K and get it out of the stock market ASAP. Everyone was making fun of him and saying just wait.

I couldn't help but think why no one is wondering WHY someone working on Wall Street for 30 years would want to do this with this much urgency and what does he know that we don't? Also, it just felt like a hidden warning or something. Weird. I know a bit off topic, but interesting all around indeed.

He's also 50...so he should have moved to a less risky investment by now, and only be 15%? Invested in stocks.

But maybe, he just needed the money.

Fantastic post!

Voat.co is a reddit clone of sorts. Might want to check it out if you haven't

Link me these "racist postings."

Link me these "racist postings."

  • Technically that would be a violation of rule #5 and #10 , and we are not allowed to do that, are we now!?

  • I am collecting a small archive of "anti-Israel posts" from the r/conspiracy forum, often nothing more than thinly disguised racism, slurs and nazi-Islamofacist anti-Jewish propaganda. Very interesting, you can sort of spot a clear trend, connected to the... censored censored censored. Alas you can't talk about it, it would be a clear violation of rule #2 #5 #9 #10 and #11.

  • I am patient and I collect the evidence every single day, several times a day, with little or no effort, no stress my friend! They are sloppy, they are amateurish, they are bad at covering their tracks.

  • At times the Moderators can be quite zealous, which is why I take great care not breaking any rules, especially rule #1.

Are you a moderator?

How is that rule breaking when I am genuinely interested in seeing if shills actually do that.

Because I post a lot of anti Israeli posts.

  • 1) I know you post anti-Israel comments, not a lot, but that is 100% your choice. I am not myself into all those racist slurs, vulgar stereotyping and pseudo historic shenanigans. I aim higher.

  • 2) A) You must understand what a shill is. B) You must actually write something worth their undivided attention.

I can't point fingers, I am not allowed to do that, because that is apparently how the rules are interpreted by our lovely Moderator team.

Well just pm me. I am looking for the difference between real posts and what shills post.

How the fuck is being anti Israeli or anti Zionism racist? What's the difference between hating the US or Turkish or Communist/Bolshevik governments?

Or are you bullshitting about racist posts?

Well just pm me. I am looking for the difference between real posts and what shills post.

  • Money, That makes all the difference. I can't tell who does it, because the would be breaking rule # 10, but you could do some research yourself, it is not rocket science (I am not your mom either).

How the fuck is being anti Israeli or anti Zionism racist? What's the difference between hating the US or Turkish or Communist/Bolshevik governments?

  • It is a narrow path to walk. I am not accusing you of anything. But if people are ignorant, uneducated and lack mannerisms they might quickly fall into the category of racism. Racism, vulgarity and hatred are such blunt tools, wielded by the dim witted, in their hapless effort of impress and bedazzle their surroundings.

Are you sure you are not a Moderator?

Per #3. Reddit wants me to view porn. I'm ok with this.

Ad 5) In my experience /r/conspiracy (and conspiracies in general) are down to just the dumbest of all conspiracies carried forward my the loudest of mouths - combined with sources which are borderline insane.

Even if you just go by the mass media journalism (the real one - Guardian, NYT, NZZ, SZ) you will read stories which show the consequences of corruption and conspiracies on the highest level and yet things like the libor scandal seem to be no topic in /r/conspiracy compared to e.g. rothschilds-control-the-world..

This fact was stated in the intro to the film Argo, which won the Oscar for Best Picture a few years back.

It was clearly removed for propaganda/censorship reasons.

What is this? Can you post a pic of it?

Even Wikipedia has it as confirmed.

Wikipedia is a reliable source now?

Like the drain cleaner?

Screw Wikipedia anybody can edit it, I'm not saying it's not a fact though

Which the poster could have verified by linking to an article that had proper sources. The rules of that sub are very clear. Submit a neutral source with solid sources and it stays. Submit a link to a site dedicated to the person you're taking about with no additional sources... The result was predictable.

Lol conspiracy theories need to be verified to post here now? Fuck off.

the title is phrased poorly but the removal was I'm /r/Til not here

Um, there's nothing "conspiracy theory" about it. The CIA, together with friendly corporations, change regimes and install puppet governments all the time.

They're really good at it - the best in the world. Well, them and the British. Wow, you live a sheltered life. I thought this was common knowledge everywhere?

Edit: sorry, was condescending. The history of coups d'etat is pretty interesting.

A conspiracy is a real thing. It is when a group conspire together to shop something that they want, against the wishes of others.

There are kooks out there who wear tin foil hats; but they're kooks; not conspiracy theorists - and remember that a fact is only proven after it's theorised; you could call anyone in the justice system a conspiracy theorist then; because they are all pursuing the facts to prove a theory.

In the case of organised crime, like Hillary and Bill, you are seeking to prove a criminal conspiracy. In this case it's a crime that has subverted the first and second most powerful offices in the land.

This undermines deeply the office of the Presidency, ironically making it harder for foreigners to believe you in the future when you say you're exporting" Democracy" somewhere new.

Can you imagine the flood of retardation that would ensue that would completely obfuscate and undermine the credibility of actual possible criminal conspiracy?

I mean... flat earth.. people actually label themselves as "globers"?

The quality of discourse here is actually pretty good IMO. A quick glance at youtube will tell you there is PLENTY of dumb stuff kids believe that doesnt need to be here.

Holy shit! I'm a glober. I'm using that now.

Not here, in the 'TiL' (Today I learned) subreddit.

For the uninitiated, it's a hive of scum and shillery. Anything anyone posts which could in any way be seen as a slight on the US, and particularly it's foreign policy, is very heavily moderated/downvoted.

We really need a similar sub that's welcoming to Europeans. I suggest we call it 'Today I Learnt'.

Until they quarantine it.

Many can't wait. It's already dead as-is.

You must understand that unless the post is about Van Halen's brown M&M's, TIL mods will remove it.

That sub has about 5 items that get recycled and they don't like to gum up the works with actual information, let alone new stuff.

Seems like 1 or 2 reposts a week if not more. I wonder if it is vote brigading to drown out actual TIL. Same with AskReddit, there are items that get reposted so much that it's became its own meme

askreddit has such a huge userbase it kind of makes sense to just repeat the same conversations, unfortunately

they obviously censor any interesting questions

We need to find a new Reddit.

We all know how voat turned out. I just ignore the subs that pull this shit.

The problem is Reddit management. They're either behind a lot of this crap or allowing it. More and more I go to convos.org. Which is still tiny. But at least isn't pulling this yet.

What's wrong with voat? I love it over there.

All of the banned subs (FPH, SNS, et al) migrated during the purge and the front page of it was flooded with that for a good while.

Also, http://imgur.com/fYQ7IJQ

I don't care what Google says, that's not representative of the content.

Plus those banned subs deserve a voice, even if you disagree with it. Freedom of speech was designed to protect those you disagree with.

When those subs leaked over constantly, there was an issue. They're fine being toxic in their isolated areas (their subs), but when they leak everywhere, it ruins it for those who would rather have legitimate discussion. There were good subs that got fucked over by the purge, and it shouldn't have happened, but FPH was posting everywhere and actively harassing people all over Reddit. There comes a point where the right to speak is not defendable. Freedom of speech does not protect libel, slander, nor harassment, nor is it a right guaranteed by an online service, which by its ToS can delete your account at will.

This may have been the case in the past, but it's definitely not the case now.

Plus, you can always block the subverses you do not want to see, remedying that issue.

yeah but voat sucked

ive been thinking about making one myself, but the question is always how to fund it, and how to get users to flock.. and how to prevent it from turning into a cesspool like voat.

Why did voat suck? What happened to it? I didn't go so I don't know.

stormfront happened

it's one big "fuck the niggers" circlejerk... all the far right wing idiots in one big hateful basket.

well that's kind of who were the 'victims' of all the reddit bannings... (not that i miss them)

They still have a right to speak, whether you agree with their speech or not. I don't like all of the user base of voat, but I don't particularly like the user base of Reddit either. Both places have diversity and opinions all over the place. But Voat is 100% uncensored, and that's why I like it.

Because the ones who went to Voat are racist freaks with fetishes in weird porn. That is all you see on the front page of Voat. Racist weirdos.

Just checked Voat out...didn't see anything of the sort.

Are you one of those nice liberal people who think anything outside the mainstream PC multicultural race narrative is "racist"?

please do enlighten us, oh racist one

He's not a racist, go take a look at voat yourself, as you clearly have never been there

Yes. Instead of supporting freedom voat embraced the dark side.


You can't fight an army of shills and sockpuppets.





And for 30 years he has been consistently making votes and doing things that lineup with what he has been saying and trying to change. He's been an independent that whole time. He is change whether you misunderstand the situation or not with your niave view point.

but he was completely ineffective at bringing about the type of change he once would have handcuffed himself to a burning car for..

Funny thing about Congress it's not dictatorship. Not really how it works.


The point is what he is attempting to do and the direction he puts us towards. This is how politics works.


Again it doesn't work that way. You are essentially asking for a miracle worker.

3 month old post. try submitting again, OP.

Haha it cracks me the fuck up anyone can still get away with denying that the Iranian Shah installed in 1953 that lasted until the 1979 Iranian Revolution wasn't a US-backed leader. It's like old history, but there's so much resistance to it. Shows you how much pull the CIA has on the media, doesn't it? Even the admitted truth is a lie according to the most fervent believers in the good character of the state. Or they might be paid to make everyone look the other way.

This is what I cannot stand about otherhumans. It's also why I value people like yourself Magnora and other regulars here on /r/conspiracy. Because your'e not afraid to see things as they are and you don't try to censor the news. I cannot STAND these establishmentarian goons! They are bodysnatched...mindsnatched

Who disputes that the CIA overthrew the Mossadegh (at the behest of the Anglo-Persian oil company - now BP). The Shah was a puppet leader, but an interesting man. Because of the OPEC oil embargo, and his resistance to pressure from the UK, Saudi Arabia, the US and others, he toyed with nationalizing the oil again / selling it for gold.

Honest question. How popular was the shah with your average Iranian when he took power?

Reddit is full of alot of ignorant tools so it's hard to spread any info aside from their agenda without getting banned or anything, hence why I don't go to /askhistorians anymore because if something isn't written in the history book they choose to believe it's false in their eyes no matter proof

If something isn't written down then how do you reference it?

Thats a problem at /r/askhistorians. Anything that there is a good record of is easy to source, but theres a whole lot of 'How did the residents of X Country feel about this event in their history' or 'what would life be like if event X happened differently/didn't happen'. Obviously these questions are very difficult to provide sourced answers for, but people will argue they 'need a source' if it doesn't fit their correct worldview.

Are you saying people shouldn't verify information? Isn't a conspiracy subreddit the exact place where people would want to examine the sources and interpret the information themselves?

Edit: not to mention that without sources, how would a historian know how someone felt during a certain time period? They would be speculating, which spreads false information. Also, ask historians doesn't deal with your second question as it is hypothetical.

Are you saying people shouldn't verify information?

Nope, where did I say that? Wouldn't I have just said that if I meant that? Verified information is great, but that doesn't make unverified information completely worthless. Likewise, and this is the one reddit seems to have a problem with, one source does not a truth make, nor are all sources as equal as each other.

Of course, this presents a big problem when trying to set blanket rules for subreddits which deal with a massive variety of different info from wildly differing users.

Isn't a conspiracy subreddit the exact place where people would want to examine the sources and interpret the information themselves?

Probably, but my post wasn't about this particular subreddit. FTR, I don't believe this place needs a massive amount of sources, but obviously any sources, citations, references and further reading are always a big plus.

how would a historian know how someone felt during a certain time period?

Exactly. It's 50 years in the future and I am asked the question 'How did the general public see the Olympic Games in London in 2012'. I can answer 'it was the most joyous of times for the whole country, heres a BBC article as my source'. Or I can answer 'Anybody uninterested in sport or from outside London thought it was a scam they paid for, heres a Guardian article as my source'. Finding an article that says it was a completely mixed reaction is a lot lot harder, but a lot closer to the truth. One source does not the truth make.

They would be speculating, which spreads false information

Except using sources in order to speculate is fine, and done all the time, in fact it's the basis of most academic work. Speculation has spread a lot of info over the years, much of it has been found out to be correct, much incorrect. To ban it in academia would be, for want of a better term, fucking stupid.

Also, ask historians doesn't deal with your second question as it is hypothetical.

Supposedly not, but structure the question correctly and it's almost always let go. 'How much did the US assist the USSR during WW2' is how to ask 'Would the allies have got to Berlin first if they hadn't helped the Soviets with lend/lease', for example.

Check out the book "All the shahs men". Good read.

If you did not see it, it did not happen! /s.

Let's for a moment give the TIL mods the benefit of the doubt, that they removed this not because the fact of the CIA coup itself was unverifiable, but that the source itself, http://www.mohammadmossadegh.com/, did not adequately source its claims. I can see that a sub of its size not having the resources to look beyond the original link to see if the claim itself is true, and err on the side of deleting posts that do not in themselves support the claim.

Given that this is their MO, at least when people report the links, I do wonder whether these unsourced claims are released after a well sourced claim, such as the wiki link, are posted. Then the well-sourced claim is downvoted while the unsourced one is upvoted by bot accounts, and after it gets popular, it's removed. Just a thought.

Should I be surprised that I had to scroll this far down to find a logical explanation buried under all the conspiracies in r/consipiracy?

Big threads that hit /r/all tend to get a different crowd. I read a lot of the TIL threads over on /u/undelete, and this rule is one they use a lot. Sure, I think the '53 coup is worthwhile for people to know, but it's easy to see how the mods can't have the time to search out whether a claim is true if the link doesn't actually support it. I have more issues with them deleting under the "recent politics" rule, but generally just don't care anymore.

I did propose my own conspiracy theory, that unsourced articles are posted after well-sourced ones to siphon votes, after which it get's removed. I'm not saying this is the case, but I wouldn't put it past the groups we know try to manipulate social media.

OK... after talking with the Mod, it looks like the real problem with the posting is the 'secular' wording (meh), and the fact that it is a mossadegh domain. Apparently, if the link was to a CNN or RT article (referenced in the Wikipedia entry), or a link to the declassified docs, themselves... it would (I guess) seem more credible and less 'left to interpretation'.

Not saying I agree with the Mods, but I can see (kinda) where they came from on that.

"Pitchforks here get your pitchforks here!"

No mention of this or any other previous CIA coups in any threads about Venezuela or Brazil on the site.

Is Guatemala still a conspiracy?

People should read Kinzer's book Overthrow, that guy is as establishment as it gets, and his book if full of CIA malfeasance.

Or Reagans dirty wars in Central America

Yeah, I imagine if you told people about all the crazy Iran Contra stories they would say its bullshit.

Who would believe Hasenfus is an actual name.

if its not verified by the reddit mod staff, its not true?

"on cnn tonight we just saw a group of alien ships in the sky claiming to be from your anus but after verifying it with the reddit mod staff, they came to the conclusion that its not true."

This is not even a remote conspiracy it is openly acknowledged; borderline common knowledge for anyone who pays attention to the world.


Enjoyed the read!

I mention CIA narco trafficking all the time and provide sources and it never gets taken down

I've told them how bad this makes them look. They did the same to a couple of my posts there.

It was just a psyop /s

What the hell??

I like to have steady, interesting fact based information about the world. So if the mods would kindly fuck off and let people discuss openly that'd be great. No reason to delete precious information like that

For the same reason they remove posts showing criticism towards Israel.

ThIs is huge problem with moderation.

Single individual moderators cannot be as smart as hundreds or thousands of users so moderators will more often than not fail in judgements of post accuracy.

all this talk of censorship, i feel the need to add my 2 cents.

que the downvotes.

VACCINES!!! DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN! lots of talk about it on this sub. a whoooole lot. why are these posts not censored like other are?

here is why i bring this up. im a nurse. i have been for several years now. i know a thing or 2 about vaccinations. im pro most vaccinations (except the flu vaccine, its only 50/50 at best). no matter how reasonably i try to lay out my arguments, how much i empathize with others, no matter how i try to come across, i get downvoted like i just kicked a puppy. why? i understand antivax sentiment is high on here, and i can see why. but the fact that the antivax posts are not censored (at least not like anti israel and anti govt posts are) should tell you something. couple that with the fact that anything even remotely provax, even provax with limitations, is shit on like the great satan himself.

what does this tell you? who benefits? and how? someone out there wants antivax sentiments to be high. i dont know why. but nobody else seems to be able to see it. maybe my view is dilluted because im one of the few that are ok with vaccines and i see all the negativity in a different light. but if you could see it from my end, you would undertand.

Well. I guess it's not a secret who reddit works for now, is it?

It's /r/conspiracy literally disinfo agents beacon of light saying HERE LET US LEAD YOU DOWN THE WRONG PATH. I only come here for the shits and giggles.

Fucking Jim Carter. I hate him as much as Bush.

Isn't the point of conspiracies, is that they aren't verified?

Your source was biased and shitty. Better sources for your point exist and are much harder for the mods to deny.

Your source was biased and shitty.

for some reason this sentence made me laugh

You would have to be extremely naive to think that the US did not and does not want Iran's oil. We still want it. We do not control Iran, so we demonize them.

You have no critical thinking skills. This is easy to take down. I'll respond to those six "myths" off the top of my head.

"Misconception #1: The United States wanted Iran’s oil"

Yeah, I know. It was England that wanted Iran's oil. Oh, look: the article even mentioned that. And? You do realize that we are used as the NWO's military, right? That these corporations are multi-national and we do the military bidding for them.

"Misconception #2: Mohammad Mossadegh was a democratically elected Prime Minister"

What kind of point is that to make? They even clarify themselves: "This is not to say Mossadegh’s position was not legitimate. He was chosen by his constituency to be a Majles deputy, this is indisputable."

Again: what point is being made? I see this a lot. Saying "Here, I'm going to debunk this" and then not actually debunk anything. Throw a little bit of question here and there, attack the most minor non point there, paint a straw man over here... but not actually debunk anything

"Misconception #3: The Eisenhower Administration was determined to remove Mossadegh from power from Day 1"

This is literally never said. I've never seen it. Let alone it wouldn't matter. Did the CIA orchestrate the overthrow of a lawfully-elected Prime Minister? Yes. That's it. That's the whole story.

"Misconception #4: The CIA coup was successful" Oh? News to me. It "failed" on the 15th/16th, but succeeded on the 19th? Again: what point are you making? And then he says "some Iranians were involved!" Obviously. You need some inside men. It's not like all politicians are without enemies. Much the opposite. What point is being made here? You're not adding to any debunking whatsoever. Even if Iranians finished the overthrow in the 19th - let's say without help - we kicked it off and it wouldn't have succeeded without our involvement, which is not denied. Coups fail all the time, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen or weren't attempted.

"Misconception #5: CIA documents corroborate each other" again: who says this? So they give an example. An example that does not disprove or debunk anything. It shows minor contextual errors that are both probably innocent and inconsequential to the fact that the CIA overthrew Iran's prime minister. End of story.

"Misconception #6: Westerners and Royalists were the only ones who wished to remove Mossadegh from power" NOBODY SAYS THIS!!! Your idea is "maybe someone else didn't like him" does not, in any way, somehow disprove that the CIA overthrew Iran's prime minister.

You didn't notice any of these because you didn't read it.

How is that a "take down"? Even on #1 all you did was repeat the same assertion that is debunked. Maybe a bit louder.

On #2, you're just ignoring the point being made. Almost every time I hear this story it starts with the breathlessly stated "fact" that he was democratically elected. You don't even seem to deny it, which is the point. That "fact" is false, and it makes it a terrible thing to say at the onset of the story.

On the rest, you just say you've never heard anyone say these things. That's not my fault. They must have come from sources that didn't confirm your bias, so you've never seen them.

Even on #1 all you did was repeat the same assertion that is debunked. Maybe a bit louder.

First of all, saying something is "debunked" is merely an assertion as well. But the other poster did not repeat the same assertion (an assertion he had not made at all); he correctly pointed out that even your article claims the UK had an oil interest in Iran. Do you deny that the US and UK often work in tandem for foreign policy, especially where it concerns the interests of their multi-national corporations?

On #2, you're just ignoring the point being made.

And you seem to be focused on smaller details while ignoring the larger picture. Does one sovereign nation have the right to depose the legitimate leader of another? That's a point we might debate, yet the fact that Iran was not as democratic as the US or other western countries does not mean we can just assume a coup against him is somehow okay.

On the rest, you just say you've never heard anyone say these things. That's not my fault. They must have come from sources that didn't confirm your bias, so you've never seen them.

What is your point in making your original comment? That some people posit or spread misinformation concerning the coup? I don't think anyone would deny that. Yet even wikipedia says he:

was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the American Central Intelligence Agency and the British Secret Intelligence Service.


No he's just another guy that believes every conspiracy out there. Flat earth, sandy hook, chemtrails, etc.

Zero critical thinking, complete denial of Occam's razor.

The problem is Reddit management. They're either behind a lot of this crap or allowing it. More and more I go to convos.org. Which is still tiny. But at least isn't pulling this yet.

I've been here almost 9 years. I've got 780+k karma with about 177k on conspiracy. I know how to choose articles people find interesting. But I can't fight an army of shills or Reddit management.

People of merit on /r/conspiracy (post quality things, make quality comment) don't care about karma. They just say what's true and it's your responsibility as a real person or even as a shill working for the death star to choose to ignore or fight it. And you do so at your peril once you realize that you are cocreating the realtiy around you--that it really is some kind of game and youre not 'apart' from it.

Just checked Voat out...didn't see anything of the sort.

Are you one of those nice liberal people who think anything outside the mainstream PC multicultural race narrative is "racist"?

What's wrong with voat? I love it over there.

And for 30 years he has been consistently making votes and doing things that lineup with what he has been saying and trying to change. He's been an independent that whole time. He is change whether you misunderstand the situation or not with your niave view point.