This is The Truth

7  2016-05-24 by IAmSuperiorToAll

The truth is that everything exists in the ONE. The One has been always there and will always be there. The one releases its emanations which manifest as MULTIPLE REALITIES (which include the universe, planets, and you and your other human beings).

The ONE seeks to know itself through a process of internalizing its thoughts and experiencing it. Ofcourse, it does this through CREATING A DUALITY. There is now the ONE and those that are not THE ONE.


You will come to realize that everything that is outside of you and your mind is temporary and an illusion and the ultimate source of your insanity (depression, anxiety, unhappiness, attachments, violence etc.)

Only that which is within you, which can be reached through deprivation of the senses and the world outside of you, is the connection to the ONE and YOU WILL THEN DO THE SAME THING THAT THE ONE IS DOING AND THUS BECOME ONE WITH THE ONE.


Simplify it, brother.

There is no Self. Attachment to the idea of a seperate ego, or Self, is the cause of all your suffering. Meditate to learn to watch your thoughts and not identify with them. Raise your awareness daily. There is a middle way between atheism and fundamentalism.

Your idea is in the neighborhood, but seems to miss the bull's eye a bit in the process.

The One is everything. Being everything, deprivation is not entirely necessary to experience It. It - The One - is necessarily everything everywhere at all times.

As such, deprivation - or, perhaps more accurately, concentration, meditation, discipline, etc - might help yield a more concentrated understanding of the extent to which all is One (Tat Tvam Asi), but the ascetic lifestyle is not entirely necessary in order to experience It.

The One is everything. Being everything, deprivation is not entirely necessary to experience It

Yes it is. The meaning of life is to realize that the material world is an illusion. It contains the absence of what is really REAL. Deprivation of one gets you closer to the opposite, that is REALITY.

the ascetic lifestyle is not entirely necessary in order to experience It.

Ofcourse it is. Contamination with the bodily senses will never get you to the ONE.

Contamination with the bodily senses will never get you to the ONE.

I disagree. Many spiritual practices use substances to facilitate discovery. This is across many cultures, both presently and in the past.

The other thing your post didn't mention which is key to understanding "oneness" is the requirement of Care in dualistic systems, lest the dualism get out of hand and become a machine.

I disagree. Many spiritual practices use substances to facilitate discovery. This is across many cultures, both presently and in the past.

That may be discovery but it is not union with the One.

We already are in union with the One, even if we don't realize it. To be aware of the union one must understand the design of duality, and therefore of Care. Meditation and internal dialogue are the surest way for one to prove this to themselves without relying on external authority figures to tell you what to think. We're probably in agreement on that. The core bit being that people have to come to this conclusion on their own and it will not be forced upon them (other than thru the causal nature of reality). That's the whole point of free will.

No you aren't.

What does care have to do with duality?

No you aren't.

This is the part of the conversation when I realize you don't know what you're saying, or you're using sufficiently inexact language to communicate what you mean.

What does care have to do with duality?

Dualistic systems are machines. Machines lack care. For dualism to work it needs an ethical, care component to decorate the machine, or it stays a careless machine. Ethics is just another name for directives that work in flow with the design of the machine.

I'll end the conversation here. I think you need some more meditating to do.

Dualistic systems are machines

Really? Who says?

Why do you need an external authority to tell you what to think? Work it out from first principles.

Why do you need an external authority to tell you what to think?

I don't. I also don't believe it.

your belief is unnecessary. duality is division. fractal division is hierarchy. hierarchy is compilable language. compilable language is instruction. instructions drive machines.

Everyone's belief is necessary.

This guy explains things really well. I don't.

Thx! FWIW I think you have brought up some interesting ideas (left vs right hand paths) that seemed to go over everyone's head and would be a useful razor to help understand how systems corrupt.

You think I am kidding....but your little thought provoker helped get there. Thanks.

To find out how systems corrupt....pretty sure we can just look at the current state of world affairs.....a bunch of greedy left hand path following psychopath Satanists...that like their babies raw and their kids young. Especially when they have minions...that are willing to go through the extra mile of shit to get the pics to prove it. NSA won't prosecute their own for childporn....300 of them paid for it with their personal credit cards....imagine how much pervy and snuff they got stashed for the overlords delite in Utah.....pretty sure no studying is really needed. Just a good thorough analyses.



Yes it is.

If one doesn’t deprive themselves, what would happen is that what they would experience would STILL (of necessity) be part of The One.

The One is not just “good” or “beauty”. Yes - It is most definitely that, but The One is also that which takes one further from their understanding of their universal connection with and as The One. As such, even when you’re as far away as you can possibly get from The One…you’re still ONE WITH IT. Why? Because The One is (again) everything.

As such, deprivation isn’t necessary to experience It. What’s necessary is the proper understanding of what The One is and what your relation to It, with It, as It is.

Deprivation is not necessary for that.

The meaning of life is to realize that the material world is an illusion.

What is “illusion”, however? Illusion is presumably “that which is not real”, correct? However, since it’s already been established that all is indeed One, then there ultimately is no illusion. There is only that which is a further separation from The One only in seeming, and even when one feels furthest from The One, It is still closer to you than your very self.

Even in the midst of the most illusory level of illusion, one is still functioning within The All’s expanse. This is a truth of necessity.

One can figure out the meaning of life within the supposed illusion of the material world. It’s just a LOOOOT more difficult and nearly impossible for some manifestations. This much is true.

They’re different paths all leading to The One, however. Some paths are pretty darn direct. Others are pretty round about.

When you figure out life is an illusion, then you can live in that illusion and already be having a greater understanding of The One than would otherwise be had. In that moment, the illusion that is the material world IS NO LONGER AN ILLUSION because you can see what it in fact is.

It contains the absence of what is really REAL.

Everything is real because everything is already The One. There are just different aspects and manifestations of The One…but all is most definitely The One. You already said it yourself in your OP. Don’t you remember?

Deprivation of one gets you closer to the opposite, that is REALITY.

If you feel that way, then that is definitely one way to achieve the end. That is your way, however…and it can be others’ way as well - yes. However, such is not the “only” way to The One.

Contamination with the bodily senses will never get you to the ONE.

Who do you think made contamination if not The One? You think contanimratnion was somehow made by some “other” force outside of The One. If that were the case, then The One WOULDN’T BE THE ONE.

The One made contamination as much as The One made purity. The One is contamination as much as purity.

I don’t advocate going toward or existing in contamination, mind you. Absolutely not. However, realize that an understanding of The One can take place from almost any vantage point if one is sufficiently adept.

Granted MOST of us absolutely aren’t sufficiently adept, and we, as a result, require austerities and disciplines and a certain level of asceticism in order to achieve a better understanding of The One. Yes. However, and to be sure, an understanding of The One can be achieved from almost any and every vantage point.

The One is, among other things, holographic - and, as such, the whole of The One is contained in literally every single little microcosmic quark of existence there is. The One is in everything. The All is in everything. Otherwise It wouldn’t be “The All”.

You are very angry and disconnected from the One.

This is the response of someone who is stumped by the truth they just got met with and is not evolved enough to acknowledge or properly respond to it.



Meditate and fast.

That helps. That's not a bad thing to do.

That's certainly not the only way to understand The All and our integral connection with and as It, however.

Prove it. Kill yourself and join the One.