Maybe mushrooms ARE bad?
0 2016-05-18 by ravenhelix
Recently, a lot of articles have been released supporting the usage of psychedelic mushrooms to cure multiple mental health concerns. From what I've seen and researched as a neuroscience focused track, these drugs tend to wipe your slate clean, rather "fix" your problems. What if making them so taboo, and releasing supporting evidence towards them is a way to promote the average citizen's usage of it? I know a lot of people like to talk about how it cured their depression, but if you don't have your old personality, you won't be affected by things the same way so there isn't really a cause for the depression. Mental illness does not work the same way as traditionally "physical illness" because the cause is not always just a drug imbalance in the brain. We shouldn't treat it as such, and maybe take all these new magic mushroom solutions with a grain of salt?
13 WeilandPark 2016-05-18
like sexual advice from a virgin
-1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
Did you just compare...doing shrooms with a basic evolutionary need???
6 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
I think they were hinting that you hadn't yet popped your shroom.
9 redtape20 2016-05-18
I have one of those shroom success stories, so I'm not really sure. What they say about shrooms is 100% in line with my experience.
8 TheStrangeTamer 2016-05-18
Eat your Fucking Mushrooms.. every 6 to 8 weeks...
8 DrDougExeter 2016-05-18
They never should have been made illegal in the first place
0 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
I don't think they should be illegal. I personally think deregulation is the key, but what I'm suggesting is the sudden support of them considering how much the government is benefiting through the slow legalization of weed, may be a more political reason than a scientific breakthrough driven one.
3 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
Everything TPTB do is to create confusion or division. It doesn't matter whether it's so called 'drugs' or gender bending toilets. Look at all the effort you are spending on this topic instead of organizing to get the borders closed, bringing the troops home, giving them the medical care they need and trying several POTUS for war crimes.
If that was done then weed, shrooms & E for mental health care and cancer cures would fall into place without any issues along with a whole spectrum of other things.
It's because they appease us with these morsels that they are able to keep us happy with drugs but at each others throats over toilets.
When the morsels run out expect war.
7 Lo0seR 2016-05-18
Moved to Seattle in the 70's and lived tbere for almost 30 yrs. before I moved away. While I was there, people had been taking mushrooms since they were kids, found they lived productive lives to an older age, after that it's pretty much downhill anyways, so does it really matter in the long run, they were fit to collect SS and a pension, and continue on, so maybe the uptick with this depression problem is caused by a complete different set of circumstances.
1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
That's an interesting perspective! What concerns me is how the age of mortality is increasing as we progress, so maybe it will be a concern eventually.
5 digdog303 2016-05-18
Have you ever done mushrooms? They don't "wipe your slate clean" unless you take way too much. Therapeutic doses allow and encourage you to introspect in ways you're not used to doing. They illuminate your problems so that you can figure out a better way to face them, they don't erase anything.
4 [deleted] 2016-05-18
They contain a great amount of ergothioneine, so that is a good things since we have receptors for it. Too bad I hate the taste, lucky spirulina has about as much. I also found LSD to offer a much nicer vacation.
3 pseudonym42 2016-05-18
Well, they do grow in poop, so.
2 donuthazard 2016-05-18
News flash, most plants we eat grow better with the help of poop.
1 pseudonym42 2016-05-18
This is a bit different:
1 donuthazard 2016-05-18
meh, farmers often spray crops with poop-n-water mixture.
1 potxolo 2016-05-18
Don't leave the city if you're so afraid of poop.
Plants thrive because of other beings "poop," and we literally depend on their "poop" to breathe.
1 pseudonym42 2016-05-18
Uhh I am not afraid of this at all. Shrooms just taste yucky. But you aren't eating them for the taste.
1 digdog303 2016-05-18
Or brown rice flour or rye grains ;)
1 pseudonym42 2016-05-18
Regular mushrooms or psychedelics?
1 digdog303 2016-05-18
1 pseudonym42 2016-05-18
Well TIL. Thanks.
1 redtape20 2016-05-18
Does this change the flavor? Is there a subreddit for this?
1 digdog303 2016-05-18
I've never had the opportunity to a-b compare poop-grown to grain-grown but I'd imagine the effect on taste isn't too noticeable. After all, mushrooms like the poop from hooved animals because they eat (and poop out) grain.
The major sub is /r/MushroomGrowers/ but if you're more curious about psilocybin varieties there is also /r/shrooms and /r/shroomers
1 justamonarch 2016-05-18
Ahhhh...never mind and thank you.
1 justamonarch 2016-05-18
So straight ergot? Gonna have to find real organic...
3 [deleted] 2016-05-18
0 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
it's more genuine concern, but to each his own
2 s70n3834r 2016-05-18
I've never used them, but I wish I had; every mushroom user I know is living a happier and more fulfilling life.
-1 Celibate_monk 2016-05-18
Then you take them and you say in your mind "Oh shit...why did I do this?...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and then after you are so fucking happy it's over.
2 justamonarch 2016-05-18
Nothing about wiped clean....just recompartmentalized.
1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
Yeah, I worded that wrong. In my experience, subjects usually developed some time of speech impediment, so it wasn't a total wipeout, but something was definitely dialed backwards in development. And I'm referring to regular users in solid doses.
3 potxolo 2016-05-18
You must recite Shakespeare when you're drunk then, if the concept of slurred speech while tripping balls seems so foreign to you.
1 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
Can you post links to these studies you are peddling fear from?
Without links to pucker documents it's just fear mongering.
1 justamonarch 2016-05-18
My screen name here is for a reason. I hope you guys doing this research are aware of historical research.....YouTube has bad trip at Edgewood. I haven't had the balls to watch it....yet...I will.....I know my dad volunteered there. I do however highly (not being punny) if you are so inclined to find out for yourself. In a safe way, with a trusted sitter. I have learned about who I am and who I definitely am not. And about who I don't want to ever become.
I actually forgot the recommend.....that is the whole point....
2 FORKinmyDICK 2016-05-18
Read food of the gods.
2 5arge 2016-05-18
You have never tried them. Maybe you should keep your uninformed opinion to yourself?
1 whiteyjuice 2016-05-18
I have used my fair share, and my personality was never "wiped" clean! Did these scientists actually take mushrooms or LSD?
1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
I'm glad it hasn't affected your personality! We aren't allowed to take them for research seeing as we are undergraduates, and it is still illegal in most places. Plus most of us have pretty intensive classes that we cannot risk a mind altering drug when each week we have to recall a crap load of info for some type of test. It's just other observations or research papers written.
4 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
Aren't allowed... lol
Good subservient!
Just fill your reports with what they need you to in order to fulfill their agenda and all will be ok ;-)
1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
Bruh...I'm a college student who's a science major, not a government underground lab rat who hasn't seen daylight in a year. I would like to graduate with a degree I spent all these years working towards, and not get kicked out of my program for the sake of "hey guys! Let's do drugs and see what happens?"
3 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
But, but, that's how it works.
The smart kids are a real problem for the system. They have the potential to see through the cracks. You're here. That's a good sign so I'll give you props there son. But the higher up the education system goes, especially anything related to medicine, energy and weapon related sciences the more your grasp of morals, your sense of what is just and right are removed from you.
The education system must at all levels produce bright young stars who either agree with TPTB or are too timid or too tied up in their diploma that they don't go against what they are dictated.
You've already admitted that you have submitted to the notion that a third party, in this case a government corporation (a non person) can dictate what you put in your body. And apart from your fear of these 'laws', you also want your diploma so that you may continue on your government approved path.
I'm not attacking nor ridiculing you. If it's a field you love then go for it. Just be open enough to question why some things are the way they are when it seems illogical or overbearing.
TL;DR if the education system was functional we would have a functioning government, free energy, copious amounts of food, medicine and world peace.
3 justamonarch 2016-05-18
And they really do not like free thinkers. Yournutz is spot on. Once you work for big bro your soul needs to have a lot of room for stretching...unless you want to make barely enough to pay that student loan. For me doing shrooms for the for the first time as an adult it felt like a homecoming.. Had been in that etherspace before. The last time I did them was very shortly after my best friend.passed. I had the blessing of sitting on the beach. In that reality, he walked up , say down next to me and we said our goodbyes. He got up walked down the beach turned and waved. I have been at peace with his death. So I guess whatever works to get you through the night it's all right, it alright.. ;-)
Forgot nutz 's r and it looked wonky
3 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
Thanks for sharing (and fixing my nuts). You've earned this
2 justamonarch 2016-05-18
It's always appropriate to leave someone else nut'z no worse than one found them..... ;-) ......m'lord
1 ravenhelix 2016-05-18
I mean, I'm open to it which is why I was reading all the threads from the start. But many articles popping up around the same time most "entry level drugs' started getting deregulated was suspicious to me. But I get what you're saying. But also, might wanna call me daughter haha. Most people still assume anyone on this thread/on reddit/ a hard science major is male. It happens.
2 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
As I said these morsels of freedom are required to keep an ever unhappy population under control. Look at the period up until WWII. Especially Germany. It was a Marxist cesspool of debauchary until an Austrian with odd facial hair decided enough was enough.
The assumption of both gender and age was initiated by you. Elsewhere you even used the phrase 'each to his own'. I had assumed you to be sporting a neck beard as you had used 'bruh' as opposed to 'bro'.
That may still be the case. We do live in a diverse society after all ;-)
Next time keep your micro aggressions under control please. Lucky for you I surf the interwebs from a guilded safe space where the scent of roses and the touch and feel of my hand knitted cardigan keeps my anger under control.
Getting back on topic... Have you looked into the work of Paul Stamets.
Stage 4 breast cancer cured by turkey tail mushrooms
Fungi breaks down hydrocarbons (petrochemicals) restructures into carbohydrates Neutralizes biochem weapons, flu virus etc
2 justamonarch 2016-05-18
Your handknitted cardigan, m'lord.....;-)
Great data too...I did not know about turkeytails...
1 redtape20 2016-05-18
Sounds like you've bought into every lie told about psychedelics.
1 Celibate_monk 2016-05-18
Mushrooms aren't bad or good. They change your reality into another reality. And depending on your subjective perspective you will either be delighted or disturbed. And they tend to be very extreme experiences, good or bad. It's a gamble.
4 redtape20 2016-05-18
You sound like you haven't tried them yourself, but instead are parroting those top comments left in major subs any time this subject is brought up.
It isn't a gamble at all if you go into it with the right mindset, and the right amount of shrooms. Obviously if you take too much you're gonna have a bad time
Edit:moved stuff around to make sense
1 Celibate_monk 2016-05-18
I have. Although if I tried them now (after being spiritually educated), I don't think I would be as scared.
-4 jokers_onus 2016-05-18
You got it, just another tool of controlling the sheeple.
3 potxolo 2016-05-18
You must recite Shakespeare when you're drunk then, if the concept of slurred speech while tripping balls seems so foreign to you.
1 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
Can you post links to these studies you are peddling fear from?
Without links to pucker documents it's just fear mongering.
3 your-nuts-sir 2016-05-18
But, but, that's how it works.
The smart kids are a real problem for the system. They have the potential to see through the cracks. You're here. That's a good sign so I'll give you props there son. But the higher up the education system goes, especially anything related to medicine, energy and weapon related sciences the more your grasp of morals, your sense of what is just and right are removed from you.
The education system must at all levels produce bright young stars who either agree with TPTB or are too timid or too tied up in their diploma that they don't go against what they are dictated.
You've already admitted that you have submitted to the notion that a third party, in this case a government corporation (a non person) can dictate what you put in your body. And apart from your fear of these 'laws', you also want your diploma so that you may continue on your government approved path.
I'm not attacking nor ridiculing you. If it's a field you love then go for it. Just be open enough to question why some things are the way they are when it seems illogical or overbearing.
TL;DR if the education system was functional we would have a functioning government, free energy, copious amounts of food, medicine and world peace.
1 redtape20 2016-05-18
Sounds like you've bought into every lie told about psychedelics.
1 justamonarch 2016-05-18
My screen name here is for a reason. I hope you guys doing this research are aware of historical research.....YouTube has bad trip at Edgewood. I haven't had the balls to watch it....yet...I will.....I know my dad volunteered there. I do however highly (not being punny) if you are so inclined to find out for yourself. In a safe way, with a trusted sitter. I have learned about who I am and who I definitely am not. And about who I don't want to ever become.
I actually forgot the recommend.....that is the whole point....