Here's an idea: stop going to work.

14  2016-05-27 by EndlessCompassion


France is an advanced nation. We are a backwards colony.

They strike in France all the time. Farmers, taxi drivers, bakers, garbage workers, etc. It's like a national holiday for whatever industry happens to be striking that day.

The real way to fuck the system is to stop paying all debts. The system cannot function without interest repayments.

This brings shitposting to a new level.

Tomorrow I'm going to post "Here's an idea: Overthrow the government", and I expect it to get to the front page.

don't be bitter just because you waste your life on a 9-5.

you don't even have time to overthrow the government silly, you give away 40 hours of your life 52 weeks a year!

people in major cities make more money bumming for change than they would at a minimum wage job or even salary job.

but hey. "it's the way things are" so you gotta do it right?

don't be bitter just because you waste your life on a 9-5.

Actually, I DJ at a strip club. I love my job. I work 4 days a week and make 60k a year.

So you're a mediocre remixer of music that's used to make ambient noise to cover up the awful situation that is women make more paper by being exploited and exposing themselves to disgusting people like you instead of doing something they like because all other jobs aren't hiring or don't pay enough to make an enjoyable living? You're filth and we have plenty of better DJs you fucking unoriginal twat. Congratulations champ, you're part of the problem and on top of that you make shit money.

Someone's bitter.

A little more than you think

Ok, let's say that everyone comes to this conclusion, and every single person quits their job and starts bumming for change. Then what, genius? Who grows, prepares, and ships our food? Who creates the technology you're using to complain on Reddit? If everyone is bumming, where does the money come from? You have an extremely narrow and selfish viewpoint.

Everyone won't do it.

So just you, then. Why do you get to do nothing? As I said, it's extremely selfish to expect to be provided for simply because you don't want to work while everyone has to.

Not just me. Look at the hippie movement. Most of the population still worked in the 60s

The point stands. Why do you not have to work? What makes you better than those who do?

I'm no better. I am willing to stop working though. This probably isn't for everybody.

define better? you act like those that do, chose the system that they work for, or that they earn a fair wage for doing so.

advanced fancy worded slavery is still exactly just that.

The way OP was talking, it came across to me that he seemed a little arrogant. I was tired and probably got more annoyed at it than I should have. I still don't think having people just stop working will fix anything, but at this point I've stopped caring. I don't know why you would consider having a job slavery, but I'm not going to change your mind on it. We're on the internet after all. So sure, bum as much as you want.

the reason it is slavery is because you make a disproportionate amount less than the person with nothing more than leverage over you via corporate/small business law.

the reason it is slavery is because every hammer you bang for someone else could have been banged for yourself.

Money is valueless you fool

I'll do you one better: "Here's an idea: stop breathing."



I stopped working a long time ago, still go to work though. Wally from Dilbert is one of my heroes. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what my job is.

Since the advent of social networks and news aggregators, we have a true Vollbeschäftigung.

I once went to a psychic. She said, "I see a lot of papers and paperwork around you but I can't tell what you do." I couldn't tell her either. Time to quit.

Exactly, stripclubs are only occupied because of economic/financial desperation. Which is only real because we allow it to be.

The masses are going to need to prep far more before that. I agree, but this would be like putting a band-aid on a shotgun wound.

Not so much. Produce for you and yours, don't use the monetary system to do so.

So let's say that you have the skills/resources necessary to provide for yourself without participating in the monetary system. This would still require you to have land on which to live. How do you propose people get out of paying property taxes?

Refuse government services like the Amish.

Easier said then done, and it's a process (trust me). People need weening, much like getting off opiates. You cannot just quit cold turkey for the most part. I agree with your OP, but it's not completely rational (for the masses). If people just quit work, then there would be chaos within a few days. It's an educational and spiritual process. May not see it in my lifetime, but planting the seeds is important. We must not forget the vacuum which is caused by chaos (example: our meddling in the ME).

We're talking about you, yourself, the individual, not the masses. Don't go tomorrow. Or do, and concern yourself with the whole of the country or world for that matter. Worry about everyone else, don't change a thing about your behavior.

I like this. I have no paying job and that is pretty much how it is. Always someone around that needs a hand. I try to give em one.

Doesn't take much to eat and less to sleep indoors.

Funny that...usually a homeless person will offer you a piece of tent if they have space...and you don't. Food is ez...but no one gives can-openers to the homeless. What is with that any way.

I don't have a "job" or a 9-5, so that is not the issue. My issue is within your OP, in regards to the masses. Sure, people could do what you are saying, but most live day-to-day. I guess if you have a sick day or vacation time you could do this, but many don't have that....

They'll figure out how to get by, you will too. Not doing something because the others won't join you is cowardice. Be brave and do something, or don't and complain about the broken system you work for.

Alright, dude. Why haven't you moved to the land you say you have in the NE? What is stopping you from heading out there and living in the woods (off grid - off the system)? Should be good hearing your response....

I don't have rights to the land the wood is on, just the wood. I have to purchase a plot next spring.

I'm a parking lot attendant, the world wouldn't exactly shut down if we stopped showing up for work.

Yeah a shitload of jobs are pointless if you really think about it. All cashiers could turn into self serving cash registers. Law enforcement could be cut massively. Many people do not much at all. They just go to work because you need money to live.

Only works if you have borders protecting you.

Another idea: homeless and starving...

Another idea: eat the rich and take their belongings

But....that would make you rich....

Not if everyone else does it as well

You mean that you are going to kill the rich and take their stuff and somebody else is going to kill you and take your stuff, until the last man standing?

Shitty at being homeless if you're starving.

I don't see why not.

I like it. How much better off would we be if we could stop selling ourselves for 40+ hours a week, and instead spending that time with our family and land. Learning to fix our own machines, grow our own food, and loving our neighbors. If we stopped working, our communities would actually mean something. No longer would we have that "weird fella" next door. He then becomes entertainment, or a helping hand when your fence is down. I see it as a step in living a more civilized and loving lifestyle.

I completely agree. Figure you sleep 8 hrs and work+ commute 9-10. Shit only leave you 6 to actually live. It's no way to be.

Very truth. Now money is still necessary for things like medications and such, for those who take them. It also helps to purchase motor oil and certain goods to help keep the homestead alive. It seems important for some jobs to remain, but I believe living by craft and trade should be a more acceptable way to live. Imagine how much food could grow on the the space McDonald's takes up. I could probably talk about this for hours. But what do I know anyway.

That's another thing. Humans have survived hundreds of years without this modern day medicine. We could probably go back to our routes and be able to cure tons of things. Many people are against herbal medicines but I for one would choose herbs over modern day medicine. The thing with herbs is you can't just eat a bunch of herbs and expect it to fix it without fully changing your diet. You need to stop eating the garbage food that made you sick in the first place is the key!

Yes! Food is medicine, and more people die from medications than from herbal medicines all the time. This could be because more people use prescription drugs but I dunno. It's an unfortunate world we live in, I'm looking forward to the archaic revival.

Yeah I honestly believe things interfere purposely with the herbal remedies to make them not work. They could also claim some herbs cure things that it doesn't really cure and then use them as examples. It's really evident if you eat certain herbs it really cleans you out, you can feel it.

Some examples you can all relate to is

Spicy food makes your mucus runny.

Another is if you smoke weed you'll probably notice the same sort of thing happens. As long as you don't smoke tobacco.

Certain herbs make worms leave your body, although I've never tried it a simple google search proves it.

Dr Sebi claims mucus is what really kills us, I believe it. Imagine a perfectly clean body with no mucus. I remember as a kid I would never be stuffed up but now that I've aged I notice it. People will tell you you're stupid for thinking like that but I would say if you use your imagination it's a conclusion that could very well be true.

Mucus is a symptom of illness, not a cause. The human body secretes it to capture foreign particles for later expulsion.

okay perfect doesn't change any of my opinions to accept that fact.

I never thought of that but I can't disagree with the idea. Much of the world it toxic, and unfortunately I don't think it is something that can be escaped overnight. Our food has been too modified, seeds from apples are not true, and I wouldn't imagine it would be easy to find non modified ingredients. I'm truly uncertain as to how the modification would be resolved.

Oh yeah like basically impossible at this point but if you grew your own foods known to keep you healthy and consumed them on a regular basis I'm sure your odds of getting sick would lower dramatically.

Indeed. Also uses less money on my part, as well as less waste when it comes to shipping and such. I always wonder why people don't turn their lawns into gardens. Maybe it's just too much work, as they have their 40+ hour week jobs. Boom. Brought it back.

one step ahead of ya. working on step 2, but i know step 3 is PROFIT

Step 2 is survive. There are 2 steps to this.

PROFIT means i can amplify Self

We all welcome your new account.. as this one is fucked.

How's that

Starve yourself and your family to death, cause a schism therein, create more single mothers with delinquent children, and accomplish nothing.


Educate yourself and others on the problems with the economic system and on the systems that actually work. Demand change thereto.

Educate yourself and others on the problems with society and on the societal behaviors that actually work. Demand change thereto.

Educate yourself and others on the problems with government unconstitutionality and on the proper execution of the Constitution. Demand change thereto.

When I say 'demand', I don't mean peacefully if that doesn't work. The time for peace is over.

Nah. Just stop working, or legally working.

Alright, dude. Why haven't you moved to the land you say you have in the NE? What is stopping you from heading out there and living in the woods (off grid - off the system)? Should be good hearing your response....

I completely agree. Figure you sleep 8 hrs and work+ commute 9-10. Shit only leave you 6 to actually live. It's no way to be.

The point stands. Why do you not have to work? What makes you better than those who do?