America has become full-on fascist

9  2016-05-31 by 911bodysnatchers322

America Fascism
Philosophy "America is number 1"; We are the world leaders; Everyone wants to be like us--they hate us for our freedom but want to be like us, so we'll occupy them and build hospitals they will bomb later and mcdonalds they never asked for. We will wage perpetual war, forever, in fighting a "war on terror", to protect our freedom, which God gave us a right to have. The state must gain glory through constant conquest and war. The past was glorious, and that the State can be renewed. The individual has no value outside of his or her role in promoting the glory of the State. Philosophies varied by country.
Ideas No-bid contracts and nepotism--backchannel union of business and state; backchannel union of intelligence (spies) and business (mass surveillance and amazon+cia, google is cia, facebook, at&t is nsa); businesses telling state what to do; Corporatism and oligarchy; deep state Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership. Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of National economy. Redistribution of wealth (Nazi).
Key Proponents Neocons, Statists, Bush, Cheney, Rummsfeld, Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler.
Key Elements Patriotism, federal government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic (money-in-politics, incomprehensible voting system, voting fraud, dual voting metrics, electoral college trumping popular vote), corporate-sponsored lawmaking and corruption, institutional social injustice (bailouts), extreme nationalism, extreme militarism, police state, 'american exceptionalism', exalting 'capitalism' despite reality of abusive corporatism Actual idealism, centralized government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic, meritocratic, extreme nationalism, militarism, racism (Nazism). Traditional and/or exaggerated gender roles. One party system.`

So nothing new really. America is it's own form of Globalism like the British Empire. Only it's better.


You are preaching to the choir. Prescott, Dulles brothers, Hoover, Johnson, in the century before Cecil Rhodes; and later George W Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and PNAC people like Dan Quayle...these types are the cryptofascist elitists who pushed for hypercolonialism (globalism if you think about it). They are the ones responsible for the agenda that has spread through their ranks. The common denominator is their membership in various mafias which we call 'secret societies', all of which are coordinated by the scottish and york rites of freemasonry; and beyond that it is widely believed they are controlled by the Jesuit order, which is now in control of the vatican. Pope francis recently reversed the Catholic church's opinion on catholic membership in freemasonry from banned to 'go ahead'. So now you know that the Catholic church is not what it seems and that the Jesuit coup is complete as of 3/13/13.

Trump went to a jesuit school, is likely a high level mason, and his grandfather immigrated to america from a very specific area in germany (palatine) that was the unique epicenter of the rosicrucian order and centuries later the thule society--pre nazi ss occultism--these are facts. His gf came over and was a barber for a few years, then ran a restaurant for a few more years (can a person in america be a barber and accumulate enough money to suddenly buy a restaurant? the answer is hell no) and then owned a vast hotel chain years later. That kind of success requires not just talent but lots of injections of money at every point, indicating Trumps' GF was very well connected. Bankers have never given extremely risky loans many orders of magnitude beyond the value of collateral.


My whole family thinks I'm a total moron. So thank you, you made my day :)

You are confusing Fascism with Nazism.


What a constructive argument. Well done.


The problem is that the USA is actually promoting dysgenics. People with low IQ are encouraged to have more children, while highly intelligence family can barely make it, due to debt, mortgages. ...etc. pop culture promoting degeneration, drugs and hyper sexuality. Thats actually the opposite of fascism.

If they are promoting it as a form of control--as you claim--then it is fascism. Fascism is about the state becoming an ultimate infallible authority

Fascism: an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

The opposite of fascism is anarchy and/or agorism. Where there is no authority and/or people govern themselves through voluntary groupings with their own rules (examples: agorism, anarcho syndicalism, populism, true direct democracy)

It's possible we've created a system in which dysgenics is emergent by allowing not only self-interested corporatism (corporations controlling the gov) without any citizen or governmental oversight as to the consequences of production. So you end up with 'fashion', pop culture, degradation; sex sells so that's why you have hypersexuality.... a corp that is mindful of the effects on society might choose to sell something other than sex...but we don't see that because there's no finanical compensation for ethics and therein lies the hidden evil / problem with capitalism.

National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæ-/[1]), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state as well as other far-right groups. Usually characterized as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism developed out of the influences of Pan-Germanism,

source: wikipedia article on nazism

As the other commenter said, nothing really new. The US is a Crown Corp, which is an extension of the Roman Empire...

I guess my point then is that we all thought America was something new. But it's not.

Nice chart

That's what he did.

Its the stunning nationalism that keeps the citizens from noticing anything is wrong.

Yep. There's also this other thing at work. It's that the baby boomer generation is actually terrible. Seriously: they are the worst and I'm going to tell you exactly why.

They will read about how awful Dick Cheney is (even today, another article on how he poisoned Vets). They will still have stock in Halliburton.

Get that?

They either have no principles, or they are so greedy that their greed trumps their principles, or they are so cognitively dissonant that they don't see a problem with investing and making money with a company that goes against their values.

It would be like me running an organic farm and then holding stock in Monsanto. And then saying how well it's doing.

It would be like me saying I'm against war and I support Bernie Sanders, and yet my Raytheon, Boeng and Northrup stocks aren't doing as well as I'd like.

The hypocrisy of it. It's ASTOUNDING

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. ..


Point well taken.

Fake quote.

Smile when you say that, citizen.

Release the drones, Smithers

you forgot trump in the proponents list

Any country which requires kids to pledge allegiance to a flag at school is fucked in the head.

The column on the left is totally different than the column on the right. Not sure what you were trying to prove.

I couldn't put it more plainly: I was comparing my selection of features used to describe today's America to a description of fascism.

There's no comparison.

Huh. I'm glad you put so much effort in providing a counterargument.