Spot the Clinton shill.

55  2016-06-01 by flimflam2020

What I have found so far.

For the past 4 months it's been non stop political posts. Before that nothing political related.

Mostly inactive account for 7 years. Then sure gets going about 12 days ago.

Looks like he purchased the account about 2 months ago. Three year old account not much activity until then. 4 total posts on the account before that and those are a year old.


They're getting desperate. They realize most of America's caught on to the fact their candidate is a militarist pathological liar.

Along with unstable and in bad health. The more time America gets to know her the less likely they are to vote for her.

Active duty military reporting in. I don't know a single enlisted person who has nothing but utter hatred to spew about Hillary Clinton. She is universally hated by the military, and rightfully so. We are sick of fighting pointless wars and this cunt is going to lead us further down the war path for the purpose of control, resources, and to justify a huge industry that profits off war.

And psychopath

She's terrible and so is Trump. You all heard about the Trump 'university' fraud case? It's pretty damning.

Worst. Election. Ever.

Na I haven't, can you link it?

So many down votes in their profiles.

Twitter is ripe with them too.

Bloody shills

I'm not voting for that whiny bitch. I'm voting for Clinton


This guy is ok with propaganda.

You can easily say the same about trump shills - of which there are a shit ton here.

Why not try to have a well rounded post that looks at both sides of something?

/r/conspiracy has become the "clinton is evil" subreddit, add in the donald sub, /r/european shit storm, and travel on over to voat and you see that the racist rw conservatives have been openly talking about a plan to flood reddit with their crap.

So much so that we can see them hitting up this sub with their crap.

And you are talking about a couple of users? There is a whole set of people rushing here to downvote/post/etc (and yet when I call em out people get upset. Hmmm, maybe those people are shills)

Shilling for Trump is one pathetic thing but Shilling for Hillary has got to be hardest shit cause it's the same as shilling for Monsanto on Reddit because nobody fucking likes neither of them and the evidence of their tyranny can fill several books. It's akin to defending the actions of a proven pedophile. Why would anyone not being paid do this? They don't.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't need to pay shills to defend himself. He's got plenty of right wing 'meritards that like him.

I'm Australian and I'll defend him online - considering Australia is Americas bitch some of his policies could positively influence Australia's political parties, or maybe the populace when they see his income tax reforms at least

Trump Escorts.. they jumped in that thread and praised his business acumen for running a brothel.

Let me just say this:

Hillary, imho, sucks ass. I don't like her. I was glad she lost in 2008. I am no bernie fan but if he wins, I will laugh. BUT if it is between her and trump, I would rather see her win (I won't vote for anyone in either major party).

That said: I think some of the shit posted about hillary is just plain stupid and fear mongering. I defend her at times. Hell, I defend Obama at times for the same reason (stupid attacks) and I have a slew of problems with him.

I did the same with bush (I raised money for him and voted for him in 2k, but not 2004) when people said stupid shit about him (I seem to remember a tsunami in 2004 and dumb shit where people seemed to blame him for it)

It would be nice if we ALL ignored the shill media/brigade attacks and questioned the claims people made.

How do you know these are "paid shill" and not just normal users dedicated to clinton? Those posts all look like unique hand written. Aged accounts with a history of non political posts in the same writing style.

I think it's dangerous to assume opinions that you don't agree with are coming from "shills". It seems like all too often this sub resorts to "shilling" people with dissenting opinions instead of laying out a legitimate response to what they've said. I'm sure many of these people are sincere in their beliefs, and come to Reddit to get the other side of the story.

If your intent is to convert as many people as possible to the way you think, minimizing their beliefs through name calling is likely not the best way for you to accomplish it.


No one takes Trump seriously is why. Shillary is the establishment's candidate meaning that the establishment will do whatever it takes to put her in power. She's the one who will take home the presidency unless something serious is done soon. You talk about repetition and how it sways opinions, you're right that people are doing that here, but you're wrong in thinking the root of that is malicous. Hillary Clinton is malicious and people are trying to get that out there as much as possible; a cautionary warning, if you will.

I'm a Hillary supporter, I also recently joined Reddit. Trust me, no ones been paying me for saying pro Hillary stuff. 🇱🇷



How can anybody be a Hillary supporter with a moral backbone if they actually looked at her history from the perspective of this forum? Seriously...

Maybe look through this forum's history and broaden your perspective about the Clintons.

thats too bad, you should examine her background and her families a bit more...nontheless trumps no peach either...
