This is god damn important, talk about it Europe

48  2016-06-05 by [deleted]



Have you ever felt like you live in a comic book with no super heroes?

Have you ever felt like you live in a comic book with no super heroes?

No shortage of Super-Villains, though.


if you took the mass of the sun and collapsed it into a black hole, the earth's orbit would remain unchanged. neat.

There is one but he's locked in the dungeon of "Bathroom Mirror".

I'm quoting you on this from now on.

I disagree that anything massive has to happen. The patriot act was accomplished with a few buildings and 3000 dead. I'm not downplaying the trauma, I'm just saying that's nothing close to nuking a single city. Incredibly damaging bills can be passed with almost no notice, because no one actually reads them. There's no need for massive when the same thing can be accomplished in other ways.

9/11 allowed them to set up a lot of the back-end laws and surveillance necessary to continue with their plans but it will take something much worse for people to get in line for the front-end. They've been conditioning people to accept catastrophe through media for years now.

I fully believe 9/11/2001 was the official start of the enacting of the NWO plans. Just look into the details, it's blatantly obvious. Obviously they spent a very long time planning this all out before hand but they went fully public with carrying out their plans on 9/11.

We are talking near collapse type scenario.

The monetary system needs to be reset, its fucked.

Along with this comes the tightening grip of police state activities and reduction in freedoms.

Those in power WILL NOT relinquish their power.

Police departments are now militarized. Military and police are practicing civil disobedience drills on a daily basis.

The clock is ticking my friend.

Disclosure or natural disaster coming to a country near you soon!


You're right. It will be massive in scope and scale (in my opinion). That's the only way this 'world order' can be brought in without massive unrest.


You're spot on. We can see what's coming, we've done the research, but others don't or can't understand. It's so aggravating when you try to tell somebody about these thing for their own good and they refuse to believe or worse call you crazy or stupid. Just do what you can to spread the message, those who are receptive will hopefully break themselves free and the others are sadly a lost cause. But in general people are much more receptive to this information then they were even 5 years ago before Snowden leaked all his info. People are waking up to what's been happening to us, but those in power are aware of the awakening and they know that their time is of the essence.

Stay safe out there, protect yourself and those you care about first and foremost.

Also just wanted to add that your Kissinger quote is great and it's no coincidence that Kissinger has been getting so much press lately, people praising him, presidential candidates going to meet him. We're witnessing something here. Don't forget we are all witnesses to their atrocities.

Just keep learning. Learn for yourself and your soul, no one else. If people can't wake up, it's dangerous to make them wake up, for you. It will just create further strife.

Be prepared.

Reports about mass graves are notoriously difficult to get to the bottom of (Katyn, anyone?), and you cannot simply trust the western media to give you an accurate story - they will blame ISIS whether it was them or not, and whether the graves exist or not.

What we do know is that the US wants to stop the Russians and the Syrian army from making any further inroads against US-backed IS/Al Qaeda/Al Nusra groups, and this type of story gives the US the pretext to intervene to save "their" guys.

Wait to see if the Russians corroborate the story - or not.


Literally 100 years later, history repeating itself.


It would be the UEFA European Championship finals being held in Paris on 10th July.

But there will be 50-something games taking place in the preceding month all over France.

Edit: this Friday is the opening ceremony and first match which is France vs Romania in Paris.


It's Russia vs England, not UK (UK includes Wales, Scotland, and NI)

Either that, or could be Olympics in Rio (BRICS nation)

This is too vague.. The problem is the muslim invasion and radicalization, which is justifying these crackdowns and you failed to even mention it.


How do you think the wars started that caused these people to migrate to Europe? Who do you think let them in?

They were started by the US/israel/saudis.

European leaders let them in without the approval of the people and puts them into communities that don't want them. The press hides stories of rape from the muslims, so people have no clue what they're getting into.

That is the underlying issue.

most have been faked or false flags

Even if your silly theory is true, there is a conspiracy among the press to hide the rape and violence from the muslims.


Look into the Keulen 'mass rape' , this was something where they had groups of masked men grope women etc while police watched,

Why should I even dignify this with a response? This is retarded.


What about children who are raped by muslims? What about native germans who are harassed in school and outnumbered by muslims? This is all covered up by their media.

I suggest you get outside of reddit where news on muslims is actually reported. I would suggest /pol/. It's illegal in europe to report on most of this stuff because it's orwellian "hate speech".

yeah, obama.

Can you write more clearly and logically? I can't follow exactly.

What exactly do you think is going to happen? When? Where?

So let me get this straight: you're unable to comprehend the amounts of pure savagery involved when brainwashed, drugged up religious fanatics tear through neighbourhoods filled with defenceless, soft and easy targets?

You'd better hope these "terrible" "Nazis" will stand in front of you to fight off the muslim hordes of hell, because if it's down to pussified specimens like yourself, I don't think your beta tears will do you much of a service.


I have a hard time believing that crime isn't increasing. That is all the sexual assaults and violence is taking place, i think, since i don't know why you call it fake.

I think someone created the conditions for problems to happen they happened and then they will present the solution.

Whats your opinion on brexit ? I see a lot of " if uk leaves it's caooos" kind of news so it fits into pre- mess conditioning.

My hope is that people , thanks to revelations of what governments do/have, done will oppose following them yet again.